* @since 2.0 */ class NumberValidator extends Validator { /** * @var boolean whether the attribute value can only be an integer. Defaults to false. */ public $integerOnly = false; /** * @var integer|float upper limit of the number. Defaults to null, meaning no upper limit. */ public $max; /** * @var integer|float lower limit of the number. Defaults to null, meaning no lower limit. */ public $min; /** * @var string user-defined error message used when the value is bigger than [[max]]. */ public $tooBig; /** * @var string user-defined error message used when the value is smaller than [[min]]. */ public $tooSmall; /** * @var string the regular expression for matching integers. */ public $integerPattern = '/^\s*[+-]?\d+\s*$/'; /** * @var string the regular expression for matching numbers. It defaults to a pattern * that matches floating numbers with optional exponential part (e.g. -1.23e-10). */ public $numberPattern = '/^\s*[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\s*$/'; /** * Initializes the validator. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->message === null) { $this->message = $this->integerOnly ? Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be an integer.') : Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be a number.'); } if ($this->min !== null && $this->tooSmall === null) { $this->tooSmall = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be no less than {min}.'); } if ($this->max !== null && $this->tooBig === null) { $this->tooBig = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} must be no greater than {max}.'); } } /** * Validates the attribute of the object. * If there is any error, the error message is added to the object. * @param \yii\base\Model $object the object being validated * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated */ public function validateAttribute($object, $attribute) { $value = $object->$attribute; if (is_array($value)) { $this->addError($object, $attribute, Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} is invalid.')); return; } $pattern = $this->integerOnly ? $this->integerPattern : $this->numberPattern; if (!preg_match($pattern, "$value")) { $this->addError($object, $attribute, $this->message); } if ($this->min !== null && $value < $this->min) { $this->addError($object, $attribute, $this->tooSmall, array('{min}' => $this->min)); } if ($this->max !== null && $value > $this->max) { $this->addError($object, $attribute, $this->tooBig, array('{max}' => $this->max)); } } /** * Validates the given value. * @param mixed $value the value to be validated. * @return boolean whether the value is valid. */ public function validateValue($value) { return preg_match($this->integerOnly ? $this->integerPattern : $this->numberPattern, "$value") && ($this->min === null || $value >= $this->min) && ($this->max === null || $value <= $this->max); } /** * Returns the JavaScript needed for performing client-side validation. * @param \yii\base\Model $object the data object being validated * @param string $attribute the name of the attribute to be validated. * @param \yii\base\View $view the view object that is going to be used to render views or view files * containing a model form with this validator applied. * @return string the client-side validation script. */ public function clientValidateAttribute($object, $attribute, $view) { $label = $object->getAttributeLabel($attribute); $value = $object->$attribute; $options = array( 'pattern' => new JsExpression($this->integerOnly ? $this->integerPattern : $this->numberPattern), 'message' => Html::encode(strtr($this->message, array( '{attribute}' => $label, '{value}' => $value, ))), ); if ($this->min !== null) { $options['min'] = $this->min; $options['tooSmall'] = Html::encode(strtr($this->tooSmall, array( '{attribute}' => $label, '{value}' => $value, '{min}' => $this->min, ))); } if ($this->max !== null) { $options['max'] = $this->max; $options['tooBig'] = Html::encode(strtr($this->tooBig, array( '{attribute}' => $label, '{value}' => $value, '{max}' => $this->max, ))); } if ($this->skipOnEmpty) { $options['skipOnEmpty'] = 1; } $view->registerAssetBundle('yii/form'); return 'yii.validation.number(value, messages, ' . Json::encode($options) . ');'; } }