* master: (103 commits)
fixed broken test after whitespace changes in view
Removed the extra EOLs.
I add new line in methods that render code in the head and for body
GII update button style
GII create object button style [skip ci]
An error occurred
: Changed the default way of generating action URLs for ActionColumn.
View default value for $params
adjusted cubrid version in schema quote
removed cubrid env from tavis.yml
simplified cubrid db install on travis
fixed cubrid schema test for pdo type
fixed validator test break
added cubrid specific pdo type casting
Updated FileValidator tests
Better AR connection init in tests
Removed @codeCoverageIgnore
no xss for attribute error messages that contain {value}
Clientvalidation {value} was not what has been validated
moved getPdoType() to Schema.
optimized datepick js code.