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refactored redis AR pk and findByPk

Carsten Brandt 12 years ago
  1. 150
  2. 151
  3. 20
  4. 7
  5. 5
  6. 2
  7. 2
  8. 6


@ -90,20 +90,22 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
public $indexBy;
* Executes a script created by [[LuaScriptBuilder]]
* @param $type
* @param null $column
* @return array|bool|null|string
* PHP magic method.
* This method allows calling static method defined in [[modelClass]] via this query object.
* It is mainly implemented for supporting the feature of scope.
* @param string $name the method name to be called
* @param array $params the parameters passed to the method
* @return mixed the method return result
private function executeScript($type, $column=null)
public function __call($name, $params)
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
/** @var Connection $db */
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
$method = 'build' . $type;
$script = $db->getLuaScriptBuilder()->$method($this, $column);
return $db->executeCommand('EVAL', array($script, 0));
if (method_exists($this->modelClass, $name)) {
array_unshift($params, $this);
call_user_func_array(array($this->modelClass, $name), $params);
return $this;
} else {
return parent::__call($name, $params);
@ -262,6 +264,130 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
return $this->one() !== null;
* Executes a script created by [[LuaScriptBuilder]]
* @param string $type
* @param null $column
* @return array|bool|null|string
protected function executeScript($type, $columnName=null)
if (($data = $this->findByPk($type)) === false) {
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
/** @var Connection $db */
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
$method = 'build' . $type;
$script = $db->getLuaScriptBuilder()->$method($this, $columnName);
return $db->executeCommand('EVAL', array($script, 0));
return $data;
* Fetch by pk if possible as this is much faster
private function findByPk($type, $columnName = null)
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if (is_array($this->where) && !isset($this->where[0]) && $modelClass::isPrimaryKey(array_keys($this->where))) {
/** @var Connection $db */
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
if (count($this->where) == 1) {
$pks = (array) reset($this->where);
} else {
// TODO support IN for composite PK
return false;
$start = $this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset;
$i = 0;
$data = array();
foreach($pks as $pk) {
if (++$i > $start && ($this->limit === null || $i <= $start + $this->limit)) {
$key = $modelClass::tableName() . ':a:' . $modelClass::buildKey($pk);
$data[] = $db->executeCommand('HGETALL', array($key));
if ($type === 'One' && $this->orderBy === null) {
// TODO support orderBy
switch($type) {
case 'All':
return $data;
case 'One':
return reset($data);
case 'Column':
// TODO support indexBy
$column = array();
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$row = array();
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
$row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
$column[] = $row[$columnName];
return $column;
case 'Count':
return count($data);
case 'Sum':
$sum = 0;
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName) {
$sum += $dataRow[$i];
return $sum;
case 'Average':
$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName) {
$sum += $dataRow[$i];
return $sum / $count;
case 'Min':
$min = null;
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName && ($min == null || $dataRow[$i] < $min)) {
$min = $dataRow[$i];
return $min;
case 'Max':
$max = null;
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName && ($max == null || $dataRow[$i] > $max)) {
$max = $dataRow[$i];
return $max;
return false;
* Sets the [[asArray]] property.


@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\base\UnknownMethodException;
use yii\db\TableSchema;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
* ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
@ -26,6 +27,11 @@ use yii\db\TableSchema;
abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @var array cache for TableSchema instances
private static $_tables = array();
* Returns the database connection used by this AR class.
* By default, the "redis" application component is used as the database connection.
* You may override this method if you want to use a different database connection.
@ -36,11 +42,6 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return \Yii::$app->redis;
public static function hashPk($pk)
return is_array($pk) ? implode('-', $pk) : $pk; // TODO escape PK glue
* @inheritdoc
@ -73,13 +74,26 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* This method is ment to be overridden in redis ActiveRecord subclasses to return a [[RecordSchema]] instance.
* @return RecordSchema
* @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
public static function getRecordSchema()
throw new InvalidConfigException(__CLASS__.'::getRecordSchema() needs to be overridden in subclasses and return a RecordSchema.');
* Returns the schema information of the DB table associated with this AR class.
* @return TableSchema the schema information of the DB table associated with this AR class.
public static function getTableSchema()
// TODO should be cached
throw new InvalidConfigException(__CLASS__.'::getTableSchema() needs to be overridden in subclasses and return a TableSchema.');
$class = get_called_class();
if (isset(self::$_tables[$class])) {
return self::$_tables[$class];
return self::$_tables[$class] = static::getRecordSchema();
@ -138,9 +152,9 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
// }
// save pk in a findall pool
$db->executeCommand('RPUSH', array(static::tableName(), static::hashPk($pk)));
$db->executeCommand('RPUSH', array(static::tableName(), static::buildKey($pk)));
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::hashPk($pk);
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::buildKey($pk);
// save attributes
$args = array($key);
foreach($values as $attribute => $value) {
@ -161,34 +175,45 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* For example, to change the status to be 1 for all customers whose status is 2:
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAll(array('status' => 1), 'status = 2');
* Customer::updateAll(array('status' => 1), array('id' => 2));
* ~~~
* @param array $attributes attribute values (name-value pairs) to be saved into the table
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params this parameter is ignored in redis implementation.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = null, $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('LRANGE', array(static::tableName(), 0, -1));
if (empty($attributes)) {
return 0;
foreach($condition as $pk) {
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::hashPk($pk);
foreach(static::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$newPk = $pk;
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $pk;
// save attributes
$args = array($key);
foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
if (isset($newPk[$attribute])) {
$newPk[$attribute] = $value;
$args[] = $attribute;
$args[] = $value;
$newPk = static::buildKey($newPk);
$newKey = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $newPk;
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $args);
// rename index
if ($newPk != $pk) {
// TODO make this atomic
$db->executeCommand('LINSERT', array(static::tableName(), 'AFTER', $pk, $newPk));
$db->executeCommand('LREM', array(static::tableName(), 0, $pk));
$db->executeCommand('RENAME', array($key, $newKey));
@ -205,24 +230,17 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @param array $counters the counters to be updated (attribute name => increment value).
* Use negative values if you want to decrement the counters.
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* Do not name the parameters as `:bp0`, `:bp1`, etc., because they are used internally by this method.
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params this parameter is ignored in redis implementation.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAllCounters($counters, $condition = '', $params = array())
public static function updateAllCounters($counters, $condition = null, $params = array())
if (is_array($condition) && !isset($condition[0])) { // TODO do this in all *All methods
$condition = array($condition);
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('LRANGE', array(static::tableName(), 0, -1));
foreach($condition as $pk) { // TODO allow multiple pks as condition
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::hashPk($pk);
foreach(static::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::buildKey($pk);
foreach($counters as $attribute => $value) {
$db->executeCommand('HINCRBY', array($key, $attribute, $value));
@ -241,29 +259,74 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* Customer::deleteAll('status = 3');
* ~~~
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the DELETE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the DELETE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params this parameter is ignored in redis implementation.
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public static function deleteAll($condition = '', $params = array())
public static function deleteAll($condition = null, $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('LRANGE', array(static::tableName(), 0, -1));
if (empty($condition)) {
return 0;
$attributeKeys = array();
foreach($condition as $pk) {
$pk = static::hashPk($pk);
foreach(static::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$db->executeCommand('LREM', array(static::tableName(), 0, $pk));
$attributeKeys[] = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $pk;
if (empty($attributeKeys)) {
return 0;
return $db->executeCommand('DEL', $attributeKeys);// TODO make this atomic or document as NOT
private static function fetchPks($condition)
$query = static::createQuery();
$records = $query->asArray()->all(); // TODO limit fetched columns to pk
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
$pks = array();
foreach($records as $record) {
$pk = array();
foreach($primaryKey as $key) {
$pk[$key] = $record[$key];
$pks[] = $pk;
return $pks;
* Builds a normalized key from a given primary key value.
* @param mixed $key the key to be normalized
* @return string the generated key
public static function buildKey($key)
if (is_numeric($key)) {
return $key;
} elseif (is_string($key)) {
return ctype_alnum($key) && StringHelper::strlen($key) <= 32 ? $key : md5($key);
} elseif (is_array($key)) {
if (count($key) == 1) {
return self::buildKey(reset($key));
$isNumeric = true;
foreach($key as $value) {
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
$isNumeric = false;
if ($isNumeric) {
return implode('-', $key);
return md5(json_encode($key));
* Declares a `has-one` relation.
* The declaration is returned in terms of an [[ActiveRelation]] instance


@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
// TODO add support for orderBy
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGETALL',$key .. pk)", 'pks'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGETALL',$key .. pk)", 'pks');
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
// TODO add support for orderBy
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "do return'HGETALL',$key .. pk) end", 'pks'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "do return'HGETALL',$key .. pk) end", 'pks');
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
// TODO add support for orderBy and indexBy
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'pks'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'pks');
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'n'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'n');
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 if v==nil then v=0 end'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'v/n'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 if v==nil then v=0 end'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'v/n');
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n<v then v=n end", 'v'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n<v then v=n end", 'v');
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n>v then v=n end", 'v'); // TODO properly hash pk
return $this->build($query, "'HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n>v then v=n end", 'v');
@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
$limitCondition = 'i>' . $start . ($query->limit === null ? '' : ' and i<=' . ($start + $query->limit));
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName() . ':a:');
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::tableName());
$loadColumnValues = '';
foreach($columns as $column => $alias) {
$loadColumnValues .= "local $'HGET',$key .. pk, '$column')\n"; // TODO properly hash pk
$loadColumnValues .= "local $'HGET',$key .. ':a:' .. pk, '$column')\n";
return <<<EOF
local pks={}
local n=0
local v=nil


@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ class Customer extends ActiveRecord
return $this->hasMany('Order', array('customer_id' => 'id'));
public static function getTableSchema()
public static function active($query)
$query->andWhere(array('status' => 1));
public static function getRecordSchema()
return new RecordSchema(array(
'name' => 'customer',


@ -6,15 +6,12 @@ use yii\redis\RecordSchema;
class Item extends ActiveRecord
public static function getTableSchema()
public static function getRecordSchema()
return new RecordSchema(array(
'name' => 'item',
'primaryKey' => array('id'),
'sequenceName' => 'id',
'foreignKeys' => array(
// TODO for defining relations
'columns' => array(
'id' => 'integer',
'name' => 'string',


@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Order extends ActiveRecord
public static function getTableSchema()
public static function getRecordSchema()
return new RecordSchema(array(
'name' => 'orders',


@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class OrderItem extends ActiveRecord
return $this->hasOne('Item', array('id' => 'item_id'));
public static function getTableSchema()
public static function getRecordSchema()
return new RecordSchema(array(
'name' => 'order_item',


@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ class ActiveRecordTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$customer = Customer::find(2);
$this->assertTrue($customer instanceof Customer);
$this->assertEquals('user2', $customer->name);
$customer = Customer::find(5);
// query scalar
$customerName = Customer::find()->where(array('id' => 2))->scalar('name');
$this->assertEquals('user2', $customerName);
// find by column values
$customer = Customer::find(array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'user2'));
