* @since 2.0 */ class Schema extends \yii\db\mysql\Schema { /** * @var array mapping from physical column types (keys) to abstract column types (values) */ public $typeMap = [ 'field' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'string' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'ordinal' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'integer' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'int' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'uint' => self::TYPE_INTEGER, 'bigint' => self::TYPE_BIGINT, 'timestamp' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'bool' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'float' => self::TYPE_FLOAT, 'mva' => self::TYPE_STRING, ]; /** * Creates a query builder for the database. * This method may be overridden by child classes to create a DBMS-specific query builder. * @return QueryBuilder query builder instance */ public function createQueryBuilder() { return new QueryBuilder($this->db); } /** * Loads the metadata for the specified table. * @param string $name table name * @return TableSchema driver dependent table metadata. Null if the table does not exist. */ protected function loadTableSchema($name) { $table = new TableSchema; $this->resolveTableNames($table, $name); if ($this->findColumns($table)) { return $table; } else { return null; } } /** * Collects the metadata of table columns. * @param TableSchema $table the table metadata * @return boolean whether the table exists in the database * @throws \Exception if DB query fails */ protected function findColumns($table) { $sql = 'DESCRIBE ' . $this->quoteSimpleTableName($table->name); try { $columns = $this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $previous = $e->getPrevious(); if ($previous instanceof \PDOException && $previous->getCode() == '42S02') { // index does not exist return false; } throw $e; } foreach ($columns as $info) { $column = $this->loadColumnSchema($info); $table->columns[$column->name] = $column; if ($column->isPrimaryKey) { $table->primaryKey[] = $column->name; if ($column->autoIncrement) { $table->sequenceName = ''; } } } return true; } /** * Loads the column information into a [[ColumnSchema]] object. * @param array $info column information * @return ColumnSchema the column schema object */ protected function loadColumnSchema($info) { $column = new ColumnSchema; $column->name = $info['Field']; // Not supported : //$column->allowNull = $info['Null'] === 'YES'; //$column->isPrimaryKey = strpos($info['Key'], 'PRI') !== false; //$column->autoIncrement = stripos($info['Extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false; //$column->comment = $info['Comment']; $column->dbType = $info['Type']; //$column->unsigned = strpos($column->dbType, 'unsigned') !== false; $type = $info['Type']; if (isset($this->typeMap[$type])) { $column->type = $this->typeMap[$type]; } else { $column->type = self::TYPE_STRING; } $column->phpType = $this->getColumnPhpType($column); /*if ($column->type !== 'timestamp' || $info['Default'] !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') { $column->defaultValue = $column->typecast($info['Default']); }*/ return $column; } }