  • {@link CClipWidget Clips} : a clip is a piece of captured output that can be inserted elsewhere.
  • *
  • {@link CWidget Widgets} : a widget is a self-contained sub-controller with its own view and model.
  • *
  • {@link COutputCache Fragment cache} : fragment cache selectively caches a portion of the output.
  • * * * To use a widget in a view, use the following in the view: *
     * $this->widget('path.to.widgetClass',array('property1'=>'value1',...));
    * or *
     * $this->beginWidget('path.to.widgetClass',array('property1'=>'value1',...));
     * // ... display other contents here
     * $this->endWidget();
    * * To create a clip, use the following: *
     * $this->beginClip('clipID');
     * // ... display the clip contents
     * $this->endClip();
    * Then, in a different view or place, the captured clip can be inserted as: *
     * echo $this->clips['clipID'];
    * * Note that $this in the code above refers to current controller so, for example, * if you need to access clip from a widget where $this refers to widget itself * you need to do it the following way: * *
     * echo $this->getController()->clips['clipID'];
    * * To use fragment cache, do as follows, *
     * if($this->beginCache('cacheID',array('property1'=>'value1',...))
     * {
     *	 // ... display the content to be cached here
     *	$this->endCache();
     * }
    * * @author Qiang Xue * @since 2.0 */ abstract class Controller extends Component implements Initable { /** * @var string the name of the default action. Defaults to 'index'. */ public $defaultAction = 'index'; private $_id; private $_action; private $_module; /** * @param string $id id of this controller * @param CWebModule $module the module that this controller belongs to. */ public function __construct($id, $module = null) { $this->_id = $id; $this->_module = $module; } /** * Initializes the controller. * This method is called by the application before the controller starts to execute. * You may override this method to perform the needed initialization for the controller. */ public function init() { } /** * Returns the filter configurations. * * By overriding this method, child classes can specify filters to be applied to actions. * * This method returns an array of filter specifications. Each array element specify a single filter. * * For a method-based filter (called inline filter), it is specified as 'FilterName[ +|- Action1, Action2, ...]', * where the '+' ('-') operators describe which actions should be (should not be) applied with the filter. * * For a class-based filter, it is specified as an array like the following: *
    	 * array(
    	 *	 'FilterClass[ +|- Action1, Action2, ...]',
    	 *	 'name1'=>'value1',
    	 *	 'name2'=>'value2',
    	 *	 ...
    	 * )
    * where the name-value pairs will be used to initialize the properties of the filter. * * Note, in order to inherit filters defined in the parent class, a child class needs to * merge the parent filters with child filters using functions like array_merge(). * * @return array a list of filter configurations. * @see CFilter */ public function filters() { return array(); } /** * Returns a list of external action classes. * Array keys are action IDs, and array values are the corresponding * action class in dot syntax (e.g. 'edit'=>'application.controllers.article.EditArticle') * or arrays representing the configuration of the actions, such as the following, *
    	 * return array(
    	 *	 'action1'=>'path.to.Action1Class',
    	 *	 'action2'=>array(
    	 *		 'class'=>'path.to.Action2Class',
    	 *		 'property1'=>'value1',
    	 *		 'property2'=>'value2',
    	 *	 ),
    	 * );
    * Derived classes may override this method to declare external actions. * * Note, in order to inherit actions defined in the parent class, a child class needs to * merge the parent actions with child actions using functions like array_merge(). * * You may import actions from an action provider * (such as a widget, see {@link CWidget::actions}), like the following: *
    	 * return array(
    	 *	 ...other actions...
    	 *	 // import actions declared in ProviderClass::actions()
    	 *	 // the action IDs will be prefixed with 'pro.'
    	 *	 'pro.'=>'path.to.ProviderClass',
    	 *	 // similar as above except that the imported actions are
    	 *	 // configured with the specified initial property values
    	 *	 'pro2.'=>array(
    	 *		 'class'=>'path.to.ProviderClass',
    	 *		 'action1'=>array(
    	 *			 'property1'=>'value1',
    	 *		 ),
    	 *		 'action2'=>array(
    	 *			 'property2'=>'value2',
    	 *		 ),
    	 *	 ),
    	 * )
    * * In the above, we differentiate action providers from other action * declarations by the array keys. For action providers, the array keys * must contain a dot. As a result, an action ID 'pro2.action1' will * be resolved as the 'action1' action declared in the 'ProviderClass'. * * @return array list of external action classes * @see createAction */ public function actions() { return array(); } /** * Returns the access rules for this controller. * Override this method if you use the {@link filterAccessControl accessControl} filter. * @return array list of access rules. See {@link CAccessControlFilter} for details about rule specification. */ public function accessRules() { return array(); } /** * Runs the named action. * Filters specified via {@link filters()} will be applied. * @param string $actionID action ID * @throws CHttpException if the action does not exist or the action name is not proper. * @see filters * @see createAction * @see runAction */ public function run($actionID) { if (($action = $this->createAction($actionID)) !== null) { if (($parent = $this->getModule()) === null) { $parent = Yii::app(); } if ($parent->beforeControllerAction($this, $action)) { $this->runActionWithFilters($action, $this->filters()); $parent->afterControllerAction($this, $action); } } else { $this->missingAction($actionID); } } /** * Runs an action with the specified filters. * A filter chain will be created based on the specified filters * and the action will be executed then. * @param Action $action the action to be executed. * @param array $filters list of filters to be applied to the action. * @see filters * @see createAction * @see runAction */ public function runActionWithFilters($action, $filters) { if (empty($filters)) { $this->runAction($action); } else { $priorAction = $this->_action; $this->_action = $action; CFilterChain::create($this, $action, $filters)->run(); $this->_action = $priorAction; } } /** * Runs the action after passing through all filters. * This method is invoked by {@link runActionWithFilters} after all possible filters have been executed * and the action starts to run. * @param Action $action action to run */ public function runAction($action) { $priorAction = $this->_action; $this->_action = $action; if ($this->beforeAction($action)) { if ($action->runWithParams($this->getActionParams())) { $this->afterAction($action); } else { $this->invalidActionParams($action); } } $this->_action = $priorAction; } /** * Returns the request parameters that will be used for action parameter binding. * Default implementation simply returns an empty array. * Child classes may override this method to customize the parameters to be provided * for action parameter binding (e.g. `$_GET`). * @return array the request parameters (name-value pairs) to be used for action parameter binding */ public function getActionParams() { return array(); } /** * This method is invoked when the request parameters do not satisfy the requirement of the specified action. * The default implementation will throw a 400 HTTP exception. * @param Action $action the action being executed * @throws HttpException a 400 HTTP exception */ public function invalidActionParams($action) { throw new HttpException(400, \Yii::t('yii', 'Your request is invalid.')); } /** * Creates the action instance based on the action name. * The action can be either an inline action or an object. * The latter is created by looking up the action map specified in {@link actions}. * @param string $actionID ID of the action. If empty, the {@link defaultAction default action} will be used. * @return Action the action instance, null if the action does not exist. * @see actions */ public function createAction($actionID) { if ($actionID === '') { $actionID = $this->defaultAction; } if (method_exists($this, 'action' . $actionID) && strcasecmp($actionID, 's')) // we have actions method { return new CInlineAction($this, $actionID); } else { $action = $this->createActionFromMap($this->actions(), $actionID, $actionID); if ($action !== null && !method_exists($action, 'run')) { throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Action class {class} must implement the "run" method.', array('{class}' => get_class($action)))); } return $action; } } /** * Creates the action instance based on the action map. * This method will check to see if the action ID appears in the given * action map. If so, the corresponding configuration will be used to * create the action instance. * @param array $actionMap the action map * @param string $actionID the action ID that has its prefix stripped off * @param string $requestActionID the originally requested action ID * @param array $config the action configuration that should be applied on top of the configuration specified in the map * @return Action the action instance, null if the action does not exist. */ protected function createActionFromMap($actionMap, $actionID, $requestActionID, $config = array()) { if (($pos = strpos($actionID, '.')) === false && isset($actionMap[$actionID])) { $baseConfig = is_array($actionMap[$actionID]) ? $actionMap[$actionID] : array('class' => $actionMap[$actionID]); return Yii::createComponent(empty($config) ? $baseConfig : array_merge($baseConfig, $config), $this, $requestActionID); } else { if ($pos === false) { return null; } } // the action is defined in a provider $prefix = substr($actionID, 0, $pos + 1); if (!isset($actionMap[$prefix])) { return null; } $actionID = (string)substr($actionID, $pos + 1); $provider = $actionMap[$prefix]; if (is_string($provider)) { $providerType = $provider; } else { if (is_array($provider) && isset($provider['class'])) { $providerType = $provider['class']; if (isset($provider[$actionID])) { if (is_string($provider[$actionID])) { $config = array_merge(array('class' => $provider[$actionID]), $config); } else { $config = array_merge($provider[$actionID], $config); } } } else { throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" element.')); } } $class = Yii::import($providerType, true); $map = call_user_func(array($class, 'actions')); return $this->createActionFromMap($map, $actionID, $requestActionID, $config); } /** * Handles the request whose action is not recognized. * This method is invoked when the controller cannot find the requested action. * The default implementation simply throws an exception. * @param string $actionID the missing action name * @throws CHttpException whenever this method is invoked */ public function missingAction($actionID) { throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('yii', 'The system is unable to find the requested action "{action}".', array('{action}' => $actionID == '' ? $this->defaultAction : $actionID))); } /** * @return Action the action currently being executed, null if no active action. */ public function getAction() { return $this->_action; } /** * @param Action $value the action currently being executed. */ public function setAction($value) { $this->_action = $value; } /** * @return string ID of the controller */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * @return string the controller ID that is prefixed with the module ID (if any). */ public function getUniqueId() { return $this->_module ? $this->_module->getId() . '/' . $this->_id : $this->_id; } /** * @return string the route (module ID, controller ID and action ID) of the current request. * @since 1.1.0 */ public function getRoute() { if (($action = $this->getAction()) !== null) { return $this->getUniqueId() . '/' . $action->getId(); } else { return $this->getUniqueId(); } } /** * @return CWebModule the module that this controller belongs to. It returns null * if the controller does not belong to any module */ public function getModule() { return $this->_module; } /** * Processes the request using another controller action. * This is like {@link redirect}, but the user browser's URL remains unchanged. * In most cases, you should call {@link redirect} instead of this method. * @param string $route the route of the new controller action. This can be an action ID, or a complete route * with module ID (optional in the current module), controller ID and action ID. If the former, the action is assumed * to be located within the current controller. * @param boolean $exit whether to end the application after this call. Defaults to true. * @since 1.1.0 */ public function forward($route, $exit = true) { if (strpos($route, '/') === false) { $this->run($route); } else { if ($route[0] !== '/' && ($module = $this->getModule()) !== null) { $route = $module->getId() . '/' . $route; } Yii::app()->runController($route); } if ($exit) { Yii::app()->end(); } } /** * This method is invoked right before an action is to be executed (after all possible filters.) * You may override this method to do last-minute preparation for the action. * @param Action $action the action to be executed. * @return boolean whether the action should be executed. */ protected function beforeAction($action) { return true; } /** * This method is invoked right after an action is executed. * You may override this method to do some postprocessing for the action. * @param Action $action the action just executed. */ protected function afterAction($action) { } }