276 lines
9.4 KiB
276 lines
9.4 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!-- |
/** |
* Phing build file for Yii. |
* |
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> |
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ |
* @copyright 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC |
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ |
*/ |
--> |
<project name="yii" basedir="." default="help"> |
<!-- task definitions --> |
<taskdef name="yii-init-build" classname="YiiInitTask" classpath="tasks" /> |
<!-- |
<taskdef name="yii-pear" classname="YiiPearTask" classpath="tasks"/> |
--> |
<!-- init yii.version, yii.revision and yii.winbuild --> |
<yii-init-build /> |
<!-- these are required external commands --> |
<property name="php" value="php" /> <!-- PHP parser --> |
<property name="hhc" value="hhc" /> <!-- compile phpdoc into CHM --> |
<property name="pdflatex" value="pdflatex" /> <!-- generates PDF from LaTex --> |
<property name="pkgname" value="${phing.project.name}-${yii.version}.${yii.revision}"/> |
<property name="docname" value="${phing.project.name}-docs-${yii.version}.${yii.revision}"/> |
<property name="pearname" value="${phing.project.name}-${yii.release}.tgz" /> |
<!-- directory definitions --> |
<property name="build.base.dir" value="release"/> |
<property name="build.dist.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/dist"/> |
<property name="build.src.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}"/> |
<property name="build.pear.src.dir" value="${build.src.dir}/framework" /> |
<property name="build.doc.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/${docname}"/> |
<property name="build.web.dir" value="${build.base.dir}/web"/> |
<tstamp> |
<format property="DATE" pattern="%b %e %Y" /> |
</tstamp> |
<if> |
<equals arg1="${yii.winbuild}" arg2="true"/> |
<then> |
<property name="build" value="build"/> |
</then> |
<else> |
<property name="build" value="php build"/> |
</else> |
</if> |
<!-- source files in the framework --> |
<fileset dir=".." id="framework"> |
<exclude name="**/.gitignore"/> |
<exclude name="**/*.bak"/> |
<exclude name="**/*~"/> |
<include name="framework/**/*"/> |
<include name="requirements/**/*"/> |
<include name="demos/**/*"/> |
<include name="CHANGELOG"/> |
<include name="UPGRADE"/> |
<include name="LICENSE"/> |
<include name="README"/> |
</fileset> |
<!-- doc files --> |
<fileset dir="../docs" id="docs"> |
<exclude name="**/.gitignore"/> |
<exclude name="**/*.bak"/> |
<exclude name="**/*~"/> |
<include name="guide/**/*"/> |
<include name="blog/**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
<fileset dir="../docs/guide" id="docs-guide"> |
<exclude name="**/.gitignore"/> |
<exclude name="**/*.bak"/> |
<exclude name="**/*~"/> |
<include name="**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
<fileset dir="../docs/blog" id="docs-blog"> |
<exclude name="**/.gitignore"/> |
<exclude name="**/*.bak"/> |
<exclude name="**/*~"/> |
<include name="**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
<fileset dir="." id="writables"> |
<include name="${build.src.dir}/**/runtime" /> |
<include name="${build.src.dir}/**/assets" /> |
<include name="${build.src.dir}/demos/**/data" /> |
</fileset> |
<fileset dir="." id="executables"> |
<include name="${build.src.dir}/**/yii" /> |
</fileset> |
<target name="src" depends="sync"> |
<echo>Building package ${pkgname}...</echo> |
<echo>Copying files to build directory...</echo> |
<copy todir="${build.src.dir}"> |
<fileset refid="framework"/> |
</copy> |
<echo>Changing file permissions...</echo> |
<chmod mode="0777"> |
<fileset refid="writables" /> |
</chmod> |
<chmod mode="0755"> |
<fileset refid="executables" /> |
</chmod> |
<echo>Generating source release file...</echo> |
<mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}" /> |
<if> |
<equals arg1="${yii.winbuild}" arg2="true"/> |
<then> |
<tar destfile="${build.dist.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" compression="gzip"> |
<fileset dir="${build.base.dir}"> |
<include name="${pkgname}/**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
</tar> |
</then> |
<else> |
<exec command="tar czpf ${pkgname}.tar.gz ${pkgname}" dir="${build.base.dir}"/> |
<move file="${build.base.dir}/${pkgname}.tar.gz" todir="${build.dist.dir}" /> |
</else> |
</if> |
<zip destfile="${build.dist.dir}/${pkgname}.zip"> |
<fileset dir="${build.base.dir}"> |
<include name="${pkgname}/**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
</zip> |
</target> |
<target name="doc" depends="sync"> |
<echo>Building documentation...</echo> |
<echo>Building Guide PDF...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} guideLatex" dir="." passthru="true" /> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} guide.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/guide" passthru="true"/> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} guide.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/guide" passthru="true"/> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} guide.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/guide" passthru="true"/> |
<move file="commands/guide/guide.pdf" tofile="${build.doc.dir}/yii-guide-${yii.version}.pdf" /> |
<echo>Building Blog PDF...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} blogLatex" dir="." passthru="true" /> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} blog.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/blog" passthru="true"/> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} blog.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/blog" passthru="true"/> |
<exec command="${pdflatex} blog.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -max-print-line=120" dir="commands/blog" passthru="true"/> |
<move file="commands/blog/blog.pdf" tofile="${build.doc.dir}/yii-blog-${yii.version}.pdf" /> |
<echo>Building API...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} api ${build.doc.dir}" dir="." passthru="true" /> |
<!-- |
<echo>Building API CHM...</echo> |
<exec command="${hhc} ${build.doc.dir}/api/manual.hhp" /> |
<move file="${build.doc.dir}/api/manual.chm" tofile="${build.doc.dir}/yii-api-${yii.version}.chm" /> |
<delete> |
<fileset dir="${build.doc.dir}/api"> |
<include name="manual.*" /> |
</fileset> |
</delete> |
--> |
<echo>Generating doc release file...</echo> |
<mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}" /> |
<tar destfile="${build.dist.dir}/${docname}.tar.gz" compression="gzip"> |
<fileset dir="${build.base.dir}"> |
<include name="${docname}/**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
</tar> |
<zip destfile="${build.dist.dir}/${docname}.zip"> |
<fileset dir="${build.base.dir}"> |
<include name="${docname}/**/*"/> |
</fileset> |
</zip> |
</target> |
<target name="web" depends="sync"> |
<echo>Building online API...</echo> |
<mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}/common/data/${yii.version}" /> |
<exec command="${build} api ${build.web.dir}/common/data/${yii.version} online" dir="." passthru="true" /> |
<echo>Copying tutorials...</echo> |
<copy todir="${build.web.dir}/common/data/${yii.version}/tutorials/guide"> |
<fileset refid="docs-guide"/> |
</copy> |
<copy todir="${build.web.dir}/common/data/${yii.version}/tutorials/blog"> |
<fileset refid="docs-blog"/> |
</copy> |
<echo>Copying release text files...</echo> |
<mkdir dir="${build.web.dir}/frontend/www/files" /> |
<copy file="../CHANGELOG" tofile="${build.web.dir}/frontend/www/files/CHANGELOG-${yii.version}.txt" /> |
<copy file="../UPGRADE" tofile="${build.web.dir}/frontend/www/files/UPGRADE-${yii.version}.txt" /> |
<echo> |
Finished building Web files. |
Please update yiisite/common/data/versions.php file with the following code: |
'1.1'=>array( |
'version'=>'${yii.version}', |
'revision'=>'${yii.revision}', |
'date'=>'${yii.date}', |
'latest'=>true, |
), |
</echo> |
</target> |
<target name="sync"> |
<echo>Synchronizing code changes for ${pkgname}...</echo> |
<echo>Building autoload map...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} autoload" dir="." passthru="true"/> |
<echo>Building yiilite.php...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} lite" dir="." passthru="true"/> |
</target> |
<target name="message"> |
<echo>Extracting i18n messages...</echo> |
<exec command="${build} message ../framework/messages/config.php" dir="." passthru="true"/> |
</target> |
<!-- |
<target name="pear" depends="clean,build"> |
<echo>Generating pear package for ${phing.project.name}-${yii.release}</echo> |
<mkdir dir="${build.dist.dir}" /> |
<yii-pear pkgdir="${build.pear.src.dir}" |
channel="pear.php.net" |
version="${yii.release}" |
state="stable" |
category="framework" |
package="${phing.project.name}" |
summary="Yii PHP Framework" |
pkgdescription="Yii PHP Framework: Best for Web 2.0 Development" |
notes="http://www.yiiframework.com/files/CHANGELOG-${yii.release}.txt" |
license="BSD" |
/> |
<exec command="pear package" dir="${build.pear.src.dir}" passthru="true" /> |
<move file="${build.pear.src.dir}/${pearname}" tofile="${build.dist.dir}/${pearname}" /> |
</target> |
--> |
<target name="clean"> |
<echo>Cleaning up the build...</echo> |
<delete dir="${build.base.dir}"/> |
</target> |
<target name="help"> |
<echo> |
Welcome to use Yii build script! |
-------------------------------- |
You may use the following command format to build a target: |
phing <target name> |
where <target name> can be one of the following: |
- sync : synchronize yiilite.php and BaseYii.php |
- message : extract i18n messages of the framework |
- src : build source release |
- doc : build documentation release (Windows only) |
- clean : clean up the build |
</echo> |
</target> |