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9 years ago
namespace tests;
use lhs\Yii2SaveRelationsBehavior\SaveRelationsBehavior;
use SebastianBergmann\GlobalState\RuntimeException;
use tests\models\Company;
use tests\models\Link;
use tests\models\Project;
use tests\models\User;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\db\Migration;
class SaveRelationsBehaviorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected function setUp()
protected function tearDown()
$db = Yii::$app->getDb();
9 years ago
protected function setupDbData()
/** @var \yii\db\Connection $db */
$db = Yii::$app->getDb();
$migration = new Migration();
* Create tables
// Company
$db->createCommand()->createTable('company', [
'id' => $migration->primaryKey(),
'name' => $migration->string()->notNull()->unique()
// User
$db->createCommand()->createTable('user', [
'id' => $migration->primaryKey(),
'username' => $migration->string()->notNull()->unique()
// Project
$db->createCommand()->createTable('project', [
'id' => $migration->primaryKey(),
'name' => $migration->string()->notNull(),
'company_id' => $migration->integer()->notNull(),
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('company_id-name', 'project', 'company_id,name', true)->execute();
$db->createCommand()->createTable('link', [
'language' => $migration->string(5)->notNull(),
'name' => $migration->string()->notNull(),
'link' => $migration->string()->notNull(),
'link_type_id' => $migration->integer(),
9 years ago
'PRIMARY KEY(language, name)'
$db->createCommand()->createTable('link_type', [
'id' => $migration->primaryKey(),
'name' => $migration->string()->notNull()->unique()
9 years ago
$db->createCommand()->createTable('project_link', [
'language' => $migration->string(5)->notNull(),
'name' => $migration->string()->notNull(),
'project_id' => $migration->integer()->notNull(),
'PRIMARY KEY(language, name, project_id)'
// Project User
$db->createCommand()->createTable('project_user', [
'project_id' => $migration->integer()->notNull(),
'user_id' => $migration->integer()->notNull(),
'PRIMARY KEY(project_id, user_id)'
* Insert some data
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('company', ['id', 'name'], [
[1, 'Apple'],
[2, 'Microsoft'],
[3, 'Google'],
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('user', ['id', 'username'], [
[1, 'Steve Jobs'],
[2, 'Bill Gates'],
[3, 'Tim Cook'],
[4, 'Jonathan Ive']
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('project', ['id', 'name', 'company_id'], [
[1, 'Mac OS X', 1],
[2, 'Windows 10', 2]
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('link_type', ['id', 'name'], [
[1, 'public'],
[2, 'private']
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('link', ['language', 'name', 'link', 'link_type_id'], [
['fr', 'mac_os_x', '', 1],
['en', 'mac_os_x', '', 1]
9 years ago
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('project_link', ['language', 'name', 'project_id'], [
['fr', 'mac_os_x', 1],
['en', 'mac_os_x', 1]
$db->createCommand()->batchInsert('project_user', ['project_id', 'user_id'], [
[1, 1],
[1, 4],
[2, 2]
* @expectedException RuntimeException
public function testCannotAttachBehaviorToAnythingButActiveRecord()
$model = new Model();
$model->attachBehavior('saveRelated', SaveRelationsBehavior::className());
* @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidCallException
public function testTryToSetUndeclaredRelationShouldFail()
$project = new Project();
$project->projectUsers = [];
public function testSaveExistingHasOneRelationAsModelShouldSucceed()
$project = new Project();
$project->name = "iOS 9";
$project->company = Company::findOne(1);
$this->assertTrue($project->validate(), 'Project should be valid');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(1, $project->company_id, 'Company ID is not the one expected');
public function testSaveExistingHasOneRelationAsIdShouldSucceed()
$project = new Project();
$project->name = "GMail";
$project->company = 3;
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(3, $project->company_id, 'Company ID is not the one expected');
public function testSaveNewHasOneRelationShouldSucceed()
$project = new Project();
$project->name = "Java";
$company = new Company();
$company->name = "Oracle";
$project->company = $company;
$this->assertTrue($company->isNewRecord, 'Company should be a new record');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertNotNull($project->company_id, 'Company ID should be set');
$this->assertEquals($project->company_id, $company->id, 'Company ID is not the one expected');
public function testChangingHasOneRelationShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$project->company = Company::findOne(2); // Change project company from Apple to Microsoft
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could be saved');
$this->assertEquals(2, $project->company_id);
$this->assertEquals('Microsoft', $project->company->name);
public function testSaveInvalidNewHasOneRelationShouldFail()
$project = new Project();
$project->name = "Java";
$company = new Company();
$project->company = $company;
$this->assertTrue($company->isNewRecord, 'Company should be a new record');
$this->assertFalse($project->save(), 'Project could be saved');
$this->assertArrayHasKey('company', $project->getErrors(),
'Validation errors do not contain a message for company');
$this->assertEquals('Company: Name cannot be blank.', $project->getFirstError('company'));
public function testSaveAddedExistingHasManyRelationShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$user = User::findOne(3);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users before save');
$project->users = array_merge($project->users, [$user]); // Add new user to the existing list
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after save');
public function testSaveAddedExistingHasManyRelationAsArrayShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$user = ['id' => 3];
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users before save');
$project->users = array_merge($project->users, [$user]); // Add new user to the existing list
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after save');
public function testSaveAddedExistingHasManyRelationAsIDShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$user = 3;
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users before save');
$project->users = array_merge($project->users, [$user]); // Add new user to the existing list
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->users), 'Project should have 3 users after save');
public function testSaveDeletedExistingHasManyRelationShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users before save');
$project->users = User::findAll([1]); // Change users by removing one
$this->assertEquals(1, count($project->users), 'Project should have 1 user after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(1, count($project->users), 'Project should have 1 user after save');
public function testSaveNewHasManyRelationAsModelShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(2);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($project->users), 'Project should have 1 user before save');
$user = new User();
$user->username = "Steve Balmer";
$project->users = array_merge($project->users, [$user]); // Add a fresh new user
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after save');
public function testSaveNewHasManyRelationAsArrayShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(2);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($project->users), 'Project should have 1 user before save');
$user = ['username' => "Steve Balmer"];
$project->users = array_merge($project->users, [$user]); // Add a fresh new user
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after save');
$this->assertEquals("Steve Balmer", $project->users[1]->username, 'Second user should be Steve Balmer');
$this->assertNotEmpty($project->users[1]->id, 'Second user should have an ID');
public function testSaveNewHasManyRelationWithCompositeFksShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->links), 'Project should have 2 links before save');
$link = new Link();
$link->language = 'fr';
$link->name = 'windows10';
$link->link = '';
$project->links = array_merge($project->links, [$link]);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->links), 'Project should have 3 links after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($project->links), 'Project should have 3 links after save');
$this->assertEquals("", $project->links[2]->link,
'Second link should be');
9 years ago
public function testSaveNewHasManyRelationWithCompositeFksAsArrayShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->links), 'Project should have 2 links before save');
$links = [
['language' => 'fr', 'name' => 'windows10', 'link' => ''],
['language' => 'en', 'name' => 'windows10', 'link' => '']
$project->links = array_merge($project->links, $links);
$this->assertEquals(4, count($project->links), 'Project should have 4 links after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(4, count($project->links), 'Project should have 4 links after save');
$this->assertEquals("", $project->links[2]->link,
'Second link should be');
$this->assertEquals("", $project->links[3]->link,
'Third link should be');
9 years ago
public function testSaveUpdatedHasManyRelationWithCompositeFksAsArrayShouldSucceed()
$project = Project::findOne(1);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->links), 'Project should have 2 links before save');
$links = $project->links;
$links[1]->link = "";
$project->links = $links;
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals("", $project->links[1]->link,
'Second link "Link" attribute should be ""');
9 years ago
public function testSaveMixedRelationsShouldSucceed()
$project = new Project();
$project->name = "New project";
$project->company = Company::findOne(2);
$users = User::findAll([1, 3]);
9 years ago
$this->assertEquals(0, count($project->users), 'Project should have 0 users before save');
$project->users = $users; // Add users
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after assignment');
$this->assertTrue($project->save(), 'Project could not be saved');
$this->assertEquals(2, count($project->users), 'Project should have 2 users after save');
$this->assertEquals(2, $project->company_id, 'Company ID is not the one expected');
public function testSettingANullRelationShouldSucceed()
$link = new Link();
$link->language = 'en';
$link->name = 'yii';
$link->link = '';
$link->linkType = null;
$this->assertTrue($link->save(), 'Link could not be saved');
$this->assertNull($link->linkType, "Link type should be null");
$this->assertNull($link->link_type_id, "Link type id should be null");
public function testUnsettingARelationShouldSucceed()
$link = Link::findOne(['language' => 'fr', 'name' => 'mac_os_x']);
$this->assertEquals(1, $link->link_type_id, 'Link type id should be 1');
$link->linkType = null;
$this->assertTrue($link->save(), 'Link could not be saved');
$this->assertNull($link->linkType, "Link type should be null");
$this->assertNull($link->link_type_id, "Link type id should be null");
9 years ago