72 changed files with 939 additions and 166 deletions
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Extending Yii |
============= |
Code style |
---------- |
- Extension code style should be similar to [core framework code style](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/wiki/Core-framework-code-style). |
- In case of using getter and setter for defining a property it's preferred to use method in extension code rather than property. |
- All classes, methods and properties should be documented using phpdoc. Note that you can use markdown and link to properties and methods |
using the following syntax: e.g. `[[name()]]`, `[[name\space\MyClass::name()]]`. |
- If you're displaying errors to developers do not translate these (i.e. do not use `\Yii::t()`). Errors should be |
translated only if they're displayed to end users. |
### Namespace and package names |
- Extension MUST use the type `yii2-extension` in `composer.json` file. |
- Extension MUST NOT use `yii` or `yii2` in the composer package name or in the namespaces used in the package. |
- Extension SHOULD use namespaces in this format `vendor-name\package` (all lowercase). |
- Extension MAY use a `yii2-` prefix in the composer vendor name (URL). |
- Extension MAY use a `yii2-` prefix in the repository name (URL). |
Distribution |
------------ |
- There should be a `readme.md` file clearly describing what extension does in English, its requirements, how to install |
and use it. It should be written using markdown. If you want to provide translated readme, name it as `readme_ru.md` |
where `ru` is your language code. If extension provides a widget it is a good idea to include some screenshots. |
- TBD: composer.json |
- It is recommended to host your extensions at github.com. |
Working with database |
--------------------- |
- If extension creates or modifies database schema always use Yii migrations instead of SQL files or custom scripts. |
Assets |
------ |
Events |
------ |
i18n |
---- |
Testing your extension |
---------------------- |
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 41 KiB |
@ -1,5 +1,90 @@
Logging |
======= |
Yii provides flexible and extensible logger that is able to handle messages according to serverity level or their type. |
You may filter messages by multiple criteria and forward them to files, email, debugger etc. |
Logging basics |
-------------- |
Basic logging is as simple as calling one method: |
```php |
\Yii::info('Hello, I am a test log message'); |
``` |
### Message category |
Additionally to the message itself message category could be specified in order to allow filtering such messages and |
handing these differently. Message category is passed as a second argument of logging methods and is `application` by |
default. |
### Severity levels |
There are multiple severity levels and corresponding methods available: |
- `\Yii::trace` used maily for development purpose to indicate workflow of some code. Note that it only works in |
development mode when `YII_DEBUG` is set to `true`. |
- `\Yii::error` used when there's unrecoverable error. |
- `\Yii::warning` used when an error occured but execution can be continued. |
- `\Yii::info` used to keep record of important events such as administrator logins. |
Log targets |
----------- |
When one of the logging methods is called, message is passed to `\yii\log\Logger` component also accessible as |
`Yii::$app->log`. Logger accumulates messages in memory and then when there are enough messages or when current |
request finishes, sends them to different log targets, such as file or email. |
You may configure the targets in application configuration, like the following: |
```php |
[ |
'components' => [ |
'log' => [ |
'targets' => [ |
'file' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', |
'levels' => ['trace', 'info'], |
'categories' => ['yii\*'], |
], |
'email' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\log\EmailTarget', |
'levels' => ['error', 'warning'], |
'message' => [ |
'to' => ['admin@example.com', 'developer@example.com'], |
'subject' => 'New example.com log message', |
], |
], |
], |
], |
], |
] |
``` |
In the config above we are defining two log targets: [[\yii\log\FileTarget|file]] and [[\yii\log\EmailTarget|email]]. |
In both cases we are filtering messages handles by these targets by severity. In case of file target we're |
additionally filter by category. `yii\*` means all categories starting with `yii\`. |
Each log target can have a name and can be referenced via the [[targets]] property as follows: |
```php |
Yii::$app->log->targets['file']->enabled = false; |
``` |
When the application ends or [[flushInterval]] is reached, Logger will call [[flush()]] to send logged messages to |
different log targets, such as file, email, Web. |
Configuring context information |
------------------------------- |
Profiling |
--------- |
- [[Yii::beginProfile()]] |
- [[Yii::endProfile()]] |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Getting started with Yii2 development |
===================================== |
The best way to have a locally runnable webapp that uses codebase cloned from main repository is to use `yii2-dev` |
Composer package. Here's how to do it: |
1. `git clone git@github.com:yiisoft/yii2-app-basic.git`. |
2. Remove `.git` directory from cloned directory. |
3. Change `composer.json`. Instead of all stable requirements add just one `"yiisoft/yii2-dev": "*"`. |
4. Execute `composer install`. |
5. Now you have working playground that uses latest code. |
If you're core developer there's no extra step needed. You can change framework code under |
`vendor/yiisoft/yii2-dev` and push it to main repository. |
If you're not core developer or want to use your own fork for pull requests: |
1. Fork `https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2` and get your own repository address such as |
`git://github.com/username/yii2.git`. |
2. Edit `vendor/yiisoft/yii2-dev/.git/config`. Change remote `origin` url to your own: |
``` |
[remote "origin"] |
url = git://github.com/username/yii2.git |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Git workflow for Yii 2 contributors |
=================================== |
So you want to contribute to Yii? Great! But to increase the chances of your changes being accepted quickly, please |
follow the following steps (the first 2 steps only need to be done the first time you contribute). If you are new to git |
and github, you might want to first check out [github help](http://help.github.com/), [learn git](http://gitref.org/) |
or learn something about [git internal data model](http://nfarina.com/post/9868516270/git-is-simpler). |
### 1. [Fork](http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/) the Yii repository on github and clone your fork to your development |
environment |
``` |
git clone git@github.com:YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME/yii2.git |
``` |
If you have trouble setting up GIT with GitHub in Linux, or are getting errors like "Permission Denied (publickey)", |
then you must [setup your GIT installation to work with GitHub](http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/) |
### 2. Add the main Yii repository as an additional git remote called "upstream" |
Change to the directory where you cloned Yii, normally, "yii". Then enter the following command: |
``` |
git remote add upstream git://github.com/yiisoft/yii.git |
``` |
### 3. Make sure there is an issue created for the thing you are working on. |
All new features and bug fixes should have an associated issue to provide a single point of reference for discussion |
and documentation. Take a few minutes to look through the existing issue list for one that matches the contribution you |
intend to make. If you find one already on the issue list, then please leave a comment on that issue indicating you |
intend to work on that item. If you do not find an existing issue matching what you intend to work on, please open a |
new issue for your item. This will allow the team to review your suggestion, and provide appropriate feedback along |
the way. |
> For small changes or documentation issues, you don't need to create an issue, a pull request is enough in this case. |
### 4. Fetch the latest code from the main Yii branch |
``` |
git fetch upstream |
``` |
You should start at this point for every new contribution to make sure you are working on the latest code. |
### 5. Create a new branch for your feature based on the current Yii master branch |
> That's very important since you will not be able to submit more than one pull request from your account if you'll |
use master. |
Each separate bug fix or change should go in its own branch. Branch names should be descriptive and start with |
the number of the issue that your code relates to. If you aren't fixing any particular issue, just skip number. |
For example: |
``` |
git checkout upstream/master |
git checkout -b 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
``` |
### 6. Do your magic, write your code |
Make sure it works :) |
Unit tests are always welcome. Tested and well covered code greatly simplifies the task of checking your contributions. |
Failing unit tests as issue description are also accepted. |
### 7. Update the CHANGELOG |
Edit the CHANGELOG file to include your change, you should insert this at the top of the file under the |
"Work in progress" heading, the line in the change log should look like one of the following: |
``` |
Bug #999: a description of the bug fix (Your Name) |
Enh #999: a description of the enhancement (Your Name) |
``` |
`#999` is the issue number that the `Bug` or `Enh` is referring to. |
The changelog should be grouped by type (`Bug`,`Enh`) and ordered by issue number. |
For very small fixes, e.g. typos and documentation changes, there is no need to update the CHANGELOG. |
### 8. Commit your changes |
add the files/changes you want to commit to the [staging area](http://gitref.org/basic/#add) with |
``` |
git add path/to/my/file.php |
``` |
You can use the `-p` option to select the changes you want to have in your commit. |
Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message. Make sure to mention the ticket number with `#XXX` so github will |
automatically link your commit with the ticket: |
``` |
git commit -m "A brief description of this change which fixes #42 goes here" |
``` |
### 9. Pull the latest Yii code from upstream into your branch |
``` |
git pull upstream master |
``` |
This ensures you have the latest code in your branch before you open your pull request. If there are any merge conflicts, |
you should fix them now and commit the changes again. This ensures that it's easy for the Yii team to merge your changes |
with one click. |
### 10. Having resolved any conflicts, push your code to github |
``` |
git push -u origin 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
``` |
The `-u` parameter ensures that your branch will now automatically push and pull from the github branch. That means |
if you type `git push` the next time it will know where to push to. |
### 11. Open a [pull request](http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/) against upstream. |
Go to your repository on github and click "Pull Request", choose your branch on the right and enter some more details |
in the comment box. To link the pull request to the issue put anywhere in the pull comment `#999` where 999 is the |
issue number. |
> Note that each pull-request should fix a single change. |
### 12. Someone will review your code |
Someone will review your code, and you might be asked to make some changes, if so go to step #6 (you don't need to open |
another pull request if your current one is still open). If your code is accepted it will be merged into the main branch |
and become part of the next Yii release. If not, don't be disheartened, different people need different features and Yii |
can't be everything to everyone, your code will still be available on github as a reference for people who need it. |
### 13. Cleaning it up |
After your code was either accepted or declined you can delete branches you've worked with from your local repository |
and `origin`. |
``` |
git checkout master |
git branch -D 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
git push origin --delete 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
``` |
### Note: |
To detect regressions early every merge to the Yii codebase on github will be picked up by |
[Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org) for an automated testrun. As core team doesn't wish to overtax this service, |
[`[ci skip]`](http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/how-to-skip-a-build/) will be included to the merge description if |
the pull request: |
* affect javascript, css or image files only, |
* updates the documentation, |
* modify fixed strings only (e.g. translation updates) |
Doing so will save travis from commencing testruns on changes that are not covered by tests in the first place. |
### Command overview (for advanced contributors) |
``` |
git clone git@github.com:YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME/yii.git |
git remote add upstream git://github.com/yiisoft/yii.github |
``` |
``` |
git fetch upstream |
git checkout upstream/master |
git checkout -b 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
/* do your magic, update changelog if needed */ |
git add path/to/my/file.php |
git commit -m "A brief description of this change which fixes #42 goes here" |
git pull upstream master |
git push -u origin 999-name-of-your-branch-goes-here |
``` |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Git branches and tags |
===================== |
Tags |
---- |
Each release should be tagged with v2.X.X and message "Yii 2.X.X release". |
Branches |
-------- |
What should be in master branch? |
Do we need another branches? |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 bootstrap extension Change Log |
============================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Yii Framework 2 composer extension Change Log |
============================================= |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- Bug #1480: Fixed issue with creating extensions.php when php opcache is enabled (cebe) |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 debug extension Change Log |
========================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 elasticsearch extension Change Log |
================================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- Enh #1382: Added a debug toolbar panel for elasticsearch (cebe) |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 gii extension Change Log |
======================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- Bug #1405: fixed disambiguation of relation names generated by gii (qiangxue) |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 jui extension Change Log |
======================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Yii Framework 2 mongodb extension Change Log |
============================================ |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 redis extension Change Log |
========================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 smarty extension Change Log |
=========================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 sphinx extension Change Log |
=========================================== |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- Enh #1398: Refactor ActiveRecord to use BaseActiveRecord class of the framework (klimov-paul) |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 swiftmailer extension Change Log |
================================================ |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Yii Framework 2 twig extension Change Log |
========================================= |
2.0.0 beta under development |
---------------------------- |
- no changes in this release. |
2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013 |
----------------------------- |
- Initial release. |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in new issue