128 lines
6.1 KiB
128 lines
6.1 KiB
<?php |
namespace yiiunit\framework\db; |
use yii\db\QueryBuilder; |
use yii\db\Schema; |
use yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder as MysqlQueryBuilder; |
use yii\db\sqlite\QueryBuilder as SqliteQueryBuilder; |
use yii\db\mssql\QueryBuilder as MssqlQueryBuilder; |
use yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder as PgsqlQueryBuilder; |
class QueryBuilderTest extends DatabaseTestCase |
{ |
/** |
* @throws \Exception |
* @return QueryBuilder |
*/ |
protected function getQueryBuilder() |
{ |
switch ($this->driverName) { |
case 'mysql': |
return new MysqlQueryBuilder($this->getConnection()); |
case 'sqlite': |
return new SqliteQueryBuilder($this->getConnection()); |
case 'mssql': |
return new MssqlQueryBuilder($this->getConnection()); |
case 'pgsql': |
return new PgsqlQueryBuilder($this->getConnection()); |
} |
throw new \Exception('Test is not implemented for ' . $this->driverName); |
} |
/** |
* this is not used as a dataprovider for testGetColumnType to speed up the test |
* when used as dataprovider every single line will cause a reconnect with the database which is not needed here |
*/ |
public function columnTypes() |
{ |
return array( |
array(Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8)', 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_PK . ' CHECK (value > 5)', 'int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_PK . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', 'int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_STRING, 'varchar(255)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_STRING . '(32)', 'varchar(32)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', 'varchar(255) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_STRING . '(32) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', 'varchar(32) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL', 'varchar(255) NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT, 'text'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255)', 'text'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', 'text CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255) CHECK (value LIKE "test%")', 'text CHECK (value LIKE "test%")'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT . ' NOT NULL', 'text NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TEXT . '(255) NOT NULL', 'text NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT, 'smallint(6)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT . '(8)', 'smallint(8)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, 'int(11)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '(8)', 'int(8)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' CHECK (value > 5)', 'int(11) CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', 'int(8) CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . ' NOT NULL', 'int(11) NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BIGINT, 'bigint(20)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . '(8)', 'bigint(8)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . ' CHECK (value > 5)', 'bigint(20) CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . '(8) CHECK (value > 5)', 'bigint(8) CHECK (value > 5)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BIGINT . ' NOT NULL', 'bigint(20) NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_FLOAT, 'float'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . '(16,5)', 'float'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' CHECK (value > 5.6)', 'float CHECK (value > 5.6)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . '(16,5) CHECK (value > 5.6)', 'float CHECK (value > 5.6)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_FLOAT . ' NOT NULL', 'float NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL, 'decimal(10,0)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . '(12,4)', 'decimal(12,4)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . ' CHECK (value > 5.6)', 'decimal(10,0) CHECK (value > 5.6)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . '(12,4) CHECK (value > 5.6)', 'decimal(12,4) CHECK (value > 5.6)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL . ' NOT NULL', 'decimal(10,0) NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATETIME, 'datetime'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATETIME . " CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", "datetime CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATETIME . ' NOT NULL', 'datetime NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'timestamp'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . " CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", "timestamp CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP . ' NOT NULL', 'timestamp NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIME, 'time'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIME . " CHECK(value BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '13:01:01')", "time CHECK(value BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '13:01:01')"), |
array(Schema::TYPE_TIME . ' NOT NULL', 'time NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATE, 'date'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATE . " CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')", "date CHECK(value BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2013-01-01')"), |
array(Schema::TYPE_DATE . ' NOT NULL', 'date NOT NULL'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BINARY, 'blob'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'tinyint(1)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN . ' NOT NULL DEFAULT 1', 'tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_MONEY, 'decimal(19,4)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_MONEY . '(16,2)', 'decimal(16,2)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_MONEY . ' CHECK (value > 0.0)', 'decimal(19,4) CHECK (value > 0.0)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_MONEY . '(16,2) CHECK (value > 0.0)', 'decimal(16,2) CHECK (value > 0.0)'), |
array(Schema::TYPE_MONEY . ' NOT NULL', 'decimal(19,4) NOT NULL'), |
); |
} |
public function testGetColumnType() |
{ |
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); |
foreach ($this->columnTypes() as $item) { |
list ($column, $expected) = $item; |
$this->assertEquals($expected, $qb->getColumnType($column)); |
} |
} |
public function testAddDropPrimayKey() |
{ |
$tableName = 'tbl_constraints'; |
$pkeyName = $tableName . "_pkey"; |
// ADD |
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); |
$qb->db->createCommand()->addPrimaryKey($pkeyName, $tableName, array('id'))->execute(); |
$tableSchema = $qb->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName); |
$this->assertEquals(1, count($tableSchema->primaryKey)); |
//DROP |
$qb->db->createCommand()->dropPrimaryKey($pkeyName, $tableName)->execute(); |
$qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); // resets the schema |
$tableSchema = $qb->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName); |
$this->assertEquals(0, count($tableSchema->primaryKey)); |
} |