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/* Malayalam (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
/* Written by Saji Nediyanchath ( */
$.datepicker.regional['ml'] = {
closeText: 'ശരി',
prevText: 'മനത',
nextText: 'അടതത ',
currentText: 'ഇന',
monthNames: ['ജനവരി','ഫവരി','മ','ഏപി','മ','ജ',
monthNamesShort: ['ജന', 'ഫ', 'മ', 'ഏപി', 'മ', 'ജ',
'ജ', 'ആഗ', 'സ', 'ഒക', 'നവ', 'ഡിസ'],
dayNames: ['ഞയര', 'തികള', 'ചവ', 'ബധന', 'വ', 'വി', 'ശനി'],
dayNamesShort: ['ഞയ', 'തിക', 'ചവ', 'ബധ', 'വ', 'വി', 'ശനി'],
dayNamesMin: ['ഞ','തി','ച','ബ','വ','വ','ശ'],
weekHeader: 'ആ',
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''};