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code review

Alexander Makarov 13 years ago
  1. 11
  2. 44
  3. 13
  4. 171
  5. 32
  6. 22


@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
Yii2 core code style
### Brackets
It's better to be consistent with brackets not to remember where should we use
newline and where not:
class MyClass
@ -20,9 +27,7 @@ class MyClass
Use brackets even for one line `if`s.
### Use type hinting like


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Base classes and interfaces
Object is the base class for many other Yii2 classes.
### property feature
#### Why
To be able to make property `public` initially and then seamlessly make it
`private` or `protected` by adding getter and setter method. That will *not*
change API. Results in less repetitive code. Performance drop isn't significant.
### callbacks and expressions
### [[Object::create()]|create] method
This method is a powerful way to instantiate a class. Differences from `new`:
- Calls class constructor (same the `new` operator);
- Initializes the object properties using the name-value pairs given as the
last parameter to this method;
- Calls [[Initable::init|init]] if the class implements [[Initable]].
#### Why
To support class dependencies and their lazy loading.
### [[Initable]] interface
Developer will implement initable interface if running `init()` needed and will
skip it if not.
#### Why
Indicates where `init()` will be called and where not. More explicit than it was
in Yii 1.


@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Git branches and tags
Each release should be tagged with v2.X.X and message "Yii 2.X.X release".
What should be in master branch?
Do we need another branches?


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Alex's Code Review, 2011.11.12
Overall hierarchy
Generally is OK. Like that `Object` and `Component` are now separated.
I've generated 2 diagrams under `docs/` to see it better as a whole.
### property feature
Why returning anything when setting a value?
if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
// ???
return $this->$setter($value);
Is it OK that `canGetProperty` and `canSetProperty` will return `false` for real
class members?
### callbacks and expressions
We're using 5.3. What's the reason to support `eval()` in `evaluateExpression` if
we have anonymous functions? Is that for storing code as string inside of DB (RBAC)?
If we're going to get rid of `eval()`, cosider remaning method to something about callback.
If not then we definitely need to use anonymous functions in API docs and the guide
where possible.
### Object::create()
#### `__construct` issue
Often a class doesn't have `__construct` implementation and `stdClass` doesn't have
default one either but Object::create() always expects constructor to be
defined. See `ObjectTest`. Either `method_exists` call or `Object::__construct` needed.
#### How to support object factory like we do with CWidgetFactory?
class ObjectConfig
public function configure($class)
$config = $this->load($class);
// apply config to $class
private function load($class)
// get class properties from a config file
// in this method we need to walk all the
// inheritance hierarchy down to Object itself
return array(
'property' => 'value',
// …
Then we need to add `__construct` to `Object` (or implement `Initalbe`):
class Object
public function __construct()
$conf = new ObjectConfig();
This way we'll be able to set defaults for any object.
#### Do we need to support lazy class injection?
Currently there's no way to lazy-inject class into another class property via
config. Do we need it? If yes then we can probably extend component config to support
the following:
class Foo extends Object
public $prop;
class Bar extends Object
public $prop;
$config = array(
'prop' => array(
'class' => 'Bar',
'prop' => 'Hello!',
$foo = Foo::create($config);
echo $foo->bar->prop;
// will output Hello!
Should it support infinite nesting level?
### Why `Event` is `Object`?
There's no need to extend from `Object`. Is there a plan to use `Object` features
Interface itself looks OK. Its usage is OK too.
`Initable::preinit` mentioned in `Yii::create()` docs but neither defined in
the interface nor called in the code.
Overall I wasn't able to use behaviors. See `BehaviorTest`.
### Wrong API docs at Behavior
Docs mention properties and events but not methods.
### Should behaviors be able to define events for owner components?
Why not? Should be a very good feature in order to make behaviors customizable.
### Multiple behaviors can be attached to the same component
What if we'll have multiple methods / properties / events with the same name?
### How to use Behavior::attach?
Looks like it is used by `Component::attachBehavior` but can't be used without it.
Why it's public then? Can we move it to `Component?`
Class itself looks OK. Component part is OK as well but I've not tested
it carefully. Overall it seems concept is the same as in Yii1.
### Event declaration: the on-method is mostly repetitive for every event. Should we choose a different way of declaring events?
Maybe. People complained previously about too many code for event declaration.
### Should we implement some additional event mechanism, such as global events?
Why use two different implementations in a single application?
- Should we convert all errors, warnings and notices to exceptions?
Coding style
See `docs/`.


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
class BarClass extends \yii\base\Component
class BarBehavior extends \yii\base\Behavior
public $behaviorProperty = 'behavior property';
public function behaviorMethod()
return 'behavior method';
* BehaviorTest
class BehaviorTest extends \yii\test\TestCase
public function testAttachAndAccessing()
$bar = BarClass::create();
$behavior = new BarBehavior();
$bar->attachBehavior('bar', $bar);
$this->assertEquals('behavior property', $bar->behaviorProperty);
$this->assertEquals('behavior method', $bar->behaviorMethod);
$this->assertEquals('behavior property', $bar->bar->behaviorProperty);
$this->assertEquals('behavior method', $bar->bar->behaviorMethod);


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
class Foo extends \yii\base\Object
public $prop;
* ObjectTest
class ObjectTest extends \yii\test\TestCase
public function testCreate()
$foo = Foo::create(array(
'prop' => array(
'test' => 'test',
$this->assertEquals('test', $foo->prop['test']);