<?php use yiiunit\TestCase; use yii\console\controllers\AssetController; /** * Unit test for [[\yii\console\controllers\AssetController]]. * @see AssetController */ class AssetControllerTest extends TestCase { /** * @var string path for the test files. */ protected $testFilePath = ''; /** * @var string test assets path. */ protected $testAssetsBasePath = ''; public function setUp() { $this->testFilePath = Yii::getAlias('@yiiunit/runtime') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_class($this); $this->createDir($this->testFilePath); $this->testAssetsBasePath = $this->testFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets'; $this->createDir($this->testAssetsBasePath); } public function tearDown() { $this->removeDir($this->testFilePath); } /** * Creates directory. * @param $dirName directory full name. */ protected function createDir($dirName) { if (!file_exists($dirName)) { mkdir($dirName, 0777, true); } } /** * Removes directory. * @param $dirName directory full name */ protected function removeDir($dirName) { if (!empty($dirName) && file_exists($dirName)) { exec("rm -rf {$dirName}"); } } /** * Creates test asset controller instance. * @return AssetController */ protected function createAssetController() { $module = $this->getMock('yii\\base\\Module', array('fake'), array('console')); $assetController = new AssetController('asset', $module); $assetController->interactive = false; $assetController->jsCompressor = 'cp {from} {to}'; $assetController->cssCompressor = 'cp {from} {to}'; return $assetController; } /** * Emulates running of the asset controller action. * @param string $actionId id of action to be run. * @param array $args action arguments. * @return string command output. */ protected function runAssetControllerAction($actionId, array $args=array()) { $controller = $this->createAssetController(); ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); $params = array( \yii\console\Request::ANONYMOUS_PARAMS => $args ); $controller->run($actionId, $params); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Creates test compress config. * @param array[] $bundles asset bundles config. * @return array config array. */ protected function createCompressConfig(array $bundles) { $baseUrl = '/test'; $config = array( 'bundles' => $this->createBundleConfig($bundles), 'targets' => array( 'all' => array( 'basePath' => $this->testAssetsBasePath, 'baseUrl' => $baseUrl, 'js' => 'all.js', 'css' => 'all.css', ), ), 'assetManager' => array( 'basePath' => $this->testAssetsBasePath, 'baseUrl' => '', ), ); return $config; } /** * Creates test bundle configuration. * @param array[] $bundles asset bundles config. * @return array bundle config. */ protected function createBundleConfig(array $bundles) { foreach ($bundles as $name => $config) { if (!array_key_exists('basePath', $config)) { $bundles[$name]['basePath'] = $this->testFilePath; } if (!array_key_exists('baseUrl', $config)) { $bundles[$name]['baseUrl'] = ''; } } return $bundles; } /** * Creates test compress config file. * @param string $fileName output file name. * @param array[] $bundles asset bundles config. * @throws Exception on failure. */ protected function createCompressConfigFile($fileName, array $bundles) { $content = '<?php return '.var_export($this->createCompressConfig($bundles), true).';'; if (file_put_contents($fileName, $content) <= 0) { throw new \Exception("Unable to create file '{$fileName}'!"); } } /** * Creates test asset file. * @param string $fileRelativeName file name relative to [[testFilePath]] * @param string $content file content * @throws Exception on failure. */ protected function createAssetSourceFile($fileRelativeName, $content) { $fileFullName = $this->testFilePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fileRelativeName; $this->createDir(dirname($fileFullName)); if (file_put_contents($fileFullName, $content)<=0) { throw new \Exception("Unable to create file '{$fileFullName}'!"); } } /** * Creates a list of asset source files. * @param array $files assert source files in format: file/relative/name => fileContent */ protected function createAssertSourceFiles(array $files) { foreach ($files as $name => $content) { $this->createAssetSourceFile($name, $content); } } /** * Invokes the asset controller method even if it is protected. * @param string $methodName name of the method to be invoked. * @param array $args method arguments. * @return mixed method invoke result. */ protected function invokeAssetControllerMethod($methodName, array $args = array()) { $controller = $this->createAssetController(); $controllerClassReflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($controller)); $methodReflection = $controllerClassReflection->getMethod($methodName); $methodReflection->setAccessible(true); $result = $methodReflection->invokeArgs($controller, $args); $methodReflection->setAccessible(false); return $result; } // Tests : public function testActionTemplate() { $configFileName = $this->testFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'; $this->runAssetControllerAction('template', array($configFileName)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($configFileName), 'Unable to create config file template!'); } public function testActionCompress() { // Given : $cssFiles = array( 'css/test_body.css' => 'body { padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 60px; }', 'css/test_footer.css' => '.footer { margin: 20px; display: block; }', ); $this->createAssertSourceFiles($cssFiles); $jsFiles = array( 'js/test_alert.js' => "function test() { alert('Test message'); }", 'js/test_sum_ab.js' => "function sumAB(a, b) { return a + b; }", ); $this->createAssertSourceFiles($jsFiles); $bundles = array( 'app' => array( 'css' => array_keys($cssFiles), 'js' => array_keys($jsFiles), 'depends' => array( 'yii', ), ), );; $bundleFile = $this->testFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bundle.php'; $configFile = $this->testFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'; $this->createCompressConfigFile($configFile, $bundles); // When : $this->runAssetControllerAction('compress', array($configFile, $bundleFile)); // Then : $this->assertTrue(file_exists($bundleFile), 'Unable to create output bundle file!'); $compressedCssFileName = $this->testAssetsBasePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'all.css'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($compressedCssFileName), 'Unable to compress CSS files!'); $compressedJsFileName = $this->testAssetsBasePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'all.js'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($compressedJsFileName), 'Unable to compress JS files!'); $compressedCssFileContent = file_get_contents($compressedCssFileName); foreach ($cssFiles as $name => $content) { $this->assertContains($content, $compressedCssFileContent, "Source of '{$name}' is missing in combined file!"); } $compressedJsFileContent = file_get_contents($compressedJsFileName); foreach ($jsFiles as $name => $content) { $this->assertContains($content, $compressedJsFileContent, "Source of '{$name}' is missing in combined file!"); } } /** * Data provider for [[testAdjustCssUrl()]]. * @return array test data. */ public function adjustCssUrlDataProvider() { return array( array( '.published-same-dir-class {background-image: url(published_same_dir.png);}', '/test/base/path/assets/input', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.published-same-dir-class {background-image: url(../input/published_same_dir.png);}', ), array( '.published-relative-dir-class {background-image: url(../img/published_relative_dir.png);}', '/test/base/path/assets/input', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.published-relative-dir-class {background-image: url(../img/published_relative_dir.png);}', ), array( '.static-same-dir-class {background-image: url(\'static_same_dir.png\');}', '/test/base/path/css', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.static-same-dir-class {background-image: url(\'../../css/static_same_dir.png\');}', ), array( '.static-relative-dir-class {background-image: url("../img/static_relative_dir.png");}', '/test/base/path/css', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.static-relative-dir-class {background-image: url("../../img/static_relative_dir.png");}', ), array( '.absolute-url-class {background-image: url(http://domain.com/img/image.gif);}', '/test/base/path/assets/input', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.absolute-url-class {background-image: url(http://domain.com/img/image.gif);}', ), array( '.absolute-url-secure-class {background-image: url(https://secure.domain.com/img/image.gif);}', '/test/base/path/assets/input', '/test/base/path/assets/output', '.absolute-url-secure-class {background-image: url(https://secure.domain.com/img/image.gif);}', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider adjustCssUrlDataProvider * * @param $cssContent * @param $inputFilePath * @param $outputFilePath * @param $expectedCssContent */ public function testAdjustCssUrl($cssContent, $inputFilePath, $outputFilePath, $expectedCssContent) { $adjustedCssContent = $this->invokeAssetControllerMethod('adjustCssUrl', array($cssContent, $inputFilePath, $outputFilePath)); $this->assertEquals($expectedCssContent, $adjustedCssContent, 'Unable to adjust CSS correctly!'); } }