115 changed files with 2941 additions and 1624 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,41 @@
Behaviors |
========= |
A behavior (also knows as mixin) can be used to enhance the functionality of an existing component without modifying its |
code. In particular, it can "inject" its own methods and properties into the component and make them directly accessible |
via the component. It can also respond to the events triggered in the component and thus intercept the normal |
code execution. Unlike PHP traits, behaviors could be attached to classes at runtime. |
Using behaviors |
--------------- |
Behavior can be attached to any class that extends from `Component`. In order to do so you need to implement `behaviors` |
method. Yii provides `AutoTimestamp` behavior that handles updating timestamp fields on saving active record model. |
```php |
class User extends ActiveRecord |
{ |
// ... |
public function behaviors() |
{ |
return [ |
'timestamp' => [ |
'class' => 'yii\behaviors\AutoTimestamp', |
'attributes' => [ |
ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT => ['create_time', 'update_time'], |
ActiveRecord::EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE => 'update_time', |
], |
], |
]; |
} |
} |
``` |
In the above `class` value is a string containing fully qualified behavior class name. All the other key-values are |
assigned to corresponding properties of the class. |
Creating your own behaviors |
--------------------------- |
@ -1,4 +1,83 @@
Building console applications |
============================= |
Console applications |
==================== |
Yii has full featured support of console. Console application structure in Yii is very similar to web application. It |
consists of one or more [[\yii\console\Controller]] (often referred to as commands). Each has one or more actions. |
Usage |
----- |
You can execute controller action using the following syntax: |
``` |
yii <route> [--param1=value1 --param2 ...] |
``` |
For example, `MigrationController::create` with `MigrationController::$migrationTable` set can be called from command |
line like the following: |
``` |
yii migreate/create --migrationTable=my_migration |
``` |
In the above `yii` is console application entry script described below. |
Entry script |
------------ |
Console application entry script is typically called `yii`, located in your application root directory and contains |
code like the following: |
```php |
#!/usr/bin/env php |
<?php |
/** |
* Yii console bootstrap file. |
* |
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC |
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ |
*/ |
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true); |
// fcgi doesn't have STDIN defined by default |
defined('STDIN') or define('STDIN', fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); |
require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/yii/Yii.php'); |
$config = require(__DIR__ . '/config/console.php'); |
$application = new yii\console\Application($config); |
$exitCode = $application->run(); |
exit($exitCode); |
``` |
This script is a part of your application so you're free to adjust it. There `YII_DEBUG` can be turned off if you do |
not want to see stacktrace on error and want to improve overall performance. In both basic and advanced application |
templates it is enabled to provide more developer-friendly environment. |
Configuration |
------------- |
As can be seen in the code above, console application uses its own config files named `console.php` so you need to |
configure database connection and the rest of the components you're going to use there in that file. If web and console |
application configs have a lot in common it's a good idea to move matching parts into their own config files as it was |
done in advanced application template. |
Creating your own console commands |
---------------------------------- |
### Controller |
### Action |
### Parameters |
### Return codes |
Using return codes is the best practice of console application development. If command returns `0` it means everything |
is OK. If it is a number more than zero, we have an error and integer returned is the error code. |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
<?php |
/** |
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC |
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ |
*/ |
namespace yii\elasticsearch; |
use yii\debug\Panel; |
use yii\log\Logger; |
use yii\helpers\Html; |
use yii\web\View; |
/** |
* Debugger panel that collects and displays elasticsearch queries performed. |
* |
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> |
* @since 2.0 |
*/ |
class DebugPanel extends Panel |
{ |
public function getName() |
{ |
return 'Elasticsearch'; |
} |
public function getSummary() |
{ |
$timings = $this->calculateTimings(); |
$queryCount = count($timings); |
$queryTime = 0; |
foreach ($timings as $timing) { |
$queryTime += $timing[3]; |
} |
$queryTime = number_format($queryTime * 1000) . ' ms'; |
$url = $this->getUrl(); |
$output = <<<EOD |
<div class="yii-debug-toolbar-block"> |
<a href="$url" title="Executed $queryCount elasticsearch queries which took $queryTime."> |
ES <span class="label">$queryCount</span> <span class="label">$queryTime</span> |
</a> |
</div> |
EOD; |
return $queryCount > 0 ? $output : ''; |
} |
public function getDetail() |
{ |
$rows = []; |
$i = 0; |
foreach ($this->data['messages'] as $log) { |
list ($message, $level, $category, $time, $traces) = $log; |
if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN) { |
continue; |
} |
if (($pos = mb_strpos($message, "#")) !== false) { |
$url = mb_substr($message, 0, $pos); |
$body = mb_substr($message, $pos + 1); |
} else { |
$url = $message; |
$body = null; |
} |
$traceString = ''; |
if (!empty($traces)) { |
$traceString .= Html::ul($traces, [ |
'class' => 'trace', |
'item' => function ($trace) { |
return "<li>{$trace['file']}({$trace['line']})</li>"; |
}, |
]); |
} |
$runLinks = ''; |
$c = 0; |
\Yii::$app->elasticsearch->open(); |
foreach(\Yii::$app->elasticsearch->nodes as $node) { |
$pos = mb_strpos($url, ' '); |
$type = mb_substr($url, 0, $pos); |
if ($type == 'GET' && !empty($body)) { |
$type = 'POST'; |
} |
$host = $node['http_address']; |
if (strncmp($host, 'inet[/', 6) == 0) { |
$host = substr($host, 6, -1); |
} |
$nodeUrl = 'http://' . $host . '/' . mb_substr($url, $pos + 1); |
$nodeUrl .= (strpos($nodeUrl, '?') === false) ? '?pretty=true' : '&pretty=true'; |
$nodeBody = json_encode($body); |
\Yii::$app->view->registerJs(<<<JS |
$('#elastic-link-$i-$c').on('click', function() { |
$('#elastic-result-$i').html('Sending $type request to $nodeUrl...'); |
$('#elastic-result-$i').parent('tr').show(); |
$.ajax({ |
type: "$type", |
url: "$nodeUrl", |
body: $nodeBody, |
success: function( data ) { |
$('#elastic-result-$i').html(data); |
}, |
dataType: "text" |
}); |
return false; |
}); |
JS |
, View::POS_READY); |
$runLinks .= Html::a(isset($node['name']) ? $node['name'] : $node['http_address'], '#', ['id' => "elastic-link-$i-$c"]) . '<br/>'; |
$c++; |
} |
$rows[] = "<tr><td style=\"width: 80%;\"><div><b>$url</b><br/><p>$body</p>$traceString</div></td><td style=\"width: 20%;\">$runLinks</td></tr><tr style=\"display: none;\"><td colspan=\"2\" id=\"elastic-result-$i\"></td></tr>"; |
$i++; |
} |
$rows = implode("\n", $rows); |
return <<<HTML |
<h1>Elasticsearch Queries</h1> |
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover" style="table-layout: fixed;"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th style="width: 80%;">Url / Query</th> |
<th style="width: 20%;">Run Query on node</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
$rows |
</tbody> |
</table> |
} |
private $_timings; |
protected function calculateTimings() |
{ |
if ($this->_timings !== null) { |
return $this->_timings; |
} |
$messages = $this->data['messages']; |
$timings = []; |
$stack = []; |
foreach ($messages as $i => $log) { |
list($token, $level, $category, $timestamp) = $log; |
$log[5] = $i; |
if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN) { |
$stack[] = $log; |
} elseif ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END) { |
if (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token) { |
$timings[$last[5]] = [count($stack), $token, $last[3], $timestamp - $last[3], $last[4]]; |
} |
} |
} |
$now = microtime(true); |
while (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null) { |
$delta = $now - $last[3]; |
$timings[$last[5]] = [count($stack), $last[0], $last[2], $delta, $last[4]]; |
} |
ksort($timings); |
return $this->_timings = $timings; |
} |
public function save() |
{ |
$target = $this->module->logTarget; |
$messages = $target->filterMessages($target->messages, Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE, ['yii\elasticsearch\Connection::httpRequest']); |
return ['messages' => $messages]; |
} |
} |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Yii Framework 2 Change Log |
========================== |
Version 2 |
--------- |
Version 2.0 alpha |
----------------- |
- Initial release. |
- Initial release. |
@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
Yii 2.0 Public Preview |
====================== |
Yii PHP Framework Version 2 |
=========================== |
Thank you for choosing Yii - a high-performance component-based PHP framework. |
This is the core framework code of [Yii 2](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2). |
If you are looking for a production-ready PHP framework, please use |
[Yii v1.1](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii). |
Yii 2.0 is still under heavy development. We may make significant changes |
without prior notices. **Yii 2.0 is not ready for production use yet.** |
[](http://travis-ci.org/yiisoft/yii2) |
Installation |
------------ |
The preferred way to install this extension is through [composer](http://getcomposer.org/download/). |
Either run |
------------ |
``` |
php composer.phar require yiisoft/yii2-framework "*" |
``` |
The minimum requirement by Yii is that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0. |
or add |
```json |
"yiisoft/yii2-framework": "*" |
``` |
to the require section of your composer.json. |
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
<?php |
/** |
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC |
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ |
*/ |
namespace yii\data; |
use Yii; |
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; |
use yii\base\Model; |
use yii\db\Connection; |
/** |
* SqlDataProvider implements a data provider based on a plain SQL statement. |
* |
* SqlDataProvider provides data in terms of arrays, each representing a row of query result. |
* |
* Like other data providers, SqlDataProvider also supports sorting and pagination. |
* It does so by modifying the given [[sql]] statement with "ORDER BY" and "LIMIT" |
* clauses. You may configure the [[sort]] and [[pagination]] properties to |
* customize sorting and pagination behaviors. |
* |
* SqlDataProvider may be used in the following way: |
* |
* ~~~ |
* $count = Yii::$app->db->createCommand(' |
* SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status |
* ', [':status' => 1])->queryScalar(); |
* |
* $dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([ |
* 'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM tbl_user WHERE status=:status', |
* 'params' => [':status' => 1], |
* 'totalCount' => $count, |
* 'sort' => [ |
* 'attributes' => [ |
* 'age', |
* 'name' => [ |
* 'asc' => ['first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'last_name' => SORT_ASC], |
* 'desc' => ['first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'last_name' => SORT_DESC], |
* 'default' => SORT_DESC, |
* 'label' => 'Name', |
* ], |
* ], |
* ], |
* 'pagination' => [ |
* 'pageSize' => 20, |
* ], |
* ]); |
* |
* // get the user records in the current page |
* $models = $dataProvider->getModels(); |
* ~~~ |
* |
* Note: if you want to use the pagination feature, you must configure the [[totalCount]] property |
* to be the total number of rows (without pagination). And if you want to use the sorting feature, |
* you must configure the [[sort]] property so that the provider knows which columns can be sorted. |
* |
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> |
* @since 2.0 |
*/ |
class SqlDataProvider extends BaseDataProvider |
{ |
/** |
* @var Connection|string the DB connection object or the application component ID of the DB connection. |
* If not set, the default DB connection will be used. |
*/ |
public $db; |
/** |
* @var string the SQL statement to be used for fetching data rows. |
*/ |
public $sql; |
/** |
* @var array parameters (name=>value) to be bound to the SQL statement. |
*/ |
public $params = []; |
/** |
* @var string|callable the column that is used as the key of the data models. |
* This can be either a column name, or a callable that returns the key value of a given data model. |
* |
* If this is not set, the keys of the [[models]] array will be used. |
*/ |
public $key; |
/** |
* Initializes the DB connection component. |
* This method will initialize the [[db]] property to make sure it refers to a valid DB connection. |
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[db]] is invalid. |
*/ |
public function init() |
{ |
parent::init(); |
if (is_string($this->db)) { |
$this->db = Yii::$app->getComponent($this->db); |
} |
if (!$this->db instanceof Connection) { |
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "db" property must be a valid DB Connection application component.'); |
} |
if ($this->sql === null) { |
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "sql" property must be set.'); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
protected function prepareModels() |
{ |
$sql = $this->sql; |
$qb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); |
if (($sort = $this->getSort()) !== false) { |
$orderBy = $qb->buildOrderBy($sort->getOrders()); |
if (!empty($orderBy)) { |
$orderBy = substr($orderBy, 9); |
if (preg_match('/\s+order\s+by\s+[\w\s,\.]+$/i', $sql)) { |
$sql .= ', ' . $orderBy; |
} else { |
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; |
} |
} |
} |
if (($pagination = $this->getPagination()) !== false) { |
$pagination->totalCount = $this->getTotalCount(); |
$sql .= ' ' . $qb->buildLimit($pagination->getLimit(), $pagination->getOffset()); |
} |
return $this->db->createCommand($sql, $this->params)->queryAll(); |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
protected function prepareKeys($models) |
{ |
$keys = []; |
if ($this->key !== null) { |
foreach ($models as $model) { |
if (is_string($this->key)) { |
$keys[] = $model[$this->key]; |
} else { |
$keys[] = call_user_func($this->key, $model); |
} |
} |
return $keys; |
} else { |
return array_keys($models); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @inheritdoc |
*/ |
protected function prepareTotalCount() |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
<?php |
/** |
* |
* |
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> |
*/ |
namespace yii\db; |
/** |
* ActiveRecordInterface |
* |
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> |
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> |
* @since 2.0 |
*/ |
interface ActiveRecordInterface |
{ |
/** |
* Returns the primary key **name(s)** for this AR class. |
* |
* Note that an array should be returned even when the record only has a single primary key. |
* |
* For the primary key **value** see [[getPrimaryKey()]] instead. |
* |
* @return string[] the primary key name(s) for this AR class. |
*/ |
public static function primaryKey(); |
/** |
* Returns the list of all attribute names of the record. |
* @return array list of attribute names. |
*/ |
public function attributes(); |
/** |
* Returns the named attribute value. |
* If this record is the result of a query and the attribute is not loaded, |
* null will be returned. |
* @param string $name the attribute name |
* @return mixed the attribute value. Null if the attribute is not set or does not exist. |
* @see hasAttribute() |
*/ |
public function getAttribute($name); |
/** |
* Sets the named attribute value. |
* @param string $name the attribute name. |
* @param mixed $value the attribute value. |
* @see hasAttribute() |
*/ |
public function setAttribute($name, $value); |
/** |
* Returns a value indicating whether the record has an attribute with the specified name. |
* @param string $name the name of the attribute |
* @return boolean whether the record has an attribute with the specified name. |
*/ |
public function hasAttribute($name); |
/** |
* Returns the primary key value(s). |
* @param boolean $asArray whether to return the primary key value as an array. If true, |
* the return value will be an array with attribute names as keys and attribute values as values. |
* Note that for composite primary keys, an array will always be returned regardless of this parameter value. |
* @return mixed the primary key value. An array (attribute name => attribute value) is returned if the primary key |
* is composite or `$asArray` is true. A string is returned otherwise (null will be returned if |
* the key value is null). |
*/ |
public function getPrimaryKey($asArray = false); |
/** |
* Creates an [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance for query purpose. |
* |
* This method is usually ment to be used like this: |
* |
* ```php |
* Customer::find(1); // find one customer by primary key |
* Customer::find()->all(); // find all customers |
* ``` |
* |
* @param mixed $q the query parameter. This can be one of the followings: |
* |
* - a scalar value (integer or string): query by a single primary key value and return the |
* corresponding record. |
* - an array of name-value pairs: query by a set of attribute values and return a single record matching all of them. |
* - null (not specified): return a new [[ActiveQuery]] object for further query purpose. |
* |
* @return ActiveQueryInterface|static|null When `$q` is null, a new [[ActiveQuery]] instance |
* is returned; when `$q` is a scalar or an array, an ActiveRecord object matching it will be |
* returned (null will be returned if there is no matching). |
*/ |
public static function find($q = null); |
/** |
* Creates an [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance. |
* This method is called by [[find()]] to start a SELECT query. |
* You may override this method to return a customized query (e.g. `CustomerQuery` specified |
* written for querying `Customer` purpose.) |
* @return ActiveQueryInterface the newly created [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance. |
*/ |
public static function createQuery(); |
/** |
* Updates records using the provided attribute values and conditions. |
* For example, to change the status to be 1 for all customers whose status is 2: |
* |
* ~~~ |
* Customer::updateAll(['status' => 1], ['status' => '2']); |
* ~~~ |
* |
* @param array $attributes attribute values (name-value pairs) to be saved for the record. |
* Unlike [[update()]] these are not going to be validated. |
* @param array $condition the condition that matches the records that should get updated. |
* Please refer to [[QueryInterface::where()]] on how to specify this parameter. |
* An empty condition will match all records. |
* @return integer the number of rows updated |
*/ |
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = null); |
/** |
* Deletes records using the provided conditions. |
* WARNING: If you do not specify any condition, this method will delete ALL rows in the table. |
* |
* For example, to delete all customers whose status is 3: |
* |
* ~~~ |
* Customer::deleteAll([status = 3]); |
* ~~~ |
* |
* @param array $condition the condition that matches the records that should get deleted. |
* Please refer to [[QueryInterface::where()]] on how to specify this parameter. |
* An empty condition will match all records. |
* @return integer the number of rows deleted |
*/ |
public static function deleteAll($condition = null); |
/** |
* Saves the current record. |
* |
* This method will call [[insert()]] when [[isNewRecord]] is true, or [[update()]] |
* when [[isNewRecord]] is false. |
* |
* For example, to save a customer record: |
* |
* ~~~ |
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::find($id); |
* $customer->name = $name; |
* $customer->email = $email; |
* $customer->save(); |
* ~~~ |
* |
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record. |
* If the validation fails, the record will not be saved to database. `false` will be returned |
* in this case. |
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null, |
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved. |
* @return boolean whether the saving succeeds |
*/ |
public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = null); |
/** |
* Inserts the record into the database using the attribute values of this record. |
* |
* Usage example: |
* |
* ```php |
* $customer = new Customer; |
* $customer->name = $name; |
* $customer->email = $email; |
* $customer->insert(); |
* ``` |
* |
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record. |
* If the validation fails, the record will not be inserted into the database. |
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null, |
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved. |
* @return boolean whether the attributes are valid and the record is inserted successfully. |
*/ |
public function insert($runValidation = true, $attributes = null); |
/** |
* Saves the changes to this active record into the database. |
* |
* Usage example: |
* |
* ```php |
* $customer = Customer::find($id); |
* $customer->name = $name; |
* $customer->email = $email; |
* $customer->update(); |
* ``` |
* |
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record. |
* If the validation fails, the record will not be inserted into the database. |
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null, |
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved. |
* @return integer|boolean the number of rows affected, or false if validation fails |
* or updating process is stopped for other reasons. |
* Note that it is possible that the number of rows affected is 0, even though the |
* update execution is successful. |
*/ |
public function update($runValidation = true, $attributes = null); |
/** |
* Deletes the record from the database. |
* |
* @return integer|boolean the number of rows deleted, or false if the deletion is unsuccessful for some reason. |
* Note that it is possible that the number of rows deleted is 0, even though the deletion execution is successful. |
*/ |
public function delete(); |
/** |
* Returns a value indicating whether the current record is new (not saved in the database). |
* @return boolean whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling [[save()]]. |
*/ |
public function getIsNewRecord(); |
/** |
* Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one. |
* Two [[isNewRecord|new]] records are considered to be not equal. |
* @param static $record record to compare to |
* @return boolean whether the two active records refer to the same row in the same database table. |
*/ |
public function equals($record); |
/** |
* Creates an [[ActiveRelationInterface|ActiveRelation]] instance. |
* This method is called by [[BaseActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[BaseActiveRecord::hasMany()]] to |
* create a relation instance. |
* You may override this method to return a customized relation. |
* @param array $config the configuration passed to the ActiveRelation class. |
* @return ActiveRelation the newly created [[ActiveRelation]] instance. |
*/ |
public static function createActiveRelation($config = []); |
/** |
* Returns the relation object with the specified name. |
* A relation is defined by a getter method which returns an [[ActiveRelationInterface|ActiveRelation]] object. |
* It can be declared in either the ActiveRecord class itself or one of its behaviors. |
* @param string $name the relation name |
* @return ActiveRelation the relation object |
*/ |
public function getRelation($name); |
/** |
* Establishes the relationship between two records. |
* |
* The relationship is established by setting the foreign key value(s) in one record |
* to be the corresponding primary key value(s) in the other record. |
* The record with the foreign key will be saved into database without performing validation. |
* |
* If the relationship involves a pivot table, a new row will be inserted into the |
* pivot table which contains the primary key values from both records. |
* |
* This method requires that the primary key value is not null. |
* |
* @param string $name the case sensitive name of the relationship. |
* @param static $model the record to be linked with the current one. |
* @param array $extraColumns additional column values to be saved into the pivot table. |
* This parameter is only meaningful for a relationship involving a pivot table |
* (i.e., a relation set with `[[ActiveRelationInterface::via()]]`.) |
*/ |
public function link($name, $model, $extraColumns = []); |
/** |
* Destroys the relationship between two records. |
* |
* The record with the foreign key of the relationship will be deleted if `$delete` is true. |
* Otherwise, the foreign key will be set null and the record will be saved without validation. |
* |
* @param string $name the case sensitive name of the relationship. |
* @param static $model the model to be unlinked from the current one. |
* @param boolean $delete whether to delete the model that contains the foreign key. |
* If false, the model's foreign key will be set null and saved. |
* If true, the model containing the foreign key will be deleted. |
*/ |
public function unlink($name, $model, $delete = false); |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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