Yii2 Bootstrap 3

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12 years ago
Bootstrap with Yii
Yii provides a few ready-to-use application templates. Based on your needs, you may
choose one of them to bootstrap your project.
In following, we describe how to get started with the "Yii 2 Basic Application Template".
### Install via Composer
If you do not have [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/), you may download it from
[http://getcomposer.org/](http://getcomposer.org/) or run the following command on Linux/Unix/MacOS:
12 years ago
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
12 years ago
You can then install the Bootstrap Application using the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --stability=dev yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yii-basic
Now you should be able to access the Bootstrap Application using the URL `http://localhost/yii-basic/www/`,
assuming `yii-basic` is directly under the document root of your Web server.
12 years ago
As you can see, the application has four pages: the homepage, the about page,
the contact page and the login page. The contact page displays a contact
form that users can fill in to submit their inquiries to the webmaster,
and the login page allows users to be authenticated before accessing privileged contents.
The following diagram shows the directory structure of this application.
yii yii command line script for Unix/Linux
yii.bat yii command line script for Windows
requirements.php the requirement checker script
commands/ containing customized yii console commands
config/ containing configuration files
console.php the console application configuration
main.php the Web application configuration
controllers/ containing controller class files
SiteController.php the default controller class
vendor/ containing third-party extensions and libraries
models/ containing model class files
User.php the User model
LoginForm.php the form model for 'login' action
ContactForm.php the form model for 'contact' action
runtime/ containing temporarily generated files
views/ containing controller view and layout files
layouts/ containing layout view files
main.php the base layout shared by all pages
site/ containing view files for the 'site' controller
about.php the view for the 'about' action
contact.php the view for the 'contact' action
index.php the view for the 'index' action
login.php the view for the 'login' action
www/ containing Web-accessible resources
index.php Web application entry script file
assets/ containing published resource files
css/ containing CSS files
12 years ago