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Reformat code te be PSR-2 compatible

SonicGD 11 years ago
  1. 180
  2. 8
  3. 16
  4. 14
  5. 61
  6. 167
  7. 104
  8. 239
  9. 161
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  11. 395
  12. 329
  13. 227
  14. 191
  15. 351
  16. 107


@ -46,105 +46,105 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Alert extends Widget
* @var string the body content in the alert component. Note that anything between
* the [[begin()]] and [[end()]] calls of the Alert widget will also be treated
* as the body content, and will be rendered before this.
public $body;
* @var array the options for rendering the close button tag.
* The close button is displayed in the header of the modal window. Clicking
* on the button will hide the modal window. If this is null, no close button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to '×'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Alert documentation](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $closeButton = [];
* @var string the body content in the alert component. Note that anything between
* the [[begin()]] and [[end()]] calls of the Alert widget will also be treated
* as the body content, and will be rendered before this.
public $body;
* @var array the options for rendering the close button tag.
* The close button is displayed in the header of the modal window. Clicking
* on the button will hide the modal window. If this is null, no close button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to '×'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Alert documentation](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $closeButton = [];
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderBodyBegin() . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderBodyBegin() . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo "\n" . $this->renderBodyEnd();
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo "\n" . $this->renderBodyEnd();
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the close button if any before rendering the content.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyBegin()
return $this->renderCloseButton();
* Renders the close button if any before rendering the content.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyBegin()
return $this->renderCloseButton();
* Renders the alert body (if any).
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyEnd()
return $this->body . "\n";
* Renders the alert body (if any).
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyEnd()
return $this->body . "\n";
* Renders the close button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderCloseButton()
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'label', '×');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->closeButton['type'])) {
$this->closeButton['type'] = 'button';
* Renders the close button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderCloseButton()
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'label', '×');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->closeButton['type'])) {
$this->closeButton['type'] = 'button';
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->closeButton);
} else {
return null;
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->closeButton);
} else {
return null;
* Initializes the widget options.
* This method sets the default values for various options.
protected function initOptions()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'alert');
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'fade');
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'in');
* Initializes the widget options.
* This method sets the default values for various options.
protected function initOptions()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'alert');
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'fade');
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'in');
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$this->closeButton = array_merge([
'data-dismiss' => 'alert',
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
'class' => 'close',
], $this->closeButton);
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$this->closeButton = array_merge([
'data-dismiss' => 'alert',
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
'class' => 'close',
], $this->closeButton);


@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ use yii\web\AssetBundle;
class BootstrapAsset extends AssetBundle
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $css = [
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $css = [


@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ use yii\web\AssetBundle;
class BootstrapPluginAsset extends AssetBundle
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $js = [
public $depends = [
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $js = [
public $depends = [


@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ use yii\web\AssetBundle;
class BootstrapThemeAsset extends AssetBundle
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $css = [
public $depends = [
public $sourcePath = '@vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist';
public $css = [
public $depends = [


@ -26,37 +26,36 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Button extends Widget
* @var string the tag to use to render the button
public $tagName = 'button';
* @var string the button label
public $label = 'Button';
* @var boolean whether the label should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabel = true;
* @var string the tag to use to render the button
public $tagName = 'button';
* @var string the button label
public $label = 'Button';
* @var boolean whether the label should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabel = true;
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
$this->clientOptions = false;
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn');
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
$this->clientOptions = false;
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::tag($this->tagName, $this->encodeLabel ? Html::encode($this->label) : $this->label, $this->options);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::tag($this->tagName, $this->encodeLabel ? Html::encode($this->label) : $this->label, $this->options);


@ -33,91 +33,92 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class ButtonDropdown extends Widget
* @var string the button label
public $label = 'Button';
* @var array the HTML attributes of the button.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the configuration array for [[Dropdown]].
public $dropdown = [];
* @var boolean whether to display a group of split-styled button group.
public $split = false;
* @var string the tag to use to render the button
public $tagName = 'button';
* @var boolean whether the label should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabel = true;
* @var string the button label
public $label = 'Button';
* @var array the HTML attributes of the button.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the configuration array for [[Dropdown]].
public $dropdown = [];
* @var boolean whether to display a group of split-styled button group.
public $split = false;
* @var string the tag to use to render the button
public $tagName = 'button';
* @var boolean whether the label should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabel = true;
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderButton() . "\n" . $this->renderDropdown();
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderButton() . "\n" . $this->renderDropdown();
* Generates the button dropdown.
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderButton()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn');
$label = $this->label;
if ($this->encodeLabel) {
$label = Html::encode($label);
if ($this->split) {
$options = $this->options;
$this->options['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'dropdown-toggle');
$splitButton = Button::widget([
'label' => '<span class="caret"></span>',
'encodeLabel' => false,
'options' => $this->options,
'view' => $this->getView(),
} else {
$label .= ' <span class="caret"></span>';
$options = $this->options;
if (!isset($options['href'])) {
$options['href'] = '#';
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown-toggle');
$options['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$splitButton = '';
* Generates the button dropdown.
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderButton()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn');
$label = $this->label;
if ($this->encodeLabel) {
$label = Html::encode($label);
if ($this->split) {
$options = $this->options;
$this->options['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'dropdown-toggle');
$splitButton = Button::widget([
'label' => '<span class="caret"></span>',
'encodeLabel' => false,
'options' => $this->options,
'view' => $this->getView(),
} else {
$label .= ' <span class="caret"></span>';
$options = $this->options;
if (!isset($options['href'])) {
$options['href'] = '#';
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown-toggle');
$options['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$splitButton = '';
return Button::widget([
'tagName' => $this->tagName,
'label' => $label,
'options' => $options,
'encodeLabel' => false,
'view' => $this->getView(),
]) . "\n" . $splitButton;
return Button::widget([
'tagName' => $this->tagName,
'label' => $label,
'options' => $options,
'encodeLabel' => false,
'view' => $this->getView(),
]) . "\n" . $splitButton;
* Generates the dropdown menu.
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderDropdown()
$config = $this->dropdown;
$config['clientOptions'] = false;
$config['view'] = $this->getView();
return Dropdown::widget($config);
* Generates the dropdown menu.
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderDropdown()
$config = $this->dropdown;
$config['clientOptions'] = false;
$config['view'] = $this->getView();
return Dropdown::widget($config);


@ -39,60 +39,60 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class ButtonGroup extends Widget
* @var array list of buttons. Each array element represents a single button
* which can be specified as a string or an array of the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the button label.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the button.
public $buttons = [];
* @var boolean whether to HTML-encode the button labels.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var array list of buttons. Each array element represents a single button
* which can be specified as a string or an array of the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the button label.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the button.
public $buttons = [];
* @var boolean whether to HTML-encode the button labels.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-group');
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-group');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::tag('div', $this->renderButtons(), $this->options);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::tag('div', $this->renderButtons(), $this->options);
* Generates the buttons that compound the group as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderButtons()
$buttons = [];
foreach ($this->buttons as $button) {
if (is_array($button)) {
$label = ArrayHelper::getValue($button, 'label');
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($button, 'options');
$buttons[] = Button::widget([
'label' => $label,
'options' => $options,
'encodeLabel' => $this->encodeLabels,
'view' => $this->getView()
} else {
$buttons[] = $button;
* Generates the buttons that compound the group as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderButtons()
$buttons = [];
foreach ($this->buttons as $button) {
if (is_array($button)) {
$label = ArrayHelper::getValue($button, 'label');
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($button, 'options');
$buttons[] = Button::widget([
'label' => $label,
'options' => $options,
'encodeLabel' => $this->encodeLabels,
'view' => $this->getView()
} else {
$buttons[] = $button;
return implode("\n", $buttons);
return implode("\n", $buttons);


@ -39,132 +39,133 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Carousel extends Widget
* @var array|boolean the labels for the previous and the next control buttons.
* If false, it means the previous and the next control buttons should not be displayed.
public $controls = ['&lsaquo;', '&rsaquo;'];
* @var array list of slides in the carousel. Each array element represents a single
* slide with the following structure:
* ```php
* [
* // required, slide content (HTML), such as an image tag
* 'content' => '<img src=""/>',
* // optional, the caption (HTML) of the slide
* 'caption' => '<h4>This is title</h4><p>This is the caption text</p>',
* // optional the HTML attributes of the slide container
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $items = [];
* @var array|boolean the labels for the previous and the next control buttons.
* If false, it means the previous and the next control buttons should not be displayed.
public $controls = ['&lsaquo;', '&rsaquo;'];
* @var array list of slides in the carousel. Each array element represents a single
* slide with the following structure:
* ```php
* [
* // required, slide content (HTML), such as an image tag
* 'content' => '<img src=""/>',
* // optional, the caption (HTML) of the slide
* 'caption' => '<h4>This is title</h4><p>This is the caption text</p>',
* // optional the HTML attributes of the slide container
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $items = [];
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'carousel');
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'carousel');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderIndicators() . "\n";
echo $this->renderItems() . "\n";
echo $this->renderControls() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderIndicators() . "\n";
echo $this->renderItems() . "\n";
echo $this->renderControls() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders carousel indicators.
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderIndicators()
$indicators = [];
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->items); $i < $count; $i++) {
$options = ['data-target' => '#' . $this->options['id'], 'data-slide-to' => $i];
if ($i === 0) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
$indicators[] = Html::tag('li', '', $options);
* Renders carousel indicators.
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderIndicators()
$indicators = [];
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->items); $i < $count; $i++) {
$options = ['data-target' => '#' . $this->options['id'], 'data-slide-to' => $i];
if ($i === 0) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
$indicators[] = Html::tag('li', '', $options);
return Html::tag('ol', implode("\n", $indicators), ['class' => 'carousel-indicators']);
return Html::tag('ol', implode("\n", $indicators), ['class' => 'carousel-indicators']);
* Renders carousel items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->items); $i < $count; $i++) {
$items[] = $this->renderItem($this->items[$i], $i);
return Html::tag('div', implode("\n", $items), ['class' => 'carousel-inner']);
* Renders carousel items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->items); $i < $count; $i++) {
$items[] = $this->renderItem($this->items[$i], $i);
* Renders a single carousel item
* @param string|array $item a single item from [[items]]
* @param integer $index the item index as the first item should be set to `active`
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the item is invalid
public function renderItem($item, $index)
if (is_string($item)) {
$content = $item;
$caption = null;
$options = [];
} elseif (isset($item['content'])) {
$content = $item['content'];
$caption = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'caption');
if ($caption !== null) {
$caption = Html::tag('div', $caption, ['class' => 'carousel-caption']);
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "content" option is required.');
return Html::tag('div', implode("\n", $items), ['class' => 'carousel-inner']);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'item');
if ($index === 0) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
* Renders a single carousel item
* @param string|array $item a single item from [[items]]
* @param integer $index the item index as the first item should be set to `active`
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the item is invalid
public function renderItem($item, $index)
if (is_string($item)) {
$content = $item;
$caption = null;
$options = [];
} elseif (isset($item['content'])) {
$content = $item['content'];
$caption = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'caption');
if ($caption !== null) {
$caption = Html::tag('div', $caption, ['class' => 'carousel-caption']);
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "content" option is required.');
return Html::tag('div', $content . "\n" . $caption, $options);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'item');
if ($index === 0) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
* Renders previous and next control buttons.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[controls]] is invalid.
public function renderControls()
if (isset($this->controls[0], $this->controls[1])) {
return Html::a($this->controls[0], '#' . $this->options['id'], [
'class' => 'left carousel-control',
'data-slide' => 'prev',
]) . "\n"
. Html::a($this->controls[1], '#' . $this->options['id'], [
'class' => 'right carousel-control',
'data-slide' => 'next',
} elseif ($this->controls === false) {
return '';
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "controls" property must be either false or an array of two elements.');
return Html::tag('div', $content . "\n" . $caption, $options);
* Renders previous and next control buttons.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[controls]] is invalid.
public function renderControls()
if (isset($this->controls[0], $this->controls[1])) {
return Html::a($this->controls[0], '#' . $this->options['id'], [
'class' => 'left carousel-control',
'data-slide' => 'prev',
]) . "\n"
. Html::a($this->controls[1], '#' . $this->options['id'], [
'class' => 'right carousel-control',
'data-slide' => 'next',
} elseif ($this->controls === false) {
return '';
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "controls" property must be either false or an array of two elements.');


@ -41,95 +41,94 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Collapse extends Widget
* @var array list of groups in the collapse widget. Each array element represents a single
* group with the following structure:
* ```php
* // item key is the actual group header
* 'Collapsible Group Item #1' => [
* // required, the content (HTML) of the group
* 'content' => 'Anim pariatur cliche...',
* // optional the HTML attributes of the content group
* 'contentOptions' => [],
* // optional the HTML attributes of the group
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $items = [];
* @var array list of groups in the collapse widget. Each array element represents a single
* group with the following structure:
* ```php
* // item key is the actual group header
* 'Collapsible Group Item #1' => [
* // required, the content (HTML) of the group
* 'content' => 'Anim pariatur cliche...',
* // optional the HTML attributes of the content group
* 'contentOptions' => [],
* // optional the HTML attributes of the group
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $items = [];
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'panel-group');
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'panel-group');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderItems() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderItems() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders collapsible items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
$index = 0;
foreach ($this->items as $header => $item) {
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'panel panel-default');
$items[] = Html::tag('div', $this->renderItem($header, $item, ++$index), $options);
* Renders collapsible items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
$index = 0;
foreach ($this->items as $header => $item) {
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'panel panel-default');
$items[] = Html::tag('div', $this->renderItem($header, $item, ++$index), $options);
return implode("\n", $items);
return implode("\n", $items);
* Renders a single collapsible item group
* @param string $header a label of the item group [[items]]
* @param array $item a single item from [[items]]
* @param integer $index the item index as each item group content must have an id
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function renderItem($header, $item, $index)
if (isset($item['content'])) {
$id = $this->options['id'] . '-collapse' . $index;
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'contentOptions', []);
$options['id'] = $id;
Html::addCssClass($options, 'panel-collapse collapse');
* Renders a single collapsible item group
* @param string $header a label of the item group [[items]]
* @param array $item a single item from [[items]]
* @param integer $index the item index as each item group content must have an id
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function renderItem($header, $item, $index)
if (isset($item['content'])) {
$id = $this->options['id'] . '-collapse' . $index;
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'contentOptions', []);
$options['id'] = $id;
Html::addCssClass($options, 'panel-collapse collapse');
$headerToggle = Html::a($header, '#' . $id, [
'class' => 'collapse-toggle',
'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
'data-parent' => '#' . $this->options['id']
]) . "\n";
$headerToggle = Html::a($header, '#' . $id, [
'class' => 'collapse-toggle',
'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
'data-parent' => '#' . $this->options['id']
]) . "\n";
$header = Html::tag('h4', $headerToggle, ['class' => 'panel-title']);
$header = Html::tag('h4', $headerToggle, ['class' => 'panel-title']);
$content = Html::tag('div', $item['content'], ['class' => 'panel-body']) . "\n";
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "content" option is required.');
$group = [];
$content = Html::tag('div', $item['content'], ['class' => 'panel-body']) . "\n";
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "content" option is required.');
$group = [];
$group[] = Html::tag('div', $header, ['class' => 'panel-heading']);
$group[] = Html::tag('div', $content, $options);
$group[] = Html::tag('div', $header, ['class' => 'panel-heading']);
$group[] = Html::tag('div', $content, $options);
return implode("\n", $group);
return implode("\n", $group);


@ -20,79 +20,79 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Dropdown extends Widget
* @var array list of menu items in the dropdown. Each array element can be either an HTML string,
* or an array representing a single menu with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the label of the item link
* - url: string, optional, the url of the item link. Defaults to "#".
* - visible: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is visible. Defaults to true.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item link.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item.
* - items: array, optional, the submenu items. The structure is the same as this property.
* Note that Bootstrap doesn't support dropdown submenu. You have to add your own CSS styles to support it.
* To insert divider use `<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>`.
public $items = [];
* @var boolean whether the labels for header items should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var array list of menu items in the dropdown. Each array element can be either an HTML string,
* or an array representing a single menu with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the label of the item link
* - url: string, optional, the url of the item link. Defaults to "#".
* - visible: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is visible. Defaults to true.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item link.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item.
* - items: array, optional, the submenu items. The structure is the same as this property.
* Note that Bootstrap doesn't support dropdown submenu. You have to add your own CSS styles to support it.
* To insert divider use `<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>`.
public $items = [];
* @var boolean whether the labels for header items should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'dropdown-menu');
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'dropdown-menu');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems($this->items);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems($this->items);
* Renders menu items.
* @param array $items the menu items to be rendered
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the label option is not specified in one of the items.
protected function renderItems($items)
$lines = [];
foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
if (isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible']) {
if (is_string($item)) {
$lines[] = $item;
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
$linkOptions = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []);
$linkOptions['tabindex'] = '-1';
$content = Html::a($label, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'url', '#'), $linkOptions);
if (!empty($item['items'])) {
$content .= $this->renderItems($item['items']);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown-submenu');
$lines[] = Html::tag('li', $content, $options);
* Renders menu items.
* @param array $items the menu items to be rendered
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the label option is not specified in one of the items.
protected function renderItems($items)
$lines = [];
foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
if (isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible']) {
if (is_string($item)) {
$lines[] = $item;
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
$linkOptions = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []);
$linkOptions['tabindex'] = '-1';
$content = Html::a($label, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'url', '#'), $linkOptions);
if (!empty($item['items'])) {
$content .= $this->renderItems($item['items']);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown-submenu');
$lines[] = Html::tag('li', $content, $options);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $lines), $this->options);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $lines), $this->options);


@ -35,201 +35,202 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Modal extends Widget
const SIZE_LARGE = "modal-lg";
const SIZE_SMALL = "modal-sm";
const SIZE_DEFAULT = "";
* @var string the header content in the modal window.
public $header;
* @var string the footer content in the modal window.
public $footer;
* @var string the modal size. Can be MODAL_LG or MODAL_SM, or empty for default.
public $size;
* @var array the options for rendering the close button tag.
* The close button is displayed in the header of the modal window. Clicking
* on the button will hide the modal window. If this is null, no close button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to '&times;'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Modal plugin help](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $closeButton = [];
* @var array the options for rendering the toggle button tag.
* The toggle button is used to toggle the visibility of the modal window.
* If this property is null, no toggle button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to 'Show'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Modal plugin help](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $toggleButton;
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
echo $this->renderToggleButton() . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-dialog ' . $this->size]) . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-content']) . "\n";
echo $this->renderHeader() . "\n";
echo $this->renderBodyBegin() . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo "\n" . $this->renderBodyEnd();
echo "\n" . $this->renderFooter();
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div'); // modal-content
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div'); // modal-dialog
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the header HTML markup of the modal
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderHeader()
$button = $this->renderCloseButton();
if ($button !== null) {
$this->header = $button . "\n" . $this->header;
if ($this->header !== null) {
return Html::tag('div', "\n" . $this->header . "\n", ['class' => 'modal-header']);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the opening tag of the modal body.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyBegin()
return Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-body']);
* Renders the closing tag of the modal body.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyEnd()
return Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the HTML markup for the footer of the modal
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderFooter()
if ($this->footer !== null) {
return Html::tag('div', "\n" . $this->footer . "\n", ['class' => 'modal-footer']);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the toggle button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderToggleButton()
if ($this->toggleButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->toggleButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->toggleButton, 'label', 'Show');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->toggleButton['type'])) {
$this->toggleButton['type'] = 'button';
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->toggleButton);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the close button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderCloseButton()
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'label', '&times;');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->closeButton['type'])) {
$this->closeButton['type'] = 'button';
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->closeButton);
} else {
return null;
* Initializes the widget options.
* This method sets the default values for various options.
protected function initOptions()
$this->options = array_merge([
'class' => 'fade',
'role' => 'dialog',
'tabindex' => -1,
], $this->options);
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'modal');
if ($this->clientOptions !== false) {
$this->clientOptions = array_merge(['show' => false], $this->clientOptions);
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$this->closeButton = array_merge([
'data-dismiss' => 'modal',
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
'class' => 'close',
], $this->closeButton);
if ($this->toggleButton !== null) {
$this->toggleButton = array_merge([
'data-toggle' => 'modal',
], $this->toggleButton);
if (!isset($this->toggleButton['data-target']) && !isset($this->toggleButton['href'])) {
$this->toggleButton['data-target'] = '#' . $this->options['id'];
const SIZE_LARGE = "modal-lg";
const SIZE_SMALL = "modal-sm";
const SIZE_DEFAULT = "";
* @var string the header content in the modal window.
public $header;
* @var string the footer content in the modal window.
public $footer;
* @var string the modal size. Can be MODAL_LG or MODAL_SM, or empty for default.
public $size;
* @var array the options for rendering the close button tag.
* The close button is displayed in the header of the modal window. Clicking
* on the button will hide the modal window. If this is null, no close button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to '&times;'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Modal plugin help](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $closeButton = [];
* @var array the options for rendering the toggle button tag.
* The toggle button is used to toggle the visibility of the modal window.
* If this property is null, no toggle button will be rendered.
* The following special options are supported:
* - tag: string, the tag name of the button. Defaults to 'button'.
* - label: string, the label of the button. Defaults to 'Show'.
* The rest of the options will be rendered as the HTML attributes of the button tag.
* Please refer to the [Modal plugin help](
* for the supported HTML attributes.
public $toggleButton;
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
echo $this->renderToggleButton() . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-dialog ' . $this->size]) . "\n";
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-content']) . "\n";
echo $this->renderHeader() . "\n";
echo $this->renderBodyBegin() . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo "\n" . $this->renderBodyEnd();
echo "\n" . $this->renderFooter();
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div'); // modal-content
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div'); // modal-dialog
echo "\n" . Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the header HTML markup of the modal
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderHeader()
$button = $this->renderCloseButton();
if ($button !== null) {
$this->header = $button . "\n" . $this->header;
if ($this->header !== null) {
return Html::tag('div', "\n" . $this->header . "\n", ['class' => 'modal-header']);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the opening tag of the modal body.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyBegin()
return Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'modal-body']);
* Renders the closing tag of the modal body.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderBodyEnd()
return Html::endTag('div');
* Renders the HTML markup for the footer of the modal
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderFooter()
if ($this->footer !== null) {
return Html::tag('div', "\n" . $this->footer . "\n", ['class' => 'modal-footer']);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the toggle button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderToggleButton()
if ($this->toggleButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->toggleButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->toggleButton, 'label', 'Show');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->toggleButton['type'])) {
$this->toggleButton['type'] = 'button';
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->toggleButton);
} else {
return null;
* Renders the close button.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderCloseButton()
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'tag', 'button');
$label = ArrayHelper::remove($this->closeButton, 'label', '&times;');
if ($tag === 'button' && !isset($this->closeButton['type'])) {
$this->closeButton['type'] = 'button';
return Html::tag($tag, $label, $this->closeButton);
} else {
return null;
* Initializes the widget options.
* This method sets the default values for various options.
protected function initOptions()
$this->options = array_merge([
'class' => 'fade',
'role' => 'dialog',
'tabindex' => -1,
], $this->options);
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'modal');
if ($this->clientOptions !== false) {
$this->clientOptions = array_merge(['show' => false], $this->clientOptions);
if ($this->closeButton !== null) {
$this->closeButton = array_merge([
'data-dismiss' => 'modal',
'aria-hidden' => 'true',
'class' => 'close',
], $this->closeButton);
if ($this->toggleButton !== null) {
$this->toggleButton = array_merge([
'data-toggle' => 'modal',
], $this->toggleButton);
if (!isset($this->toggleButton['data-target']) && !isset($this->toggleButton['href'])) {
$this->toggleButton['data-target'] = '#' . $this->options['id'];


@ -48,168 +48,169 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Nav extends Widget
* @var array list of items in the nav widget. Each array element represents a single
* menu item which can be either a string or an array with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the nav item label.
* - url: optional, the item's URL. Defaults to "#".
* - visible: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is visible. Defaults to true.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item's link.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item container (LI).
* - active: boolean, optional, whether the item should be on active state or not.
* - items: array|string, optional, the configuration array for creating a [[Dropdown]] widget,
* or a string representing the dropdown menu. Note that Bootstrap does not support sub-dropdown menus.
* If a menu item is a string, it will be rendered directly without HTML encoding.
public $items = [];
* @var boolean whether the nav items labels should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var boolean whether to automatically activate items according to whether their route setting
* matches the currently requested route.
* @see isItemActive
public $activateItems = true;
* @var string the route used to determine if a menu item is active or not.
* If not set, it will use the route of the current request.
* @see params
* @see isItemActive
public $route;
* @var array the parameters used to determine if a menu item is active or not.
* If not set, it will use `$_GET`.
* @see route
* @see isItemActive
public $params;
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
if ($this->route === null && Yii::$app->controller !== null) {
$this->route = Yii::$app->controller->getRoute();
if ($this->params === null) {
$this->params = Yii::$app->request->getQueryParams();
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'nav');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems();
* Renders widget items.
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
foreach ($this->items as $i => $item) {
if (isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible']) {
$items[] = $this->renderItem($item);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $items), $this->options);
* Renders a widget's item.
* @param string|array $item the item to render.
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function renderItem($item)
if (is_string($item)) {
return $item;
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
$items = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'items');
$url = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'url', '#');
$linkOptions = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []);
if (isset($item['active'])) {
$active = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active', false);
} else {
$active = $this->isItemActive($item);
if ($active) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
if ($items !== null) {
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown');
Html::addCssClass($linkOptions, 'dropdown-toggle');
$label .= ' ' . Html::tag('b', '', ['class' => 'caret']);
if (is_array($items)) {
$items = Dropdown::widget([
'items' => $items,
'encodeLabels' => $this->encodeLabels,
'clientOptions' => false,
'view' => $this->getView(),
return Html::tag('li', Html::a($label, $url, $linkOptions) . $items, $options);
* Checks whether a menu item is active.
* This is done by checking if [[route]] and [[params]] match that specified in the `url` option of the menu item.
* When the `url` option of a menu item is specified in terms of an array, its first element is treated
* as the route for the item and the rest of the elements are the associated parameters.
* Only when its route and parameters match [[route]] and [[params]], respectively, will a menu item
* be considered active.
* @param array $item the menu item to be checked
* @return boolean whether the menu item is active
protected function isItemActive($item)
if (isset($item['url']) && is_array($item['url']) && isset($item['url'][0])) {
$route = $item['url'][0];
if ($route[0] !== '/' && Yii::$app->controller) {
$route = Yii::$app->controller->module->getUniqueId() . '/' . $route;
if (ltrim($route, '/') !== $this->route) {
return false;
if (count($item['url']) > 1) {
foreach (array_splice($item['url'], 1) as $name => $value) {
if ($value !== null && (!isset($this->params[$name]) || $this->params[$name] != $value)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* @var array list of items in the nav widget. Each array element represents a single
* menu item which can be either a string or an array with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the nav item label.
* - url: optional, the item's URL. Defaults to "#".
* - visible: boolean, optional, whether this menu item is visible. Defaults to true.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item's link.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the item container (LI).
* - active: boolean, optional, whether the item should be on active state or not.
* - items: array|string, optional, the configuration array for creating a [[Dropdown]] widget,
* or a string representing the dropdown menu. Note that Bootstrap does not support sub-dropdown menus.
* If a menu item is a string, it will be rendered directly without HTML encoding.
public $items = [];
* @var boolean whether the nav items labels should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var boolean whether to automatically activate items according to whether their route setting
* matches the currently requested route.
* @see isItemActive
public $activateItems = true;
* @var string the route used to determine if a menu item is active or not.
* If not set, it will use the route of the current request.
* @see params
* @see isItemActive
public $route;
* @var array the parameters used to determine if a menu item is active or not.
* If not set, it will use `$_GET`.
* @see route
* @see isItemActive
public $params;
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
if ($this->route === null && Yii::$app->controller !== null) {
$this->route = Yii::$app->controller->getRoute();
if ($this->params === null) {
$this->params = Yii::$app->request->getQueryParams();
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'nav');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems();
* Renders widget items.
public function renderItems()
$items = [];
foreach ($this->items as $i => $item) {
if (isset($item['visible']) && !$item['visible']) {
$items[] = $this->renderItem($item);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $items), $this->options);
* Renders a widget's item.
* @param string|array $item the item to render.
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function renderItem($item)
if (is_string($item)) {
return $item;
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []);
$items = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'items');
$url = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'url', '#');
$linkOptions = ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []);
if (isset($item['active'])) {
$active = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active', false);
} else {
$active = $this->isItemActive($item);
if ($active) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
if ($items !== null) {
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
Html::addCssClass($options, 'dropdown');
Html::addCssClass($linkOptions, 'dropdown-toggle');
$label .= ' ' . Html::tag('b', '', ['class' => 'caret']);
if (is_array($items)) {
$items = Dropdown::widget([
'items' => $items,
'encodeLabels' => $this->encodeLabels,
'clientOptions' => false,
'view' => $this->getView(),
return Html::tag('li', Html::a($label, $url, $linkOptions) . $items, $options);
* Checks whether a menu item is active.
* This is done by checking if [[route]] and [[params]] match that specified in the `url` option of the menu item.
* When the `url` option of a menu item is specified in terms of an array, its first element is treated
* as the route for the item and the rest of the elements are the associated parameters.
* Only when its route and parameters match [[route]] and [[params]], respectively, will a menu item
* be considered active.
* @param array $item the menu item to be checked
* @return boolean whether the menu item is active
protected function isItemActive($item)
if (isset($item['url']) && is_array($item['url']) && isset($item['url'][0])) {
$route = $item['url'][0];
if ($route[0] !== '/' && Yii::$app->controller) {
$route = Yii::$app->controller->module->getUniqueId() . '/' . $route;
if (ltrim($route, '/') !== $this->route) {
return false;
if (count($item['url']) > 1) {
foreach (array_splice($item['url'], 1) as $name => $value) {
if ($value !== null && (!isset($this->params[$name]) || $this->params[$name] != $value)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;


@ -39,120 +39,121 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class NavBar extends Widget
* @var array the HTML attributes for the widget container tag. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "nav", the name of the container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the HTML attributes for the container tag. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "div", the name of the container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $containerOptions = [];
* @var string the text of the brand. Note that this is not HTML-encoded.
* @see
public $brandLabel;
* @param array|string $url the URL for the brand's hyperlink tag. This parameter will be processed by [[Url::to()]]
* and will be used for the "href" attribute of the brand link. If not set, [[\yii\web\Application::homeUrl]] will be used.
public $brandUrl;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the brand link.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $brandOptions = [];
* @var string text to show for screen readers for the button to toggle the navbar.
public $screenReaderToggleText = 'Toggle navigation';
* @var boolean whether the navbar content should be included in an inner div container which by default
* adds left and right padding. Set this to false for a 100% width navbar.
public $renderInnerContainer = true;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the inner container.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $innerContainerOptions = [];
* @var array the HTML attributes for the widget container tag. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "nav", the name of the container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the HTML attributes for the container tag. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "div", the name of the container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $containerOptions = [];
* @var string the text of the brand. Note that this is not HTML-encoded.
* @see
public $brandLabel;
* @param array|string $url the URL for the brand's hyperlink tag. This parameter will be processed by [[Url::to()]]
* and will be used for the "href" attribute of the brand link. If not set, [[\yii\web\Application::homeUrl]] will be used.
public $brandUrl;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the brand link.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $brandOptions = [];
* @var string text to show for screen readers for the button to toggle the navbar.
public $screenReaderToggleText = 'Toggle navigation';
* @var boolean whether the navbar content should be included in an inner div container which by default
* adds left and right padding. Set this to false for a 100% width navbar.
public $renderInnerContainer = true;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the inner container.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $innerContainerOptions = [];
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
$this->clientOptions = false;
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'navbar');
if ($this->options['class'] === 'navbar') {
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'navbar-default');
Html::addCssClass($this->brandOptions, 'navbar-brand');
if (empty($this->options['role'])) {
$this->options['role'] = 'navigation';
$options = $this->options;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'nav');
echo Html::beginTag($tag, $options);
if ($this->renderInnerContainer) {
if (!isset($this->innerContainerOptions['class'])) {
Html::addCssClass($this->innerContainerOptions, 'container');
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->innerContainerOptions);
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'navbar-header']);
if (!isset($this->containerOptions['id'])) {
$this->containerOptions['id'] = "{$this->options['id']}-collapse";
echo $this->renderToggleButton();
if ($this->brandLabel !== null) {
Html::addCssClass($this->brandOptions, 'navbar-brand');
echo Html::a($this->brandLabel, $this->brandUrl === null ? Yii::$app->homeUrl : $this->brandUrl, $this->brandOptions);
echo Html::endTag('div');
Html::addCssClass($this->containerOptions, 'collapse');
Html::addCssClass($this->containerOptions, 'navbar-collapse');
$options = $this->containerOptions;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'div');
echo Html::beginTag($tag, $options);
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
$this->clientOptions = false;
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'navbar');
if ($this->options['class'] === 'navbar') {
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'navbar-default');
Html::addCssClass($this->brandOptions, 'navbar-brand');
if (empty($this->options['role'])) {
$this->options['role'] = 'navigation';
$options = $this->options;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'nav');
echo Html::beginTag($tag, $options);
if ($this->renderInnerContainer) {
if (!isset($this->innerContainerOptions['class'])) {
Html::addCssClass($this->innerContainerOptions, 'container');
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->innerContainerOptions);
echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'navbar-header']);
if (!isset($this->containerOptions['id'])) {
$this->containerOptions['id'] = "{$this->options['id']}-collapse";
echo $this->renderToggleButton();
if ($this->brandLabel !== null) {
Html::addCssClass($this->brandOptions, 'navbar-brand');
echo Html::a($this->brandLabel, $this->brandUrl === null ? Yii::$app->homeUrl : $this->brandUrl, $this->brandOptions);
echo Html::endTag('div');
Html::addCssClass($this->containerOptions, 'collapse');
Html::addCssClass($this->containerOptions, 'navbar-collapse');
$options = $this->containerOptions;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'div');
echo Html::beginTag($tag, $options);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->containerOptions, 'tag', 'div');
echo Html::endTag($tag);
if ($this->renderInnerContainer) {
echo Html::endTag('div');
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->options, 'tag', 'nav');
echo Html::endTag($tag, $this->options);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->containerOptions, 'tag', 'div');
echo Html::endTag($tag);
if ($this->renderInnerContainer) {
echo Html::endTag('div');
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($this->options, 'tag', 'nav');
echo Html::endTag($tag, $this->options);
* Renders collapsible toggle button.
* @return string the rendering toggle button.
protected function renderToggleButton()
$bar = Html::tag('span', '', ['class' => 'icon-bar']);
$screenReader = "<span class=\"sr-only\">{$this->screenReaderToggleText}</span>";
return Html::button("{$screenReader}\n{$bar}\n{$bar}\n{$bar}", [
'class' => 'navbar-toggle',
'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
'data-target' => "#{$this->containerOptions['id']}",
* Renders collapsible toggle button.
* @return string the rendering toggle button.
protected function renderToggleButton()
$bar = Html::tag('span', '', ['class' => 'icon-bar']);
$screenReader = "<span class=\"sr-only\">{$this->screenReaderToggleText}</span>";
return Html::button("{$screenReader}\n{$bar}\n{$bar}\n{$bar}", [
'class' => 'navbar-toggle',
'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
'data-target' => "#{$this->containerOptions['id']}",


@ -59,105 +59,106 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Progress extends Widget
* @var string the button label.
public $label;
* @var integer the amount of progress as a percentage.
public $percent = 0;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the bar.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $barOptions = [];
* @var array a set of bars that are stacked together to form a single progress bar.
* Each bar is an array of the following structure:
* ```php
* [
* // required, the amount of progress as a percentage.
* 'percent' => 30,
* // optional, the label to be displayed on the bar
* 'label' => '30%',
* // optional, array, additional HTML attributes for the bar tag
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $bars;
* @var string the button label.
public $label;
* @var integer the amount of progress as a percentage.
public $percent = 0;
* @var array the HTML attributes of the bar.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $barOptions = [];
* @var array a set of bars that are stacked together to form a single progress bar.
* Each bar is an array of the following structure:
* ```php
* [
* // required, the amount of progress as a percentage.
* 'percent' => 30,
* // optional, the label to be displayed on the bar
* 'label' => '30%',
* // optional, array, additional HTML attributes for the bar tag
* 'options' => [],
* ]
* ```
public $bars;
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'progress');
* Initializes the widget.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'progress');
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderProgress() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->options) . "\n";
echo $this->renderProgress() . "\n";
echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n";
* Renders the progress.
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the "percent" option is not set in a stacked progress bar.
protected function renderProgress()
if (empty($this->bars)) {
return $this->renderBar($this->percent, $this->label, $this->barOptions);
$bars = [];
foreach ($this->bars as $bar) {
$label = ArrayHelper::getValue($bar, 'label', '');
if (!isset($bar['percent'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'percent' option is required.");
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($bar, 'options', []);
$bars[] = $this->renderBar($bar['percent'], $label, $options);
* Renders the progress.
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the "percent" option is not set in a stacked progress bar.
protected function renderProgress()
if (empty($this->bars)) {
return $this->renderBar($this->percent, $this->label, $this->barOptions);
$bars = [];
foreach ($this->bars as $bar) {
$label = ArrayHelper::getValue($bar, 'label', '');
if (!isset($bar['percent'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'percent' option is required.");
$options = ArrayHelper::getValue($bar, 'options', []);
$bars[] = $this->renderBar($bar['percent'], $label, $options);
return implode("\n", $bars);
return implode("\n", $bars);
* Generates a bar
* @param integer $percent the percentage of the bar
* @param string $label, optional, the label to display at the bar
* @param array $options the HTML attributes of the bar
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderBar($percent, $label = '', $options = [])
$defaultOptions = [
'role' => 'progressbar',
'aria-valuenow' => $percent,
'aria-valuemin' => 0,
'aria-valuemax' => 100,
'style' => "width:{$percent}%",
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'progress-bar');
* Generates a bar
* @param integer $percent the percentage of the bar
* @param string $label, optional, the label to display at the bar
* @param array $options the HTML attributes of the bar
* @return string the rendering result.
protected function renderBar($percent, $label = '', $options = [])
$defaultOptions = [
'role' => 'progressbar',
'aria-valuenow' => $percent,
'aria-valuemin' => 0,
'aria-valuemax' => 100,
'style' => "width:{$percent}%",
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'progress-bar');
$out = Html::beginTag('div', $options);
$out .= $label;
$out .= Html::tag('span', \Yii::t('yii', '{percent}% Complete', ['percent' => $percent]), [
'class' => 'sr-only'
$out .= Html::endTag('div');
return $out;
$out = Html::beginTag('div', $options);
$out .= $label;
$out .= Html::tag('span', \Yii::t('yii', '{percent}% Complete', ['percent' => $percent]), [
'class' => 'sr-only'
$out .= Html::endTag('div');
return $out;


@ -53,179 +53,180 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
class Tabs extends Widget
* @var array list of tabs in the tabs widget. Each array element represents a single
* tab with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the tab header label.
* - headerOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab header.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab header link tags.
* - content: array, required if `items` is not set. The content (HTML) of the tab pane.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab pane container.
* - active: boolean, optional, whether the item tab header and pane should be visible or not.
* - items: array, optional, if not set then `content` will be required. The `items` specify a dropdown items
* configuration array. Each item can hold two extra keys, besides the above ones:
* * active: boolean, optional, whether the item tab header and pane should be visible or not.
* * content: string, required if `items` is not set. The content (HTML) of the tab pane.
* * contentOptions: optional, array, the HTML attributes of the tab content container.
public $items = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the item container tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "options" set in individual [[items]]. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "div", the tag name of the item container tags.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $itemOptions = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the header container tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "headerOptions" set in individual [[items]].
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $headerOptions = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the tab header link tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "linkOptions" set in individual [[items]].
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $linkOptions = [];
* @var boolean whether the labels for header items should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var string specifies the Bootstrap tab styling.
public $navType = 'nav-tabs';
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'nav ' . $this->navType);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems();
* Renders tab items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException.
protected function renderItems()
$headers = [];
$panes = [];
if (!$this->hasActiveTab() && !empty($this->items)) {
$this->items[0]['active'] = true;
foreach ($this->items as $n => $item) {
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$headerOptions = array_merge($this->headerOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'headerOptions', []));
$linkOptions = array_merge($this->linkOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []));
if (isset($item['items'])) {
$label .= ' <b class="caret"></b>';
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'dropdown');
if ($this->renderDropdown($item['items'], $panes)) {
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($linkOptions, 'dropdown-toggle');
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$header = Html::a($label, "#", $linkOptions) . "\n"
. Dropdown::widget(['items' => $item['items'], 'clientOptions' => false, 'view' => $this->getView()]);
} elseif (isset($item['content'])) {
$options = array_merge($this->itemOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []));
$options['id'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'id', $this->options['id'] . '-tab' . $n);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'tab-pane');
if (ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active')) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'active');
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'tab';
$header = Html::a($label, '#' . $options['id'], $linkOptions);
$panes[] = Html::tag('div', $item['content'], $options);
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Either the 'content' or 'items' option must be set.");
$headers[] = Html::tag('li', $header, $headerOptions);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $headers), $this->options) . "\n"
. Html::tag('div', implode("\n", $panes), ['class' => 'tab-content']);
* @return boolean if there's active tab defined
protected function hasActiveTab()
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if (isset($item['active']) && $item['active']===true) {
return true;
return false;
* Normalizes dropdown item options by removing tab specific keys `content` and `contentOptions`, and also
* configure `panes` accordingly.
* @param array $items the dropdown items configuration.
* @param array $panes the panes reference array.
* @return boolean whether any of the dropdown items is `active` or not.
* @throws InvalidConfigException
protected function renderDropdown(&$items, &$panes)
$itemActive = false;
foreach ($items as $n => &$item) {
if (is_string($item)) {
if (!isset($item['content'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'content' option is required.");
$content = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'content');
$options = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'contentOptions', []);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'tab-pane');
if (ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active')) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($item['options'], 'active');
$itemActive = true;
$options['id'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'id', $this->options['id'] . '-dd-tab' . $n);
$item['url'] = '#' . $options['id'];
$item['linkOptions']['data-toggle'] = 'tab';
$panes[] = Html::tag('div', $content, $options);
return $itemActive;
* @var array list of tabs in the tabs widget. Each array element represents a single
* tab with the following structure:
* - label: string, required, the tab header label.
* - headerOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab header.
* - linkOptions: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab header link tags.
* - content: array, required if `items` is not set. The content (HTML) of the tab pane.
* - options: array, optional, the HTML attributes of the tab pane container.
* - active: boolean, optional, whether the item tab header and pane should be visible or not.
* - items: array, optional, if not set then `content` will be required. The `items` specify a dropdown items
* configuration array. Each item can hold two extra keys, besides the above ones:
* * active: boolean, optional, whether the item tab header and pane should be visible or not.
* * content: string, required if `items` is not set. The content (HTML) of the tab pane.
* * contentOptions: optional, array, the HTML attributes of the tab content container.
public $items = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the item container tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "options" set in individual [[items]]. The following special options are recognized:
* - tag: string, defaults to "div", the tag name of the item container tags.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $itemOptions = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the header container tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "headerOptions" set in individual [[items]].
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $headerOptions = [];
* @var array list of HTML attributes for the tab header link tags. This will be overwritten
* by the "linkOptions" set in individual [[items]].
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $linkOptions = [];
* @var boolean whether the labels for header items should be HTML-encoded.
public $encodeLabels = true;
* @var string specifies the Bootstrap tab styling.
public $navType = 'nav-tabs';
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'nav ' . $this->navType);
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
echo $this->renderItems();
* Renders tab items as specified on [[items]].
* @return string the rendering result.
* @throws InvalidConfigException.
protected function renderItems()
$headers = [];
$panes = [];
if (!$this->hasActiveTab() && !empty($this->items)) {
$this->items[0]['active'] = true;
foreach ($this->items as $n => $item) {
if (!isset($item['label'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'label' option is required.");
$label = $this->encodeLabels ? Html::encode($item['label']) : $item['label'];
$headerOptions = array_merge($this->headerOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'headerOptions', []));
$linkOptions = array_merge($this->linkOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'linkOptions', []));
if (isset($item['items'])) {
$label .= ' <b class="caret"></b>';
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'dropdown');
if ($this->renderDropdown($item['items'], $panes)) {
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($linkOptions, 'dropdown-toggle');
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$header = Html::a($label, "#", $linkOptions) . "\n"
. Dropdown::widget(['items' => $item['items'], 'clientOptions' => false, 'view' => $this->getView()]);
} elseif (isset($item['content'])) {
$options = array_merge($this->itemOptions, ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'options', []));
$options['id'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'id', $this->options['id'] . '-tab' . $n);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'tab-pane');
if (ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active')) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($headerOptions, 'active');
$linkOptions['data-toggle'] = 'tab';
$header = Html::a($label, '#' . $options['id'], $linkOptions);
$panes[] = Html::tag('div', $item['content'], $options);
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Either the 'content' or 'items' option must be set.");
$headers[] = Html::tag('li', $header, $headerOptions);
return Html::tag('ul', implode("\n", $headers), $this->options) . "\n"
. Html::tag('div', implode("\n", $panes), ['class' => 'tab-content']);
* @return boolean if there's active tab defined
protected function hasActiveTab()
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if (isset($item['active']) && $item['active']===true) {
return true;
return false;
* Normalizes dropdown item options by removing tab specific keys `content` and `contentOptions`, and also
* configure `panes` accordingly.
* @param array $items the dropdown items configuration.
* @param array $panes the panes reference array.
* @return boolean whether any of the dropdown items is `active` or not.
* @throws InvalidConfigException
protected function renderDropdown(&$items, &$panes)
$itemActive = false;
foreach ($items as $n => &$item) {
if (is_string($item)) {
if (!isset($item['content'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'content' option is required.");
$content = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'content');
$options = ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'contentOptions', []);
Html::addCssClass($options, 'tab-pane');
if (ArrayHelper::remove($item, 'active')) {
Html::addCssClass($options, 'active');
Html::addCssClass($item['options'], 'active');
$itemActive = true;
$options['id'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'id', $this->options['id'] . '-dd-tab' . $n);
$item['url'] = '#' . $options['id'];
$item['linkOptions']['data-toggle'] = 'tab';
$panes[] = Html::tag('div', $content, $options);
return $itemActive;


@ -19,64 +19,63 @@ use yii\helpers\Json;
class Widget extends \yii\base\Widget
* @var array the HTML attributes for the widget container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the options for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin.
* Please refer to the corresponding Bootstrap plugin Web page for possible options.
* For example, [this page]( shows
* how to use the "Modal" plugin and the supported options (e.g. "remote").
public $clientOptions = [];
* @var array the event handlers for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin.
* Please refer to the corresponding Bootstrap plugin Web page for possible events.
* For example, [this page]( shows
* how to use the "Modal" plugin and the supported events (e.g. "shown").
public $clientEvents = [];
* @var array the HTML attributes for the widget container tag.
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var array the options for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin.
* Please refer to the corresponding Bootstrap plugin Web page for possible options.
* For example, [this page]( shows
* how to use the "Modal" plugin and the supported options (e.g. "remote").
public $clientOptions = [];
* @var array the event handlers for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin.
* Please refer to the corresponding Bootstrap plugin Web page for possible events.
* For example, [this page]( shows
* how to use the "Modal" plugin and the supported events (e.g. "shown").
public $clientEvents = [];
* Initializes the widget.
* This method will register the bootstrap asset bundle. If you override this method,
* make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {
$this->options['id'] = $this->getId();
* Initializes the widget.
* This method will register the bootstrap asset bundle. If you override this method,
* make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public function init()
if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {
$this->options['id'] = $this->getId();
* Registers a specific Bootstrap plugin and the related events
* @param string $name the name of the Bootstrap plugin
protected function registerPlugin($name)
$view = $this->getView();
* Registers a specific Bootstrap plugin and the related events
* @param string $name the name of the Bootstrap plugin
protected function registerPlugin($name)
$view = $this->getView();
$id = $this->options['id'];
$id = $this->options['id'];
if ($this->clientOptions !== false) {
$options = empty($this->clientOptions) ? '' : Json::encode($this->clientOptions);
$js = "jQuery('#$id').$name($options);";
if ($this->clientOptions !== false) {
$options = empty($this->clientOptions) ? '' : Json::encode($this->clientOptions);
$js = "jQuery('#$id').$name($options);";
if (!empty($this->clientEvents)) {
$js = [];
foreach ($this->clientEvents as $event => $handler) {
$js[] = "jQuery('#$id').on('$event', $handler);";
$view->registerJs(implode("\n", $js));
if (!empty($this->clientEvents)) {
$js = [];
foreach ($this->clientEvents as $event => $handler) {
$js[] = "jQuery('#$id').on('$event', $handler);";
$view->registerJs(implode("\n", $js));
