 * CCompareValidator class file.
 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

namespace yii\validators;

 * CCompareValidator compares the specified attribute value with another value and validates if they are equal.
 * The value being compared with can be another attribute value
 * (specified via {@link compareAttribute}) or a constant (specified via
 * {@link compareValue}. When both are specified, the latter takes
 * precedence. If neither is specified, the attribute will be compared
 * with another attribute whose name is by appending "_repeat" to the source
 * attribute name.
 * The comparison can be either {@link strict} or not.
 * Starting from version 1.0.8, CCompareValidator supports different comparison operators.
 * Previously, it only compares to see if two values are equal or not.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id: CCompareValidator.php 3120 2011-03-25 01:50:48Z qiang.xue $
 * @package system.validators
 * @since 1.0
class CCompareValidator extends CValidator
	 * @var string the name of the attribute to be compared with
	public $compareAttribute;
	 * @var string the constant value to be compared with
	public $compareValue;
	 * @var boolean whether the comparison is strict (both value and type must be the same.)
	 * Defaults to false.
	public $strict = false;
	 * @var boolean whether the attribute value can be null or empty. Defaults to false.
	 * If this is true, it means the attribute is considered valid when it is empty.
	public $allowEmpty = false;
	 * @var string the operator for comparison. Defaults to '='.
	 * The followings are valid operators:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>'=' or '==': validates to see if the two values are equal. If {@link strict} is true, the comparison
	 * will be done in strict mode (i.e. checking value type as well).</li>
	 * <li>'!=': validates to see if the two values are NOT equal. If {@link strict} is true, the comparison
	 * will be done in strict mode (i.e. checking value type as well).</li>
	 * <li>'>': validates to see if the value being validated is greater than the value being compared with.</li>
	 * <li>'>=': validates to see if the value being validated is greater than or equal to the value being compared with.</li>
	 * <li>'<': validates to see if the value being validated is less than the value being compared with.</li>
	 * <li>'<=': validates to see if the value being validated is less than or equal to the value being compared with.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @since 1.0.8
	public $operator = '=';

	 * Validates the attribute of the object.
	 * If there is any error, the error message is added to the object.
	 * @param CModel $object the object being validated
	 * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated
	protected function validateAttribute($object, $attribute)
		$value = $object->$attribute;
		if ($this->allowEmpty && $this->isEmpty($value))
		if ($this->compareValue !== null)
			$compareTo = $compareValue = $this->compareValue;
			$compareAttribute = $this->compareAttribute === null ? $attribute . '_repeat' : $this->compareAttribute;
			$compareValue = $object->$compareAttribute;
			$compareTo = $object->getAttributeLabel($compareAttribute);

		switch ($this->operator)
			case '=':
			case '==':
				if (($this->strict && $value !== $compareValue) || (!$this->strict && $value != $compareValue))
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be repeated exactly.');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo));
			case '!=':
				if (($this->strict && $value === $compareValue) || (!$this->strict && $value == $compareValue))
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must not be equal to "{compareValue}".');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo, '{compareValue}' => $compareValue));
			case '>':
				if ($value <= $compareValue)
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be greater than "{compareValue}".');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo, '{compareValue}' => $compareValue));
			case '>=':
				if ($value < $compareValue)
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be greater than or equal to "{compareValue}".');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo, '{compareValue}' => $compareValue));
			case '<':
				if ($value >= $compareValue)
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be less than "{compareValue}".');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo, '{compareValue}' => $compareValue));
			case '<=':
				if ($value > $compareValue)
					$message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be less than or equal to "{compareValue}".');
					$this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, array('{compareAttribute}' => $compareTo, '{compareValue}' => $compareValue));
				throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Invalid operator "{operator}".', array('{operator}' => $this->operator)));

	 * Returns the JavaScript needed for performing client-side validation.
	 * @param CModel $object the data object being validated
	 * @param string $attribute the name of the attribute to be validated.
	 * @return string the client-side validation script.
	 * @see CActiveForm::enableClientValidation
	 * @since 1.1.7
	public function clientValidateAttribute($object, $attribute)
		if ($this->compareValue !== null)
			$compareTo = $this->compareValue;
			$compareValue = CJSON::encode($this->compareValue);
			$compareAttribute = $this->compareAttribute === null ? $attribute . '_repeat' : $this->compareAttribute;
			$compareValue = "\$('#" . (CHtml::activeId($object, $compareAttribute)) . "').val()";
			$compareTo = $object->getAttributeLabel($compareAttribute);

		$message = $this->message;
		switch ($this->operator)
			case '=':
			case '==':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be repeated exactly.');
				$condition = 'value!=' . $compareValue;
			case '!=':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must not be equal to "{compareValue}".');
				$condition = 'value==' . $compareValue;
			case '>':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be greater than "{compareValue}".');
				$condition = 'value<=' . $compareValue;
			case '>=':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be greater than or equal to "{compareValue}".');
				$condition = 'value<' . $compareValue;
			case '<':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be less than "{compareValue}".');
				$condition = 'value>=' . $compareValue;
			case '<=':
				if ($message === null)
					$message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be less than or equal to "{compareValue}".');
				$condition = 'value>' . $compareValue;
				throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Invalid operator "{operator}".', array('{operator}' => $this->operator)));

		$message = strtr($message, array(
			'{attribute}' => $object->getAttributeLabel($attribute),
			'{compareValue}' => $compareTo,

		return "
if(" . ($this->allowEmpty ? "$.trim(value)!='' && " : '') . $condition . ") {
	messages.push(" . CJSON::encode($message) . ");