627 lines
20 KiB

* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\console\controllers;
use Yii;
use yii\console\Exception;
use yii\console\Controller;
* This command allows you to combine and compress your JavaScript and CSS files.
* Usage:
* 1. Create a configuration file using 'template' action:
* yii asset/template /path/to/myapp/config.php
* 2. Edit the created config file, adjusting it for your web application needs.
* 3. Run the 'compress' action, using created config:
* yii asset /path/to/myapp/config.php /path/to/myapp/config/assets_compressed.php
* 4. Adjust your web application config to use compressed assets.
* Note: in the console environment some path aliases like '@webroot' and '@web' may not exist,
* so corresponding paths inside the configuration should be specified directly.
* Note: by default this command relies on an external tools to perform actual files compression,
* check [[jsCompressor]] and [[cssCompressor]] for more details.
* @property array|\yii\web\AssetManager $assetManager asset manager, which will be used for assets processing.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class AssetController extends Controller
* @var string controller default action ID.
public $defaultAction = 'compress';
* @var array list of asset bundles to be compressed.
public $bundles = array();
* @var array list of asset bundles, which represents output compressed files.
* You can specify the name of the output compressed file using 'css' and 'js' keys:
* For example:
* ~~~
* 'app\config\AllAsset' => array(
* 'js' => 'js/all-{ts}.js',
* 'css' => 'css/all-{ts}.css',
* 'depends' => array( ... ),
* )
* ~~~
* File names can contain placeholder "{ts}", which will be filled by current timestamp, while
* file creation.
public $targets = array();
* @var string|callback JavaScript file compressor.
* If a string, it is treated as shell command template, which should contain
* placeholders {from} - source file name - and {to} - output file name.
* Otherwise, it is treated as PHP callback, which should perform the compression.
* Default value relies on usage of "Closure Compiler"
* @see https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/
public $jsCompressor = 'java -jar compiler.jar --js {from} --js_output_file {to}';
* @var string|callback CSS file compressor.
* If a string, it is treated as shell command template, which should contain
* placeholders {from} - source file name - and {to} - output file name.
* Otherwise, it is treated as PHP callback, which should perform the compression.
* Default value relies on usage of "YUI Compressor"
* @see https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/
public $cssCompressor = 'java -jar yuicompressor.jar {from} -o {to}';
* @var array|\yii\web\AssetManager [[yii\web\AssetManager]] instance or its array configuration, which will be used
* for assets processing.
private $_assetManager = array();
* Returns the asset manager instance.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on invalid configuration.
* @return \yii\web\AssetManager asset manager instance.
public function getAssetManager()
if (!is_object($this->_assetManager)) {
$options = $this->_assetManager;
if (!isset($options['class'])) {
$options['class'] = 'yii\\web\\AssetManager';
if (!isset($options['basePath'])) {
throw new Exception("Please specify 'basePath' for the 'assetManager' option.");
if (!isset($options['baseUrl'])) {
throw new Exception("Please specify 'baseUrl' for the 'assetManager' option.");
$this->_assetManager = Yii::createObject($options);
return $this->_assetManager;
* Sets asset manager instance or configuration.
* @param \yii\web\AssetManager|array $assetManager asset manager instance or its array configuration.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on invalid argument type.
public function setAssetManager($assetManager)
if (is_scalar($assetManager)) {
throw new Exception('"' . get_class($this) . '::assetManager" should be either object or array - "' . gettype($assetManager) . '" given.');
$this->_assetManager = $assetManager;
* Combines and compresses the asset files according to the given configuration.
* During the process new asset bundle configuration file will be created.
* You should replace your original asset bundle configuration with this file in order to use compressed files.
* @param string $configFile configuration file name.
* @param string $bundleFile output asset bundles configuration file name.
public function actionCompress($configFile, $bundleFile)
$bundles = $this->loadBundles($this->bundles);
12 years ago
$targets = $this->loadTargets($this->targets, $bundles);
$this->publishBundles($bundles, $this->assetManager);
$timestamp = time();
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
echo "Creating output bundle '{$name}':\n";
12 years ago
if (!empty($target->js)) {
$this->buildTarget($target, 'js', $bundles, $timestamp);
12 years ago
if (!empty($target->css)) {
$this->buildTarget($target, 'css', $bundles, $timestamp);
echo "\n";
$targets = $this->adjustDependency($targets, $bundles);
12 years ago
$this->saveTargets($targets, $bundleFile);
* Applies configuration from the given file to self instance.
* @param string $configFile configuration file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure.
protected function loadConfiguration($configFile)
echo "Loading configuration from '{$configFile}'...\n";
foreach (require($configFile) as $name => $value) {
if (property_exists($this, $name) || $this->canSetProperty($name)) {
$this->$name = $value;
} else {
12 years ago
throw new Exception("Unknown configuration option: $name");
$this->getAssetManager(); // check if asset manager configuration is correct
* Creates full list of source asset bundles.
* @param string[] $bundles list of asset bundle names
* @return \yii\web\AssetBundle[] list of source asset bundles.
protected function loadBundles($bundles)
echo "Collecting source bundles information...\n";
$am = $this->getAssetManager();
$result = array();
foreach ($bundles as $name) {
$result[$name] = $am->getBundle($name);
foreach ($result as $bundle) {
$this->loadDependency($bundle, $result);
return $result;
* Loads asset bundle dependencies recursively.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle $bundle bundle instance
* @param array $result already loaded bundles list.
* @throws Exception on failure.
protected function loadDependency($bundle, &$result)
12 years ago
$am = $this->getAssetManager();
foreach ($bundle->depends as $name) {
if (!isset($result[$name])) {
$dependencyBundle = $am->getBundle($name);
$result[$name] = false;
$this->loadDependency($dependencyBundle, $result);
$result[$name] = $dependencyBundle;
} elseif ($result[$name] === false) {
throw new Exception("A circular dependency is detected for bundle '$name'.");
* Creates full list of output asset bundles.
* @param array $targets output asset bundles configuration.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $bundles list of source asset bundles.
* @return \yii\web\AssetBundle[] list of output asset bundles.
* @throws Exception on failure.
12 years ago
protected function loadTargets($targets, $bundles)
// build the dependency order of bundles
12 years ago
$registered = array();
foreach ($bundles as $name => $bundle) {
$this->registerBundle($bundles, $name, $registered);
$bundleOrders = array_combine(array_keys($registered), range(0, count($bundles) - 1));
// fill up the target which has empty 'depends'.
$referenced = array();
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
if (empty($target['depends'])) {
if (!isset($all)) {
$all = $name;
} else {
throw new Exception("Only one target can have empty 'depends' option. Found two now: $all, $name");
} else {
foreach ($target['depends'] as $bundle) {
if (!isset($referenced[$bundle])) {
$referenced[$bundle] = $name;
} else {
throw new Exception("Target '{$referenced[$bundle]}' and '$name' cannot contain the bundle '$bundle' at the same time.");
if (isset($all)) {
$targets[$all]['depends'] = array_diff(array_keys($registered), array_keys($referenced));
// adjust the 'depends' order for each target according to the dependency order of bundles
// create an AssetBundle object for each target
12 years ago
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
if (!isset($target['basePath'])) {
throw new Exception("Please specify 'basePath' for the '$name' target.");
if (!isset($target['baseUrl'])) {
throw new Exception("Please specify 'baseUrl' for the '$name' target.");
usort($target['depends'], function ($a, $b) use ($bundleOrders) {
if ($bundleOrders[$a] == $bundleOrders[$b]) {
return 0;
} else {
return $bundleOrders[$a] > $bundleOrders[$b] ? 1 : -1;
$target['class'] = $name;
12 years ago
$targets[$name] = Yii::createObject($target);
return $targets;
* Publishes given asset bundles.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $bundles asset bundles to be published.
protected function publishBundles($bundles)
echo "\nPublishing bundles:\n";
$assetManager = $this->getAssetManager();
foreach ($bundles as $name => $bundle) {
echo " '".$name."' published.\n";
echo "\n";
* Builds output asset bundle.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle $target output asset bundle
* @param string $type either 'js' or 'css'.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $bundles source asset bundles.
* @param integer $timestamp current timestamp.
* @throws Exception on failure.
12 years ago
protected function buildTarget($target, $type, $bundles, $timestamp)
12 years ago
$outputFile = strtr($target->$type, array(
'{ts}' => $timestamp,
$inputFiles = array();
12 years ago
foreach ($target->depends as $name) {
if (isset($bundles[$name])) {
foreach ($bundles[$name]->$type as $file) {
$inputFiles[] = $bundles[$name]->basePath . '/' . $file;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown bundle: '{$name}'");
if ($type === 'js') {
12 years ago
$this->compressJsFiles($inputFiles, $target->basePath . '/' . $outputFile);
} else {
12 years ago
$this->compressCssFiles($inputFiles, $target->basePath . '/' . $outputFile);
12 years ago
$target->$type = array($outputFile);
* Adjust dependencies between asset bundles in the way source bundles begin to depend on output ones.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $targets output asset bundles.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $bundles source asset bundles.
* @return \yii\web\AssetBundle[] output asset bundles.
protected function adjustDependency($targets, $bundles)
echo "Creating new bundle configuration...\n";
12 years ago
$map = array();
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
foreach ($target->depends as $bundle) {
$map[$bundle] = $name;
12 years ago
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
$depends = array();
foreach ($target->depends as $bn) {
foreach ($bundles[$bn]->depends as $bundle) {
$depends[$map[$bundle]] = true;
$target->depends = array_keys($depends);
// detect possible circular dependencies
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
$registered = array();
$this->registerBundle($targets, $name, $registered);
foreach ($map as $bundle => $target) {
$targets[$bundle] = Yii::createObject(array(
'class' => 'yii\\web\\AssetBundle',
'depends' => array($target),
return $targets;
* Registers asset bundles including their dependencies.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $bundles asset bundles list.
* @param string $name bundle name.
* @param array $registered stores already registered names.
* @throws Exception if circular dependency is detected.
12 years ago
protected function registerBundle($bundles, $name, &$registered)
if (!isset($registered[$name])) {
$registered[$name] = false;
$bundle = $bundles[$name];
foreach ($bundle->depends as $depend) {
$this->registerBundle($bundles, $depend, $registered);
$registered[$name] = true;
} elseif ($registered[$name] === false) {
throw new Exception("A circular dependency is detected for target '$name'.");
* Saves new asset bundles configuration.
* @param \yii\web\AssetBundle[] $targets list of asset bundles to be saved.
* @param string $bundleFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure.
12 years ago
protected function saveTargets($targets, $bundleFile)
$array = array();
foreach ($targets as $name => $target) {
foreach (array('js', 'css', 'depends', 'basePath', 'baseUrl') as $prop) {
if (!empty($target->$prop)) {
$array[$name][$prop] = $target->$prop;
$array = var_export($array, true);
$version = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$bundleFileContent = <<<EOD
12 years ago
* This file is generated by the "yii {$this->id}" command.
* @version {$version}
12 years ago
return {$array};
if (!file_put_contents($bundleFile, $bundleFileContent)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to write output bundle configuration at '{$bundleFile}'.");
echo "Output bundle configuration created at '{$bundleFile}'.\n";
12 years ago
* Compresses given JavaScript files and combines them into the single one.
* @param array $inputFiles list of source file names.
* @param string $outputFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure
protected function compressJsFiles($inputFiles, $outputFile)
if (empty($inputFiles)) {
echo " Compressing JavaScript files...\n";
if (is_string($this->jsCompressor)) {
$tmpFile = $outputFile . '.tmp';
$this->combineJsFiles($inputFiles, $tmpFile);
echo shell_exec(strtr($this->jsCompressor, array(
'{from}' => escapeshellarg($tmpFile),
'{to}' => escapeshellarg($outputFile),
} else {
call_user_func($this->jsCompressor, $this, $inputFiles, $outputFile);
if (!file_exists($outputFile)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to compress JavaScript files into '{$outputFile}'.");
echo " JavaScript files compressed into '{$outputFile}'.\n";
* Compresses given CSS files and combines them into the single one.
* @param array $inputFiles list of source file names.
* @param string $outputFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure
protected function compressCssFiles($inputFiles, $outputFile)
if (empty($inputFiles)) {
echo " Compressing CSS files...\n";
if (is_string($this->cssCompressor)) {
$tmpFile = $outputFile . '.tmp';
$this->combineCssFiles($inputFiles, $tmpFile);
echo shell_exec(strtr($this->cssCompressor, array(
'{from}' => escapeshellarg($tmpFile),
'{to}' => escapeshellarg($outputFile),
} else {
call_user_func($this->cssCompressor, $this, $inputFiles, $outputFile);
if (!file_exists($outputFile)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to compress CSS files into '{$outputFile}'.");
echo " CSS files compressed into '{$outputFile}'.\n";
* Combines JavaScript files into a single one.
* @param array $inputFiles source file names.
* @param string $outputFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure.
public function combineJsFiles($inputFiles, $outputFile)
$content = '';
foreach ($inputFiles as $file) {
$content .= "/*** BEGIN FILE: $file ***/\n"
. file_get_contents($file)
. "/*** END FILE: $file ***/\n";
if (!file_put_contents($outputFile, $content)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to write output JavaScript file '{$outputFile}'.");
* Combines CSS files into a single one.
* @param array $inputFiles source file names.
* @param string $outputFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure.
public function combineCssFiles($inputFiles, $outputFile)
$content = '';
foreach ($inputFiles as $file) {
$content .= "/*** BEGIN FILE: $file ***/\n"
. $this->adjustCssUrl(file_get_contents($file), dirname($file), dirname($outputFile))
. "/*** END FILE: $file ***/\n";
if (!file_put_contents($outputFile, $content)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to write output CSS file '{$outputFile}'.");
* Adjusts CSS content allowing URL references pointing to the original resources.
* @param string $cssContent source CSS content.
* @param string $inputFilePath input CSS file name.
* @param string $outputFilePath output CSS file name.
* @return string adjusted CSS content.
protected function adjustCssUrl($cssContent, $inputFilePath, $outputFilePath)
$sharedPathParts = array();
$inputFilePathParts = explode('/', $inputFilePath);
$inputFilePathPartsCount = count($inputFilePathParts);
$outputFilePathParts = explode('/', $outputFilePath);
$outputFilePathPartsCount = count($outputFilePathParts);
for ($i =0; $i < $inputFilePathPartsCount && $i < $outputFilePathPartsCount; $i++) {
if ($inputFilePathParts[$i] == $outputFilePathParts[$i]) {
$sharedPathParts[] = $inputFilePathParts[$i];
} else {
$sharedPath = implode('/', $sharedPathParts);
$inputFileRelativePath = trim(str_replace($sharedPath, '', $inputFilePath), '/');
$outputFileRelativePath = trim(str_replace($sharedPath, '', $outputFilePath), '/');
$inputFileRelativePathParts = explode('/', $inputFileRelativePath);
$outputFileRelativePathParts = explode('/', $outputFileRelativePath);
12 years ago
$callback = function ($matches) use ($inputFileRelativePathParts, $outputFileRelativePathParts) {
$fullMatch = $matches[0];
$inputUrl = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/https?:\/\//is', $inputUrl)) {
return $fullMatch;
$outputUrlParts = array_fill(0, count($outputFileRelativePathParts), '..');
$outputUrlParts = array_merge($outputUrlParts, $inputFileRelativePathParts);
if (strpos($inputUrl, '/') !== false) {
$inputUrlParts = explode('/', $inputUrl);
foreach ($inputUrlParts as $key => $inputUrlPart) {
if ($inputUrlPart == '..') {
$outputUrlParts[] = implode('/', $inputUrlParts);
} else {
$outputUrlParts[] = $inputUrl;
$outputUrl = implode('/', $outputUrlParts);
return str_replace($inputUrl, $outputUrl, $fullMatch);
$cssContent = preg_replace_callback('/url\(["\']?([^"]*)["\']?\)/is', $callback, $cssContent);
return $cssContent;
* Creates template of configuration file for [[actionCompress]].
* @param string $configFile output file name.
* @throws \yii\console\Exception on failure.
public function actionTemplate($configFile)
$template = <<<EOD
* Configuration file for the "yii asset" console command.
* Note that in the console environment, some path aliases like '@webroot' and '@web' may not exist.
* Please define these missing path aliases.
return array(
// The list of asset bundles to compress:
'bundles' => array(
// 'yii\web\YiiAsset',
// 'yii\web\JqueryAsset',
// Asset bundle for compression output:
'targets' => array(
'app\config\AllAsset' => array(
'basePath' => 'path/to/web',
'baseUrl' => '',
'js' => 'js/all-{ts}.js',
'css' => 'css/all-{ts}.css',
// Asset manager configuration:
'assetManager' => array(
'basePath' => __DIR__,
'baseUrl' => '',
if (file_exists($configFile)) {
if (!$this->confirm("File '{$configFile}' already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?")) {
if (!file_put_contents($configFile, $template)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to write template file '{$configFile}'.");
} else {
echo "Configuration file template created at '{$configFile}'.\n\n";