@ -78,9 +78,43 @@ directory and Yii will be able to autoload any class in this library.
Autoloading |
----------- |
All classes, interfaces and traits are loaded automatically at the moment they are used. There's no need to use |
`include` or `require`. It is, as well, true for Composer-loaded packages and Yii extensions. |
Autoloader works according to [PSR-0](). That means namespaces and class, interface and trait |
names should correspond to file system paths except root namespace path that is defined by an alias. |
For example, if standard alias `@app` refers to `/var/www/example.com/` then `\app\models\User` will be loaded from |
`/var/www/example.com/app/models/User.php`. |
Custom alias may be added using the following code: |
```php |
Yii::setAlias('shared', realpath('~/src/shared')); |
``` |
Additional autoloaders may be registered using standard PHP `spl_autoload_register`. |
Helper classes |
-------------- |
Helper class typically contains static methods only and used as follows: |
```php |
use \yii\helpers\Html; |
echo Html::encode('Test > test'); |
``` |
There are several classes provided by framework: |
- ArrayHelper |
- Console |
- FileHelper |
- Html |
- HtmlPurifier |
- Inflector |
- Json |
- Markdown |
- Security |
- StringHelper |
- VarDumper |