null]); $suites = $this->getTestsForCreateUrl(); foreach ($suites as $i => $suite) { list ($name, $config, $tests) = $suite; $rule = new UrlRule($config); foreach ($tests as $j => $test) { list ($route, $params, $expected) = $test; $url = $rule->createUrl($manager, $route, $params); $this->assertEquals($expected, $url, "Test#$i-$j: $name"); } } } public function testParseRequest() { $manager = new UrlManager(['cache' => null]); $request = new Request(['hostInfo' => '']); $suites = $this->getTestsForParseRequest(); foreach ($suites as $i => $suite) { list ($name, $config, $tests) = $suite; $rule = new UrlRule($config); foreach ($tests as $j => $test) { $request->pathInfo = $test[0]; $route = $test[1]; $params = isset($test[2]) ? $test[2] : []; $result = $rule->parseRequest($manager, $request); if ($route === false) { $this->assertFalse($result, "Test#$i-$j: $name"); } else { $this->assertEquals([$route, $params], $result, "Test#$i-$j: $name"); } } } } protected function getTestsForCreateUrl() { // structure of each test // message for the test // config for the URL rule // list of inputs and outputs // route // params // expected output return [ [ 'empty pattern', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/index', [], ''], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], '?page=1'], ], ], [ 'without param', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/index', [], 'posts'], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'posts?page=1'], ], ], [ 'parsing only', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'mode' => UrlRule::PARSING_ONLY, ], [ ['post/index', [], false], ], ], [ 'with param', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/index', [], false], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'post/1'], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/1?tag=a'], ], ], [ 'with param requirement', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 'abc'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'post/1'], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/1?tag=a'], ], ], [ 'with multiple params', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/1-a'], ], ], [ 'with optional param', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/a'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/2/a'], ], ], [ 'with optional param not in pattern', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/a'], ], ], [ 'multiple optional params', [ 'pattern' => 'post///', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'sort' => 'yes'], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'YES'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'yes'], 'post/a'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'yes'], 'post/2/a'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'no'], 'post/2/a/no'], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'no'], 'post/a/no'], ], ], [ 'optional param and required param separated by dashes', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/-a'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/2-a'], ], ], [ 'optional param at the end', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/a'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/a/2'], ], ], [ 'consecutive optional params', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/2'], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'b'], 'post/b'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'b'], 'post/2/b'], ], ], [ 'consecutive optional params separated by dash', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => '1abc', 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/-'], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'b'], 'post/-b'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'a'], 'post/2-'], ['post/index', ['page' => 2, 'tag' => 'b'], 'post/2-b'], ], ], [ 'route has parameters', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => [], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'post/index?page=1'], ['module/post/index', [], false], ], ], [ 'route has parameters with regex', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => [], ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'post/index?page=1'], ['comment/index', ['page' => 1], 'comment/index?page=1'], ['test/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post', [], false], ['module/post/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['controller' => 'comment'], 'post/index?controller=comment'], ], ], [ 'route has default parameter', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => ['action' => 'index'], ], [ ['post/view', ['page' => 1], 'post/view?page=1'], ['comment/view', ['page' => 1], 'comment/view?page=1'], ['test/view', ['page' => 1], false], ['test/index', ['page' => 1], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'post?page=1'], ], ], [ 'empty pattern with suffix', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '.html', ], [ ['post/index', [], ''], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], '?page=1'], ], ], [ 'regular pattern with suffix', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '.html', ], [ ['post/index', [], 'posts.html'], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'posts.html?page=1'], ], ], [ 'empty pattern with slash suffix', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '/', ], [ ['post/index', [], ''], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], '?page=1'], ], ], [ 'regular pattern with slash suffix', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '/', ], [ ['post/index', [], 'posts/'], ['comment/index', [], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1], 'posts/?page=1'], ], ], [ 'with host info', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], 'host' => '', ], [ ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], false], ['post/index', ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a', 'lang' => 'en'], ''], ], ], ]; } protected function getTestsForParseRequest() { // structure of each test // message for the test // config for the URL rule // list of inputs and outputs // pathInfo // expected route, or false if the rule doesn't apply // expected params, or not set if empty return [ [ 'empty pattern', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['', 'post/index'], ['a', false], ], ], [ 'without param', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['posts', 'post/index'], ['a', false], ], ], [ 'with dot', // [ 'pattern' => 'posts.html', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['posts.html', 'post/index'], ['postsahtml', false], ], ], [ 'creation only', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'mode' => UrlRule::CREATION_ONLY, ], [ ['posts', false], ], ], [ 'with param', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1']], ['post/a', 'post/index', ['page' => 'a']], ['post', false], ['posts', false], ], ], [ 'with param requirement', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1']], ['post/a', false], ['post/1/a', false], ], ], [ 'with multiple params', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', ], [ ['post/1-a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/a', false], ['post/1', false], ['post/1/a', false], ], ], [ 'with optional param', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/1/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/2/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => '1']], ], ], [ 'with optional param not in pattern', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => '1']], ['post', false], ], ], [ 'multiple optional params', [ 'pattern' => 'post///', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'sort' => 'yes'], ], [ ['post/1/a/yes', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'yes']], ['post/1/a/no', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'no']], ['post/2/a/no', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'no']], ['post/2/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'yes']], ['post/a/no', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'no']], ['post/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a', 'sort' => 'yes']], ['post', false], ], ], [ 'optional param and required param separated by dashes', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/1-a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/2-a', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/-a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/a', false], ['post-a', false], ], ], [ 'optional param at the end', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1], ], [ ['post/a/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/a/2', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/a', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/2', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => '2']], ['post', false], ], ], [ 'consecutive optional params', [ 'pattern' => 'post//', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], ], [ ['post/2/b', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'b']], ['post/2', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/b', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'b']], ['post//b', false], ], ], [ 'consecutive optional params separated by dash', [ 'pattern' => 'post/-', 'route' => 'post/index', 'defaults' => ['page' => 1, 'tag' => 'a'], ], [ ['post/2-b', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'b']], ['post/2-', 'post/index', ['page' => '2', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post/-b', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'b']], ['post/-', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'tag' => 'a']], ['post', false], ], ], [ 'route has parameters', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => [], ], [ ['post/index', 'post/index'], ['module/post/index', false], ], ], [ 'route has parameters with regex', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => [], ], [ ['post/index', 'post/index'], ['comment/index', 'comment/index'], ['test/index', false], ['post', false], ['module/post/index', false], ], ], [ 'route has default parameter', [ 'pattern' => '/', 'route' => '/', 'defaults' => ['action' => 'index'], ], [ ['post/view', 'post/view'], ['comment/view', 'comment/view'], ['test/view', false], ['post', 'post/index'], ['posts', false], ['test', false], ['index', false], ], ], [ 'empty pattern with suffix', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '.html', ], [ ['', 'post/index'], ['.html', false], ['a.html', false], ], ], [ 'regular pattern with suffix', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '.html', ], [ ['posts.html', 'post/index'], ['posts', false], ['posts.HTML', false], ['a.html', false], ['a', false], ], ], [ 'empty pattern with slash suffix', [ 'pattern' => '', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '/', ], [ ['', 'post/index'], ['a', false], ], ], [ 'regular pattern with slash suffix', [ 'pattern' => 'posts', 'route' => 'post/index', 'suffix' => '/', ], [ ['posts/', 'post/index'], ['posts', false], ['a', false], ], ], [ 'with host info', [ 'pattern' => 'post/', 'route' => 'post/index', 'host' => '', ], [ ['post/1', 'post/index', ['page' => '1', 'lang' => 'en']], ['post/a', false], ['post/1/a', false], ], ], ]; } }