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Redis active record data storage implementation

insert update delete
Carsten Brandt 12 years ago
  1. 189


@ -34,14 +34,13 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* Returns the database connection used by this AR class.
* By default, the "db" application component is used as the database connection.
* By default, the "redis" application component is used as the database connection.
* You may override this method if you want to use a different database connection.
* @return Connection the database connection used by this AR class.
public static function getDb()
return \Yii::$application->getDb();
return \Yii::$app->redis;
@ -125,6 +124,189 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* Inserts a row into the associated database table using the attribute values of this record.
* This method performs the following steps in order:
* 1. call [[beforeValidate()]] when `$runValidation` is true. If validation
* fails, it will skip the rest of the steps;
* 2. call [[afterValidate()]] when `$runValidation` is true.
* 3. call [[beforeSave()]]. If the method returns false, it will skip the
* rest of the steps;
* 4. insert the record into database. If this fails, it will skip the rest of the steps;
* 5. call [[afterSave()]];
* In the above step 1, 2, 3 and 5, events [[EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE]],
* will be raised by the corresponding methods.
* Only the [[changedAttributes|changed attribute values]] will be inserted into database.
* If the table's primary key is auto-incremental and is null during insertion,
* it will be populated with the actual value after insertion.
* For example, to insert a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = new Customer;
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->insert();
* ~~~
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record.
* If the validation fails, the record will not be inserted into the database.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @return boolean whether the attributes are valid and the record is inserted successfully.
public function insert($runValidation = true, $attributes = null)
if ($runValidation && !$this->validate($attributes)) {
return false;
if ($this->beforeSave(true)) {
$db = static::getDb();
$values = $this->getDirtyAttributes($attributes);
$pk = array();
if ($values === array()) {
foreach ($this->primaryKey() as $key) {
$pk[$key] = $values[$key] = $this->getAttribute($key);
if ($pk[$key] === null) {
$pk[$key] = $db->executeCommand('INCR', array(static::tableName() . ':s:', $key));
// save pk in a findall pool
$db->executeCommand('SADD', array(static::tableName(), $pk));
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . implode('-', $pk); // TODO escape PK glue
// save attributes
$args = array($key);
foreach($values as $attribute => $value) {
$args[] = $attribute;
$args[] = $value;
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $args);
return true;
return false;
* Updates the whole table using the provided attribute values and conditions.
* For example, to change the status to be 1 for all customers whose status is 2:
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAll(array('status' => 1), 'status = 2');
* ~~~
* @param array $attributes attribute values (name-value pairs) to be saved into the table
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('SMEMBERS', array(static::tableName()));
if (empty($attributes)) {
return 0;
foreach($condition as $pk) {
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . (is_array($pk) ? implode('-', $pk) : $pk); // TODO escape PK glue
// save attributes
$args = array($key);
foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
$args[] = $attribute;
$args[] = $value;
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $args);
return $n;
* Updates the whole table using the provided counter changes and conditions.
* For example, to increment all customers' age by 1,
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAllCounters(array('age' => 1));
* ~~~
* @param array $counters the counters to be updated (attribute name => increment value).
* Use negative values if you want to decrement the counters.
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* Do not name the parameters as `:bp0`, `:bp1`, etc., because they are used internally by this method.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAllCounters($counters, $condition = '', $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('SMEMBERS', array(static::tableName()));
foreach($condition as $pk) {
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . (is_array($pk) ? implode('-', $pk) : $pk); // TODO escape PK glue
foreach($counters as $attribute => $value) {
$db->executeCommand('HINCRBY', array($key, $attribute, $value));
return $n;
* Deletes rows in the table using the provided conditions.
* WARNING: If you do not specify any condition, this method will delete ALL rows in the table.
* For example, to delete all customers whose status is 3:
* ~~~
* Customer::deleteAll('status = 3');
* ~~~
* @param string|array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the DELETE SQL.
* Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @param array $params the parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the query.
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public static function deleteAll($condition = '', $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
if ($condition==='') {
$condition = $db->executeCommand('SMEMBERS', array(static::tableName()));
if (empty($condition)) {
return 0;
$smembers = array();
$attributeKeys = array();
foreach($condition as $pk) {
if (is_array($pk)) {
$pk = implode('-', $pk);
$smembers[] = $pk; // TODO escape PK glue
$attributeKeys[] = static::tableName() . ':' . $pk . ':a'; // TODO escape PK glue
array_unshift($smembers, static::tableName());
$db->executeCommand('DEL', $attributeKeys);
return $db->executeCommand('SREM', $smembers);
* Returns the primary key name(s) for this AR class.
* The default implementation will return the primary key(s) as declared
* in the DB table that is associated with this AR class.
@ -142,4 +324,5 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return array();
// TODO implement link and unlink
