<?php namespace yiiunit\framework\web; use yii\web\Request; use yii\web\UrlManager; class UrlManagerTest extends \yiiunit\TestCase { public function testCreateUrl() { // default setting with '/' as base url $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'baseUrl' => '/', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view'); $this->assertEquals('?r=post/view', $url); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('?r=post/view&id=1&title=sample+post', $url); // default setting with '/test/' as base url $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'baseUrl' => '/test/', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/test?r=post/view&id=1&title=sample+post', $url); // pretty URL without rules $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'baseUrl' => '/', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/post/view?id=1&title=sample+post', $url); $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'baseUrl' => '/test/', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/test/post/view?id=1&title=sample+post', $url); $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'baseUrl' => '/test/index.php', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/test/index.php/post/view?id=1&title=sample+post', $url); // todo: test showScriptName // pretty URL with rules $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', ), ), 'baseUrl' => '/', )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/post/1/sample+post', $url); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/index', array('page' => 1)); $this->assertEquals('/post/index?page=1', $url); // pretty URL with rules and suffix $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', ), ), 'baseUrl' => '/', 'suffix' => '.html', )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('/post/1/sample+post.html', $url); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/index', array('page' => 1)); $this->assertEquals('/post/index.html?page=1', $url); // pretty URL with rules that have host info $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', 'host' => 'http://<lang:en|fr>.example.com', ), ), 'baseUrl' => '/test', )); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post', 'lang' => 'en')); $this->assertEquals('http://en.example.com/test/post/1/sample+post', $url); $url = $manager->createUrl('post/index', array('page' => 1)); $this->assertEquals('/test/post/index?page=1', $url); } public function testCreateAbsoluteUrl() { $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'baseUrl' => '/', 'hostInfo' => 'http://www.example.com', 'cache' => null, )); $url = $manager->createAbsoluteUrl('post/view', array('id' => 1, 'title' => 'sample post')); $this->assertEquals('http://www.example.com?r=post/view&id=1&title=sample+post', $url); } public function testParseRequest() { $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'cache' => null, )); $request = new Request; // default setting without 'r' param unset($_GET['r']); $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('', array()), $result); // default setting with 'r' param $_GET['r'] = 'site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('site/index', array()), $result); // default setting with 'r' param as an array $_GET['r'] = array('site/index'); $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('', array()), $result); // pretty URL without rules $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'cache' => null, )); // empty pathinfo $request->pathInfo = ''; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('', array()), $result); // normal pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('site/index', array()), $result); // pathinfo with module $request->pathInfo = 'module/site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('module/site/index', array()), $result); // pathinfo with trailing slashes $request->pathInfo = 'module/site/index/'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('module/site/index', array()), $result); // pretty URL rules $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', ), ), )); // matching pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('post/view', array('id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample')), $result); // matching pathinfo with trailing slashes $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample/'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('post/view', array('id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample')), $result); // empty pathinfo $request->pathInfo = ''; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('', array()), $result); // normal pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('site/index', array()), $result); // pathinfo with module $request->pathInfo = 'module/site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('module/site/index', array()), $result); // pretty URL rules $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'suffix' => '.html', 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', ), ), )); // matching pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample.html'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('post/view', array('id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample')), $result); // matching pathinfo without suffix $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertFalse($result); // empty pathinfo $request->pathInfo = ''; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('', array()), $result); // normal pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'site/index.html'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('site/index', array()), $result); // pathinfo without suffix $request->pathInfo = 'site/index'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertFalse($result); // strict parsing $manager = new UrlManager(array( 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'enableStrictParsing' => true, 'suffix' => '.html', 'cache' => null, 'rules' => array( array( 'pattern' => 'post/<id>/<title>', 'route' => 'post/view', ), ), )); // matching pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample.html'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(array('post/view', array('id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample')), $result); // unmatching pathinfo $request->pathInfo = 'site/index.html'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertFalse($result); } }