* @since 2.0 */ class UrlRule extends Object { /** * @var string regular expression used to parse a URL */ public $pattern; /** * @var string the route to the controller action */ public $route; /** * @var array the default GET parameters (name=>value) that this rule provides. * When this rule is used to parse the incoming request, the values declared in this property * will be injected into $_GET. */ public $defaults = array(); /** * @var string the template for generating a new URL. This is derived from [[pattern]] and is used in generating URL. */ protected $template; /** * @var string the regex for matching the route part. This is used in generating URL. */ protected $routeRule; /** * @var array list of regex for matching parameters. This is used in generating URL. */ protected $paramRules = array(); /** * @var array list of parameters used in the route. */ protected $routeParams = array(); /** * Initializes this rule. */ public function init() { $this->compileRule(); } /** * Compiles the rule using the current configuration. */ protected function compileRule() { $this->pattern = trim($this->pattern, '/'); if ($this->pattern === '') { $this->template = ''; $this->pattern = '#^$#u'; return; } else { $this->pattern = '/' . $this->pattern . '/'; } $this->route = trim($this->route, '/'); if (strpos($this->route, '<') !== false && preg_match_all('/<(\w+)>/', $this->route, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $name) { $this->routeParams[$name] = "<$name>"; } } $tr = $tr2 = array(); if (preg_match_all('/<(\w+):?([^>]+)?>/', $this->pattern, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $name = $match[1][0]; $pattern = isset($match[2][0]) ? $match[2][0] : '[^\/]+'; if (isset($this->defaults[$name])) { $length = strlen($match[0][0]); $offset = $match[0][1]; if ($this->pattern[$offset - 1] === '/' && $this->pattern[$offset + $length] === '/') { $tr["/<$name>"] = "(/(?P<$name>$pattern))?"; } else { $tr["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)?"; } } else { $tr["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)"; } if (isset($this->routeParams[$name])) { $tr2["<$name>"] = "(?P<$name>$pattern)"; } else { $this->paramRules[$name] = $pattern === '[^\/]+' ? '' : "#^$pattern$#"; } } } $this->template = preg_replace('/<(\w+):?([^>]+)?>/', '<$1>', $this->pattern); $this->pattern = '#^' . trim(strtr($this->template, $tr), '/') . '$#u'; if ($this->routeParams !== array()) { $this->routeRule = '#^' . strtr($this->route, $tr2) . '$#u'; } } public function parseUrl($pathInfo) { if (!preg_match($this->pattern, $pathInfo, $matches)) { return false; } foreach ($this->defaults as $name => $value) { if (!isset($matches[$name]) || $matches[$name] === '') { $matches[$name] = $value; } } $params = $this->defaults; $tr = array(); foreach ($matches as $name => $value) { if (isset($this->routeParams[$name])) { $tr[$this->routeParams[$name]] = $value; unset($params[$name]); } elseif (isset($this->paramRules[$name])) { $params[$name] = $value; } } if ($this->routeRule !== null) { $route = strtr($this->route, $tr); } else { $route = $this->route; } return array($route, $params); } public function createUrl($route, $params) { $tr = array(); // match the route part first if ($route !== $this->route) { if ($this->routeRule !== null && preg_match($this->routeRule, $route, $matches)) { foreach ($this->routeParams as $name => $token) { if (isset($this->defaults[$name]) && strcmp($this->defaults[$name], $matches[$name]) === 0) { $tr[$token] = ''; } else { $tr[$token] = $matches[$name]; } } } else { return false; } } // match default params // if a default param is not in the route pattern, its value must also be matched foreach ($this->defaults as $name => $value) { if (isset($this->routeParams[$name])) { continue; } if (!isset($params[$name])) { return false; } elseif (strcmp($params[$name], $value) === 0) { // strcmp will do string conversion automatically unset($params[$name]); if (isset($this->paramRules[$name])) { $tr["<$name>"] = ''; } } elseif (!isset($this->paramRules[$name])) { return false; } } // match params in the pattern foreach ($this->paramRules as $name => $rule) { if (isset($params[$name]) && ($rule === '' || preg_match($rule, $params[$name]))) { $tr["<$name>"] = urlencode($params[$name]); unset($params[$name]); } elseif (!isset($this->defaults[$name]) || isset($params[$name])) { return false; } } $url = trim(strtr($this->template, $tr), '/'); if (strpos($url, '//') !== false) { $url = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $url); } if ($params !== array()) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params); } return $url; } }