@ -27,4 +27,57 @@ to the require section of your composer.json.
Usage & Documentation |
--------------------- |
This extension... |
This extension provides the ability of the authentication via external credentials providers. |
It covers OpenID, OAuth1 and OAuth2 protocols. |
You need to setup auth client collection application component: |
``` |
'components' => [ |
'authClientCollection' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\authclient\Collection', |
'clients' => [ |
'google' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\authclient\clients\GoogleOpenId' |
], |
'facebook' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\authclient\clients\Facebook', |
'clientId' => 'facebook_client_id', |
'clientSecret' => 'facebook_client_secret', |
], |
], |
] |
... |
] |
``` |
Then you need to apply [[yii\authclient\AuthAction]] to some of your web controllers: |
``` |
class SiteController extends Controller |
{ |
public function actions() |
{ |
return [ |
'auth' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\authclient\AuthAction', |
'successCallback' => [$this, 'successCallback'], |
], |
] |
} |
public function successCallback($client) |
{ |
$atributes = $client->getUserAttributes(); |
// user login or signup comes here |
} |
} |
``` |
You may use [[yii\authclient\widgets\Choice]] to compose auth client selection: |
``` |
<?= yii\authclient\Choice::widget([ |
'baseAuthUrl' => ['site/auth'] |
]); ?> |
``` |