mockApplication([ 'components' => [ 'mail' => $this->createTestMailComponent(), ] ]); $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath(); if (!file_exists($filePath)) { FileHelper::createDirectory($filePath); } } public function tearDown() { $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath(); if (file_exists($filePath)) { FileHelper::removeDirectory($filePath); } } /** * @return string test file path. */ protected function getTestFilePath() { return Yii::getAlias('@yiiunit/runtime') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(get_class($this)) . '_' . getmypid(); } /** * @return Mailer test email component instance. */ protected function createTestMailComponent() { $component = new Mailer(); $component->viewPath = $this->getTestFilePath(); return $component; } /** * @return Mailer mailer instance */ protected function getTestMailComponent() { return Yii::$app->getComponent('mail'); } // Tests : public function testSetupView() { $mailer = new Mailer(); $view = new View(); $mailer->setView($view); $this->assertEquals($view, $mailer->getView(), 'Unable to setup view!'); $viewConfig = [ 'params' => [ 'param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2', ] ]; $mailer->setView($viewConfig); $view = $mailer->getView(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($view), 'Unable to setup view via config!'); $this->assertEquals($viewConfig['params'], $view->params, 'Unable to configure view via config array!'); } /** * @depends testSetupView */ public function testGetDefaultView() { $mailer = new Mailer(); $view = $mailer->getView(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($view), 'Unable to get default view!'); } public function testComposeMessage() { $mailer = new Mailer(); $message = $mailer->compose(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($message), 'Unable to create message instance!'); $this->assertEquals($mailer->messageClass, get_class($message), 'Invalid message class!'); $messageConfig = array( 'id' => 'test-id', 'encoding' => 'test-encoding', ); $message = $mailer->compose($messageConfig); foreach ($messageConfig as $name => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $message->$name, 'Unable to apply message config!'); } } /** * @depends testComposeMessage */ public function testDefaultMessageConfig() { $mailer = new Mailer(); $notPropertyConfig = [ 'charset' => 'utf-16', 'from' => '', 'to' => '', 'cc' => '', 'bcc' => '', 'subject' => 'Test subject', 'text' => 'Test text body', 'html' => 'Test HTML body', ]; $propertyConfig = [ 'id' => 'test-id', 'encoding' => 'test-encoding', ]; $messageConfig = array_merge($notPropertyConfig, $propertyConfig); $mailer->messageConfig = $messageConfig; $message = $mailer->compose(); foreach ($notPropertyConfig as $name => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $message->{'_' . $name}); } foreach ($propertyConfig as $name => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $message->$name); } } /** * @depends testGetDefaultView */ public function testRender() { $mailer = $this->getTestMailComponent(); $viewName = 'test_view'; $viewFileName = $this->getTestFilePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $viewName . '.php'; $viewFileContent = ''; file_put_contents($viewFileName, $viewFileContent); $params = [ 'testParam' => 'test output' ]; $renderResult = $mailer->render($viewName, $params); $this->assertEquals($params['testParam'], $renderResult); } /** * @depends testComposeMessage * @depends testRender */ public function testComposeSetupMethods() { $mailer = $this->getTestMailComponent(); $mailer->textLayout = false; $viewName = 'test_view'; $viewFileName = $this->getTestFilePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $viewName . '.php'; $viewFileContent = 'view file content'; file_put_contents($viewFileName, $viewFileContent); $messageConfig = array( 'renderText' => [$viewName], ); $message = $mailer->compose($messageConfig); $this->assertEquals($viewFileContent, $message->_text); } /** * @depends testRender */ public function testRenderLayout() { $mailer = $this->getTestMailComponent(); $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath(); $viewName = 'test_view'; $viewFileName = $filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $viewName . '.php'; $viewFileContent = 'view file content'; file_put_contents($viewFileName, $viewFileContent); $layoutName = 'test_layout'; $layoutFileName = $filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $layoutName . '.php'; $layoutFileContent = 'Begin Layout End Layout'; file_put_contents($layoutFileName, $layoutFileContent); $renderResult = $mailer->render($viewName, [], $layoutName); $this->assertEquals('Begin Layout ' . $viewFileContent . ' End Layout', $renderResult); } } /** * Test Mailer class */ class Mailer extends BaseMailer { public $messageClass = 'yiiunit\framework\mail\Message'; public $sentMessages = []; public function send($message) { $this->sentMessages[] = $message; } } /** * Test Message class */ class Message extends BaseMessage { public $id; public $encoding; public $_charset; public $_from; public $_to; public $_cc; public $_bcc; public $_subject; public $_text; public $_html; public function charset($charset) { $this->_charset = $charset; return $this; } public function from($from) { $this->_from = $from; return $this; } public function to($to) { $this->_to = $to; return $this; } public function cc($cc) { $this->_cc = $cc; return $this; } public function bcc($bcc) { $this->_bcc = $bcc; return $this; } public function subject($subject) { $this->_subject = $subject; return $this; } public function text($text) { $this->_text = $text; return $this; } public function html($html) { $this->_html = $html; return $this; } public function attachContent($content, array $options = []) {} public function attach($fileName, array $options = []) {} public function embed($fileName, array $options = []) {} public function embedContent($content, array $options = []) {} public function toString() { return get_class($this); } }