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Qiang Xue 13 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 115
  4. 94
  5. 98
  6. 122
  7. 3
  8. 34
  9. 304
  10. 48
  11. 63
  12. 241
  13. 1111
  14. 572
  15. 459
  16. 141
  17. 131
  18. 849


@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ class YiiBase
* - a URL (e.g. ``)
* - a path alias (e.g. `@yii/base`). In this case, the path alias will be converted into the
* actual path first by calling [[getAlias]].
* @throws \yii\base\Exception if $path is an invalid alias
* @see getAlias
public static function setAlias($alias, $path)


@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ class Application extends Module
\Yii::$application = $this;
$this->id = $id;
\Yii::setAlias('application', $this->getBasePath());
\Yii::$aliases['@application'] = $this->getBasePath();
\Yii::$aliases['@entry'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
\Yii::$aliases['@www'] = '';


@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* Theme class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\base;
* Theme represents an application theme.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class Theme extends ApplicationComponent
private $_name;
private $_basePath;
private $_baseUrl;
* Constructor.
* @param string $name name of the theme
* @param string $basePath base theme path
* @param string $baseUrl base theme URL
public function __construct($name, $basePath, $baseUrl)
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_baseUrl = $baseUrl;
$this->_basePath = $basePath;
* @return string theme name
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
* @return string the relative URL to the theme folder (without ending slash)
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
* @return string the file path to the theme folder
public function getBasePath()
return $this->_basePath;
* @return string the path for controller views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views'.
public function getViewPath()
return $this->_basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views';
* Finds the view file for the specified controller's view.
* @param CController $controller the controller
* @param string $viewName the view name
* @return string the view file path. False if the file does not exist.
public function getViewFile($controller, $viewName)
$moduleViewPath = $this->getViewPath();
if (($module = $controller->getModule()) !== null)
$moduleViewPath .= '/' . $module->getId();
return $controller->resolveViewFile($viewName, $this->getViewPath() . '/' . $controller->getUniqueId(), $this->getViewPath(), $moduleViewPath);
* Finds the layout file for the specified controller's layout.
* @param CController $controller the controller
* @param string $layoutName the layout name
* @return string the layout file path. False if the file does not exist.
public function getLayoutFile($controller, $layoutName)
$moduleViewPath = $basePath = $this->getViewPath();
$module = $controller->getModule();
if (empty($layoutName)) {
while ($module !== null) {
if ($module->layout === false)
return false;
if (!empty($module->layout))
$module = $module->getParentModule();
if ($module === null)
$layoutName = Yii::app()->layout;
else {
$layoutName = $module->layout;
$moduleViewPath .= '/' . $module->getId();
else if ($module !== null)
$moduleViewPath .= '/' . $module->getId();
return $controller->resolveViewFile($layoutName, $moduleViewPath . '/layouts', $basePath, $moduleViewPath);


@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* ThemeManager class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\base;
* ThemeManager manages the themes for the Web application.
* A theme is a collection of view/layout files and resource files
* (e.g. css, image, js files). When a theme is active, {@link CController}
* will look for the specified view/layout under the theme folder first.
* The corresponding view/layout files will be used if the theme provides them.
* Otherwise, the default view/layout files will be used.
* By default, each theme is organized as a directory whose name is the theme name.
* All themes are located under the "WebRootPath/themes" directory.
* To activate a theme, set the {@link CWebApplication::setTheme theme} property
* to be the name of that theme.
* Since a self-contained theme often contains resource files that are made
* Web accessible, please make sure the view/layout files are protected from Web access.
* @property array $themeNames List of available theme names.
* @property string $basePath The base path for all themes. Defaults to "WebRootPath/themes".
* @property string $baseUrl The base URL for all themes. Defaults to "/WebRoot/themes".
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class ThemeManager extends ApplicationComponent
* default themes base path
const DEFAULT_BASEPATH = 'themes';
* @var string the name of the theme class for representing a theme.
* Defaults to {@link Theme}. This can also be a class name in dot syntax.
public $themeClass = 'Theme';
* @var string the base path containing all themes. Defaults to '@entry/themes'.
public $basePath = '@entry/themes';
* @var string the base URL for all themes. Defaults to "@www/themes".
public $baseUrl = '@www/themes';
* @param string $name name of the theme to be retrieved
* @return Theme the theme retrieved. Null if the theme does not exist.
public function getTheme($name)
$themePath = $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
if (is_dir($themePath)) {
$class = Yii::import($this->themeClass, true);
return new $class($name, $themePath, $this->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $name);
} else {
return null;
* @return array list of available theme names
public function getThemeNames()
static $themes;
if ($themes === null) {
$themes = array();
$basePath = $this->getBasePath();
$folder = @opendir($basePath);
while (($file = @readdir($folder)) !== false) {
if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && $file !== '.svn' && $file !== '.gitignore' && is_dir($basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
$themes[] = $file;
return $themes;


@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
namespace yii\base;
use yii\util\FileHelper;
use yii\util\ArrayHelper;
* @author Qiang Xue <>
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class View extends Component
* Renders a view.
* The method first identifies the actual view file corresponding to the specified view.
* The method first finds the actual view file corresponding to the specified view.
* It then calls [[renderFile()]] to render the view file. The rendering result is returned
* as a string. If the view file does not exist, an exception will be thrown.
@ -58,36 +57,57 @@ class View extends Component
* or a path relative to [[basePath]]. The file suffix is optional and defaults to `.php` if not given
* in the view name.
* @param string $view the view to be rendered. This can be a path alias or a path relative to [[basePath]].
* @param string $view the view to be rendered. This can be either a path alias or a path relative to [[basePath]].
* @param array $params the parameters that should be made available in the view. The PHP function `extract()`
* will be called on this variable to extract the variables from this parameter.
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws Exception if the view file cannot be found
* @throws Exception if the view file cannot be found
public function render($view, $params = array())
$file = $this->findViewFile($view);
if ($file !== false) {
$this->renderFile($file, $params);
return $this->renderFile($file, $params);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unable to find the view file for view '$view'.");
* Renders a view file.
* @param string $file the view file path
* @param array $params the parameters to be extracted and made available in the view file
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderFile($file, $params = array())
$this->renderFileInternal($file, $params);
return $this->renderFileInternal($file, $params);
public function createWidget($class, $properties = array())
$properties['class'] = $class;
return \Yii::createObject($properties, $this->owner);
public function widget($class, $properties = array())
$widget = $this->createWidget($class, $properties);
echo $widget->run();
return $widget;
* @var Widget[] the widgets that are currently not ended
private $_widgetStack = array();
* Begins a widget.
* @param string $class the widget class
* @param array $properties the initial property values of the widget
* @return Widget the widget instance
public function beginWidget($class, $properties = array())
$widget = $this->createWidget($class, $properties);
@ -95,43 +115,34 @@ class View extends Component
return $widget;
* Ends a widget.
* Note that the rendering result of the widget is directly echoed out.
* If you want to capture the rendering result of a widget, you may use
* [[createWidget()]] and [[Widget::run()]].
* @return Widget the widget instance
* @throws Exception if [[beginWidget()]] and [[endWidget()]] calls are not properly nested
public function endWidget()
if (($widget = array_pop($this->_widgetStack)) !== null) {
echo $widget->run();
return $widget;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unmatched beginWidget() and endWidget() calls.");
public function createWidget($class, $properties = array())
$properties['class'] = $class;
// todo: widget skin should be something global, similar to theme
if ($this->enableSkin) {
if ($this->skinnableWidgets === null || in_array($class, $this->skinnableWidgets)) {
$skinName = isset($properties['skin']) ? $properties['skin'] : 'default';
if ($skinName !== false && ($skin = $this->getSkin($class, $skinName)) !== array()) {
$properties = $properties === array() ? $skin : ArrayHelper::merge($skin, $properties);
return \Yii::createObject($properties, $this->owner);
* Begins recording a clip.
* This method is a shortcut to beginning [[yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget]]
* This method is a shortcut to beginning [[yii\widgets\Clip]]
* @param string $id the clip ID.
* @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget]]
* @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\widgets\Clip]]
public function beginClip($id, $properties = array())
$properties['id'] = $id;
$this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\ClipWidget', $properties);
$this->beginWidget('yii\widgets\Clip', $properties);
@ -158,14 +169,14 @@ class View extends Component
* ~~~
* @param string $id a unique ID identifying the fragment to be cached.
* @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\web\widgets\OutputCache]]
* @param array $properties initial property values for [[yii\widgets\OutputCache]]
* @return boolean whether we need to generate content for caching. False if cached version is available.
* @see endCache
public function beginCache($id, $properties = array())
$properties['id'] = $id;
$cache = $this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\OutputCache', $properties);
$cache = $this->beginWidget('yii\widgets\OutputCache', $properties);
if ($cache->getIsContentCached()) {
return false;
@ -195,11 +206,11 @@ class View extends Component
* {@link CWebModule::layout default layout}.
* @param array $params the variables (name=>value) to be extracted and made available in the decorative view.
* @see endContent
* @see yii\web\widgets\ContentDecorator
* @see yii\widgets\ContentDecorator
public function beginContent($view = null, $params = array())
public function beginContent($view, $params = array())
$this->beginWidget('yii\web\widgets\ContentDecorator', array(
$this->beginWidget('yii\widgets\ContentDecorator', array(
'view' => $view,
'params' => $params,
@ -214,17 +225,32 @@ class View extends Component
* Renders a view file.
* This method will extract the given parameters and include the view file.
* It captures the output of the included view file and returns it as a string.
* @param string $_file_ the view file.
* @param array $_params_ the parameters (name-value pairs) that will be extracted and made available in the view file.
* @return string the rendering result
protected function renderFileInternal($_file_, $_params_ = array())
extract($_params_, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
return ob_get_clean();
* Finds the view file based on the given view name.
* @param string $view the view name or path alias. If the view name does not specify
* the view file extension name, it will use `.php` as the extension name.
* @return string|boolean the view file if it exists. False if the view file cannot be found.
public function findViewFile($view)
if ($view[0] === '/') {
throw new Exception('The view name "$view" should not start with a slash "/".');
$view = ltrim($view, '/');
if (($extension = FileHelper::getExtension($view)) === '') {
$view .= '.php';


@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
* Widget class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\base;
* Widget is the base class for widgets.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class Widget extends Component implements Initable
* @var mixed the name of the skin to be used by this widget. Defaults to 'default'.
* If this is set as false, no skin will be applied to this widget.
public $skin = 'default';
* @var Widget|Controller the owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller.
public $owner;
* @var string id of the widget.
private $_id;
* @var integer a counter used to generate IDs for widgets.
private static $_counter = 0;
* Constructor.
* @param Widget|Controller $owner owner/creator of this widget.
public function __construct($owner)
$this->owner = $owner;
* Returns the ID of the widget.
* @param boolean $autoGenerate whether to generate an ID if it is not set previously
* @return string ID of the widget.
public function getId($autoGenerate = true)
if ($autoGenerate && $this->_id === null) {
$this->_id = 'yw' . self::$_counter++;
return $this->_id;
* Sets the ID of the widget.
* @param string $value id of the widget.
public function setId($value)
$this->_id = $value;
* Initializes the widget.
public function init()
* Executes the widget.
* @return string the rendering result of the widget
public function run()
* Renders a view.
* The method first finds the actual view file corresponding to the specified view.
* It then calls [[renderFile()]] to render the view file. The rendering result is returned
* as a string. If the view file does not exist, an exception will be thrown.
* To determine which view file should be rendered, the method calls [[findViewFile()]] which
* will search in the directories as specified by [[basePath]].
* View name can be a path alias representing an absolute file path (e.g. `@app/views/layout/index`),
* or a path relative to [[basePath]]. The file suffix is optional and defaults to `.php` if not given
* in the view name.
* @param string $view the view to be rendered. This can be either a path alias or a path relative to [[basePath]].
* @param array $params the parameters that should be made available in the view. The PHP function `extract()`
* will be called on this variable to extract the variables from this parameter.
* @return string the rendering result
* @throws Exception if the view file cannot be found
public function render($view, $params = array())
return $this->createView()->render($view, $params);
* @return View
public function createView()
$view = new View;
if (($theme = \Yii::$application->getTheme()) !== null) {
$view->basePath[] = $theme->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('\\', '_', get_class($this));
$class = new \ReflectionClass($this);
$view->basePath[] = dirname($class->getFileName()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views';
return $view;


@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
* this may improve performance.
* For SQL statement with binding parameters, this method is invoked
* automatically.
* @throws Exception if there is any DB error
public function prepare()
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
\Yii::trace("Executing SQL: {$sql}{$paramLog}", __CLASS__);
//echo $sql . "\n\n";
try {
if ($this->connection->enableProfiling) {
\Yii::beginProfile(__METHOD__ . "($sql)", __CLASS__);


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Application class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\web;
* Application is the base class for all application classes.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class Application extends \yii\base\Application
* Processes the request.
* @return integer the exit status of the controller action (0 means normal, non-zero values mean abnormal)
public function processRequest()
$route = $this->resolveRequest();
return $this->runController($route, null);
protected function resolveRequest()
return array();


@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
* CAssetManager class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CAssetManager is a Web application component that manages private files (called assets) and makes them accessible by Web clients.
* It achieves this goal by copying assets to a Web-accessible directory
* and returns the corresponding URL for accessing them.
* To publish an asset, simply call {@link publish()}.
* The Web-accessible directory holding the published files is specified
* by {@link setBasePath basePath}, which defaults to the "assets" directory
* under the directory containing the application entry script file.
* The property {@link setBaseUrl baseUrl} refers to the URL for accessing
* the {@link setBasePath basePath}.
* @property string $basePath The root directory storing the published asset files. Defaults to 'WebRoot/assets'.
* @property string $baseUrl The base url that the published asset files can be accessed.
* Note, the ending slashes are stripped off. Defaults to '/AppBaseUrl/assets'.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CAssetManager extends CApplicationComponent
* Default web accessible base path for storing private files
const DEFAULT_BASEPATH='assets';
* @var boolean whether to use symbolic link to publish asset files. Defaults to false, meaning
* asset files are copied to public folders. Using symbolic links has the benefit that the published
* assets will always be consistent with the source assets. This is especially useful during development.
* However, there are special requirements for hosting environments in order to use symbolic links.
* In particular, symbolic links are supported only on Linux/Unix, and Windows Vista/2008 or greater.
* The latter requires PHP 5.3 or greater.
* Moreover, some Web servers need to be properly configured so that the linked assets are accessible
* to Web users. For example, for Apache Web server, the following configuration directive should be added
* for the Web folder:
* <pre>
* Options FollowSymLinks
* </pre>
* @since 1.1.5
public $linkAssets=false;
* @var array list of directories and files which should be excluded from the publishing process.
* Defaults to exclude '.svn' and '.gitignore' files only. This option has no effect if {@link linkAssets} is enabled.
* @since 1.1.6
public $excludeFiles=array('.svn','.gitignore');
* @var integer the permission to be set for newly generated asset files.
* This value will be used by PHP chmod function.
* Defaults to 0666, meaning the file is read-writable by all users.
* @since 1.1.8
public $newFileMode=0666;
* @var integer the permission to be set for newly generated asset directories.
* This value will be used by PHP chmod function.
* Defaults to 0777, meaning the directory can be read, written and executed by all users.
* @since 1.1.8
public $newDirMode=0777;
* @var string base web accessible path for storing private files
private $_basePath;
* @var string base URL for accessing the publishing directory.
private $_baseUrl;
* @var array published assets
private $_published=array();
* @return string the root directory storing the published asset files. Defaults to 'WebRoot/assets'.
public function getBasePath()
return $this->_basePath;
* Sets the root directory storing published asset files.
* @param string $value the root directory storing published asset files
* @throws CException if the base path is invalid
public function setBasePath($value)
if(($basePath=realpath($value))!==false && is_dir($basePath) && is_writable($basePath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CAssetManager.basePath "{path}" is invalid. Please make sure the directory exists and is writable by the Web server process.',
* @return string the base url that the published asset files can be accessed.
* Note, the ending slashes are stripped off. Defaults to '/AppBaseUrl/assets'.
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
* @param string $value the base url that the published asset files can be accessed
public function setBaseUrl($value)
* Publishes a file or a directory.
* This method will copy the specified asset to a web accessible directory
* and return the URL for accessing the published asset.
* <ul>
* <li>If the asset is a file, its file modification time will be checked
* to avoid unnecessary file copying;</li>
* <li>If the asset is a directory, all files and subdirectories under it will
* be published recursively. Note, in case $forceCopy is false the method only checks the
* existence of the target directory to avoid repetitive copying.</li>
* </ul>
* Note: On rare scenario, a race condition can develop that will lead to a
* one-time-manifestation of a non-critical problem in the creation of the directory
* that holds the published assets. This problem can be avoided altogether by 'requesting'
* in advance all the resources that are supposed to trigger a 'publish()' call, and doing
* that in the application deployment phase, before system goes live. See more in the following
* discussion:
* @param string $path the asset (file or directory) to be published
* @param boolean $hashByName whether the published directory should be named as the hashed basename.
* If false, the name will be the hash taken from dirname of the path being published and path mtime.
* Defaults to false. Set true if the path being published is shared among
* different extensions.
* @param integer $level level of recursive copying when the asset is a directory.
* Level -1 means publishing all subdirectories and files;
* Level 0 means publishing only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
* level N means copying those directories that are within N levels.
* @param boolean $forceCopy whether we should copy the asset file or directory even if it is already published before.
* This parameter is set true mainly during development stage when the original
* assets are being constantly changed. The consequence is that the performance
* is degraded, which is not a concern during development, however.
* This parameter has been available since version 1.1.2.
* @return string an absolute URL to the published asset
* @throws CException if the asset to be published does not exist.
public function publish($path,$hashByName=false,$level=-1,$forceCopy=false)
return $this->_published[$path];
else if(($src=realpath($path))!==false)
$dir=$this->hash($hashByName ? basename($src) : dirname($src).filemtime($src));
@chmod($dstDir, $this->newDirMode);
else if(@filemtime($dstFile)<@filemtime($src))
@chmod($dstDir, $this->newDirMode);
@chmod($dstFile, $this->newFileMode);
return $this->_published[$path]=$this->getBaseUrl()."/$dir/$fileName";
else if(is_dir($src))
$dir=$this->hash($hashByName ? basename($src) : $src.filemtime($src));
else if(!is_dir($dstDir) || $forceCopy)
return $this->_published[$path]=$this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$dir;
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The asset "{asset}" to be published does not exist.',
* Returns the published path of a file path.
* This method does not perform any publishing. It merely tells you
* if the file or directory is published, where it will go.
* @param string $path directory or file path being published
* @param boolean $hashByName whether the published directory should be named as the hashed basename.
* If false, the name will be the hash taken from dirname of the path being published and path mtime.
* Defaults to false. Set true if the path being published is shared among
* different extensions.
* @return string the published file path. False if the file or directory does not exist
public function getPublishedPath($path,$hashByName=false)
return $base . $this->hash($hashByName ? basename($path) : dirname($path).filemtime($path)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($path);
return $base . $this->hash($hashByName ? basename($path) : $path.filemtime($path));
return false;
* Returns the URL of a published file path.
* This method does not perform any publishing. It merely tells you
* if the file path is published, what the URL will be to access it.
* @param string $path directory or file path being published
* @param boolean $hashByName whether the published directory should be named as the hashed basename.
* If false, the name will be the hash taken from dirname of the path being published and path mtime.
* Defaults to false. Set true if the path being published is shared among
* different extensions.
* @return string the published URL for the file or directory. False if the file or directory does not exist.
public function getPublishedUrl($path,$hashByName=false)
return $this->_published[$path];
return $this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$this->hash($hashByName ? basename($path) : dirname($path).filemtime($path)).'/'.basename($path);
return $this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$this->hash($hashByName ? basename($path) : $path.filemtime($path));
return false;
* Generate a CRC32 hash for the directory path. Collisions are higher
* than MD5 but generates a much smaller hash string.
* @param string $path string to be hashed.
* @return string hashed string.
protected function hash($path)
return sprintf('%x',crc32($path.Yii::getVersion()));


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Controller class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\web;
use yii\base\Action;
use yii\base\Exception;
use yii\base\HttpException;
* Controller is the base class of Web controllers.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class Controller extends \yii\base\Controller
* Returns the request parameters that will be used for action parameter binding.
* Default implementation simply returns an empty array.
* Child classes may override this method to customize the parameters to be provided
* for action parameter binding (e.g. `$_GET`).
* @return array the request parameters (name-value pairs) to be used for action parameter binding
public function getActionParams()
return $_GET;
* This method is invoked when the request parameters do not satisfy the requirement of the specified action.
* The default implementation will throw an exception.
* @param Action $action the action being executed
* @param Exception $exception the exception about the invalid parameters
* @throws HttpException $exception a 400 HTTP exception
public function invalidActionParams($action, $exception)
throw new HttpException(400, \Yii::t('yii', 'Your request is invalid.'));


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* CHttpCookie class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* A CHttpCookie instance stores a single cookie, including the cookie name, value, domain, path, expire, and secure.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CHttpCookie extends CComponent
* @var string name of the cookie
public $name;
* @var string value of the cookie
public $value='';
* @var string domain of the cookie
public $domain='';
* @var integer the timestamp at which the cookie expires. This is the server timestamp. Defaults to 0, meaning "until the browser is closed".
public $expire=0;
* @var string the path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. The default is '/'.
public $path='/';
* @var boolean whether cookie should be sent via secure connection
public $secure=false;
* @var boolean whether the cookie should be accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
* By setting this property to true, the cookie will not be accessible by scripting languages,
* such as JavaScript, which can effectly help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks.
* Note, this property is only effective for PHP 5.2.0 or above.
public $httpOnly=false;
* Constructor.
* @param string $name name of this cookie
* @param string $value value of this cookie
public function __construct($name,$value)


@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
* CPagination class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CPagination represents information relevant to pagination.
* When data needs to be rendered in multiple pages, we can use CPagination to
* represent information such as {@link getItemCount total item count},
* {@link getPageSize page size}, {@link getCurrentPage current page}, etc.
* These information can be passed to {@link CBasePager pagers} to render
* pagination buttons or links.
* Example:
* Controller action:
* <pre>
* function actionIndex(){
* $criteria=new CDbCriteria();
* $count=Article::model()->count($criteria);
* $pages=new CPagination($count);
* // results per page
* $pages->pageSize=10;
* $pages->applyLimit($criteria);
* $models=Article::model()->findAll($criteria);
* $this->render('index', array(
* 'models' => $models,
* 'pages' => $pages
* ));
* }
* </pre>
* View:
* <pre>
* <?php foreach($models as $model): ?>
* // display a model
* <?php endforeach; ?>
* // display pagination
* <?php $this->widget('CLinkPager', array(
* 'pages' => $pages,
* )) ?>
* </pre>
* @property integer $pageSize Number of items in each page. Defaults to 10.
* @property integer $itemCount Total number of items. Defaults to 0.
* @property integer $pageCount Number of pages.
* @property integer $currentPage The zero-based index of the current page. Defaults to 0.
* @property integer $offset The offset of the data. This may be used to set the
* OFFSET value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data.
* @property integer $limit The limit of the data. This may be used to set the
* LIMIT value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data.
* This returns the same value as {@link pageSize}.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CPagination extends CComponent
* The default page size.
* @var string name of the GET variable storing the current page index. Defaults to 'page'.
public $pageVar='page';
* @var string the route (controller ID and action ID) for displaying the paged contents.
* Defaults to empty string, meaning using the current route.
public $route='';
* @var array of parameters (name=>value) that should be used instead of GET when generating pagination URLs.
* Defaults to null, meaning using the currently available GET parameters.
public $params;
* @var boolean whether to ensure {@link currentPage} is returning a valid page number.
* When this property is true, the value returned by {@link currentPage} will always be between
* 0 and ({@link pageCount}-1). Because {@link pageCount} relies on the correct value of {@link itemCount},
* it means you must have knowledge about the total number of data items when you want to access {@link currentPage}.
* This is fine for SQL-based queries, but may not be feasible for other kinds of queries (e.g. MongoDB).
* In those cases, you may set this property to be false to skip the validation (you may need to validate yourself then).
* Defaults to true.
* @since 1.1.4
public $validateCurrentPage=true;
private $_pageSize=self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
private $_itemCount=0;
private $_currentPage;
* Constructor.
* @param integer $itemCount total number of items.
public function __construct($itemCount=0)
* @return integer number of items in each page. Defaults to 10.
public function getPageSize()
return $this->_pageSize;
* @param integer $value number of items in each page
public function setPageSize($value)
* @return integer total number of items. Defaults to 0.
public function getItemCount()
return $this->_itemCount;
* @param integer $value total number of items.
public function setItemCount($value)
* @return integer number of pages
public function getPageCount()
return (int)(($this->_itemCount+$this->_pageSize-1)/$this->_pageSize);
* @param boolean $recalculate whether to recalculate the current page based on the page size and item count.
* @return integer the zero-based index of the current page. Defaults to 0.
public function getCurrentPage($recalculate=true)
if($this->_currentPage===null || $recalculate)
return $this->_currentPage;
* @param integer $value the zero-based index of the current page.
public function setCurrentPage($value)
* Creates the URL suitable for pagination.
* This method is mainly called by pagers when creating URLs used to
* perform pagination. The default implementation is to call
* the controller's createUrl method with the page information.
* You may override this method if your URL scheme is not the same as
* the one supported by the controller's createUrl method.
* @param CController $controller the controller that will create the actual URL
* @param integer $page the page that the URL should point to. This is a zero-based index.
* @return string the created URL
public function createPageUrl($controller,$page)
$params=$this->params===null ? $_GET : $this->params;
if($page>0) // page 0 is the default
return $controller->createUrl($this->route,$params);
* Applies LIMIT and OFFSET to the specified query criteria.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria that should be applied with the limit
public function applyLimit($criteria)
* @return integer the offset of the data. This may be used to set the
* OFFSET value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data.
* @since 1.1.0
public function getOffset()
return $this->getCurrentPage()*$this->getPageSize();
* @return integer the limit of the data. This may be used to set the
* LIMIT value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data.
* This returns the same value as {@link pageSize}.
* @since 1.1.0
public function getLimit()
return $this->getPageSize();


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
* CHttpSession class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CHttpSession provides session-level data management and the related configurations.
* To start the session, call {@link open()}; To complete and send out session data, call {@link close()};
* To destroy the session, call {@link destroy()}.
* If {@link autoStart} is set true, the session will be started automatically
* when the application component is initialized by the application.
* CHttpSession can be used like an array to set and get session data. For example,
* <pre>
* $session=new CHttpSession;
* $session->open();
* $value1=$session['name1']; // get session variable 'name1'
* $value2=$session['name2']; // get session variable 'name2'
* foreach($session as $name=>$value) // traverse all session variables
* $session['name3']=$value3; // set session variable 'name3'
* </pre>
* The following configurations are available for session:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link setSessionID sessionID};</li>
* <li>{@link setSessionName sessionName};</li>
* <li>{@link autoStart};</li>
* <li>{@link setSavePath savePath};</li>
* <li>{@link setCookieParams cookieParams};</li>
* <li>{@link setGCProbability gcProbability};</li>
* <li>{@link setCookieMode cookieMode};</li>
* <li>{@link setUseTransparentSessionID useTransparentSessionID};</li>
* <li>{@link setTimeout timeout}.</li>
* </ul>
* See the corresponding setter and getter documentation for more information.
* Note, these properties must be set before the session is started.
* CHttpSession can be extended to support customized session storage.
* Override {@link openSession}, {@link closeSession}, {@link readSession},
* {@link writeSession}, {@link destroySession} and {@link gcSession}
* and set {@link useCustomStorage} to true.
* Then, the session data will be stored and retrieved using the above methods.
* CHttpSession is a Web application component that can be accessed via
* {@link CWebApplication::getSession()}.
* @property boolean $useCustomStorage Whether to use custom storage.
* @property boolean $isStarted Whether the session has started.
* @property string $sessionID The current session ID.
* @property string $sessionName The current session name.
* @property string $savePath The current session save path, defaults to '/tmp'.
* @property array $cookieParams The session cookie parameters.
* @property string $cookieMode How to use cookie to store session ID. Defaults to 'Allow'.
* @property integer $gCProbability The probability (percentage) that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization, defaults to 1 meaning 1% chance.
* @property boolean $useTransparentSessionID Whether transparent sid support is enabled or not, defaults to false.
* @property integer $timeout The number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up, defaults to 1440 seconds.
* @property CHttpSessionIterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the session variables.
* @property integer $count The number of session variables.
* @property array $keys The list of session variable names.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CHttpSession extends CApplicationComponent implements IteratorAggregate,ArrayAccess,Countable
* @var boolean whether the session should be automatically started when the session application component is initialized, defaults to true.
public $autoStart=true;
* Initializes the application component.
* This method is required by IApplicationComponent and is invoked by application.
public function init()
* Returns a value indicating whether to use custom session storage.
* This method should be overriden to return true if custom session storage handler should be used.
* If returning true, make sure the methods {@link openSession}, {@link closeSession}, {@link readSession},
* {@link writeSession}, {@link destroySession}, and {@link gcSession} are overridden in child
* class, because they will be used as the callback handlers.
* The default implementation always return false.
* @return boolean whether to use custom storage.
public function getUseCustomStorage()
return false;
* Starts the session if it has not started yet.
public function open()
if(YII_DEBUG && session_id()=='')
$message=Yii::t('yii','Failed to start session.');
Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'system.web.CHttpSession');
* Ends the current session and store session data.
public function close()
* Frees all session variables and destroys all data registered to a session.
public function destroy()
* @return boolean whether the session has started
public function getIsStarted()
return session_id()!=='';
* @return string the current session ID
public function getSessionID()
return session_id();
* @param string $value the session ID for the current session
public function setSessionID($value)
* Updates the current session id with a newly generated one .
* Please refer to {@link} for more details.
* @param boolean $deleteOldSession Whether to delete the old associated session file or not.
* @since 1.1.8
public function regenerateID($deleteOldSession=false)
* @return string the current session name
public function getSessionName()
return session_name();
* @param string $value the session name for the current session, must be an alphanumeric string, defaults to PHPSESSID
public function setSessionName($value)
* @return string the current session save path, defaults to '/tmp'.
public function getSavePath()
return session_save_path();
* @param string $value the current session save path
* @throws CException if the path is not a valid directory
public function setSavePath($value)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CHttpSession.savePath "{path}" is not a valid directory.',
* @return array the session cookie parameters.
* @see
public function getCookieParams()
return session_get_cookie_params();
* Sets the session cookie parameters.
* The effect of this method only lasts for the duration of the script.
* Call this method before the session starts.
* @param array $value cookie parameters, valid keys include: lifetime, path, domain, secure.
* @see
public function setCookieParams($value)
* @return string how to use cookie to store session ID. Defaults to 'Allow'.
public function getCookieMode()
return 'none';
else if(ini_get('session.use_only_cookies')==='0')
return 'allow';
return 'only';
* @param string $value how to use cookie to store session ID. Valid values include 'none', 'allow' and 'only'.
public function setCookieMode($value)
else if($value==='allow')
else if($value==='only')
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CHttpSession.cookieMode can only be "none", "allow" or "only".'));
* @return integer the probability (percentage) that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization, defaults to 1 meaning 1% chance.
public function getGCProbability()
return (int)ini_get('session.gc_probability');
* @param integer $value the probability (percentage) that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization.
* @throws CException if the value is beyond [0,100]
public function setGCProbability($value)
if($value>=0 && $value<=100)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CHttpSession.gcProbability "{value}" is invalid. It must be an integer between 0 and 100.',
* @return boolean whether transparent sid support is enabled or not, defaults to false.
public function getUseTransparentSessionID()
return ini_get('session.use_trans_sid')==1;
* @param boolean $value whether transparent sid support is enabled or not.
public function setUseTransparentSessionID($value)
* @return integer the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up, defaults to 1440 seconds.
public function getTimeout()
return (int)ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
* @param integer $value the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up
public function setTimeout($value)
* Session open handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $savePath session save path
* @param string $sessionName session name
* @return boolean whether session is opened successfully
public function openSession($savePath,$sessionName)
return true;
* Session close handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @return boolean whether session is closed successfully
public function closeSession()
return true;
* Session read handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @return string the session data
public function readSession($id)
return '';
* Session write handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @param string $data session data
* @return boolean whether session write is successful
public function writeSession($id,$data)
return true;
* Session destroy handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @return boolean whether session is destroyed successfully
public function destroySession($id)
return true;
* Session GC (garbage collection) handler.
* This method should be overridden if {@link useCustomStorage} is set true.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param integer $maxLifetime the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up.
* @return boolean whether session is GCed successfully
public function gcSession($maxLifetime)
return true;
//------ The following methods enable CHttpSession to be CMap-like -----
* Returns an iterator for traversing the session variables.
* This method is required by the interface IteratorAggregate.
* @return CHttpSessionIterator an iterator for traversing the session variables.
public function getIterator()
return new CHttpSessionIterator;
* Returns the number of items in the session.
* @return integer the number of session variables
public function getCount()
return count($_SESSION);
* Returns the number of items in the session.
* This method is required by Countable interface.
* @return integer number of items in the session.
public function count()
return $this->getCount();
* @return array the list of session variable names
public function getKeys()
return array_keys($_SESSION);
* Returns the session variable value with the session variable name.
* This method is very similar to {@link itemAt} and {@link offsetGet},
* except that it will return $defaultValue if the session variable does not exist.
* @param mixed $key the session variable name
* @param mixed $defaultValue the default value to be returned when the session variable does not exist.
* @return mixed the session variable value, or $defaultValue if the session variable does not exist.
* @since 1.1.2
public function get($key,$defaultValue=null)
return isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? $_SESSION[$key] : $defaultValue;
* Returns the session variable value with the session variable name.
* This method is exactly the same as {@link offsetGet}.
* @param mixed $key the session variable name
* @return mixed the session variable value, null if no such variable exists
public function itemAt($key)
return isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? $_SESSION[$key] : null;
* Adds a session variable.
* Note, if the specified name already exists, the old value will be removed first.
* @param mixed $key session variable name
* @param mixed $value session variable value
public function add($key,$value)
* Removes a session variable.
* @param mixed $key the name of the session variable to be removed
* @return mixed the removed value, null if no such session variable.
public function remove($key)
return $value;
return null;
* Removes all session variables
public function clear()
foreach(array_keys($_SESSION) as $key)
* @param mixed $key session variable name
* @return boolean whether there is the named session variable
public function contains($key)
return isset($_SESSION[$key]);
* @return array the list of all session variables in array
public function toArray()
return $_SESSION;
* This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
* @param mixed $offset the offset to check on
* @return boolean
public function offsetExists($offset)
return isset($_SESSION[$offset]);
* This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
* @param integer $offset the offset to retrieve element.
* @return mixed the element at the offset, null if no element is found at the offset
public function offsetGet($offset)
return isset($_SESSION[$offset]) ? $_SESSION[$offset] : null;
* This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
* @param integer $offset the offset to set element
* @param mixed $item the element value
public function offsetSet($offset,$item)
* This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
* @param mixed $offset the offset to unset element
public function offsetUnset($offset)


@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
* CSort class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CSort represents information relevant to sorting.
* When data needs to be sorted according to one or several attributes,
* we can use CSort to represent the sorting information and generate
* appropriate hyperlinks that can lead to sort actions.
* CSort is designed to be used together with {@link CActiveRecord}.
* When creating a CSort instance, you need to specify {@link modelClass}.
* You can use CSort to generate hyperlinks by calling {@link link}.
* You can also use CSort to modify a {@link CDbCriteria} instance by calling {@link applyOrder} so that
* it can cause the query results to be sorted according to the specified
* attributes.
* In order to prevent SQL injection attacks, CSort ensures that only valid model attributes
* can be sorted. This is determined based on {@link modelClass} and {@link attributes}.
* When {@link attributes} is not set, all attributes belonging to {@link modelClass}
* can be sorted. When {@link attributes} is set, only those attributes declared in the property
* can be sorted.
* By configuring {@link attributes}, one can perform more complex sorts that may
* consist of things like compound attributes (e.g. sort based on the combination of
* first name and last name of users).
* The property {@link attributes} should be an array of key-value pairs, where the keys
* represent the attribute names, while the values represent the virtual attribute definitions.
* For more details, please check the documentation about {@link attributes}.
* @property string $orderBy The order-by columns represented by this sort object.
* This can be put in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL statement.
* @property array $directions Sort directions indexed by attribute names.
* The sort direction. Can be either CSort::SORT_ASC for ascending order or
* CSort::SORT_DESC for descending order.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
class CSort extends CComponent
* Sort ascending
* @since 1.1.10
const SORT_ASC = false;
* Sort descending
* @since 1.1.10
const SORT_DESC = true;
* @var boolean whether the sorting can be applied to multiple attributes simultaneously.
* Defaults to false, which means each time the data can only be sorted by one attribute.
public $multiSort=false;
* @var string the name of the model class whose attributes can be sorted.
* The model class must be a child class of {@link CActiveRecord}.
public $modelClass;
* @var array list of attributes that are allowed to be sorted.
* For example, array('user_id','create_time') would specify that only 'user_id'
* and 'create_time' of the model {@link modelClass} can be sorted.
* By default, this property is an empty array, which means all attributes in
* {@link modelClass} are allowed to be sorted.
* This property can also be used to specify complex sorting. To do so,
* a virtual attribute can be declared in terms of a key-value pair in the array.
* The key refers to the name of the virtual attribute that may appear in the sort request,
* while the value specifies the definition of the virtual attribute.
* In the simple case, a key-value pair can be like <code>'user'=>'user_id'</code>
* where 'user' is the name of the virtual attribute while 'user_id' means the virtual
* attribute is the 'user_id' attribute in the {@link modelClass}.
* A more flexible way is to specify the key-value pair as
* <pre>
* 'user'=>array(
* 'asc'=>'first_name, last_name',
* 'desc'=>'first_name DESC, last_name DESC',
* 'label'=>'Name'
* )
* </pre>
* where 'user' is the name of the virtual attribute that specifies the full name of user
* (a compound attribute consisting of first name and last name of user). In this case,
* we have to use an array to define the virtual attribute with three elements: 'asc',
* 'desc' and 'label'.
* The above approach can also be used to declare virtual attributes that consist of relational
* attributes. For example,
* <pre>
* 'price'=>array(
* 'asc'=>'item.price',
* 'desc'=>'item.price DESC',
* 'label'=>'Item Price'
* )
* </pre>
* Note, the attribute name should not contain '-' or '.' characters because
* they are used as {@link separators}.
* Starting from version 1.1.3, an additional option named 'default' can be used in the virtual attribute
* declaration. This option specifies whether an attribute should be sorted in ascending or descending
* order upon user clicking the corresponding sort hyperlink if it is not currently sorted. The valid
* option values include 'asc' (default) and 'desc'. For example,
* <pre>
* 'price'=>array(
* 'asc'=>'item.price',
* 'desc'=>'item.price DESC',
* 'label'=>'Item Price',
* 'default'=>'desc',
* )
* </pre>
* Also starting from version 1.1.3, you can include a star ('*') element in this property so that
* all model attributes are available for sorting, in addition to those virtual attributes. For example,
* <pre>
* 'attributes'=>array(
* 'price'=>array(
* 'asc'=>'item.price',
* 'desc'=>'item.price DESC',
* 'label'=>'Item Price',
* 'default'=>'desc',
* ),
* '*',
* )
* </pre>
* Note that when a name appears as both a model attribute and a virtual attribute, the position of
* the star element in the array determines which one takes precedence. In particular, if the star
* element is the first element in the array, the model attribute takes precedence; and if the star
* element is the last one, the virtual attribute takes precedence.
public $attributes=array();
* @var string the name of the GET parameter that specifies which attributes to be sorted
* in which direction. Defaults to 'sort'.
public $sortVar='sort';
* @var string the tag appeared in the GET parameter that indicates the attribute should be sorted
* in descending order. Defaults to 'desc'.
public $descTag='desc';
* @var mixed the default order that should be applied to the query criteria when
* the current request does not specify any sort. For example, 'name, create_time DESC' or
* 'UPPER(name)'.
* Starting from version 1.1.3, you can also specify the default order using an array.
* The array keys could be attribute names or virtual attribute names as declared in {@link attributes},
* and the array values indicate whether the sorting of the corresponding attributes should
* be in descending order. For example,
* <pre>
* 'defaultOrder'=>array(
* 'price'=>CSort::SORT_DESC,
* )
* </pre>
* `SORT_DESC` and `SORT_ASC` are available since 1.1.10. In earlier Yii versions you should use
* `true` and `false` respectively.
* Please note when using array to specify the default order, the corresponding attributes
* will be put into {@link directions} and thus affect how the sort links are rendered
* (e.g. an arrow may be displayed next to the currently active sort link).
public $defaultOrder;
* @var string the route (controller ID and action ID) for generating the sorted contents.
* Defaults to empty string, meaning using the currently requested route.
public $route='';
* @var array separators used in the generated URL. This must be an array consisting of
* two elements. The first element specifies the character separating different
* attributes, while the second element specifies the character separating attribute name
* and the corresponding sort direction. Defaults to array('-','.').
public $separators=array('-','.');
* @var array the additional GET parameters (name=>value) that should be used when generating sort URLs.
* Defaults to null, meaning using the currently available GET parameters.
public $params;
private $_directions;
* Constructor.
* @param string $modelClass the class name of data models that need to be sorted.
* This should be a child class of {@link CActiveRecord}.
public function __construct($modelClass=null)
* Modifies the query criteria by changing its {@link CDbCriteria::order} property.
* This method will use {@link directions} to determine which columns need to be sorted.
* They will be put in the ORDER BY clause. If the criteria already has non-empty {@link CDbCriteria::order} value,
* the new value will be appended to it.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria
public function applyOrder($criteria)
$criteria->order.=', ';
* @return string the order-by columns represented by this sort object.
* This can be put in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL statement.
* @since 1.1.0
public function getOrderBy()
return is_string($this->defaultOrder) ? $this->defaultOrder : '';
foreach($directions as $attribute=>$descending)
$orders[]=isset($definition['desc']) ? $definition['desc'] : $attribute.' DESC';
$orders[]=isset($definition['asc']) ? $definition['asc'] : $attribute;
else if($definition!==false)
$orders[]=$descending?$attribute.' DESC':$attribute;
return implode(', ',$orders);
* Generates a hyperlink that can be clicked to cause sorting.
* @param string $attribute the attribute name. This must be the actual attribute name, not alias.
* If it is an attribute of a related AR object, the name should be prefixed with
* the relation name (e.g. '', where 'author' is the relation name).
* @param string $label the link label. If null, the label will be determined according
* to the attribute (see {@link resolveLabel}).
* @param array $htmlOptions additional HTML attributes for the hyperlink tag
* @return string the generated hyperlink
public function link($attribute,$label=null,$htmlOptions=array())
return $label;
$class=$directions[$attribute] ? 'desc' : 'asc';
$htmlOptions['class'].=' '.$class;
else if(is_array($definition) && isset($definition['default']))
return $this->createLink($attribute,$label,$url,$htmlOptions);
* Resolves the attribute label for the specified attribute.
* This will invoke {@link CActiveRecord::getAttributeLabel} to determine what label to use.
* If the attribute refers to a virtual attribute declared in {@link attributes},
* then the label given in the {@link attributes} will be returned instead.
* @param string $attribute the attribute name.
* @return string the attribute label
public function resolveLabel($attribute)
return $definition['label'];
else if(is_string($definition))
return CActiveRecord::model($this->modelClass)->getAttributeLabel($attribute);
return $attribute;
* Returns the currently requested sort information.
* @return array sort directions indexed by attribute names.
* Sort direction can be either CSort::SORT_ASC for ascending order or
* CSort::SORT_DESC for descending order.
public function getDirections()
if(isset($_GET[$this->sortVar]) && is_string($_GET[$this->sortVar]))
foreach($attributes as $attribute)
return $this->_directions;
if($this->_directions===array() && is_array($this->defaultOrder))
return $this->_directions;
* Returns the sort direction of the specified attribute in the current request.
* @param string $attribute the attribute name
* @return mixed Sort direction of the attribute. Can be either CSort::SORT_ASC
* for ascending order or CSort::SORT_DESC for descending order. Value is null
* if the attribute doesn't need to be sorted.
public function getDirection($attribute)
return isset($this->_directions[$attribute]) ? $this->_directions[$attribute] : null;
* Creates a URL that can lead to generating sorted data.
* @param CController $controller the controller that will be used to create the URL.
* @param array $directions the sort directions indexed by attribute names.
* The sort direction can be either CSort::SORT_ASC for ascending order or
* CSort::SORT_DESC for descending order.
* @return string the URL for sorting
public function createUrl($controller,$directions)
foreach($directions as $attribute=>$descending)
$sorts[]=$descending ? $attribute.$this->separators[1].$this->descTag : $attribute;
$params=$this->params===null ? $_GET : $this->params;
return $controller->createUrl($this->route,$params);
* Returns the real definition of an attribute given its name.
* The resolution is based on {@link attributes} and {@link CActiveRecord::attributeNames}.
* <ul>
* <li>When {@link attributes} is an empty array, if the name refers to an attribute of {@link modelClass},
* then the name is returned back.</li>
* <li>When {@link attributes} is not empty, if the name refers to an attribute declared in {@link attributes},
* then the corresponding virtual attribute definition is returned. Starting from version 1.1.3, if {@link attributes}
* contains a star ('*') element, the name will also be used to match against all model attributes.</li>
* <li>In all other cases, false is returned, meaning the name does not refer to a valid attribute.</li>
* </ul>
* @param string $attribute the attribute name that the user requests to sort on
* @return mixed the attribute name or the virtual attribute definition. False if the attribute cannot be sorted.
public function resolveAttribute($attribute)
else if($this->modelClass!==null)
return false;
foreach($attributes as $name=>$definition)
return $definition;
else if($definition==='*')
if($this->modelClass!==null && CActiveRecord::model($this->modelClass)->hasAttribute($attribute))
return $attribute;
else if($definition===$attribute)
return $attribute;
return false;
* Creates a hyperlink based on the given label and URL.
* You may override this method to customize the link generation.
* @param string $attribute the name of the attribute that this link is for
* @param string $label the label of the hyperlink
* @param string $url the URL
* @param array $htmlOptions additional HTML options
* @return string the generated hyperlink
protected function createLink($attribute,$label,$url,$htmlOptions)
return CHtml::link($label,$url,$htmlOptions);


@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* CTheme class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CTheme represents an application theme.
* @property string $name Theme name.
* @property string $baseUrl The relative URL to the theme folder (without ending slash).
* @property string $basePath The file path to the theme folder.
* @property string $viewPath The path for controller views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views'.
* @property string $systemViewPath The path for system views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/system'.
* @property string $skinPath The path for widget skins. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/skins'.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CTheme extends CComponent
private $_name;
private $_basePath;
private $_baseUrl;
* Constructor.
* @param string $name name of the theme
* @param string $basePath base theme path
* @param string $baseUrl base theme URL
public function __construct($name,$basePath,$baseUrl)
* @return string theme name
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
* @return string the relative URL to the theme folder (without ending slash)
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
* @return string the file path to the theme folder
public function getBasePath()
return $this->_basePath;
* @return string the path for controller views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views'.
public function getViewPath()
return $this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'views';
* @return string the path for system views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/system'.
public function getSystemViewPath()
return $this->getViewPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'system';
* @return string the path for widget skins. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/skins'.
* @since 1.1
public function getSkinPath()
return $this->getViewPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'skins';
* Finds the view file for the specified controller's view.
* @param CController $controller the controller
* @param string $viewName the view name
* @return string the view file path. False if the file does not exist.
public function getViewFile($controller,$viewName)
return $controller->resolveViewFile($viewName,$this->getViewPath().'/'.$controller->getUniqueId(),$this->getViewPath(),$moduleViewPath);
* Finds the layout file for the specified controller's layout.
* @param CController $controller the controller
* @param string $layoutName the layout name
* @return string the layout file path. False if the file does not exist.
public function getLayoutFile($controller,$layoutName)
return false;
else if($module!==null)
return $controller->resolveViewFile($layoutName,$moduleViewPath.'/layouts',$basePath,$moduleViewPath);


@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* CThemeManager class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CThemeManager manages the themes for the Web application.
* A theme is a collection of view/layout files and resource files
* (e.g. css, image, js files). When a theme is active, {@link CController}
* will look for the specified view/layout under the theme folder first.
* The corresponding view/layout files will be used if the theme provides them.
* Otherwise, the default view/layout files will be used.
* By default, each theme is organized as a directory whose name is the theme name.
* All themes are located under the "WebRootPath/themes" directory.
* To activate a theme, set the {@link CWebApplication::setTheme theme} property
* to be the name of that theme.
* Since a self-contained theme often contains resource files that are made
* Web accessible, please make sure the view/layout files are protected from Web access.
* @property array $themeNames List of available theme names.
* @property string $basePath The base path for all themes. Defaults to "WebRootPath/themes".
* @property string $baseUrl The base URL for all themes. Defaults to "/WebRoot/themes".
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CThemeManager extends CApplicationComponent
* default themes base path
const DEFAULT_BASEPATH='themes';
* @var string the name of the theme class for representing a theme.
* Defaults to {@link CTheme}. This can also be a class name in dot syntax.
public $themeClass='CTheme';
private $_basePath=null;
private $_baseUrl=null;
* @param string $name name of the theme to be retrieved
* @return CTheme the theme retrieved. Null if the theme does not exist.
public function getTheme($name)
$class=Yii::import($this->themeClass, true);
return new $class($name,$themePath,$this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$name);
return null;
* @return array list of available theme names
public function getThemeNames()
static $themes;
if($file!=='.' && $file!=='..' && $file!=='.svn' && $file!=='.gitignore' && is_dir($basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file))
return $themes;
* @return string the base path for all themes. Defaults to "WebRootPath/themes".
public function getBasePath()
return $this->_basePath;
* @param string $value the base path for all themes.
* @throws CException if the base path does not exist
public function setBasePath($value)
if($this->_basePath===false || !is_dir($this->_basePath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Theme directory "{directory}" does not exist.',array('{directory}'=>$value)));
* @return string the base URL for all themes. Defaults to "/WebRoot/themes".
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
* @param string $value the base URL for all themes.
public function setBaseUrl($value)


@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
* CUrlManager class file
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CUrlManager manages the URLs of Yii Web applications.
* It provides URL construction ({@link createUrl()}) as well as parsing ({@link parseUrl()}) functionality.
* URLs managed via CUrlManager can be in one of the following two formats,
* by setting {@link setUrlFormat urlFormat} property:
* <ul>
* <li>'path' format: /path/to/EntryScript.php/name1/value1/name2/value2...</li>
* <li>'get' format: /path/to/EntryScript.php?name1=value1&name2=value2...</li>
* </ul>
* When using 'path' format, CUrlManager uses a set of {@link setRules rules} to:
* <ul>
* <li>parse the requested URL into a route ('ControllerID/ActionID') and GET parameters;</li>
* <li>create URLs based on the given route and GET parameters.</li>
* </ul>
* A rule consists of a route and a pattern. The latter is used by CUrlManager to determine
* which rule is used for parsing/creating URLs. A pattern is meant to match the path info
* part of a URL. It may contain named parameters using the syntax '&lt;ParamName:RegExp&gt;'.
* When parsing a URL, a matching rule will extract the named parameters from the path info
* and put them into the $_GET variable; when creating a URL, a matching rule will extract
* the named parameters from $_GET and put them into the path info part of the created URL.
* If a pattern ends with '/*', it means additional GET parameters may be appended to the path
* info part of the URL; otherwise, the GET parameters can only appear in the query string part.
* To specify URL rules, set the {@link setRules rules} property as an array of rules (pattern=>route).
* For example,
* <pre>
* array(
* 'articles'=>'article/list',
* 'article/<id:\d+>/*'=>'article/read',
* )
* </pre>
* Two rules are specified in the above:
* <ul>
* <li>The first rule says that if the user requests the URL '/path/to/index.php/articles',
* it should be treated as '/path/to/index.php/article/list'; and vice versa applies
* when constructing such a URL.</li>
* <li>The second rule contains a named parameter 'id' which is specified using
* the &lt;ParamName:RegExp&gt; syntax. It says that if the user requests the URL
* '/path/to/index.php/article/13', it should be treated as '/path/to/index.php/article/read?id=13';
* and vice versa applies when constructing such a URL.</li>
* </ul>
* The route part may contain references to named parameters defined in the pattern part.
* This allows a rule to be applied to different routes based on matching criteria.
* For example,
* <pre>
* array(
* '<_c:(post|comment)>/<id:\d+>/<_a:(create|update|delete)>'=>'<_c>/<_a>',
* '<_c:(post|comment)>/<id:\d+>'=>'<_c>/view',
* '<_c:(post|comment)>s/*'=>'<_c>/list',
* )
* </pre>
* In the above, we use two named parameters '<_c>' and '<_a>' in the route part. The '<_c>'
* parameter matches either 'post' or 'comment', while the '<_a>' parameter matches an action ID.
* Like normal rules, these rules can be used for both parsing and creating URLs.
* For example, using the rules above, the URL '/index.php/post/123/create'
* would be parsed as the route 'post/create' with GET parameter 'id' being 123.
* And given the route 'post/list' and GET parameter 'page' being 2, we should get a URL
* '/index.php/posts/page/2'.
* It is also possible to include hostname into the rules for parsing and creating URLs.
* One may extract part of the hostname to be a GET parameter.
* For example, the URL <code></code> may be parsed into GET parameters
* <code>user=admin</code> and <code>lang=en</code>. On the other hand, rules with hostname may also be used to
* create URLs with parameterized hostnames.
* In order to use parameterized hostnames, simply declare URL rules with host info, e.g.:
* <pre>
* array(
* 'http://<user:\w+><lang:\w+>/profile' => 'user/profile',
* )
* </pre>
* Starting from version 1.1.8, one can write custom URL rule classes and use them for one or several URL rules.
* For example,
* <pre>
* array(
* // a standard rule
* '<action:(login|logout)>' => 'site/<action>',
* // a custom rule using data in DB
* array(
* 'class' => 'application.components.MyUrlRule',
* 'connectionID' => 'db',
* ),
* )
* </pre>
* Please note that the custom URL rule class should extend from {@link CBaseUrlRule} and
* implement the following two methods,
* <ul>
* <li>{@link CBaseUrlRule::createUrl()}</li>
* <li>{@link CBaseUrlRule::parseUrl()}</li>
* </ul>
* CUrlManager is a default application component that may be accessed via
* {@link CWebApplication::getUrlManager()}.
* @property string $baseUrl The base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string).
* If {@link showScriptName} is true, it will include the script name part.
* Otherwise, it will not, and the ending slashes are stripped off.
* @property string $urlFormat The URL format. Defaults to 'path'. Valid values include 'path' and 'get'.
* Please refer to the guide for more details about the difference between these two formats.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CUrlManager extends CApplicationComponent
const CACHE_KEY='Yii.CUrlManager.rules';
const GET_FORMAT='get';
const PATH_FORMAT='path';
* @var array the URL rules (pattern=>route).
public $rules=array();
* @var string the URL suffix used when in 'path' format.
* For example, ".html" can be used so that the URL looks like pointing to a static HTML page. Defaults to empty.
public $urlSuffix='';
* @var boolean whether to show entry script name in the constructed URL. Defaults to true.
public $showScriptName=true;
* @var boolean whether to append GET parameters to the path info part. Defaults to true.
* This property is only effective when {@link urlFormat} is 'path' and is mainly used when
* creating URLs. When it is true, GET parameters will be appended to the path info and
* separate from each other using slashes. If this is false, GET parameters will be in query part.
public $appendParams=true;
* @var string the GET variable name for route. Defaults to 'r'.
public $routeVar='r';
* @var boolean whether routes are case-sensitive. Defaults to true. By setting this to false,
* the route in the incoming request will be turned to lower case first before further processing.
* As a result, you should follow the convention that you use lower case when specifying
* controller mapping ({@link CWebApplication::controllerMap}) and action mapping
* ({@link CController::actions}). Also, the directory names for organizing controllers should
* be in lower case.
public $caseSensitive=true;
* @var boolean whether the GET parameter values should match the corresponding
* sub-patterns in a rule before using it to create a URL. Defaults to false, meaning
* a rule will be used for creating a URL only if its route and parameter names match the given ones.
* If this property is set true, then the given parameter values must also match the corresponding
* parameter sub-patterns. Note that setting this property to true will degrade performance.
* @since 1.1.0
public $matchValue=false;
* @var string the ID of the cache application component that is used to cache the parsed URL rules.
* Defaults to 'cache' which refers to the primary cache application component.
* Set this property to false if you want to disable caching URL rules.
public $cacheID='cache';
* @var boolean whether to enable strict URL parsing.
* This property is only effective when {@link urlFormat} is 'path'.
* If it is set true, then an incoming URL must match one of the {@link rules URL rules}.
* Otherwise, it will be treated as an invalid request and trigger a 404 HTTP exception.
* Defaults to false.
public $useStrictParsing=false;
* @var string the class name or path alias for the URL rule instances. Defaults to 'CUrlRule'.
* If you change this to something else, please make sure that the new class must extend from
* {@link CBaseUrlRule} and have the same constructor signature as {@link CUrlRule}.
* It must also be serializable and autoloadable.
* @since 1.1.8
public $urlRuleClass='CUrlRule';
private $_urlFormat=self::GET_FORMAT;
private $_rules=array();
private $_baseUrl;
* Initializes the application component.
public function init()
* Processes the URL rules.
protected function processRules()
if(empty($this->rules) || $this->getUrlFormat()===self::GET_FORMAT)
if($this->cacheID!==false && ($cache=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID))!==null)
if(($data=$cache->get(self::CACHE_KEY))!==false && isset($data[1]) && $data[1]===$hash)
foreach($this->rules as $pattern=>$route)
* Adds new URL rules.
* In order to make the new rules effective, this method must be called BEFORE
* {@link CWebApplication::processRequest}.
* @param array $rules new URL rules (pattern=>route).
* @param boolean $append whether the new URL rules should be appended to the existing ones. If false,
* they will be inserted at the beginning.
* @since 1.1.4
public function addRules($rules, $append=true)
if ($append)
foreach($rules as $pattern=>$route)
foreach($rules as $pattern=>$route)
array_unshift($this->_rules, $this->createUrlRule($route,$pattern));
* Creates a URL rule instance.
* The default implementation returns a CUrlRule object.
* @param mixed $route the route part of the rule. This could be a string or an array
* @param string $pattern the pattern part of the rule
* @return CUrlRule the URL rule instance
* @since 1.1.0
protected function createUrlRule($route,$pattern)
if(is_array($route) && isset($route['class']))
return $route;
return new $this->urlRuleClass($route,$pattern);
* Constructs a URL.
* @param string $route the controller and the action (e.g. article/read)
* @param array $params list of GET parameters (name=>value). Both the name and value will be URL-encoded.
* If the name is '#', the corresponding value will be treated as an anchor
* and will be appended at the end of the URL.
* @param string $ampersand the token separating name-value pairs in the URL. Defaults to '&'.
* @return string the constructed URL
public function createUrl($route,$params=array(),$ampersand='&')
foreach($params as $i=>$param)
foreach($this->_rules as $i=>$rule)
return $url==='' ? '/'.$anchor : $url.$anchor;
return $this->getBaseUrl().'/'.$url.$anchor;
return $this->createUrlDefault($route,$params,$ampersand).$anchor;
* Creates a URL based on default settings.
* @param string $route the controller and the action (e.g. article/read)
* @param array $params list of GET parameters
* @param string $ampersand the token separating name-value pairs in the URL.
* @return string the constructed URL
protected function createUrlDefault($route,$params,$ampersand)
return $route==='' ? $url : $url.$this->urlSuffix;
return $query==='' ? $url : $url.'?'.$query;
else if(($query=$this->createPathInfo($params,'=',$ampersand))!=='')
return $url;
* Parses the user request.
* @param CHttpRequest $request the request application component
* @return string the route (controllerID/actionID) and perhaps GET parameters in path format.
public function parseUrl($request)
foreach($this->_rules as $i=>$rule)
return isset($_GET[$this->routeVar]) ? $_GET[$this->routeVar] : $r;
throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".',
return $pathInfo;
else if(isset($_GET[$this->routeVar]))
return $_GET[$this->routeVar];
else if(isset($_POST[$this->routeVar]))
return $_POST[$this->routeVar];
return '';
* Parses a path info into URL segments and saves them to $_GET and $_REQUEST.
* @param string $pathInfo path info
public function parsePathInfo($pathInfo)
if($key==='') continue;
if(($pos=strpos($key,'['))!==false && ($m=preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/',$key,$matches))>0)
if(isset($_GET[$name]) && is_array($_GET[$name]))
* Creates a path info based on the given parameters.
* @param array $params list of GET parameters
* @param string $equal the separator between name and value
* @param string $ampersand the separator between name-value pairs
* @param string $key this is used internally.
* @return string the created path info
public function createPathInfo($params,$equal,$ampersand, $key=null)
$pairs = array();
foreach($params as $k => $v)
if ($key!==null)
$k = $key.'['.$k.']';
if (is_array($v))
$pairs[]=$this->createPathInfo($v,$equal,$ampersand, $k);
return implode($ampersand,$pairs);
* Removes the URL suffix from path info.
* @param string $pathInfo path info part in the URL
* @param string $urlSuffix the URL suffix to be removed
* @return string path info with URL suffix removed.
public function removeUrlSuffix($pathInfo,$urlSuffix)
if($urlSuffix!=='' && substr($pathInfo,-strlen($urlSuffix))===$urlSuffix)
return substr($pathInfo,0,-strlen($urlSuffix));
return $pathInfo;
* Returns the base URL of the application.
* @return string the base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string).
* If {@link showScriptName} is true, it will include the script name part.
* Otherwise, it will not, and the ending slashes are stripped off.
public function getBaseUrl()
return $this->_baseUrl;
return $this->_baseUrl;
* Sets the base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string).
* This method is provided in case the {@link baseUrl} cannot be determined automatically.
* The ending slashes should be stripped off. And you are also responsible to remove the script name
* if you set {@link showScriptName} to be false.
* @param string $value the base URL of the application
* @since 1.1.1
public function setBaseUrl($value)
* Returns the URL format.
* @return string the URL format. Defaults to 'path'. Valid values include 'path' and 'get'.
* Please refer to the guide for more details about the difference between these two formats.
public function getUrlFormat()
return $this->_urlFormat;
* Sets the URL format.
* @param string $value the URL format. It must be either 'path' or 'get'.
public function setUrlFormat($value)
if($value===self::PATH_FORMAT || $value===self::GET_FORMAT)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CUrlManager.UrlFormat must be either "path" or "get".'));
* CBaseUrlRule is the base class for a URL rule class.
* Custom URL rule classes should extend from this class and implement two methods:
* {@link createUrl} and {@link parseUrl}.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.1.8
abstract class CBaseUrlRule extends CComponent
* @var boolean whether this rule will also parse the host info part. Defaults to false.
public $hasHostInfo=false;
* Creates a URL based on this rule.
* @param CUrlManager $manager the manager
* @param string $route the route
* @param array $params list of parameters (name=>value) associated with the route
* @param string $ampersand the token separating name-value pairs in the URL.
* @return mixed the constructed URL. False if this rule does not apply.
abstract public function createUrl($manager,$route,$params,$ampersand);
* Parses a URL based on this rule.
* @param CUrlManager $manager the URL manager
* @param CHttpRequest $request the request object
* @param string $pathInfo path info part of the URL (URL suffix is already removed based on {@link CUrlManager::urlSuffix})
* @param string $rawPathInfo path info that contains the potential URL suffix
* @return mixed the route that consists of the controller ID and action ID. False if this rule does not apply.
abstract public function parseUrl($manager,$request,$pathInfo,$rawPathInfo);
* CUrlRule represents a URL formatting/parsing rule.
* It mainly consists of two parts: route and pattern. The former classifies
* the rule so that it only applies to specific controller-action route.
* The latter performs the actual formatting and parsing role. The pattern
* may have a set of named parameters.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id$
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class CUrlRule extends CBaseUrlRule
* @var string the URL suffix used for this rule.
* For example, ".html" can be used so that the URL looks like pointing to a static HTML page.
* Defaults to null, meaning using the value of {@link CUrlManager::urlSuffix}.
public $urlSuffix;
* @var boolean whether the rule is case sensitive. Defaults to null, meaning
* using the value of {@link CUrlManager::caseSensitive}.
public $caseSensitive;
* @var array the default GET parameters (name=>value) that this rule provides.
* When this rule is used to parse the incoming request, the values declared in this property
* will be injected into $_GET.
public $defaultParams=array();
* @var boolean whether the GET parameter values should match the corresponding
* sub-patterns in the rule when creating a URL. Defaults to null, meaning using the value
* of {@link CUrlManager::matchValue}. When this property is false, it means
* a rule will be used for creating a URL if its route and parameter names match the given ones.
* If this property is set true, then the given parameter values must also match the corresponding
* parameter sub-patterns. Note that setting this property to true will degrade performance.
* @since 1.1.0
public $matchValue;
* @var string the HTTP verb (e.g. GET, POST, DELETE) that this rule should match.
* If this rule can match multiple verbs, please separate them with commas.
* If this property is not set, the rule can match any verb.
* Note that this property is only used when parsing a request. It is ignored for URL creation.
* @since 1.1.7
public $verb;
* @var boolean whether this rule is only used for request parsing.
* Defaults to false, meaning the rule is used for both URL parsing and creation.
* @since 1.1.7
public $parsingOnly=false;
* @var string the controller/action pair
public $route;
* @var array the mapping from route param name to token name (e.g. _r1=><1>)
public $references=array();
* @var string the pattern used to match route
public $routePattern;
* @var string regular expression used to parse a URL
public $pattern;
* @var string template used to construct a URL
public $template;
* @var array list of parameters (name=>regular expression)
public $params=array();
* @var boolean whether the URL allows additional parameters at the end of the path info.
public $append;
* @var boolean whether host info should be considered for this rule
public $hasHostInfo;
* Constructor.
* @param string $route the route of the URL (controller/action)
* @param string $pattern the pattern for matching the URL
public function __construct($route,$pattern)
foreach(array('urlSuffix', 'caseSensitive', 'defaultParams', 'matchValue', 'verb', 'parsingOnly') as $name)
if(strpos($route,'<')!==false && preg_match_all('/<(\w+)>/',$route,$matches2))
foreach($matches2[1] as $name)
$this->hasHostInfo=!strncasecmp($pattern,'http://',7) || !strncasecmp($pattern,'https://',8);
foreach($tokens as $name=>$value)
if(YII_DEBUG && @preg_match($this->pattern,'test')===false)
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','The URL pattern "{pattern}" for route "{route}" is not a valid regular expression.',
* Creates a URL based on this rule.
* @param CUrlManager $manager the manager
* @param string $route the route
* @param array $params list of parameters
* @param string $ampersand the token separating name-value pairs in the URL.
* @return mixed the constructed URL or false on error
public function createUrl($manager,$route,$params,$ampersand)
return false;
if($manager->caseSensitive && $this->caseSensitive===null || $this->caseSensitive)
if($this->routePattern!==null && preg_match($this->routePattern.$case,$route,$matches))
foreach($this->references as $key=>$name)
return false;
foreach($this->defaultParams as $key=>$value)
return false;
foreach($this->params as $key=>$value)
return false;
if($manager->matchValue && $this->matchValue===null || $this->matchValue)
foreach($this->params as $key=>$value)
return false;
foreach($this->params as $key=>$value)
$suffix=$this->urlSuffix===null ? $manager->urlSuffix : $this->urlSuffix;
return $url!=='' ? $url.$suffix : $url;
return $url;
* Parses a URL based on this rule.
* @param CUrlManager $manager the URL manager
* @param CHttpRequest $request the request object
* @param string $pathInfo path info part of the URL
* @param string $rawPathInfo path info that contains the potential URL suffix
* @return mixed the route that consists of the controller ID and action ID or false on error
public function parseUrl($manager,$request,$pathInfo,$rawPathInfo)
if($this->verb!==null && !in_array($request->getRequestType(), $this->verb, true))
return false;
if($manager->caseSensitive && $this->caseSensitive===null || $this->caseSensitive)
// URL suffix required, but not found in the requested URL
if($manager->useStrictParsing && $pathInfo===$rawPathInfo)
$urlSuffix=$this->urlSuffix===null ? $manager->urlSuffix : $this->urlSuffix;
if($urlSuffix!='' && $urlSuffix!=='/')
return false;
foreach($this->defaultParams as $name=>$value)
foreach($matches as $key=>$value)
else if(isset($this->params[$key]))
if($pathInfo!==$matches[0]) // there're additional GET params
return strtr($this->route,$tr);
return $this->route;
return false;