/** * This is the database schema for testing MySQL support of yii Active Record. * To test this feature, you need to create a database named 'yii' on 'localhost' * and create an account 'test/test' which owns this test database. */ CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('user1','pass1','email1'); INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('user2','pass2','email2'); INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('user3','pass3','email3'); CREATE TABLE profiles ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_profile_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO profiles (first_name, last_name, user_id) VALUES ('first 1','last 1',1); INSERT INTO profiles (first_name, last_name, user_id) VALUES ('first 2','last 2',2); CREATE TABLE posts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, create_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, content TEXT, CONSTRAINT FK_post_author FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO posts (title, create_time, author_id, content) VALUES ('post 1','2000-01-01',1,'content 1'); INSERT INTO posts (title, create_time, author_id, content) VALUES ('post 2','2000-01-02',2,'content 2'); INSERT INTO posts (title, create_time, author_id, content) VALUES ('post 3','2000-01-03',2,'content 3'); INSERT INTO posts (title, create_time, author_id, content) VALUES ('post 4','2000-01-04',2,'content 4'); INSERT INTO posts (title, create_time, author_id, content) VALUES ('post 5','2000-01-05',3,'content 5'); CREATE TABLE comments ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, content TEXT NOT NULL, post_id INTEGER NOT NULL, author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_post_comment FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT FK_user_comment FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 1',1, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 2',1, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 3',1, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 4',2, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 5',2, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 6',3, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 7',3, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 8',3, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 9',3, 2); INSERT INTO comments (content, post_id, author_id) VALUES ('comment 10',5, 3); CREATE TABLE categories ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, parent_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT FK_category_category FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES categories (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 1',NULL); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 2',NULL); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 3',NULL); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 4',1); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 5',1); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 6',5); INSERT INTO categories (name, parent_id) VALUES ('cat 7',5); CREATE TABLE post_category ( category_id INTEGER NOT NULL, post_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (category_id, post_id), CONSTRAINT FK_post_category_post FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT FK_post_category_category FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES categories (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (2,1); INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (3,1); INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (4,2); INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (1,2); INSERT INTO post_category (category_id, post_id) VALUES (1,3); CREATE TABLE orders ( key1 INTEGER NOT NULL, key2 INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128), PRIMARY KEY (key1, key2) ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO orders (key1,key2,name) VALUES (1,2,'order 12'); INSERT INTO orders (key1,key2,name) VALUES (1,3,'order 13'); INSERT INTO orders (key1,key2,name) VALUES (2,1,'order 21'); INSERT INTO orders (key1,key2,name) VALUES (2,2,'order 22'); CREATE TABLE items ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(128), col1 INTEGER NOT NULL, col2 INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_order_item FOREIGN KEY (col1,col2) REFERENCES orders (key1,key2) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) TYPE=INNODB; INSERT INTO items (name,col1,col2) VALUES ('item 1',1,2); INSERT INTO items (name,col1,col2) VALUES ('item 2',1,2); INSERT INTO items (name,col1,col2) VALUES ('item 3',1,3); INSERT INTO items (name,col1,col2) VALUES ('item 4',2,2); INSERT INTO items (name,col1,col2) VALUES ('item 5',2,2); CREATE TABLE types ( int_col INT NOT NULL, int_col2 INTEGER DEFAULT 1, char_col CHAR(100) NOT NULL, char_col2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'something', char_col3 TEXT, float_col REAL(4,3) NOT NULL, float_col2 DOUBLE DEFAULT 1.23, blob_col BLOB, numeric_col NUMERIC(5,2) DEFAULT 33.22, time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT '2002-01-01', bool_col BOOL NOT NULL, bool_col2 BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1 ) TYPE=INNODB;