echo $this->createUrl('post/index'); // same module, different controller and action
echo $this->createUrl('post/index'); // same module, different controller and action
echo $this->createUrl('/site/index'); // absolute route no matter what controller is making this call
echo $this->createUrl('/site/index'); // absolute route no matter what controller is making this call
echo $this->createurl('hi-tech'); // url for the case sensitive action `actionHiTech` of the current controller
echo $this->createurl('hi-tech'); // url for the case sensitive action `actionHiTech` of the current controller
echo $this->createurl('/date-time/fast-forward',['id' => 105]); // url for action the case sensitive controller, `DateTimeController::actionFastForward`
echo $this->createurl('/date-time/fast-forward',['id' => 105]); // url for action the case sensitive controller, `DateTimeController::actionFastForward`
> **Tip**: In order to generate URL with a hashtag, for example `/index.php?r=site/page&id=100#title`, you need to
> **Tip**: In order to generate URL with a hashtag, for example `/index.php?r=site/page&id=100#title`, you need to