<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\console\controllers; use Yii; use yii\base\Application; use yii\console\Exception; use yii\base\InlineAction; use yii\console\Controller; use yii\console\Request; use yii\util\StringHelper; /** * This command provides help information about console commands. * * This command displays the available command list in * the application or the detailed instructions about using * a specific command. * * This command can be used as follows on command line: * * ~~~ * yiic help [command name] * ~~~ * * In the above, if the command name is not provided, all * available commands will be displayed. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ class HelpController extends Controller { /** * Displays available commands or the detailed information * about a particular command. For example, * * ~~~ * yiic help # list available commands * yiic help message # display help info about "message" * ~~~ * * @param string $command The name of the command to show help about. * If not provided, all available commands will be displayed. * @return integer the exit status * @throws Exception if the command for help is unknown */ public function actionIndex($command = null) { if ($command !== null) { $result = Yii::$app->createController($command); if ($result === false) { throw new Exception(Yii::t('yii|No help for unknown command "{command}".', array( '{command}' => $command, ))); } list($controller, $actionID) = $result; $actions = $this->getActions($controller); if ($actionID !== '' || count($actions) === 1 && $actions[0] === $controller->defaultAction) { $this->getActionHelp($controller, $actionID); } else { $this->getControllerHelp($controller); } } else { $this->getHelp(); } } /** * Returns all available command names. * @return array all available command names */ public function getCommands() { $commands = $this->getModuleCommands(Yii::$app); sort($commands); return array_unique($commands); } /** * Returns all available actions of the specified controller. * @param Controller $controller the controller instance * @return array all available action IDs. */ public function getActions($controller) { $actions = array_keys($controller->actions()); $class = new \ReflectionClass($controller); foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if ($method->isPublic() && !$method->isStatic() && strpos($name, 'action') === 0 && $name !== 'actions') { $actions[] = StringHelper::camel2id(substr($name, 6)); } } sort($actions); return array_unique($actions); } /** * Returns available commands of a specified module. * @param \yii\base\Module $module the module instance * @return array the available command names */ protected function getModuleCommands($module) { $prefix = $module instanceof Application ? '' : $module->getUniqueID() . '/'; $commands = array(); foreach (array_keys($module->controllerMap) as $id) { $commands[] = $prefix . $id; } foreach ($module->getModules() as $id => $child) { if (($child = $module->getModule($id)) === null) { continue; } foreach ($this->getModuleCommands($child) as $command) { $commands[] = $prefix . $id . '/' . $command; } } $files = scandir($module->getControllerPath()); foreach ($files as $file) { if(strcmp(substr($file,-14),'Controller.php') === 0 && is_file($file)) { $commands[] = $prefix . lcfirst(substr(basename($file), 0, -14)); } } return $commands; } /** * Displays all available commands. */ protected function getHelp() { $commands = $this->getCommands(); if ($commands !== array()) { echo "The following commands are available:\n\n"; foreach ($commands as $command) { echo "* $command\n"; } echo "\nTo see the help of each command, enter:\n"; echo "\n yiic help <command-name>\n\n"; } else { echo "\nNo commands are found.\n"; } } /** * Displays the overall information of the command. * @param Controller $controller the controller instance */ protected function getControllerHelp($controller) { $class = new \ReflectionClass($controller); $comment = strtr(trim(preg_replace('/^\s*\**( |\t)?/m', '', trim($class->getDocComment(), '/'))), "\r", ''); if (preg_match('/^\s*@\w+/m', $comment, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $comment = trim(substr($comment, 0, $matches[0][1])); } if ($comment !== '') { echo "\nDESCRIPTION\n"; echo "\n" . $comment . "\n\n"; } $actions = $this->getActions($controller); if ($actions !== array()) { echo "\nSUB-COMMANDS\n\n"; $prefix = $controller->getUniqueId(); foreach ($actions as $action) { if ($action === $controller->defaultAction) { echo "* $prefix/$action (default)"; } else { echo "* $prefix/$action"; } $summary = $this->getActionSummary($controller, $action); if ($summary !== '') { echo ': ' . $summary; } echo "\n"; } echo "\n\nTo see the detailed information about individual sub-commands, enter:\n"; echo "\n yiic help <sub-command>\n\n"; } } /** * Returns the short summary of the action. * @param Controller $controller the controller instance * @param string $actionID action ID * @return string the summary about the action */ protected function getActionSummary($controller, $actionID) { $action = $controller->createAction($actionID); if ($action === null) { return ''; } if ($action instanceof InlineAction) { $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $action->actionMethod); } else { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($action); } $tags = $this->parseComment($reflection->getDocComment()); if ($tags['description'] !== '') { $limit = 73 - strlen($action->getUniqueId()); if ($actionID === $controller->defaultAction) { $limit -= 10; } if ($limit < 0) { $limit = 50; } $description = $tags['description']; if (($pos = strpos($tags['description'], "\n")) !== false) { $description = substr($description, 0, $pos); } $text = substr($description, 0, $limit); return strlen($description) > $limit ? $text . '...' : $text; } else { return ''; } } /** * Displays the detailed information of a command action. * @param Controller $controller the controller instance * @param string $actionID action ID * @throws Exception if the action does not exist */ protected function getActionHelp($controller, $actionID) { $action = $controller->createAction($actionID); if ($action === null) { throw new Exception(Yii::t('yii|No help for unknown sub-command "{command}".', array( '{command}' => rtrim($controller->getUniqueId() . '/' . $actionID, '/'), ))); } if ($action instanceof InlineAction) { $method = new \ReflectionMethod($controller, $action->actionMethod); } else { $method = new \ReflectionMethod($action, 'run'); } $tags = $this->parseComment($method->getDocComment()); $options = $this->getOptionHelps($controller); if ($tags['description'] !== '') { echo "\nDESCRIPTION"; echo "\n\n" . $tags['description'] . "\n\n"; } echo "\nUSAGE\n\n"; if ($action->id === $controller->defaultAction) { echo 'yiic ' . $controller->getUniqueId(); } else { echo "yiic " . $action->getUniqueId(); } list ($required, $optional) = $this->getArgHelps($method, isset($tags['param']) ? $tags['param'] : array()); if (!empty($required)) { echo ' <' . implode('> <', array_keys($required)) . '>'; } if (!empty($optional)) { echo ' [' . implode('] [', array_keys($optional)) . ']'; } if (!empty($options)) { echo ' [...options...]'; } echo "\n\n"; if (!empty($required) || !empty($optional)) { echo implode("\n\n", array_merge($required, $optional)) . "\n\n"; } $options = $this->getOptionHelps($controller); if ($options !== array()) { echo "\nOPTIONS\n\n"; echo implode("\n\n", $options) . "\n\n"; } } /** * Returns the help information about arguments. * @param \ReflectionMethod $method * @param string $tags the parsed comment block related with arguments * @return array the required and optional argument help information */ protected function getArgHelps($method, $tags) { if (is_string($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } $params = $method->getParameters(); $optional = $required = array(); foreach ($params as $i => $param) { $name = $param->getName(); $tag = isset($tags[$i]) ? $tags[$i] : ''; if (preg_match('/^([^\s]+)\s+(\$\w+\s+)?(.*)/s', $tag, $matches)) { $type = $matches[1]; $comment = $matches[3]; } else { $type = null; $comment = $tag; } if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $optional[$name] = $this->formatOptionHelp('* ' . $name, false, $type, $param->getDefaultValue(), $comment); } else { $required[$name] = $this->formatOptionHelp('* ' . $name, true, $type, null, $comment); } } return array($required, $optional); } /** * Returns the help information about the options available for a console controller. * @param Controller $controller the console controller * @return array the help information about the options */ protected function getOptionHelps($controller) { $optionNames = $controller->globalOptions(); if (empty($optionNames)) { return array(); } $class = new \ReflectionClass($controller); $options = array(); foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) { $name = $property->getName(); if (!in_array($name, $optionNames, true)) { continue; } $defaultValue = $property->getValue($controller); $tags = $this->parseComment($property->getDocComment()); if (isset($tags['var']) || isset($tags['property'])) { $doc = isset($tags['var']) ? $tags['var'] : $tags['property']; if (is_array($doc)) { $doc = reset($doc); } if (preg_match('/^([^\s]+)(.*)/s', $doc, $matches)) { $type = $matches[1]; $comment = $matches[2]; } else { $type = null; $comment = $doc; } $options[$name] = $this->formatOptionHelp('--' . $name, false, $type, $defaultValue, $comment); } else { $options[$name] = $this->formatOptionHelp('--' . $name, false, null, $defaultValue, ''); } } ksort($options); return $options; } /** * Parses the comment block into tags. * @param string $comment the comment block * @return array the parsed tags */ protected function parseComment($comment) { $tags = array(); $comment = "@description \n" . strtr(trim(preg_replace('/^\s*\**( |\t)?/m', '', trim($comment, '/'))), "\r", ''); $parts = preg_split('/^\s*@/m', $comment, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (preg_match('/^(\w+)(.*)/ms', trim($part), $matches)) { $name = $matches[1]; if (!isset($tags[$name])) { $tags[$name] = trim($matches[2]); } elseif (is_array($tags[$name])) { $tags[$name][] = trim($matches[2]); } else { $tags[$name] = array($tags[$name], trim($matches[2])); } } } return $tags; } /** * Generates a well-formed string for an argument or option. * @param string $name the name of the argument or option * @param boolean $required whether the argument is required * @param string $type the type of the option or argument * @param mixed $defaultValue the default value of the option or argument * @param string $comment comment about the option or argument * @return string the formatted string for the argument or option */ protected function formatOptionHelp($name, $required, $type, $defaultValue, $comment) { $doc = ''; $comment = trim($comment); if ($defaultValue !== null && !is_array($defaultValue)) { if ($type === null) { $type = gettype($defaultValue); } $doc = "$type (defaults to " . var_export($defaultValue, true) . ")"; } elseif (trim($type) !== '') { $doc = $type; } if ($doc === '') { $doc = $comment; } elseif ($comment !== '') { $doc .= "\n" . preg_replace("/^/m", " ", $comment); } $name = $required ? "$name (required)" : $name; return $doc === '' ? $name : "$name: $doc"; } }