Yii2 Bootstrap 3

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Managing assets

An asset in Yii is a file that is included into the page. It could be CSS, JavaScript or any other file. Framework provides many ways to work with assets from basics such as adding <script src=" tag for a file that is handled by View section to advanced usage such as pusblishing files that are not under webserve document root, resolving JavaScript dependencies or minifying CSS.

Declaring asset bundle

In order to publish some assets you should declare an asset bundle first. The bundle defines a set of asset files or directories to be published and their dependencies on other asset bundles.

Both basic and advanced application templates contain AppAsset asset bundle class that defines assets required applicationwide. Let's review basic application asset bundle class:

class AppAsset extends AssetBundle
	public $basePath = '@webroot';
	public $baseUrl = '@web';
	public $css = [
	public $js = [
	public $depends = [

In the above $basePath specifies web-accessible directory assets are served from. It is a base for relative $css and $js paths i.e. @webroot/css/site.css for css/site.css. Here @webroot is an alias that points to application's web directory.

$baseUrl is used to specify base URL for the same relative $css and $js i.e. @web/css/site.css where @web is an alias that corresponds to your website base URL such as http://example.com/.

In case you have asset files under non web accessible directory, that is the case for any extension, you need to additionally specify $sourcePath. Files will be copied or symlinked from source bath to base path prior to being registered. In case source path is used baseUrl is generated automatically at the time of publising asset bundle.

Dependencies on other asset bundles are specified via $depends property. It is an array that contains fully qualified names of bundle classes that should be published in order for this bundle to work properly.

Here yii\web\YiiAsset adds Yii's JavaScript library while yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset includes Bootstrap frontend framework.

Asset bundles are regular classes so if you need to define another one, just create alike class with unique name. This class can be placed anywhere but the convention for it is to be under assets directory of the applicaiton.

Registering asset bundle

Asset bundle classes are typically registered in views or, if it's main application asset, in layout. Doing it is as simple as:

use app\assets\AppAsset;

Since we're in a view context $this refers to View class.

Overriding asset bundles

Sometimes you need to override some asset bundles application wide. A good example is loading jQuery from CDN instead of your own server. In order to do it we need to configure assetManager application component via config file. In case of basic application it is config/web.php:

return [
    // ...
    'components' => [
        'assetManager' => [
            'bundles' => [
                'yii\web\JqueryAsset' => [
                     'sourcePath' => null,
                     'js' => ['//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js']

In the above we're adding asset bundle definitions to bunldes property of asset manager. Keys there are fully qualified class paths to asset bundle classes we want to override while values are key-value arrays of class properties and corresponding values to set.

Setting sourcePath to null tells asset manager not to copy anything while js overrides local files with a link to CDN.

Asset manager is able to use symlinks instead of copying files. It is turned off by default since symlinks are often disabled on shared hosting. If your hosting environment supports symlinks you certainly should enable the feature via application config:

return [
    // ...
    'components' => [
        'assetManager' => [
            'linkAssets' => true,

There are two main benefits in enabling it. First it is faster since no copying is required and second is that assets will always be up to date with source files.