@ -37,6 +37,30 @@ Intead of just scalar values you can pass anything else such as arrays or object
Widgets |
------- |
Widgets are a self-contained building blocks for your views. A widget may contain advanced logic, typically takes some |
configuration and data and returns HTML. There is a good number of widgets bundled with Yii such as [active form](form.md), |
breadcrumbs, menu or [wrappers around bootstrap component framework](boostrap-widgets.md). Additionally there are |
extensions providing additional widgets such as official one for jQueryUI components. |
In order to use widget you need to do the following: |
```php |
// Note that you have to "echo" the result to display it |
echo \yii\widgets\Menu::widget(array('items' => $items)); |
// Passing an array to initialize the object properties |
$form = \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin(array( |
'options' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal'), |
'fieldConfig' => array('inputOptions' => array('class' => 'input-xlarge')), |
)); |
... form inputs here ... |
\yii\widgets\ActiveForm::end(); |
``` |
In the code above `widget` method is used for a widget that just outputs content while `begin` and `end` are used for a |
widget that wraps content between method calls with its own output. In case of the form this output is the `<form>` tag |
with some properties set. |
Security |
-------- |
@ -87,11 +111,11 @@ Alternative template languages
There are offlicial extensions for [Smarty](http://www.smarty.net/) and [Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/). In order |
to learn more refer to [Using template engines](template.md) section of the guide. |
Using View object |
----------------- |
Using View object in templates |
------------------------------ |
An instance of `yii\base\View` is available in view templates as `$this` variable. Using it you can do many useful things |
including setting page title and meta, registering scripts and accessing the context. |
An instance of `yii\base\View` component is available in view templates as `$this` variable. Using it in templates you |
can do many useful things including setting page title and meta, registering scripts and accessing the context. |
### Setting page title |
@ -123,8 +147,8 @@ $this->registerMetaTag(array('description' => 'This is my cool website made with
$this->registerMetaTag(array('description' => 'This website is about funny raccoons.'), 'meta-description'); |
``` |
If there are multiple calls with the same value of the second argument, the later will override the former and only |
a single tag will be rendered: |
If there are multiple calls with the same value of the second argument (`meta-description` in this case), the latter will |
override the former and only a single tag will be rendered: |
```html |
<meta description="This website is about funny raccoons."> |
@ -155,7 +179,7 @@ Same as with meta tags you can specify additional argument to make sure there's
### Registering CSS |
You can register CSS using `registerCss` or `registerCssFile`. Former is for outputting code in `<style>` tags directly |
to the page which is not recommended in most cases (but still valid). Later is for registering CSS file. In Yii it's |
to the page which is not recommended in most cases (but still valid). Latter is for registering CSS file. In Yii it's |
much better to [use asset manager](assets.md) to deal with these since it provides extra features so `registerCssFile` |
is manly useful for external CSS files. |
@ -183,8 +207,32 @@ page. We're using third argument so one of the views could override it.
### Registering scripts |
With View object you can register scripts. There are two dedicated methods for it: `registerScript` for inline scripts |
and `registerJsFile` for external scripts. Inline scripts are useful for configuration and dynamically generated code. |
The method for adding these can be used as follows: |
```php |
$this->registerScript("var options = ".json_encode($options).";", View::POS_END, 'my-options'); |
``` |
First argument is the actual code where we're converting a PHP array of options to JavaScript one. Second argument |
determines where script should be in the page. Possible values are: |
- `View::POS_HEAD` for head section. |
- `View::POS_BEGIN` for right after opening `<body>`. |
- `View::POS_END` for right before closing `</body>`. |
- `View::POS_READY` for executing code on document `ready` event. This one registers jQuery automatically. |
The last argument is unique script ID that is used to identify code block and replace existing one with the same ID |
instead of adding a new one. |
External script can be added like the following: |
```php |
$this->registerJsFile('http://example.com/js/main.js'); |
``` |
Same as with external CSS it's preferred to use asset bundles for external scripts. |
### Registering asset bundles |
@ -198,6 +246,40 @@ frontend\config\AppAsset::register($this);
### Layout |
A layout is a very convenient way to represent the part of the page that is common for all or at least for most pages |
generated by your application. Typically it includes `<head>` section, footer, main menu and alike elements. |
You can fine a fine example of the layout in a [basic application template](apps-basic.md). Here we'll review the very |
basic one without any widgets or extra markup. |
```php |
<?php |
use yii\helpers\Html; |
?> |
<?php $this->beginPage(); ?> |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="<?php echo Yii::$app->charset; ?>"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="<?php echo Yii::$app->charset; ?>"/> |
<title><?php echo Html::encode($this->title); ?></title> |
<?php $this->head(); ?> |
</head> |
<body> |
<?php $this->beginBody(); ?> |
<div class="container"> |
<?php echo $content; ?> |
</div> |
<footer class="footer">© 2013 me :)</footer> |
<?php $this->endBody(); ?> |
</body> |
</html> |
<?php $this->endPage(); ?> |
``` |
In the markup above there's some code. First of all, `$content` is a variable that will contain result of views rendered |
with controller's `$this->render()` method. |
### Partials |
Often you need to reuse some HTML markup in many views and often it's too simple to create a full-featured widget for it. |
@ -255,4 +337,22 @@ echo $this->context->getRoute();
### Caching blocks |
To learn about caching of view fragments please refer to [caching](caching.md) section of the guide. |
Customizing View component |
-------------------------- |
Since view is also an application component named `view` you can replace it with your own component that extends |
from `yii\base\View`. It can be done via application configuration file such as `config/web.php`: |
```php |
return array( |
// ... |
'components' => array( |
'view' => array( |
'class' => 'app\components\View', |
), |
// ... |
), |
); |
``` |