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* ActiveRelation class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\db\ar;
use yii\db\dao\Connection;
use yii\db\dao\Command;
use yii\db\dao\QueryBuilder;
* It is used in three scenarios:
* - eager loading: User::find()->with('posts')->all();
* - lazy loading: $user->posts;
* - lazy loading with query options: $user->posts()->where('status=1')->get();
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class ActiveRelation extends ActiveQuery
* @var boolean whether this relation should populate all query results into AR instances.
* If false, only the first row of the results will be taken.
public $multiple;
* @var ActiveRecord the primary model that this relation is associated with.
* This is used only in lazy loading with dynamic query options.
protected $primaryModel;
* @var array the columns of the primary and foreign tables that establish the relation.
* The array keys must be columns of the table for this relation, and the array values
* must be the corresponding columns from the primary table.
* Do not prefix or quote the column names as they will be done automatically by Yii.
protected $link;
* @var array|ActiveRelation
protected $via;
* @param string $relationName
* @param array|\Closure $options
* @return ActiveRelation
public function via($relationName, $options = null)
/** @var $relation ActiveRelation */
$relation = $this->primaryModel->$relationName();
$relation->primaryModel = null;
$this->via = array($relationName, $relation);
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
} elseif ($options instanceof \Closure) {
return $this;
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $link
* @param array|\Closure $options
* @return ActiveRelation
public function viaTable($tableName, $link, $options = null)
$relation = new ActiveRelation(array(
'modelClass' => get_class($this->primaryModel),
'from' => array($tableName),
'link' => $link,
'multiple' => true,
'asArray' => true,
$this->via = $relation;
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
} elseif ($options instanceof \Closure) {
return $this;
* Creates a DB command that can be used to execute this query.
* @return Command the created DB command instance.
public function createCommand()
if ($this->primaryModel !== null) {
// lazy loading
if ($this->via instanceof self) {
// via pivot table
$viaModels = $this->via->findPivotRows(array($this->primaryModel));
} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
// via relation
$relationName = $this->via[0];
$viaModels = $this->primaryModel->$relationName;
if ($viaModels === null) {
$viaModels = array();
} elseif (!is_array($viaModels)) {
$viaModels = array($viaModels);
} else {
return parent::createCommand();
public function findWith($name, &$primaryModels)
if (!is_array($this->link)) {
throw new \yii\base\Exception('invalid link');
if ($this->via instanceof self) {
// via pivot table
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
$viaQuery = $this->via;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findPivotRows($primaryModels);
} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
// via relation
/** @var $viaQuery ActiveRelation */
list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
$viaModels = $viaQuery->findWith($viaName, $primaryModels);
} else {
if (count($primaryModels) === 1 && !$this->multiple) {
$model = $this->one();
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $model;
return array($model);
} else {
$models = $this->all();
if (isset($viaModels, $viaQuery)) {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link, $viaModels, $viaQuery->link);
} else {
$buckets = $this->buildBuckets($models, $this->link);
$link = array_values(isset($viaQuery) ? $viaQuery->link : $this->link);
foreach ($primaryModels as $i => $primaryModel) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($primaryModel, $link);
if (isset($buckets[$key])) {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $buckets[$key];
} else {
$primaryModels[$i][$name] = $this->multiple ? array() : null;
return $models;
protected function buildBuckets($models, $link, $viaModels = null, $viaLink = null)
$buckets = array();
$linkKeys = array_keys($link);
foreach ($models as $i => $model) {
$key = $this->getModelKey($model, $linkKeys);
if ($this->index !== null) {
$buckets[$key][$i] = $model;
} else {
$buckets[$key][] = $model;
if ($viaModels !== null) {
$viaBuckets = array();
$viaLinkKeys = array_keys($viaLink);
$linkValues = array_values($link);
foreach ($viaModels as $viaModel) {
$key1 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $viaLinkKeys);
$key2 = $this->getModelKey($viaModel, $linkValues);
if (isset($buckets[$key2])) {
foreach ($buckets[$key2] as $i => $bucket) {
if ($this->index !== null) {
$viaBuckets[$key1][$i] = $bucket;
} else {
$viaBuckets[$key1][] = $bucket;
$buckets = $viaBuckets;
if (!$this->multiple) {
foreach ($buckets as $i => $bucket) {
$buckets[$i] = reset($bucket);
return $buckets;
protected function getModelKey($model, $attributes)
if (count($attributes) > 1) {
$key = array();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$key[] = $model[$attribute];
return serialize($key);
} else {
$attribute = reset($attributes);
return $model[$attribute];
protected function filterByModels($models)
$attributes = array_keys($this->link);
$values = array();
if (count($attributes) ===1) {
// single key
$attribute = reset($this->link);
foreach ($models as $model) {
$values[] = $model[$attribute];
} else {
// composite keys
foreach ($models as $model) {
$v = array();
foreach ($this->link as $attribute => $link) {
$v[$attribute] = $model[$link];
$values[] = $v;
$this->andWhere(array('in', $attributes, array_unique($values, SORT_REGULAR)));
* @param ActiveRecord[] $primaryModels
* @return array
protected function findPivotRows($primaryModels)
if (empty($primaryModels)) {
return array();
/** @var $primaryModel ActiveRecord */
$primaryModel = reset($primaryModels);
$db = $primaryModel->getDbConnection();
$sql = $db->getQueryBuilder()->build($this);
return $db->createCommand($sql, $this->params)->queryAll();