* 'master' of github.com:yiisoft/yii2: (31 commits)
Finished bootstrap Widget and Modal.
PHP Intl extension has been added to default Yii requirements.
moved optional packages to "suggest", updated platform requirements
"vendor-dir": "vendor" is default, removed
Fixes issue #320
An error occurred
: Module::createController() will fail with a route with trailing slash.
Fixed test break about AssetController.
requirements css.php twitter bootstrap update to 2.3.2
Twitter bootstrap updated to 2.3.2
Modified the IAssetConvert interface.
hashing the key for registerCss and registerJs.
Update AccessRule.php
refactored code after feedback
Fixed framework path.
Added support for View::POS_READY.
new proposed structure
remove from master (update track)
minor fixes
updated the README file of the bootstrap app.
Inflector class
readjusting files for the framework package.
* master: (84 commits)
remove from master (update track)
minor fixes
updated the README file of the bootstrap app.
Inflector class
readjusting files for the framework package.
renamed files.
Added punycode as part of the framework.
Renamed core asset bundles.
fixed wrong dependency name.
Added bootstrap bundles.
Reorganized the bootstrap app to prepare it as a separate composer package.
Update Pagination.php
"ManagerTestBase::testExecuteBizRule()" has been fixed to not produce side effects on other tests.
changed back to "create_time".
Always enable profiling for DB queries.
Fixed SiteController about Yii.
changed to insert_time.
Minor doc fix.
refactored AutoTimestamp.
Added UrlRule::host.