Yii2 Bootstrap 3
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namespace yiiunit\data\ar\redis;
use yii\redis\RecordSchema;
class Order extends ActiveRecord
public function getCustomer()
return $this->hasOne(Customer::className(), ['id' => 'customer_id']);
public function getOrderItems()
return $this->hasMany(OrderItem::className(), ['order_id' => 'id']);
public function getItems()
return $this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])
->via('orderItems', function($q) {
// additional query configuration
public function getBooks()
return $this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])
->via('orderItems', ['order_id' => 'id']);
//->where(['category_id' => 1]);
public function beforeSave($insert)
if (parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
$this->create_time = time();
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static function getRecordSchema()
return new RecordSchema(array(
'name' => 'orders',
'primaryKey' => ['id'],
'columns' => array(
'id' => 'integer',
'customer_id' => 'integer',
'create_time' => 'integer',
'total' => 'decimal',