Alex's Code Review, 2011.11.12 ============================== Overall hierarchy ------------------ Generally is OK. Like that `Object` and `Component` are now separated. I've generated 2 diagrams under `docs/` to see it better as a whole. > The purpose of separating `Object` from `Component` is to make `Object` > a super-light base class that supports properties defined by getter/setters. > Note that `Component` is a bit of heavy because it uses two extra member > variables to support events and behaviors. Object ------ ### property feature Is it OK that `canGetProperty` and `canSetProperty` will return `false` for real class members? > Added $checkVar parameter ### callbacks and expressions We're using 5.3. What's the reason to support `eval()` in `evaluateExpression` if we have anonymous functions? Is that for storing code as string inside of DB (RBAC)? If we're going to get rid of `eval()`, cosider remaning method to something about callback. If not then we definitely need to use anonymous functions in API docs and the guide where possible. > The purpose of evaluateExpression() is to provide a way of evaluating a PHP expression > in the context of an object. Will remove it before release if we find no use of it. >> mdomba: >> As eval() is controversial, and anonymous functions can replace all Yii 1 usage of eval() >> how about removing it from the beginning and add it only if we find it necessary. >> This way we would not be tempted to stick with eval() and will be forced to first try to find alternatives ### Object::create() #### `__construct` issue Often a class doesn't have `__construct` implementation and `stdClass` doesn't have default one either but Object::create() always expects constructor to be defined. See `ObjectTest`. Either `method_exists` call or `Object::__construct` needed. > Added Object::__construct. #### How to support object factory like we do with CWidgetFactory? ~~~ class ObjectConfig { public function configure($class) { $config = $this->load($class); // apply config to $class } private function load($class) { // get class properties from a config file // in this method we need to walk all the // inheritance hierarchy down to Object itself return array( 'property' => 'value', // … ); } } ~~~ Then we need to add `__construct` to `Object` (or implement `Initalbe`): ~~~ class Object { public function __construct() { $conf = new ObjectConfig(); $conf->configure($this); } } ~~~ This way we'll be able to set defaults for any object. > The key issue here is about how to process the config file. Clearly, we cannot > do this for every type of component because it would mean an extra file access > for every component type #### Do we need to support lazy class injection? Currently there's no way to lazy-inject class into another class property via config. Do we need it? If yes then we can probably extend component config to support the following: ~~~ class Foo extends Object { public $prop; } class Bar extends Object { public $prop; } $config = array( 'prop' => array( 'class' => 'Bar', 'prop' => 'Hello!', ), ); $foo = Foo::create($config); echo $foo->bar->prop; // will output Hello! ~~~ Should it support infinite nesting level? > I don't think we need this. Foo::$prop cannot be an object unless it needs it to be. > In that case, it can be defined with a setter in which it can handle the object creation > based on a configuration array. This is a bit inconvenient, but I think such usage is > not very common. ### Why `Event` is `Object`? There's no need to extend from `Object`. Is there a plan to use `Object` features later? > To use properties defined via getter/setter. Behaviors --------- Overall I wasn't able to use behaviors. See `BehaviorTest`. ### Should behaviors be able to define events for owner components? Why not? Should be a very good feature in order to make behaviors customizable. > It's a bit hard to implement it efficiently. I tend not to support it for now > unless enough people are requesting for it. ### Multiple behaviors can be attached to the same component What if we'll have multiple methods / properties / events with the same name? > The first one takes precedence. This is the same as we do in 1.1. ### How to use Behavior::attach? Looks like it is used by `Component::attachBehavior` but can't be used without it. Why it's public then? Can we move it to `Component?` > It's public because it is called by Component. It is in Behavior such that > it can be overridden by behavior classes to customize the attach process. Events ------ Class itself looks OK. Component part is OK as well but I've not tested it carefully. Overall it seems concept is the same as in Yii1. ### Event declaration: the on-method is mostly repetitive for every event. Should we choose a different way of declaring events? Maybe. People complained previously about too many code for event declaration. ### Should we implement some additional event mechanism, such as global events? Why use two different implementations in a single application? Exceptions ---------- - Should we convert all errors, warnings and notices to exceptions? > I think not. We used to do this in early versions of 1.0. We found sometimes > very mysterious things would happen which makes error fixing harder rather than > easier. Coding style ------------ See `docs/`.