* @since 2.0 */ abstract class Renderer extends BaseRenderer implements ViewContextInterface { /** * @var string directory to use for output of html files. Can be a path alias. */ public $targetDir; /** * @var string string to use as the title of the generated page. */ public $pageTitle = 'Yii Framework 2.0 API Documentation'; /** * @var string path or alias of the layout file to use. */ public $layout; /** * @var string path or alias of the view file to use for rendering types (classes, interfaces, traits). */ public $typeView = '@yii/apidoc/templates/html/views/type.php'; /** * @var string path or alias of the view file to use for rendering the index page. */ public $indexView = '@yii/apidoc/templates/html/views/index.php'; /** * @var Context the [[Context]] currently being rendered. */ protected $context; /** * @var View */ private $_view; /** * @return View the view instance */ public function getView() { if ($this->_view === null) { $this->_view = new View(); $assetPath = Yii::getAlias($this->targetDir) . '/assets'; if (!is_dir($assetPath)) { mkdir($assetPath); } $this->_view->assetManager = new AssetManager([ 'basePath' => $assetPath, 'baseUrl' => './assets', ]); } return $this->_view; } /** * Renders a given [[Context]]. * * @param Context $context the api documentation context to render. * @param Controller $controller the apidoc controller instance. Can be used to control output. */ public function render($context, $controller) { $this->context = $context; $dir = Yii::getAlias($this->targetDir); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir); } $types = array_merge($context->classes, $context->interfaces, $context->traits); $typeCount = count($types) + 1; Console::startProgress(0, $typeCount, 'Rendering files: ', false); $done = 0; foreach($types as $type) { $fileContent = $this->renderWithLayout($this->typeView, [ 'type' => $type, 'docContext' => $context, ]); file_put_contents($dir . '/' . $this->generateFileName($type->name), $fileContent); Console::updateProgress(++$done, $typeCount); } $indexFileContent = $this->renderWithLayout($this->indexView, [ 'docContext' => $context, 'types' => $types, ]); file_put_contents($dir . '/index.html', $indexFileContent); Console::updateProgress(++$done, $typeCount); Console::endProgress(true); $controller->stdout('done.' . PHP_EOL, Console::FG_GREEN); } protected function renderWithLayout($viewFile, $params) { $output = $this->getView()->render($viewFile, $params, $this); if ($this->layout !== false) { $params['content'] = $output; return $this->getView()->renderFile($this->layout, $params, $this); } else { return $output; } } /** * creates a link to a type (class, interface or trait) * @param ClassDoc|InterfaceDoc|TraitDoc $types * @param BaseDoc $context * @return string */ public function typeLink($types, $context = null) { if (!is_array($types)) { $types = [$types]; } $links = []; foreach($types as $type) { $postfix = ''; if (!is_object($type)) { if (substr($type, -2, 2) == '[]') { $postfix = '[]'; $type = substr($type, 0, -2); } if (($t = $this->context->getType(ltrim($type, '\\'))) !== null) { $type = $t; } elseif ($type[0] !== '\\' && ($t = $this->context->getType($this->resolveNamespace($context) . '\\' . ltrim($type, '\\'))) !== null) { $type = $t; } else { ltrim($type, '\\'); } } if (!is_object($type)) { $links[] = $type; } else { $links[] = Html::a( $type->name, null, ['href' => $this->generateFileName($type->name)] ) . $postfix; } } return implode('|', $links); } /** * creates a link to a subject * @param PropertyDoc|MethodDoc|ConstDoc|EventDoc $subject * @param string $title * @return string */ public function subjectLink($subject, $title = null) { if ($title === null) { $title = $subject->name; } if (($type = $this->context->getType($subject->definedBy)) === null) { return $subject->name; } else { $link = $this->generateFileName($type->name); if ($subject instanceof MethodDoc) { $link .= '#' . $subject->name . '()'; } else { $link .= '#' . $subject->name; } $link .= '-detail'; return Html::a($title, null, ['href' => $link]); } } /** * @param BaseDoc $context */ private function resolveNamespace($context) { // TODO use phpdoc Context for this if ($context === null) { return ''; } if ($context instanceof TypeDoc) { return $context->namespace; } if ($context->hasProperty('definedBy')) { $type = $this->context->getType($context); if ($type !== null) { return $type->namespace; } } return ''; } /** * @param ClassDoc $class * @return string */ public function renderInheritance($class) { $parents[] = $this->typeLink($class); while ($class->parentClass !== null) { if(isset($this->context->classes[$class->parentClass])) { $class = $this->context->classes[$class->parentClass]; $parents[] = $this->typeLink($class); } else { $parents[] = $class->parentClass; // TODO link to php.net break; } } return implode(" »\n",$parents); } /** * @param array $names * @return string */ public function renderInterfaces($names) { $interfaces = []; sort($names, SORT_STRING); foreach($names as $interface) { if(isset($this->context->interfaces[$interface])) { $interfaces[] = $this->typeLink($this->context->interfaces[$interface]); } else { $interfaces[] = $interface; // TODO link to php.net } } return implode(', ',$interfaces); } /** * @param array $names * @return string */ public function renderTraits($names) { $traits = []; sort($names, SORT_STRING); foreach($names as $trait) { if(isset($this->context->traits[$trait])) { $traits[] = $this->typeLink($this->context->traits[$trait]); } else { $traits[] = $trait; // TODO link to php.net } } return implode(', ',$traits); } /** * @param array $names * @return string */ public function renderClasses($names) { $classes = []; sort($names, SORT_STRING); foreach($names as $class) { if(isset($this->context->classes[$class])) { $classes[] = $this->typeLink($this->context->classes[$class]); } else { $classes[] = $class; // TODO link to php.net } } return implode(', ',$classes); } /** * @param PropertyDoc $property * @return string */ public function renderPropertySignature($property) { return $this->typeLink($property->types) . ' ' . $property->name . ' = ' . ($property->defaultValue === null ? 'null' : $property->defaultValue); // TODO if(!empty($property->signature)) return $property->signature; $sig=''; if(!empty($property->getter)) $sig=$property->getter->signature; if(!empty($property->setter)) { if($sig!=='') $sig.='
'; $sig.=$property->setter->signature; } return $sig; } /** * @param MethodDoc $method * @return string */ public function renderMethodSignature($method) { $params = []; foreach($method->params as $param) { $params[] = (empty($param->typeHint) ? '' : $param->typeHint . ' ') . ($param->isPassedByReference ? '&' : '') . $param->name . ($param->isOptional ? ' = ' . $param->defaultValue : ''); } return ($method->isReturnByReference ? '&' : '') . ($method->returnType === null ? 'void' : $this->typeLink($method->returnTypes)) . ' ' . $method->name . '( ' . implode(', ', $params) . ' )'; } protected function generateFileName($typeName) { return strtolower(str_replace('\\', '_', $typeName)) . '.html'; } /** * Finds the view file corresponding to the specified relative view name. * @param string $view a relative view name. The name does NOT start with a slash. * @return string the view file path. Note that the file may not exist. */ public function findViewFile($view) { return Yii::getAlias('@yii/apidoc/templates/html/views/' . $view); } }