550 lines
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550 lines
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<?php |
/** |
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC |
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ |
*/ |
namespace yii\gii\generators\model; |
use Yii; |
use yii\db\ActiveRecord; |
use yii\db\Connection; |
use yii\db\Schema; |
use yii\gii\CodeFile; |
use yii\helpers\Inflector; |
/** |
* This generator will generate one or multiple ActiveRecord classes for the specified database table. |
* |
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> |
* @since 2.0 |
*/ |
class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator |
{ |
public $db = 'db'; |
public $ns = 'app\models'; |
public $tableName; |
public $modelClass; |
public $baseClass = 'yii\db\ActiveRecord'; |
public $generateRelations = true; |
public $generateLabelsFromComments = false; |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function getName() |
{ |
return 'Model Generator'; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function getDescription() |
{ |
return 'This generator generates an ActiveRecord class for the specified database table.'; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function rules() |
{ |
return array_merge(parent::rules(), [ |
['db, ns, tableName, modelClass, baseClass', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'], |
['db, ns, tableName, baseClass', 'required'], |
['db, modelClass', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^\w+$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters are allowed.'], |
['ns, baseClass', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[\w\\\\]+$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters and backslashes are allowed.'], |
['tableName', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^(\w+\.)?([\w\*]+)$/', 'message' => 'Only word characters, and optionally an asterisk and/or a dot are allowed.'], |
['db', 'validateDb'], |
['ns', 'validateNamespace'], |
['tableName', 'validateTableName'], |
['modelClass', 'validateModelClass', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], |
['baseClass', 'validateClass', 'params' => ['extends' => ActiveRecord::className()]], |
['generateRelations, generateLabelsFromComments', 'boolean'], |
]); |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function attributeLabels() |
{ |
return [ |
'ns' => 'Namespace', |
'db' => 'Database Connection ID', |
'tableName' => 'Table Name', |
'modelClass' => 'Model Class', |
'baseClass' => 'Base Class', |
'generateRelations' => 'Generate Relations', |
'generateLabelsFromComments' => 'Generate Labels from DB Comments', |
]; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function hints() |
{ |
return [ |
'ns' => 'This is the namespace of the ActiveRecord class to be generated, e.g., <code>app\models</code>', |
'db' => 'This is the ID of the DB application component.', |
'tableName' => 'This is the name of the DB table that the new ActiveRecord class is associated with, e.g. <code>tbl_post</code>. |
The table name may consist of the DB schema part if needed, e.g. <code>public.tbl_post</code>. |
The table name may end with asterisk to match multiple table names, e.g. <code>tbl_*</code> |
will match tables who name starts with <code>tbl_</code>. In this case, multiple ActiveRecord classes |
will be generated, one for each matching table name; and the class names will be generated from |
the matching characters. For example, table <code>tbl_post</code> will generate <code>Post</code> |
class.', |
'modelClass' => 'This is the name of the ActiveRecord class to be generated. The class name should not contain |
the namespace part as it is specified in "Namespace". You do not need to specify the class name |
if "Table Name" ends with asterisk, in which case multiple ActiveRecord classes will be generated.', |
'baseClass' => 'This is the base class of the new ActiveRecord class. It should be a fully qualified namespaced class name.', |
'generateRelations' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate relations based on |
foreign key constraints it detects in the database. Note that if your database contains too many tables, |
you may want to uncheck this option to accelerate the code generation proc ess.', |
'generateLabelsFromComments' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate attribute labels |
by using the comments of the corresponding DB columns.', |
]; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function autoCompleteData() |
{ |
return [ |
'tableName' => function () { |
return $this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTableNames(); |
}, |
]; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function requiredTemplates() |
{ |
return ['model.php']; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function stickyAttributes() |
{ |
return ['ns', 'db', 'baseClass', 'generateRelations', 'generateLabelsFromComments']; |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
public function generate() |
{ |
$files = []; |
$relations = $this->generateRelations(); |
$db = $this->getDbConnection(); |
foreach ($this->getTableNames() as $tableName) { |
$className = $this->generateClassName($tableName); |
$tableSchema = $db->getTableSchema($tableName); |
$params = [ |
'tableName' => $tableName, |
'className' => $className, |
'tableSchema' => $tableSchema, |
'labels' => $this->generateLabels($tableSchema), |
'rules' => $this->generateRules($tableSchema), |
'relations' => isset($relations[$className]) ? $relations[$className] : [], |
]; |
$files[] = new CodeFile( |
Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->ns)) . '/' . $className . '.php', |
$this->render('model.php', $params) |
); |
} |
return $files; |
} |
/** |
* Generates the attribute labels for the specified table. |
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema |
* @return array the generated attribute labels (name => label) |
*/ |
public function generateLabels($table) |
{ |
$labels = []; |
foreach ($table->columns as $column) { |
if ($this->generateLabelsFromComments && !empty($column->comment)) { |
$labels[$column->name] = $column->comment; |
} elseif (!strcasecmp($column->name, 'id')) { |
$labels[$column->name] = 'ID'; |
} else { |
$label = Inflector::camel2words($column->name); |
if (strcasecmp(substr($label, -3), ' id') === 0) { |
$label = substr($label, 0, -3) . ' ID'; |
} |
$labels[$column->name] = $label; |
} |
} |
return $labels; |
} |
/** |
* Generates validation rules for the specified table. |
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema |
* @return array the generated validation rules |
*/ |
public function generateRules($table) |
{ |
$types = []; |
$lengths = []; |
foreach ($table->columns as $column) { |
if ($column->autoIncrement) { |
continue; |
} |
if (!$column->allowNull && $column->defaultValue === null) { |
$types['required'][] = $column->name; |
} |
switch ($column->type) { |
case Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT: |
case Schema::TYPE_INTEGER: |
case Schema::TYPE_BIGINT: |
$types['integer'][] = $column->name; |
break; |
case Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN: |
$types['boolean'][] = $column->name; |
break; |
case Schema::TYPE_FLOAT: |
case Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL: |
case Schema::TYPE_MONEY: |
$types['number'][] = $column->name; |
break; |
case Schema::TYPE_DATE: |
case Schema::TYPE_TIME: |
case Schema::TYPE_DATETIME: |
case Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: |
$types['safe'][] = $column->name; |
break; |
default: // strings |
if ($column->size > 0) { |
$lengths[$column->size][] = $column->name; |
} else { |
$types['string'][] = $column->name; |
} |
} |
} |
$rules = []; |
foreach ($types as $type => $columns) { |
$rules[] = "['" . implode(', ', $columns) . "', '$type']"; |
} |
foreach ($lengths as $length => $columns) { |
$rules[] = "['" . implode(', ', $columns) . "', 'string', 'max' => $length]"; |
} |
return $rules; |
} |
/** |
* @return array the generated relation declarations |
*/ |
protected function generateRelations() |
{ |
if (!$this->generateRelations) { |
return []; |
} |
$db = $this->getDbConnection(); |
if (($pos = strpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) { |
$schemaName = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos); |
} else { |
$schemaName = ''; |
} |
$relations = []; |
foreach ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchemas($schemaName) as $table) { |
$tableName = $table->name; |
$className = $this->generateClassName($tableName); |
foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $refs) { |
$refTable = $refs[0]; |
unset($refs[0]); |
$fks = array_keys($refs); |
$refClassName = $this->generateClassName($refTable); |
// Add relation for this table |
$link = $this->generateRelationLink(array_flip($refs)); |
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $className, $table, $fks[0], false); |
$relations[$className][$relationName] = [ |
"return \$this->hasOne($refClassName::className(), $link);", |
$refClassName, |
false, |
]; |
// Add relation for the referenced table |
$hasMany = false; |
foreach ($fks as $key) { |
if (!in_array($key, $table->primaryKey, true)) { |
$hasMany = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
$link = $this->generateRelationLink($refs); |
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $refClassName, $refTable, $className, $hasMany); |
$relations[$refClassName][$relationName] = [ |
"return \$this->" . ($hasMany ? 'hasMany' : 'hasOne') . "($className::className(), $link);", |
$className, |
$hasMany, |
]; |
} |
if (($fks = $this->checkPivotTable($table)) === false) { |
continue; |
} |
$table0 = $fks[$table->primaryKey[0]][0]; |
$table1 = $fks[$table->primaryKey[1]][0]; |
$className0 = $this->generateClassName($table0); |
$className1 = $this->generateClassName($table1); |
$link = $this->generateRelationLink([$fks[$table->primaryKey[1]][1] => $table->primaryKey[1]]); |
$viaLink = $this->generateRelationLink([$table->primaryKey[0] => $fks[$table->primaryKey[0]][1]]); |
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $className0, $db->getTableSchema($table0), $table->primaryKey[1], true); |
$relations[$className0][$relationName] = [ |
"return \$this->hasMany($className1::className(), $link)->viaTable('{$table->name}', $viaLink);", |
$className0, |
true, |
]; |
$link = $this->generateRelationLink([$fks[$table->primaryKey[0]][1] => $table->primaryKey[0]]); |
$viaLink = $this->generateRelationLink([$table->primaryKey[1] => $fks[$table->primaryKey[1]][1]]); |
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($relations, $className1, $db->getTableSchema($table1), $table->primaryKey[0], true); |
$relations[$className1][$relationName] = [ |
"return \$this->hasMany($className0::className(), $link)->viaTable('{$table->name}', $viaLink);", |
$className1, |
true, |
]; |
} |
return $relations; |
} |
/** |
* Generates the link parameter to be used in generating the relation declaration. |
* @param array $refs reference constraint |
* @return string the generated link parameter. |
*/ |
protected function generateRelationLink($refs) |
{ |
$pairs = []; |
foreach ($refs as $a => $b) { |
$pairs[] = "'$a' => '$b'"; |
} |
return '[' . implode(', ', $pairs) . ']'; |
} |
/** |
* Checks if the given table is a pivot table. |
* For simplicity, this method only deals with the case where the pivot contains two PK columns, |
* each referencing a column in a different table. |
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema the table being checked |
* @return array|boolean the relevant foreign key constraint information if the table is a pivot table, |
* or false if the table is not a pivot table. |
*/ |
protected function checkPivotTable($table) |
{ |
$pk = $table->primaryKey; |
if (count($pk) !== 2) { |
return false; |
} |
$fks = []; |
foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $refs) { |
if (count($refs) === 2) { |
if (isset($refs[$pk[0]])) { |
$fks[$pk[0]] = [$refs[0], $refs[$pk[0]]]; |
} elseif (isset($refs[$pk[1]])) { |
$fks[$pk[1]] = [$refs[0], $refs[$pk[1]]]; |
} |
} |
} |
if (count($fks) === 2 && $fks[$pk[0]][0] !== $fks[$pk[1]][0]) { |
return $fks; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
/** |
* Generate a relation name for the specified table and a base name. |
* @param array $relations the relations being generated currently. |
* @param string $className the class name that will contain the relation declarations |
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table schema |
* @param string $key a base name that the relation name may be generated from |
* @param boolean $multiple whether this is a has-many relation |
* @return string the relation name |
*/ |
protected function generateRelationName($relations, $className, $table, $key, $multiple) |
{ |
if (strcasecmp(substr($key, -2), 'id') === 0 && strcasecmp($key, 'id')) { |
$key = rtrim(substr($key, 0, -2), '_'); |
} |
if ($multiple) { |
$key = Inflector::pluralize($key); |
} |
$name = $rawName = Inflector::id2camel($key, '_'); |
$i = 0; |
while (isset($table->columns[$name])) { |
$name = $rawName . ($i++); |
} |
while (isset($relations[$className][$name])) { |
$name = $rawName . ($i++); |
} |
return $name; |
} |
/** |
* Validates the [[db]] attribute. |
*/ |
public function validateDb() |
{ |
if (Yii::$app->hasComponent($this->db) === false) { |
$this->addError('db', 'There is no application component named "db".'); |
} elseif (!Yii::$app->getComponent($this->db) instanceof Connection) { |
$this->addError('db', 'The "db" application component must be a DB connection instance.'); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Validates the [[ns]] attribute. |
*/ |
public function validateNamespace() |
{ |
$this->ns = ltrim($this->ns, '\\'); |
$path = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->ns), false); |
if ($path === false) { |
$this->addError('ns', 'Namespace must be associated with an existing directory.'); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Validates the [[modelClass]] attribute. |
*/ |
public function validateModelClass() |
{ |
if ($this->isReservedKeyword($this->modelClass)) { |
$this->addError('modelClass', 'Class name cannot be a reserved PHP keyword.'); |
} |
if (substr($this->tableName, -1) !== '*' && $this->modelClass == '') { |
$this->addError('modelClass', 'Model Class cannot be blank if table name does not end with asterisk.'); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Validates the [[tableName]] attribute. |
*/ |
public function validateTableName() |
{ |
if (($pos = strpos($this->tableName, '*')) !== false && substr($this->tableName, -1) !== '*') { |
$this->addError('tableName', 'Asterisk is only allowed as the last character.'); |
return; |
} |
$tables = $this->getTableNames(); |
if (empty($tables)) { |
$this->addError('tableName', "Table '{$this->tableName}' does not exist."); |
} else { |
foreach ($tables as $table) { |
$class = $this->generateClassName($table); |
if ($this->isReservedKeyword($class)) { |
$this->addError('tableName', "Table '$table' will generate a class which is a reserved PHP keyword."); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private $_tableNames; |
private $_classNames; |
/** |
* @return array the table names that match the pattern specified by [[tableName]]. |
*/ |
protected function getTableNames() |
{ |
if ($this->_tableNames !== null) { |
return $this->_tableNames; |
} |
$db = $this->getDbConnection(); |
if ($db === null) { |
return []; |
} |
$tableNames = []; |
if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) { |
if (($pos = strrpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) { |
$schema = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos); |
$pattern = '/^' . str_replace('*', '\w+', substr($this->tableName, $pos + 1)) . '$/'; |
} else { |
$schema = ''; |
$pattern = '/^' . str_replace('*', '\w+', $this->tableName) . '$/'; |
} |
foreach ($db->schema->getTableNames($schema) as $table) { |
if (preg_match($pattern, $table)) { |
$tableNames[] = $schema === '' ? $table : ($schema . '.' . $table); |
} |
} |
} elseif (($table = $db->getTableSchema($this->tableName, true)) !== null) { |
$tableNames[] = $this->tableName; |
$this->_classNames[$this->tableName] = $this->modelClass; |
} |
return $this->_tableNames = $tableNames; |
} |
/** |
* Generates a class name from the specified table name. |
* @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix) |
* @return string the generated class name |
*/ |
protected function generateClassName($tableName) |
{ |
if (isset($this->_classNames[$tableName])) { |
return $this->_classNames[$tableName]; |
} |
if (($pos = strrpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) { |
$tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 1); |
} |
$db = $this->getDbConnection(); |
$patterns = []; |
if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) { |
$pattern = $this->tableName; |
if (($pos = strrpos($pattern, '.')) !== false) { |
$pattern = substr($pattern, $pos + 1); |
} |
$patterns[] = '/^' . str_replace('*', '(\w+)', $pattern) . '$/'; |
} |
if (!empty($db->tablePrefix)) { |
$patterns[] = "/^{$db->tablePrefix}(.*?)$/"; |
$patterns[] = "/^(.*?){$db->tablePrefix}$/"; |
} else { |
$patterns[] = "/^tbl_(.*?)$/"; |
} |
$className = $tableName; |
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { |
if (preg_match($pattern, $tableName, $matches)) { |
$className = $matches[1]; |
break; |
} |
} |
return $this->_classNames[$tableName] = Inflector::id2camel($className, '_'); |
} |
/** |
* @return Connection the DB connection as specified by [[db]]. |
*/ |
protected function getDbConnection() |
{ |
return Yii::$app->{$this->db}; |
} |