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moved common parts of db ActiveRelation and Query to traits

these parts can be reused in other ActiveRecord implementations
Carsten Brandt 12 years ago
  1. 234
  2. 253
  3. 188
  4. 221
  5. 299
  6. 128


@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\ar;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
* ActiveQuery represents a DB query associated with an Active Record class.
* ActiveQuery instances are usually created by [[ActiveRecord::find()]], [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]]
* and [[ActiveRecord::count()]].
* ActiveQuery mainly provides the following methods to retrieve the query results:
* - [[one()]]: returns a single record populated with the first row of data.
* - [[all()]]: returns all records based on the query results.
* - [[count()]]: returns the number of records.
* - [[scalar()]]: returns the value of the first column in the first row of the query result.
* - [[exists()]]: returns a value indicating whether the query result has data or not.
* Because ActiveQuery extends from [[Query]], one can use query methods, such as [[where()]],
* [[orderBy()]] to customize the query options.
* ActiveQuery also provides the following additional query options:
* - [[with()]]: list of relations that this query should be performed with.
* - [[indexBy()]]: the name of the column by which the query result should be indexed.
* - [[asArray()]]: whether to return each record as an array.
* These options can be configured using methods of the same name. For example:
* ~~~
* $customers = Customer::find()->with('orders')->asArray()->all();
* ~~~
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
* @since 2.0
trait ActiveQuery
* @var string the name of the ActiveRecord class.
public $modelClass;
* @var array list of relations that this query should be performed with
public $with;
* @var boolean whether to return each record as an array. If false (default), an object
* of [[modelClass]] will be created to represent each record.
public $asArray;
* PHP magic method.
* This method allows calling static method defined in [[modelClass]] via this query object.
* It is mainly implemented for supporting the feature of scope.
* @param string $name the method name to be called
* @param array $params the parameters passed to the method
* @return mixed the method return result
public function __call($name, $params)
if (method_exists($this->modelClass, $name)) {
array_unshift($params, $this);
call_user_func_array([$this->modelClass, $name], $params);
return $this;
} else {
return parent::__call($name, $params);
* Sets the [[asArray]] property.
* @param boolean $value whether to return the query results in terms of arrays instead of Active Records.
* @return static the query object itself
public function asArray($value = true)
$this->asArray = $value;
return $this;
* Specifies the relations with which this query should be performed.
* The parameters to this method can be either one or multiple strings, or a single array
* of relation names and the optional callbacks to customize the relations.
* The followings are some usage examples:
* ~~~
* // find customers together with their orders and country
* Customer::find()->with('orders', 'country')->all();
* // find customers together with their country and orders of status 1
* Customer::find()->with([
* 'orders' => function($query) {
* $query->andWhere('status = 1');
* },
* 'country',
* ])->all();
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function with()
$this->with = func_get_args();
if (isset($this->with[0]) && is_array($this->with[0])) {
// the parameter is given as an array
$this->with = $this->with[0];
return $this;
* Sets the [[indexBy]] property.
* @param string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row or model data. The signature of the callable should be:
* ~~~
* // $model is an AR instance when `asArray` is false,
* // or an array of column values when `asArray` is true.
* function ($model)
* {
* // return the index value corresponding to $model
* }
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function indexBy($column)
return parent::indexBy($column);
private function createModels($rows)
$models = [];
if ($this->asArray) {
if ($this->indexBy === null) {
return $rows;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
$key = $row[$this->indexBy];
} else {
$key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $row);
$models[$key] = $row;
} else {
/** @var $class ActiveRecord */
$class = $this->modelClass;
if ($this->indexBy === null) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$models[] = $class::create($row);
} else {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$model = $class::create($row);
if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
$key = $model->{$this->indexBy};
} else {
$key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $model);
$models[$key] = $model;
return $models;
private function populateRelations(&$models, $with)
$primaryModel = new $this->modelClass;
$relations = $this->normalizeRelations($primaryModel, $with);
foreach ($relations as $name => $relation) {
if ($relation->asArray === null) {
// inherit asArray from primary query
$relation->asArray = $this->asArray;
$relation->findWith($name, $models);
* @param ActiveRecord $model
* @param array $with
* @return ActiveRelation[]
private function normalizeRelations($model, $with)
$relations = [];
foreach ($with as $name => $callback) {
if (is_integer($name)) {
$name = $callback;
$callback = null;
if (($pos = strpos($name, '.')) !== false) {
// with sub-relations
$childName = substr($name, $pos + 1);
$name = substr($name, 0, $pos);
} else {
$childName = null;
$t = strtolower($name);
if (!isset($relations[$t])) {
$relation = $model->getRelation($name);
$relation->primaryModel = null;
$relations[$t] = $relation;
} else {
$relation = $relations[$t];
if (isset($childName)) {
$relation->with[$childName] = $callback;
} elseif ($callback !== null) {
call_user_func($callback, $relation);
return $relations;


@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\ar;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
* ActiveRelation represents a relation between two Active Record classes.
* ActiveRelation instances are usually created by calling [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and
* [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]]. An Active Record class declares a relation by defining
* a getter method which calls one of the above methods and returns the created ActiveRelation object.
* A relation is specified by [[link]] which represents the association between columns
* of different tables; and the multiplicity of the relation is indicated by [[multiple]].
* If a relation involves a pivot table, it may be specified by [[via()]] or [[viaTable()]] method.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
trait ActiveRelation
* @var boolean whether this relation should populate all query results into AR instances.
* If false, only the first row of the results will be retrieved.
public $multiple;
* @var ActiveRecord the primary model that this relation is associated with.
* This is used only in lazy loading with dynamic query options.
public $primaryModel;
* @var array the columns of the primary and foreign tables that establish the relation.
* The array keys must be columns of the table for this relation, and the array values
* must be the corresponding columns from the primary table.
* Do not prefix or quote the column names as they will be done automatically by Yii.
public $link;
* @var array the query associated with the pivot table. Please call [[via()]]
* to set this property instead of directly setting it.
public $via;
* Clones internal objects.
public function __clone()
if (is_object($this->via)) {
// make a clone of "via" object so that the same query object can be reused multiple times
$this->via = clone $this->via;
* Specifies the relation associated with the pivot table.
* @param string $relationName the relation name. This refers to a relation declared in [[primaryModel]].
* @param callable $callable a PHP callback for customizing the relation associated with the pivot table.
* Its signature should be `function($query)`, where `$query` is the query to be customized.
* @return static the relation object itself.
public function via($relationName, $callable = null)
$relation = $this->primaryModel->getRelation($relationName);
$this->via = [$relationName, $relation];
if ($callable !== null) {
call_user_func($callable, $relation);
return $this;
* Finds the related records and populates them into the primary models.
* This method is internally used by [[ActiveQuery]]. Do not call it directly.
* @param string $name the relation name
* @param array $primaryModels primary models
* @return array the related models
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function findWith($name, &$primaryModels)
if (!is_array($this->link)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid link: it must be an array of key-value pairs.');
if ($this->via instanceof self) {
// via pivot table
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
$viaQuery = $this->via;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findPivotRows($primaryModels);
} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
// via relation
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
$viaQuery->primaryModel = null;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findWith($viaName, $primaryModels);
} else {
if (count($primaryModels) === 1 && !$this->multiple) {
$model = $this->one();
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecord) {
$primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $model);
} else {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $model;
return [$model];
} else {
$models = $this->all();
if (isset($viaModels, $viaQuery)) {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link, $viaModels, $viaQuery->link);
} else {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link);
$link = array_values(isset($viaQuery) ? $viaQuery->link : $this->link);
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($primaryModel, $link);
$value = isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : ($this->multiple ? [] : null);
if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecord) {
$primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $value);
} else {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $value;
return $models;
* @param array $models
* @param array $link
* @param array $viaModels
* @param array $viaLink
* @return array
private function buildBuckets($models, $link, $viaModels = null, $viaLink = null)
$buckets = [];
$linkKeys = array_keys($link);
foreach ($models as $i => $model) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($model, $linkKeys);
if ($this->indexBy !== null) {
$buckets[$key][$i] = $model;
} else {
$buckets[$key][] = $model;
if ($viaModels !== null) {
$viaBuckets = [];
$viaLinkKeys = array_keys($viaLink);
$linkValues = array_values($link);
foreach ($viaModels as $viaModel) {
$key1 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $viaLinkKeys);
$key2 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $linkValues);
if (isset($buckets[$key2])) {
foreach ($buckets[$key2] as $i => $bucket) {
if ($this->indexBy !== null) {
$viaBuckets[$key1][$i] = $bucket;
} else {
$viaBuckets[$key1][] = $bucket;
$buckets = $viaBuckets;
if (!$this->multiple) {
foreach ($buckets as $i => $bucket) {
$buckets[$i] = reset($bucket);
return $buckets;
* @param ActiveRecord|array $model
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
private function getModelKey($model, $attributes)
if (count($attributes) > 1) {
$key = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$key[] = $model[$attribute];
return serialize($key);
} else {
$attribute = reset($attributes);
return $model[$attribute];
* @param array $models
private function filterByModels($models)
$attributes = array_keys($this->link);
$values = [];
if (count($attributes) === 1) {
// single key
$attribute = reset($this->link);
foreach ($models as $model) {
if (($value = $model[$attribute]) !== null) {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
// composite keys
foreach ($models as $model) {
$v = [];
foreach ($this->link as $attribute => $link) {
$v[$attribute] = $model[$link];
$values[] = $v;
$this->andWhere(['in', $attributes, array_unique($values, SORT_REGULAR)]);
* @param ActiveRecord[] $primaryModels
* @return array
private function findPivotRows($primaryModels)
if (empty($primaryModels)) {
return [];
/** @var $primaryModel ActiveRecord */
$primaryModel = reset($primaryModels);
return $this->asArray()->all($primaryModel->getDb());


@ -46,19 +46,8 @@ namespace yii\db;
*/ */
class ActiveQuery extends Query class ActiveQuery extends Query
{ {
/** use \yii\ar\ActiveQuery;
* @var string the name of the ActiveRecord class.
public $modelClass;
* @var array list of relations that this query should be performed with
public $with;
* @var boolean whether to return each record as an array. If false (default), an object
* of [[modelClass]] will be created to represent each record.
public $asArray;
/** /**
* @var string the SQL statement to be executed for retrieving AR records. * @var string the SQL statement to be executed for retrieving AR records.
* This is set by [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]]. * This is set by [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]].
@ -67,25 +56,6 @@ class ActiveQuery extends Query
/** /**
* PHP magic method.
* This method allows calling static method defined in [[modelClass]] via this query object.
* It is mainly implemented for supporting the feature of scope.
* @param string $name the method name to be called
* @param array $params the parameters passed to the method
* @return mixed the method return result
public function __call($name, $params)
if (method_exists($this->modelClass, $name)) {
array_unshift($params, $this);
call_user_func_array([$this->modelClass, $name], $params);
return $this;
} else {
return parent::__call($name, $params);
* Executes query and returns all results as an array. * Executes query and returns all results as an array.
* @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command. * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
* If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used. * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
@ -164,158 +134,4 @@ class ActiveQuery extends Query
} }
return $db->createCommand($this->sql, $params); return $db->createCommand($this->sql, $params);
} }
* Sets the [[asArray]] property.
* @param boolean $value whether to return the query results in terms of arrays instead of Active Records.
* @return static the query object itself
public function asArray($value = true)
$this->asArray = $value;
return $this;
* Specifies the relations with which this query should be performed.
* The parameters to this method can be either one or multiple strings, or a single array
* of relation names and the optional callbacks to customize the relations.
* The followings are some usage examples:
* ~~~
* // find customers together with their orders and country
* Customer::find()->with('orders', 'country')->all();
* // find customers together with their country and orders of status 1
* Customer::find()->with([
* 'orders' => function($query) {
* $query->andWhere('status = 1');
* },
* 'country',
* ])->all();
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function with()
$this->with = func_get_args();
if (isset($this->with[0]) && is_array($this->with[0])) {
// the parameter is given as an array
$this->with = $this->with[0];
return $this;
* Sets the [[indexBy]] property.
* @param string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row or model data. The signature of the callable should be:
* ~~~
* // $model is an AR instance when `asArray` is false,
* // or an array of column values when `asArray` is true.
* function ($model)
* {
* // return the index value corresponding to $model
* }
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function indexBy($column)
return parent::indexBy($column);
private function createModels($rows)
$models = [];
if ($this->asArray) {
if ($this->indexBy === null) {
return $rows;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
$key = $row[$this->indexBy];
} else {
$key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $row);
$models[$key] = $row;
} else {
/** @var $class ActiveRecord */
$class = $this->modelClass;
if ($this->indexBy === null) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$models[] = $class::create($row);
} else {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$model = $class::create($row);
if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
$key = $model->{$this->indexBy};
} else {
$key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $model);
$models[$key] = $model;
return $models;
private function populateRelations(&$models, $with)
$primaryModel = new $this->modelClass;
$relations = $this->normalizeRelations($primaryModel, $with);
foreach ($relations as $name => $relation) {
if ($relation->asArray === null) {
// inherit asArray from primary query
$relation->asArray = $this->asArray;
$relation->findWith($name, $models);
* @param ActiveRecord $model
* @param array $with
* @return ActiveRelation[]
private function normalizeRelations($model, $with)
$relations = [];
foreach ($with as $name => $callback) {
if (is_integer($name)) {
$name = $callback;
$callback = null;
if (($pos = strpos($name, '.')) !== false) {
// with sub-relations
$childName = substr($name, $pos + 1);
$name = substr($name, 0, $pos);
} else {
$childName = null;
$t = strtolower($name);
if (!isset($relations[$t])) {
$relation = $model->getRelation($name);
$relation->primaryModel = null;
$relations[$t] = $relation;
} else {
$relation = $relations[$t];
if (isset($childName)) {
$relation->with[$childName] = $callback;
} elseif ($callback !== null) {
call_user_func($callback, $relation);
return $relations;
} }


@ -27,56 +27,14 @@ use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
*/ */
class ActiveRelation extends ActiveQuery class ActiveRelation extends ActiveQuery
{ {
/** use \yii\ar\ActiveRelation;
* @var boolean whether this relation should populate all query results into AR instances.
* If false, only the first row of the results will be retrieved.
public $multiple;
* @var ActiveRecord the primary model that this relation is associated with.
* This is used only in lazy loading with dynamic query options.
public $primaryModel;
* @var array the columns of the primary and foreign tables that establish the relation.
* The array keys must be columns of the table for this relation, and the array values
* must be the corresponding columns from the primary table.
* Do not prefix or quote the column names as they will be done automatically by Yii.
public $link;
/** /**
* @var array|ActiveRelation the query associated with the pivot table. Please call [[via()]] * @var array|ActiveRelation the query associated with the pivot table. Please call [[via()]]
* or [[viaTable()]] to set this property instead of directly setting it. * or [[viaTable()]] to set this property instead of directly setting it.
*/ */
public $via; public $via;
* Clones internal objects.
public function __clone()
if (is_object($this->via)) {
// make a clone of "via" object so that the same query object can be reused multiple times
$this->via = clone $this->via;
* Specifies the relation associated with the pivot table.
* @param string $relationName the relation name. This refers to a relation declared in [[primaryModel]].
* @param callable $callable a PHP callback for customizing the relation associated with the pivot table.
* Its signature should be `function($query)`, where `$query` is the query to be customized.
* @return static the relation object itself.
public function via($relationName, $callable = null)
$relation = $this->primaryModel->getRelation($relationName);
$this->via = [$relationName, $relation];
if ($callable !== null) {
call_user_func($callable, $relation);
return $this;
/** /**
* Specifies the pivot table. * Specifies the pivot table.
@ -137,179 +95,4 @@ class ActiveRelation extends ActiveQuery
} }
return parent::createCommand($db); return parent::createCommand($db);
} }
* Finds the related records and populates them into the primary models.
* This method is internally used by [[ActiveQuery]]. Do not call it directly.
* @param string $name the relation name
* @param array $primaryModels primary models
* @return array the related models
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function findWith($name, &$primaryModels)
if (!is_array($this->link)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Invalid link: it must be an array of key-value pairs.');
if ($this->via instanceof self) {
// via pivot table
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
$viaQuery = $this->via;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findPivotRows($primaryModels);
} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
// via relation
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
$viaQuery->primaryModel = null;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findWith($viaName, $primaryModels);
} else {
if (count($primaryModels) === 1 && !$this->multiple) {
$model = $this->one();
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecord) {
$primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $model);
} else {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $model;
return [$model];
} else {
$models = $this->all();
if (isset($viaModels, $viaQuery)) {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link, $viaModels, $viaQuery->link);
} else {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link);
$link = array_values(isset($viaQuery) ? $viaQuery->link : $this->link);
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($primaryModel, $link);
$value = isset($buckets[$key]) ? $buckets[$key] : ($this->multiple ? [] : null);
if ($primaryModel instanceof ActiveRecord) {
$primaryModel->populateRelation($name, $value);
} else {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $value;
return $models;
* @param array $models
* @param array $link
* @param array $viaModels
* @param array $viaLink
* @return array
private function buildBuckets($models, $link, $viaModels = null, $viaLink = null)
$buckets = [];
$linkKeys = array_keys($link);
foreach ($models as $i => $model) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($model, $linkKeys);
if ($this->indexBy !== null) {
$buckets[$key][$i] = $model;
} else {
$buckets[$key][] = $model;
if ($viaModels !== null) {
$viaBuckets = [];
$viaLinkKeys = array_keys($viaLink);
$linkValues = array_values($link);
foreach ($viaModels as $viaModel) {
$key1 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $viaLinkKeys);
$key2 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $linkValues);
if (isset($buckets[$key2])) {
foreach ($buckets[$key2] as $i => $bucket) {
if ($this->indexBy !== null) {
$viaBuckets[$key1][$i] = $bucket;
} else {
$viaBuckets[$key1][] = $bucket;
$buckets = $viaBuckets;
if (!$this->multiple) {
foreach ($buckets as $i => $bucket) {
$buckets[$i] = reset($bucket);
return $buckets;
* @param ActiveRecord|array $model
* @param array $attributes
* @return string
private function getModelKey($model, $attributes)
if (count($attributes) > 1) {
$key = [];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$key[] = $model[$attribute];
return serialize($key);
} else {
$attribute = reset($attributes);
return $model[$attribute];
* @param array $models
private function filterByModels($models)
$attributes = array_keys($this->link);
$values = [];
if (count($attributes) === 1) {
// single key
$attribute = reset($this->link);
foreach ($models as $model) {
if (($value = $model[$attribute]) !== null) {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
// composite keys
foreach ($models as $model) {
$v = [];
foreach ($this->link as $attribute => $link) {
$v[$attribute] = $model[$link];
$values[] = $v;
$this->andWhere(['in', $attributes, array_unique($values, SORT_REGULAR)]);
* @param ActiveRecord[] $primaryModels
* @return array
private function findPivotRows($primaryModels)
if (empty($primaryModels)) {
return [];
/** @var $primaryModel ActiveRecord */
$primaryModel = reset($primaryModels);
$db = $primaryModel->getDb();
list ($sql, $params) = $db->getQueryBuilder()->build($this);
return $db->createCommand($sql, $params)->queryAll();
} }


@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\db;
// TODO where to put these constants?
* Sort ascending
* @see orderBy
const SORT_ASC = false;
* Sort descending
* @see orderBy
const SORT_DESC = true;
* The BaseQuery trait represents the minimum method set of a database Query.
* It has support for getting [[one]] instance or [[all]].
* Allows pagination via [[limit]] and [[offset]].
* Sorting is supported via [[orderBy]] and items can be limited to match some conditions unsing [[where]].
* By calling [[createCommand()]], we can get a [[Command]] instance which can be further
* used to perform/execute the DB query against a database.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
* @since 2.0
trait BaseQuery
* @var string|array query condition. This refers to the WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
* For example, `age > 31 AND team = 1`.
* @see where()
public $where;
* @var integer maximum number of records to be returned. If not set or less than 0, it means no limit.
public $limit;
* @var integer zero-based offset from where the records are to be returned. If not set or
* less than 0, it means starting from the beginning.
public $offset;
* @var array how to sort the query results. This is used to construct the ORDER BY clause in a SQL statement.
* The array keys are the columns to be sorted by, and the array values are the corresponding sort directions which
* can be either [[Query::SORT_ASC]] or [[Query::SORT_DESC]]. The array may also contain [[Expression]] objects.
* If that is the case, the expressions will be converted into strings without any change.
public $orderBy;
* @var string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row data. For more details, see [[indexBy()]]. This property is only used by [[all()]].
public $indexBy;
* Sets the [[indexBy]] property.
* @param string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row data. The signature of the callable should be:
* ~~~
* function ($row)
* {
* // return the index value corresponding to $row
* }
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function indexBy($column)
$this->indexBy = $column;
return $this;
* Executes the query and returns all results as an array.
* @return array the query results. If the query results in nothing, an empty array will be returned.
abstract public function all();
* Executes the query and returns a single row of result.
* @return array|boolean the first row (in terms of an array) of the query result. False is returned if the query
* results in nothing.
abstract public function one();
* Returns the number of records.
* @return integer number of records
abstract public function count();
* Returns a value indicating whether the query result contains any row of data.
* @return boolean whether the query result contains any row of data.
abstract public function exists();
* Sets the WHERE part of the query.
* The method requires a $condition parameter.
* The $condition parameter should be an array in one of the following two formats:
* - hash format: `['column1' => value1, 'column2' => value2, ...]`
* - operator format: `[operator, operand1, operand2, ...]`
* A condition in hash format represents the following SQL expression in general:
* `column1=value1 AND column2=value2 AND ...`. In case when a value is an array,
* an `IN` expression will be generated. And if a value is null, `IS NULL` will be used
* in the generated expression. Below are some examples:
* - `['type' => 1, 'status' => 2]` generates `(type = 1) AND (status = 2)`.
* - `['id' => [1, 2, 3], 'status' => 2]` generates `(id IN (1, 2, 3)) AND (status = 2)`.
* - `['status' => null] generates `status IS NULL`.
* A condition in operator format generates the SQL expression according to the specified operator, which
* can be one of the followings:
* - `and`: the operands should be concatenated together using `AND`. For example,
* `['and', 'id=1', 'id=2']` will generate `id=1 AND id=2`. If an operand is an array,
* it will be converted into a string using the rules described here. For example,
* `['and', 'type=1', ['or', 'id=1', 'id=2']]` will generate `type=1 AND (id=1 OR id=2)`.
* The method will NOT do any quoting or escaping.
* - `or`: similar to the `and` operator except that the operands are concatenated using `OR`.
* - `between`: operand 1 should be the column name, and operand 2 and 3 should be the
* starting and ending values of the range that the column is in.
* For example, `['between', 'id', 1, 10]` will generate `id BETWEEN 1 AND 10`.
* - `not between`: similar to `between` except the `BETWEEN` is replaced with `NOT BETWEEN`
* in the generated condition.
* - `in`: operand 1 should be a column or DB expression, and operand 2 be an array representing
* the range of the values that the column or DB expression should be in. For example,
* `['in', 'id', [1, 2, 3]]` will generate `id IN (1, 2, 3)`.
* The method will properly quote the column name and escape values in the range.
* - `not in`: similar to the `in` operator except that `IN` is replaced with `NOT IN` in the generated condition.
* - `like`: operand 1 should be a column or DB expression, and operand 2 be a string or an array representing
* the values that the column or DB expression should be like.
* For example, `['like', 'name', '%tester%']` will generate `name LIKE '%tester%'`.
* When the value range is given as an array, multiple `LIKE` predicates will be generated and concatenated
* using `AND`. For example, `['like', 'name', ['%test%', '%sample%']]` will generate
* `name LIKE '%test%' AND name LIKE '%sample%'`.
* The method will properly quote the column name and escape values in the range.
* - `or like`: similar to the `like` operator except that `OR` is used to concatenate the `LIKE`
* predicates when operand 2 is an array.
* - `not like`: similar to the `like` operator except that `LIKE` is replaced with `NOT LIKE`
* in the generated condition.
* - `or not like`: similar to the `not like` operator except that `OR` is used to concatenate
* the `NOT LIKE` predicates.
* @param array $condition the conditions that should be put in the WHERE part.
* @return static the query object itself
* @see andWhere()
* @see orWhere()
public function where($condition)
$this->where = $condition;
return $this;
* Adds an additional WHERE condition to the existing one.
* The new condition and the existing one will be joined using the 'AND' operator.
* @param string|array $condition the new WHERE condition. Please refer to [[where()]]
* on how to specify this parameter.
* @return static the query object itself
* @see where()
* @see orWhere()
public function andWhere($condition)
if ($this->where === null) {
$this->where = $condition;
} else {
$this->where = ['and', $this->where, $condition];
return $this;
* Adds an additional WHERE condition to the existing one.
* The new condition and the existing one will be joined using the 'OR' operator.
* @param string|array $condition the new WHERE condition. Please refer to [[where()]]
* on how to specify this parameter.
* @return static the query object itself
* @see where()
* @see andWhere()
public function orWhere($condition)
if ($this->where === null) {
$this->where = $condition;
} else {
$this->where = ['or', $this->where, $condition];
return $this;
* Sets the ORDER BY part of the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns (and the directions) to be ordered by.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id ASC, name DESC") or an array
* (e.g. `['id' => Query::SORT_ASC, 'name' => Query::SORT_DESC]`).
* The method will automatically quote the column names unless a column contains some parenthesis
* (which means the column contains a DB expression).
* @return static the query object itself
* @see addOrderBy()
public function orderBy($columns)
$this->orderBy = $this->normalizeOrderBy($columns);
return $this;
* Adds additional ORDER BY columns to the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns (and the directions) to be ordered by.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id ASC, name DESC") or an array
* (e.g. `['id' => Query::SORT_ASC, 'name' => Query::SORT_DESC]`).
* The method will automatically quote the column names unless a column contains some parenthesis
* (which means the column contains a DB expression).
* @return static the query object itself
* @see orderBy()
public function addOrderBy($columns)
$columns = $this->normalizeOrderBy($columns);
if ($this->orderBy === null) {
$this->orderBy = $columns;
} else {
$this->orderBy = array_merge($this->orderBy, $columns);
return $this;
protected function normalizeOrderBy($columns)
if (is_array($columns)) {
return $columns;
} else {
$columns = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($columns), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$result = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+(asc|desc)$/i', $column, $matches)) {
$result[$matches[1]] = strcasecmp($matches[2], 'desc') ? self::SORT_ASC : self::SORT_DESC;
} else {
$result[$column] = self::SORT_ASC;
return $result;
* Sets the LIMIT part of the query.
* @param integer $limit the limit. Use null or negative value to disable limit.
* @return static the query object itself
public function limit($limit)
$this->limit = $limit;
return $this;
* Sets the OFFSET part of the query.
* @param integer $offset the offset. Use null or negative value to disable offset.
* @return static the query object itself
public function offset($offset)
$this->offset = $offset;
return $this;


@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ use yii\base\Component;
*/ */
class Query extends Component class Query extends Component
{ {
use BaseQuery;
/** /**
* Sort ascending * Sort ascending
* @see orderBy * @see orderBy
@ -71,28 +73,6 @@ class Query extends Component
*/ */
public $from; public $from;
/** /**
* @var string|array query condition. This refers to the WHERE clause in a SQL statement.
* For example, `age > 31 AND team = 1`.
* @see where()
public $where;
* @var integer maximum number of records to be returned. If not set or less than 0, it means no limit.
public $limit;
* @var integer zero-based offset from where the records are to be returned. If not set or
* less than 0, it means starting from the beginning.
public $offset;
* @var array how to sort the query results. This is used to construct the ORDER BY clause in a SQL statement.
* The array keys are the columns to be sorted by, and the array values are the corresponding sort directions which
* can be either [[Query::SORT_ASC]] or [[Query::SORT_DESC]]. The array may also contain [[Expression]] objects.
* If that is the case, the expressions will be converted into strings without any change.
public $orderBy;
* @var array how to group the query results. For example, `['company', 'department']`. * @var array how to group the query results. For example, `['company', 'department']`.
* This is used to construct the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement. * This is used to construct the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement.
*/ */
@ -130,12 +110,6 @@ class Query extends Component
* For example, `[':name' => 'Dan', ':age' => 31]`. * For example, `[':name' => 'Dan', ':age' => 31]`.
*/ */
public $params; public $params;
* @var string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row data. For more details, see [[indexBy()]]. This property is only used by [[all()]].
public $indexBy;
/** /**
@ -154,27 +128,6 @@ class Query extends Component
} }
/** /**
* Sets the [[indexBy]] property.
* @param string|callable $column the name of the column by which the query results should be indexed by.
* This can also be a callable (e.g. anonymous function) that returns the index value based on the given
* row data. The signature of the callable should be:
* ~~~
* function ($row)
* {
* // return the index value corresponding to $row
* }
* ~~~
* @return static the query object itself
public function indexBy($column)
$this->indexBy = $column;
return $this;
* Executes the query and returns all results as an array. * Executes the query and returns all results as an array.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to generate the SQL statement. * @param Connection $db the database connection used to generate the SQL statement.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used. * If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
@ -653,83 +606,6 @@ class Query extends Component
} }
/** /**
* Sets the ORDER BY part of the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns (and the directions) to be ordered by.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id ASC, name DESC") or an array
* (e.g. `['id' => Query::SORT_ASC, 'name' => Query::SORT_DESC]`).
* The method will automatically quote the column names unless a column contains some parenthesis
* (which means the column contains a DB expression).
* @return static the query object itself
* @see addOrderBy()
public function orderBy($columns)
$this->orderBy = $this->normalizeOrderBy($columns);
return $this;
* Adds additional ORDER BY columns to the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns (and the directions) to be ordered by.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id ASC, name DESC") or an array
* (e.g. `['id' => Query::SORT_ASC, 'name' => Query::SORT_DESC]`).
* The method will automatically quote the column names unless a column contains some parenthesis
* (which means the column contains a DB expression).
* @return static the query object itself
* @see orderBy()
public function addOrderBy($columns)
$columns = $this->normalizeOrderBy($columns);
if ($this->orderBy === null) {
$this->orderBy = $columns;
} else {
$this->orderBy = array_merge($this->orderBy, $columns);
return $this;
protected function normalizeOrderBy($columns)
if (is_array($columns)) {
return $columns;
} else {
$columns = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($columns), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$result = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+(asc|desc)$/i', $column, $matches)) {
$result[$matches[1]] = strcasecmp($matches[2], 'desc') ? self::SORT_ASC : self::SORT_DESC;
} else {
$result[$column] = self::SORT_ASC;
return $result;
* Sets the LIMIT part of the query.
* @param integer $limit the limit. Use null or negative value to disable limit.
* @return static the query object itself
public function limit($limit)
$this->limit = $limit;
return $this;
* Sets the OFFSET part of the query.
* @param integer $offset the offset. Use null or negative value to disable offset.
* @return static the query object itself
public function offset($offset)
$this->offset = $offset;
return $this;
* Appends a SQL statement using UNION operator. * Appends a SQL statement using UNION operator.
* @param string|Query $sql the SQL statement to be appended using UNION * @param string|Query $sql the SQL statement to be appended using UNION
* @return static the query object itself * @return static the query object itself
