<?php // This class was automatically generated by build task // You can change it manually, but it will be overwritten on next build // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile use Codeception\Maybe; use Codeception\Module\Filesystem; use Codeception\Module\TestHelper; /** * Inherited methods * @method void wantToTest($text) * @method void wantTo($text) * @method void amTesting($method) * @method void amTestingMethod($method) * @method void testMethod($signature) * @method void expectTo($prediction) * @method void expect($prediction) * @method void amGoingTo($argumentation) * @method void am($role) * @method void lookForwardTo($role) */ class TestGuy extends \Codeception\AbstractGuy { /** * Enters a directory In local filesystem. * Project root directory is used by default * * @param $path * @see Filesystem::amInPath() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function amInPath($path) { $this->scenario->condition('amInPath', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Opens a file and stores it's content. * * Usage: * * ``` php * <?php * $I->openFile('composer.json'); * $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $filename * @see Filesystem::openFile() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function openFile($filename) { $this->scenario->action('openFile', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Deletes a file * * ``` php * <?php * $I->deleteFile('composer.lock'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $filename * @see Filesystem::deleteFile() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function deleteFile($filename) { $this->scenario->action('deleteFile', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Deletes directory with all subdirectories * * ``` php * <?php * $I->deleteDir('vendor'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $dirname * @see Filesystem::deleteDir() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function deleteDir($dirname) { $this->scenario->action('deleteDir', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Copies directory with all contents * * ``` php * <?php * $I->copyDir('vendor','old_vendor'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $src * @param $dst * @see Filesystem::copyDir() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function copyDir($src, $dst) { $this->scenario->action('copyDir', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Checks If opened file has `text` in it. * * Usage: * * ``` php * <?php * $I->openFile('composer.json'); * $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $text * @see Filesystem::seeInThisFile() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function seeInThisFile($text) { $this->scenario->assertion('seeInThisFile', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Checks If opened file doesn't contain `text` in it * * ``` php * <?php * $I->openFile('composer.json'); * $I->seeInThisFile('codeception/codeception'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $text * @see Filesystem::dontSeeInThisFile() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function dontSeeInThisFile($text) { $this->scenario->action('dontSeeInThisFile', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Deletes a file * @see Filesystem::deleteThisFile() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function deleteThisFile() { $this->scenario->action('deleteThisFile', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } /** * Checks if file exists in path. * Opens a file when it's exists * * ``` php * <?php * $I->seeFileFound('UserModel.php','app/models'); * ?> * ``` * * @param $filename * @param string $path * @see Filesystem::seeFileFound() * @return \Codeception\Maybe * ! This method is generated. DO NOT EDIT. ! * ! Documentation taken from corresponding module ! */ public function seeFileFound($filename, $path = null) { $this->scenario->assertion('seeFileFound', func_get_args()); if ($this->scenario->running()) { $result = $this->scenario->runStep(); return new Maybe($result); } return new Maybe(); } }