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* ActiveRecord class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\db\ar;
1. query
$finder = Post::model()->find(array(
'select' => 'id, title',
'where' => 'id=123',
'with' => array(
'creator' => array(
$post = $finder->first();
$posts = $finder->all();
foreach($finder as $post) {
foreach($finder->next(5) as $posts) {
2. insert
$post = Post::create();
$post->attributes = $_POST['Post'];
3. update
4. delete
* ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data.
* It implements the active record design pattern, a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technique.
* Please check {@link http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/database.ar the Guide} for more details
* about this class.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
* @property array $attributes
abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\base\Model
const BELONGS_TO = 'CBelongsToRelation';
const HAS_ONE = 'CHasOneRelation';
const HAS_MANY = 'CHasManyRelation';
const MANY_MANY = 'CManyManyRelation';
* @var CDbConnection the default database connection for all active record classes.
* By default, this is the 'db' application component.
* @see getDbConnection
public static $db;
private static $_models = array(); // class name => model
private $_md; // meta data
private $_new = false; // whether this instance is new or not
private $_attributes = array(); // attribute name => attribute value
private $_related = array(); // attribute name => related objects
private $_c; // query criteria (used by finder only)
private $_pk; // old primary key value
private $_alias = 't'; // the table alias being used for query
* Constructor.
* @param string $scenario scenario name. See {@link CModel::scenario} for more details about this parameter.
public function __construct($scenario = 'insert')
if ($scenario === null) // internally used by populateRecord() and model()
$this->_attributes = $this->getMetaData()->attributeDefaults;
* Sets the parameters about query caching.
* This is a shortcut method to {@link CDbConnection::cache()}.
* It changes the query caching parameter of the {@link dbConnection} instance.
* @param integer $duration the number of seconds that query results may remain valid in cache.
* If this is 0, the caching will be disabled.
* @param CCacheDependency $dependency the dependency that will be used when saving the query results into cache.
* @param integer $queryCount number of SQL queries that need to be cached after calling this method. Defaults to 1,
* meaning that the next SQL query will be cached.
* @return ActiveRecord the active record instance itself.
* @since 1.1.7
public function cache($duration, $dependency = null, $queryCount = 1)
$this->getDbConnection()->cache($duration, $dependency, $queryCount);
return $this;
* PHP sleep magic method.
* This method ensures that the model meta data reference is set to null.
* @return array
public function __sleep()
$this->_md = null;
return array_keys((array)$this);
* PHP getter magic method.
* This method is overridden so that AR attributes can be accessed like properties.
* @param string $name property name
* @return mixed property value
* @see getAttribute
public function __get($name)
if (isset($this->_attributes[$name]))
return $this->_attributes[$name];
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))
return null;
elseif (isset($this->_related[$name]))
return $this->_related[$name];
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))
return $this->getRelated($name);
return parent::__get($name);
* PHP setter magic method.
* This method is overridden so that AR attributes can be accessed like properties.
* @param string $name property name
* @param mixed $value property value
public function __set($name, $value)
if ($this->setAttribute($name, $value) === false)
if (isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))
$this->_related[$name] = $value;
parent::__set($name, $value);
* Checks if a property value is null.
* This method overrides the parent implementation by checking
* if the named attribute is null or not.
* @param string $name the property name or the event name
* @return boolean whether the property value is null
* @since 1.0.1
public function __isset($name)
if (isset($this->_attributes[$name]))
return true;
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))
return false;
elseif (isset($this->_related[$name]))
return true;
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))
return $this->getRelated($name) !== null;
return parent::__isset($name);
* Sets a component property to be null.
* This method overrides the parent implementation by clearing
* the specified attribute value.
* @param string $name the property name or the event name
* @since 1.0.1
public function __unset($name)
if (isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))
* Calls the named method which is not a class method.
* Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override
* to implement the named scope feature.
* @param string $name the method name
* @param array $parameters method parameters
* @return mixed the method return value
* @since 1.0.5
public function __call($name, $parameters)
if (isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]))
if (empty($parameters))
return $this->getRelated($name, false);
return $this->getRelated($name, false, $parameters[0]);
$scopes = $this->scopes();
if (isset($scopes[$name]))
return $this;
return parent::__call($name, $parameters);
* Returns the related record(s).
* This method will return the related record(s) of the current record.
* If the relation is HAS_ONE or BELONGS_TO, it will return a single object
* or null if the object does not exist.
* If the relation is HAS_MANY or MANY_MANY, it will return an array of objects
* or an empty array.
* @param string $name the relation name (see {@link relations})
* @param boolean $refresh whether to reload the related objects from database. Defaults to false.
* @param array $params additional parameters that customize the query conditions as specified in the relation declaration.
* This parameter has been available since version 1.0.5.
* @return mixed the related object(s).
* @throws CDbException if the relation is not specified in {@link relations}.
* @since 1.0.2
public function getRelated($name, $refresh = false, $params = array())
if (!$refresh && $params === array() && (isset($this->_related[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->_related)))
return $this->_related[$name];
$md = $this->getMetaData();
if (!isset($md->relations[$name]))
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', '{class} does not have relation "{name}".',
array('{class}' => get_class($this), '{name}' => $name)));
Yii::trace('lazy loading ' . get_class($this) . '.' . $name, 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$relation = $md->relations[$name];
if ($this->getIsNewRecord() && !$refresh && ($relation instanceof CHasOneRelation || $relation instanceof CHasManyRelation))
return $relation instanceof CHasOneRelation ? null : array();
if ($params !== array()) // dynamic query
$exists = isset($this->_related[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->_related);
if ($exists)
$save = $this->_related[$name];
$r = array($name => $params);
$r = $name;
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $r);
if (!isset($this->_related[$name]))
if ($relation instanceof CHasManyRelation)
$this->_related[$name] = array();
elseif ($relation instanceof CStatRelation)
$this->_related[$name] = $relation->defaultValue;
$this->_related[$name] = null;
if ($params !== array())
$results = $this->_related[$name];
if ($exists)
$this->_related[$name] = $save;
return $results;
return $this->_related[$name];
* Returns a value indicating whether the named related object(s) has been loaded.
* @param string $name the relation name
* @return boolean a value indicating whether the named related object(s) has been loaded.
* @since 1.0.3
public function hasRelated($name)
return isset($this->_related[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->_related);
* Returns the query criteria associated with this model.
* @param boolean $createIfNull whether to create a criteria instance if it does not exist. Defaults to true.
* @return CDbCriteria the query criteria that is associated with this model.
* This criteria is mainly used by {@link scopes named scope} feature to accumulate
* different criteria specifications.
* @since 1.0.5
public function getDbCriteria($createIfNull = true)
if ($this->_c === null)
if (($c = $this->defaultScope()) !== array() || $createIfNull)
$this->_c = new CDbCriteria($c);
return $this->_c;
* Sets the query criteria for the current model.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria
* @since 1.1.3
public function setDbCriteria($criteria)
$this->_c = $criteria;
* Returns the default named scope that should be implicitly applied to all queries for this model.
* Note, default scope only applies to SELECT queries. It is ignored for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries.
* The default implementation simply returns an empty array. You may override this method
* if the model needs to be queried with some default criteria (e.g. only active records should be returned).
* @return array the query criteria. This will be used as the parameter to the constructor
* of {@link CDbCriteria}.
* @since 1.0.5
public function defaultScope()
return array();
* Resets all scopes and criterias applied including default scope.
* @return ActiveRecord
* @since 1.1.2
public function resetScope()
$this->_c = new CDbCriteria();
return $this;
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* The model returned is a static instance of the AR class.
* It is provided for invoking class-level methods (something similar to static class methods.)
* EVERY derived AR class must override this method as follows,
* <pre>
* public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
* {
* return parent::model($className);
* }
* </pre>
* @param string $className active record class name.
* @return ActiveRecord active record model instance.
public static function model($className = __CLASS__)
if (isset(self::$_models[$className]))
return self::$_models[$className];
$model = self::$_models[$className] = new $className(null);
$model->_md = new ActiveRecordMetaData($model);
return $model;
* Returns the meta-data for this AR
* @return ActiveRecordMetaData the meta for this AR class.
public function getMetaData()
if ($this->_md !== null)
return $this->_md;
return $this->_md = self::model(get_class($this))->_md;
* Refreshes the meta data for this AR class.
* By calling this method, this AR class will regenerate the meta data needed.
* This is useful if the table schema has been changed and you want to use the latest
* available table schema. Make sure you have called {@link CDbSchema::refresh}
* before you call this method. Otherwise, old table schema data will still be used.
* @since 1.0.8
public function refreshMetaData()
$finder = self::model(get_class($this));
$finder->_md = new ActiveRecordMetaData($finder);
if ($this !== $finder)
$this->_md = $finder->_md;
* Returns the name of the associated database table.
* By default this method returns the class name as the table name.
* You may override this method if the table is not named after this convention.
* @return string the table name
public function tableName()
return get_class($this);
* Returns the primary key of the associated database table.
* This method is meant to be overridden in case when the table is not defined with a primary key
* (for some legency database). If the table is already defined with a primary key,
* you do not need to override this method. The default implementation simply returns null,
* meaning using the primary key defined in the database.
* @return mixed the primary key of the associated database table.
* If the key is a single column, it should return the column name;
* If the key is a composite one consisting of several columns, it should
* return the array of the key column names.
* @since 1.0.4
public function primaryKey()
* This method should be overridden to declare related objects.
* There are four types of relations that may exist between two active record objects:
* <ul>
* <li>BELONGS_TO: e.g. a member belongs to a team;</li>
* <li>HAS_ONE: e.g. a member has at most one profile;</li>
* <li>HAS_MANY: e.g. a team has many members;</li>
* <li>MANY_MANY: e.g. a member has many skills and a skill belongs to a member.</li>
* </ul>
* Besides the above relation types, a special relation called STAT is also supported
* that can be used to perform statistical query (or aggregational query).
* It retrieves the aggregational information about the related objects, such as the number
* of comments for each post, the average rating for each product, etc.
* Each kind of related objects is defined in this method as an array with the following elements:
* <pre>
* 'varName'=>array('relationType', 'className', 'foreign_key', ...additional options)
* </pre>
* where 'varName' refers to the name of the variable/property that the related object(s) can
* be accessed through; 'relationType' refers to the type of the relation, which can be one of the
* following four constants: self::BELONGS_TO, self::HAS_ONE, self::HAS_MANY and self::MANY_MANY;
* 'className' refers to the name of the active record class that the related object(s) is of;
* and 'foreign_key' states the foreign key that relates the two kinds of active record.
* Note, for composite foreign keys, they must be listed together, separated by commas;
* and for foreign keys used in MANY_MANY relation, the joining table must be declared as well
* (e.g. 'join_table(fk1, fk2)').
* Additional options may be specified as name-value pairs in the rest array elements:
* <ul>
* <li>'select': string|array, a list of columns to be selected. Defaults to '*', meaning all columns.
* Column names should be disambiguated if they appear in an expression (e.g. COUNT(relationName.name) AS name_count).</li>
* <li>'condition': string, the WHERE clause. Defaults to empty. Note, column references need to
* be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.' (e.g. relationName.age&gt;20)</li>
* <li>'order': string, the ORDER BY clause. Defaults to empty. Note, column references need to
* be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.' (e.g. relationName.age DESC)</li>
* <li>'with': string|array, a list of child related objects that should be loaded together with this object.
* Note, this is only honored by lazy loading, not eager loading.</li>
* <li>'joinType': type of join. Defaults to 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'.</li>
* <li>'alias': the alias for the table associated with this relationship.
* This option has been available since version 1.0.1. It defaults to null,
* meaning the table alias is the same as the relation name.</li>
* <li>'params': the parameters to be bound to the generated SQL statement.
* This should be given as an array of name-value pairs. This option has been
* available since version 1.0.3.</li>
* <li>'on': the ON clause. The condition specified here will be appended
* to the joining condition using the AND operator. This option has been
* available since version 1.0.2.</li>
* <li>'index': the name of the column whose values should be used as keys
* of the array that stores related objects. This option is only available to
* HAS_MANY and MANY_MANY relations. This option has been available since version 1.0.7.</li>
* <li>'scopes': scopes to apply. In case of a single scope can be used like 'scopes'=>'scopeName',
* in case of multiple scopes can be used like 'scopes'=>array('scopeName1','scopeName2').
* This option has been available since version 1.1.9.</li>
* </ul>
* The following options are available for certain relations when lazy loading:
* <ul>
* <li>'group': string, the GROUP BY clause. Defaults to empty. Note, column references need to
* be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.' (e.g. relationName.age). This option only applies to HAS_MANY and MANY_MANY relations.</li>
* <li>'having': string, the HAVING clause. Defaults to empty. Note, column references need to
* be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.' (e.g. relationName.age). This option only applies to HAS_MANY and MANY_MANY relations.</li>
* <li>'limit': limit of the rows to be selected. This option does not apply to BELONGS_TO relation.</li>
* <li>'offset': offset of the rows to be selected. This option does not apply to BELONGS_TO relation.</li>
* <li>'through': name of the model's relation that will be used as a bridge when getting related data. Can be set only for HAS_ONE and HAS_MANY. This option has been available since version 1.1.7.</li>
* </ul>
* Below is an example declaring related objects for 'Post' active record class:
* <pre>
* return array(
* 'author'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'author_id'),
* 'comments'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Comment', 'post_id', 'with'=>'author', 'order'=>'create_time DESC'),
* 'tags'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Tag', 'post_tag(post_id, tag_id)', 'order'=>'name'),
* );
* </pre>
* @return array list of related object declarations. Defaults to empty array.
public function relations()
return array();
* Returns the declaration of named scopes.
* A named scope represents a query criteria that can be chained together with
* other named scopes and applied to a query. This method should be overridden
* by child classes to declare named scopes for the particular AR classes.
* For example, the following code declares two named scopes: 'recently' and
* 'published'.
* <pre>
* return array(
* 'published'=>array(
* 'condition'=>'status=1',
* ),
* 'recently'=>array(
* 'order'=>'create_time DESC',
* 'limit'=>5,
* ),
* );
* </pre>
* If the above scopes are declared in a 'Post' model, we can perform the following
* queries:
* <pre>
* $posts=Post::model()->published()->findAll();
* $posts=Post::model()->published()->recently()->findAll();
* $posts=Post::model()->published()->with('comments')->findAll();
* </pre>
* Note that the last query is a relational query.
* @return array the scope definition. The array keys are scope names; the array
* values are the corresponding scope definitions. Each scope definition is represented
* as an array whose keys must be properties of {@link CDbCriteria}.
* @since 1.0.5
public function scopes()
return array();
* Returns the list of all attribute names of the model.
* This would return all column names of the table associated with this AR class.
* @return array list of attribute names.
* @since 1.0.1
public function attributeNames()
return array_keys($this->getMetaData()->columns);
* Returns the text label for the specified attribute.
* This method overrides the parent implementation by supporting
* returning the label defined in relational object.
* In particular, if the attribute name is in the form of "post.author.name",
* then this method will derive the label from the "author" relation's "name" attribute.
* @param string $attribute the attribute name
* @return string the attribute label
* @see generateAttributeLabel
* @since 1.1.4
public function getAttributeLabel($attribute)
$labels = $this->attributeLabels();
if (isset($labels[$attribute]))
return $labels[$attribute];
elseif (strpos($attribute, '.') !== false)
$segs = explode('.', $attribute);
$name = array_pop($segs);
$model = $this;
foreach ($segs as $seg)
$relations = $model->getMetaData()->relations;
if (isset($relations[$seg]))
$model = ActiveRecord::model($relations[$seg]->className);
return $model->getAttributeLabel($name);
return $this->generateAttributeLabel($attribute);
* Returns the database connection used by active record.
* By default, the "db" application component is used as the database connection.
* You may override this method if you want to use a different database connection.
* @return CDbConnection the database connection used by active record.
public function getDbConnection()
if (self::$db !== null)
return self::$db;
self::$db = Yii::app()->getDb();
if (self::$db instanceof CDbConnection)
return self::$db;
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'Active Record requires a "db" CDbConnection application component.'));
* Returns the named relation declared for this AR class.
* @param string $name the relation name
* @return CActiveRelation the named relation declared for this AR class. Null if the relation does not exist.
public function getActiveRelation($name)
return isset($this->getMetaData()->relations[$name]) ? $this->getMetaData()->relations[$name] : null;
* Returns the metadata of the table that this AR belongs to
* @return CDbTableSchema the metadata of the table that this AR belongs to
public function getTableSchema()
return $this->getMetaData()->tableSchema;
* Returns the command builder used by this AR.
* @return CDbCommandBuilder the command builder used by this AR
public function getCommandBuilder()
return $this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getCommandBuilder();
* Checks whether this AR has the named attribute
* @param string $name attribute name
* @return boolean whether this AR has the named attribute (table column).
public function hasAttribute($name)
return isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]);
* Returns the named attribute value.
* If this is a new record and the attribute is not set before,
* the default column value will be returned.
* If this record is the result of a query and the attribute is not loaded,
* null will be returned.
* You may also use $this->AttributeName to obtain the attribute value.
* @param string $name the attribute name
* @return mixed the attribute value. Null if the attribute is not set or does not exist.
* @see hasAttribute
public function getAttribute($name)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
return $this->$name;
elseif (isset($this->_attributes[$name]))
return $this->_attributes[$name];
* Sets the named attribute value.
* You may also use $this->AttributeName to set the attribute value.
* @param string $name the attribute name
* @param mixed $value the attribute value.
* @return boolean whether the attribute exists and the assignment is conducted successfully
* @see hasAttribute
public function setAttribute($name, $value)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
$this->$name = $value;
elseif (isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))
$this->_attributes[$name] = $value;
return false;
return true;
* Do not call this method. This method is used internally by {@link CActiveFinder} to populate
* related objects. This method adds a related object to this record.
* @param string $name attribute name
* @param mixed $record the related record
* @param mixed $index the index value in the related object collection.
* If true, it means using zero-based integer index.
* If false, it means a HAS_ONE or BELONGS_TO object and no index is needed.
public function addRelatedRecord($name, $record, $index)
if ($index !== false)
if (!isset($this->_related[$name]))
$this->_related[$name] = array();
if ($record instanceof ActiveRecord)
if ($index === true)
$this->_related[$name][] = $record;
$this->_related[$name][$index] = $record;
elseif (!isset($this->_related[$name]))
$this->_related[$name] = $record;
* Returns all column attribute values.
* Note, related objects are not returned.
* @param mixed $names names of attributes whose value needs to be returned.
* If this is true (default), then all attribute values will be returned, including
* those that are not loaded from DB (null will be returned for those attributes).
* If this is null, all attributes except those that are not loaded from DB will be returned.
* @return array attribute values indexed by attribute names.
public function getAttributes($names = true)
$attributes = $this->_attributes;
foreach ($this->getMetaData()->columns as $name => $column)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
$attributes[$name] = $this->$name;
elseif ($names === true && !isset($attributes[$name]))
$attributes[$name] = null;
if (is_array($names))
$attrs = array();
foreach ($names as $name)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
$attrs[$name] = $this->$name;
$attrs[$name] = isset($attributes[$name]) ? $attributes[$name] : null;
return $attrs;
return $attributes;
* Saves the current record.
* The record is inserted as a row into the database table if its {@link isNewRecord}
* property is true (usually the case when the record is created using the 'new'
* operator). Otherwise, it will be used to update the corresponding row in the table
* (usually the case if the record is obtained using one of those 'find' methods.)
* Validation will be performed before saving the record. If the validation fails,
* the record will not be saved. You can call {@link getErrors()} to retrieve the
* validation errors.
* If the record is saved via insertion, its {@link isNewRecord} property will be
* set false, and its {@link scenario} property will be set to be 'update'.
* And if its primary key is auto-incremental and is not set before insertion,
* the primary key will be populated with the automatically generated key value.
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record.
* If the validation fails, the record will not be saved to database.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @return boolean whether the saving succeeds
public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = null)
if (!$runValidation || $this->validate($attributes))
return $this->getIsNewRecord() ? $this->insert($attributes) : $this->update($attributes);
return false;
* Returns if the current record is new.
* @return boolean whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling {@link save}.
* This property is automatically set in constructor and {@link populateRecord}.
* Defaults to false, but it will be set to true if the instance is created using
* the new operator.
public function getIsNewRecord()
return $this->_new;
* Sets if the record is new.
* @param boolean $value whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling {@link save}.
* @see getIsNewRecord
public function setIsNewRecord($value)
$this->_new = $value;
* This event is raised before the record is saved.
* By setting {@link CModelEvent::isValid} to be false, the normal {@link save()} process will be stopped.
* @param CModelEvent $event the event parameter
* @since 1.0.2
public function onBeforeSave($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onBeforeSave', $event);
* This event is raised after the record is saved.
* @param CEvent $event the event parameter
* @since 1.0.2
public function onAfterSave($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onAfterSave', $event);
* This event is raised before the record is deleted.
* By setting {@link CModelEvent::isValid} to be false, the normal {@link delete()} process will be stopped.
* @param CModelEvent $event the event parameter
* @since 1.0.2
public function onBeforeDelete($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onBeforeDelete', $event);
* This event is raised after the record is deleted.
* @param CEvent $event the event parameter
* @since 1.0.2
public function onAfterDelete($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onAfterDelete', $event);
* This event is raised before an AR finder performs a find call.
* In this event, the {@link CModelEvent::criteria} property contains the query criteria
* passed as parameters to those find methods. If you want to access
* the query criteria specified in scopes, please use {@link getDbCriteria()}.
* You can modify either criteria to customize them based on needs.
* @param CModelEvent $event the event parameter
* @see beforeFind
* @since 1.0.9
public function onBeforeFind($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onBeforeFind', $event);
* This event is raised after the record is instantiated by a find method.
* @param CEvent $event the event parameter
* @since 1.0.2
public function onAfterFind($event)
$this->raiseEvent('onAfterFind', $event);
* This method is invoked before saving a record (after validation, if any).
* The default implementation raises the {@link onBeforeSave} event.
* You may override this method to do any preparation work for record saving.
* Use {@link isNewRecord} to determine whether the saving is
* for inserting or updating record.
* Make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is raised properly.
* @return boolean whether the saving should be executed. Defaults to true.
protected function beforeSave()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeSave'))
$event = new CModelEvent($this);
return $event->isValid;
return true;
* This method is invoked after saving a record successfully.
* The default implementation raises the {@link onAfterSave} event.
* You may override this method to do postprocessing after record saving.
* Make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is raised properly.
protected function afterSave()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterSave'))
$this->onAfterSave(new CEvent($this));
* This method is invoked before deleting a record.
* The default implementation raises the {@link onBeforeDelete} event.
* You may override this method to do any preparation work for record deletion.
* Make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is raised properly.
* @return boolean whether the record should be deleted. Defaults to true.
protected function beforeDelete()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeDelete'))
$event = new CModelEvent($this);
return $event->isValid;
return true;
* This method is invoked after deleting a record.
* The default implementation raises the {@link onAfterDelete} event.
* You may override this method to do postprocessing after the record is deleted.
* Make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is raised properly.
protected function afterDelete()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterDelete'))
$this->onAfterDelete(new CEvent($this));
* This method is invoked before an AR finder executes a find call.
* The find calls include {@link find}, {@link findAll}, {@link findByPk},
* {@link findAllByPk}, {@link findByAttributes} and {@link findAllByAttributes}.
* The default implementation raises the {@link onBeforeFind} event.
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation
* so that the event is raised properly.
* Starting from version 1.1.5, this method may be called with a hidden {@link CDbCriteria}
* parameter which represents the current query criteria as passed to a find method of AR.
* @since 1.0.9
protected function beforeFind()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onBeforeFind'))
$event = new CModelEvent($this);
// for backward compatibility
$event->criteria = func_num_args() > 0 ? func_get_arg(0) : null;
* This method is invoked after each record is instantiated by a find method.
* The default implementation raises the {@link onAfterFind} event.
* You may override this method to do postprocessing after each newly found record is instantiated.
* Make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is raised properly.
protected function afterFind()
if ($this->hasEventHandler('onAfterFind'))
$this->onAfterFind(new CEvent($this));
* Calls {@link beforeFind}.
* This method is internally used.
* @since 1.0.11
public function beforeFindInternal()
* Calls {@link afterFind}.
* This method is internally used.
* @since 1.0.3
public function afterFindInternal()
* Inserts a row into the table based on this active record attributes.
* If the table's primary key is auto-incremental and is null before insertion,
* it will be populated with the actual value after insertion.
* Note, validation is not performed in this method. You may call {@link validate} to perform the validation.
* After the record is inserted to DB successfully, its {@link isNewRecord} property will be set false,
* and its {@link scenario} property will be set to be 'update'.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @return boolean whether the attributes are valid and the record is inserted successfully.
* @throws CException if the record is not new
public function insert($attributes = null)
if (!$this->getIsNewRecord())
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be inserted to database because it is not new.'));
if ($this->beforeSave())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.insert()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$table = $this->getMetaData()->tableSchema;
$command = $builder->createInsertCommand($table, $this->getAttributes($attributes));
if ($command->execute())
$primaryKey = $table->primaryKey;
if ($table->sequenceName !== null)
if (is_string($primaryKey) && $this->$primaryKey === null)
$this->$primaryKey = $builder->getLastInsertID($table);
elseif (is_array($primaryKey))
foreach ($primaryKey as $pk)
if ($this->$pk === null)
$this->$pk = $builder->getLastInsertID($table);
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
return true;
return false;
* Updates the row represented by this active record.
* All loaded attributes will be saved to the database.
* Note, validation is not performed in this method. You may call {@link validate} to perform the validation.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @return boolean whether the update is successful
* @throws CException if the record is new
public function update($attributes = null)
if ($this->getIsNewRecord())
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it is new.'));
if ($this->beforeSave())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.update()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
if ($this->_pk === null)
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
$this->updateByPk($this->getOldPrimaryKey(), $this->getAttributes($attributes));
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
return true;
return false;
* Saves a selected list of attributes.
* Unlike {@link save}, this method only saves the specified attributes
* of an existing row dataset and does NOT call either {@link beforeSave} or {@link afterSave}.
* Also note that this method does neither attribute filtering nor validation.
* So do not use this method with untrusted data (such as user posted data).
* You may consider the following alternative if you want to do so:
* <pre>
* $postRecord=Post::model()->findByPk($postID);
* $postRecord->attributes=$_POST['post'];
* $postRecord->save();
* </pre>
* @param array $attributes attributes to be updated. Each element represents an attribute name
* or an attribute value indexed by its name. If the latter, the record's
* attribute will be changed accordingly before saving.
* @return boolean whether the update is successful
* @throws CException if the record is new or any database error
public function saveAttributes($attributes)
if (!$this->getIsNewRecord())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.saveAttributes()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$values = array();
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value)
if (is_integer($name))
$values[$value] = $this->$value;
$values[$name] = $this->$name = $value;
if ($this->_pk === null)
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
if ($this->updateByPk($this->getOldPrimaryKey(), $values) > 0)
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
return true;
return false;
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be updated because it is new.'));
* Saves one or several counter columns for the current AR object.
* Note that this method differs from {@link updateCounters} in that it only
* saves the current AR object.
* An example usage is as follows:
* <pre>
* $postRecord=Post::model()->findByPk($postID);
* $postRecord->saveCounters(array('view_count'=>1));
* </pre>
* Use negative values if you want to decrease the counters.
* @param array $counters the counters to be updated (column name=>increment value)
* @return boolean whether the saving is successful
* @see updateCounters
* @since 1.1.8
public function saveCounters($counters)
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.saveCounters()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$table = $this->getTableSchema();
$criteria = $builder->createPkCriteria($table, $this->getOldPrimaryKey());
$command = $builder->createUpdateCounterCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $counters, $criteria);
if ($command->execute())
foreach ($counters as $name => $value)
$this->$name = $this->$name + $value;
return true;
return false;
* Deletes the row corresponding to this active record.
* @return boolean whether the deletion is successful.
* @throws CException if the record is new
public function delete()
if (!$this->getIsNewRecord())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.delete()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
if ($this->beforeDelete())
$result = $this->deleteByPk($this->getPrimaryKey()) > 0;
return $result;
return false;
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'The active record cannot be deleted because it is new.'));
* Repopulates this active record with the latest data.
* @return boolean whether the row still exists in the database. If true, the latest data will be populated to this active record.
public function refresh()
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.refresh()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
if (!$this->getIsNewRecord() && ($record = $this->findByPk($this->getPrimaryKey())) !== null)
$this->_attributes = array();
$this->_related = array();
foreach ($this->getMetaData()->columns as $name => $column)
if (property_exists($this, $name))
$this->$name = $record->$name;
$this->_attributes[$name] = $record->$name;
return true;
return false;
* Compares current active record with another one.
* The comparison is made by comparing table name and the primary key values of the two active records.
* @param ActiveRecord $record record to compare to
* @return boolean whether the two active records refer to the same row in the database table.
public function equals($record)
return $this->tableName() === $record->tableName() && $this->getPrimaryKey() === $record->getPrimaryKey();
* Returns the primary key value.
* @return mixed the primary key value. An array (column name=>column value) is returned if the primary key is composite.
* If primary key is not defined, null will be returned.
public function getPrimaryKey()
$table = $this->getMetaData()->tableSchema;
if (is_string($table->primaryKey))
return $this-> {$table->primaryKey};
elseif (is_array($table->primaryKey))
$values = array();
foreach ($table->primaryKey as $name)
$values[$name] = $this->$name;
return $values;
return null;
* Sets the primary key value.
* After calling this method, the old primary key value can be obtained from {@link oldPrimaryKey}.
* @param mixed $value the new primary key value. If the primary key is composite, the new value
* should be provided as an array (column name=>column value).
* @since 1.1.0
public function setPrimaryKey($value)
$this->_pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
$table = $this->getMetaData()->tableSchema;
if (is_string($table->primaryKey))
$this-> {$table->primaryKey} = $value;
elseif (is_array($table->primaryKey))
foreach ($table->primaryKey as $name)
$this->$name = $value[$name];
* Returns the old primary key value.
* This refers to the primary key value that is populated into the record
* after executing a find method (e.g. find(), findAll()).
* The value remains unchanged even if the primary key attribute is manually assigned with a different value.
* @return mixed the old primary key value. An array (column name=>column value) is returned if the primary key is composite.
* If primary key is not defined, null will be returned.
* @since 1.1.0
public function getOldPrimaryKey()
return $this->_pk;
* Sets the old primary key value.
* @param mixed $value the old primary key value.
* @since 1.1.3
public function setOldPrimaryKey($value)
$this->_pk = $value;
* Performs the actual DB query and populates the AR objects with the query result.
* This method is mainly internally used by other AR query methods.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria
* @param boolean $all whether to return all data
* @return mixed the AR objects populated with the query result
* @since 1.1.7
protected function query($criteria, $all = false)
if (empty($criteria->with))
if (!$all)
$criteria->limit = 1;
$command = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createFindCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $criteria);
return $all ? $this->populateRecords($command->queryAll(), true, $criteria->index) : $this->populateRecord($command->queryRow());
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->query($criteria, $all);
* Applies the query scopes to the given criteria.
* This method merges {@link dbCriteria} with the given criteria parameter.
* It then resets {@link dbCriteria} to be null.
* @param CDbCriteria $criteria the query criteria. This parameter may be modified by merging {@link dbCriteria}.
* @since 1.0.12
public function applyScopes(&$criteria)
if (!empty($criteria->scopes))
$scs = $this->scopes();
$c = $this->getDbCriteria();
foreach ((array)$criteria->scopes as $k => $v)
if (is_integer($k))
if (is_string($v))
if (isset($scs[$v]))
$c->mergeWith($scs[$v], true);
$scope = $v;
$params = array();
elseif (is_array($v))
$scope = key($v);
$params = current($v);
elseif (is_string($k))
$scope = $k;
$params = $v;
call_user_func_array(array($this, $scope), (array)$params);
if (isset($c) || ($c = $this->getDbCriteria(false)) !== null)
$criteria = $c;
$this->_c = null;
* Returns the table alias to be used by the find methods.
* In relational queries, the returned table alias may vary according to
* the corresponding relation declaration. Also, the default table alias
* set by {@link setTableAlias} may be overridden by the applied scopes.
* @param boolean $quote whether to quote the alias name
* @param boolean $checkScopes whether to check if a table alias is defined in the applied scopes so far.
* This parameter must be set false when calling this method in {@link defaultScope}.
* An infinite loop would be formed otherwise.
* @return string the default table alias
* @since 1.1.1
public function getTableAlias($quote = false, $checkScopes = true)
if ($checkScopes && ($criteria = $this->getDbCriteria(false)) !== null && $criteria->alias != '')
$alias = $criteria->alias;
$alias = $this->_alias;
return $quote ? $this->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->quoteTableName($alias) : $alias;
* Sets the table alias to be used in queries.
* @param string $alias the table alias to be used in queries. The alias should NOT be quoted.
* @since 1.1.3
public function setTableAlias($alias)
$this->_alias = $alias;
* Finds a single active record with the specified condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* If a string, it is treated as query condition (the WHERE clause);
* If an array, it is treated as the initial values for constructing a {@link CDbCriteria} object;
* Otherwise, it should be an instance of {@link CDbCriteria}.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* This is only used when the first parameter is a string (query condition).
* In other cases, please use {@link CDbCriteria::params} to set parameters.
* @return ActiveRecord the record found. Null if no record is found.
public function find($condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.find()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createCriteria($condition, $params);
return $this->query($criteria);
* Finds all active records satisfying the specified condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return array list of active records satisfying the specified condition. An empty array is returned if none is found.
public function findAll($condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findAll()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createCriteria($condition, $params);
return $this->query($criteria, true);
* Finds a single active record with the specified primary key.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $pk primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value).
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return ActiveRecord the record found. Null if none is found.
public function findByPk($pk, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findByPk()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$prefix = $this->getTableAlias(true) . '.';
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createPkCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $pk, $condition, $params, $prefix);
return $this->query($criteria);
* Finds all active records with the specified primary keys.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $pk primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value).
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return array the records found. An empty array is returned if none is found.
public function findAllByPk($pk, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findAllByPk()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$prefix = $this->getTableAlias(true) . '.';
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createPkCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $pk, $condition, $params, $prefix);
return $this->query($criteria, true);
* Finds a single active record that has the specified attribute values.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param array $attributes list of attribute values (indexed by attribute names) that the active records should match.
* Since version 1.0.8, an attribute value can be an array which will be used to generate an IN condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return ActiveRecord the record found. Null if none is found.
public function findByAttributes($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findByAttributes()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$prefix = $this->getTableAlias(true) . '.';
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createColumnCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $attributes, $condition, $params, $prefix);
return $this->query($criteria);
* Finds all active records that have the specified attribute values.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param array $attributes list of attribute values (indexed by attribute names) that the active records should match.
* Since version 1.0.8, an attribute value can be an array which will be used to generate an IN condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return array the records found. An empty array is returned if none is found.
public function findAllByAttributes($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findAllByAttributes()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$prefix = $this->getTableAlias(true) . '.';
$criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createColumnCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $attributes, $condition, $params, $prefix);
return $this->query($criteria, true);
* Finds a single active record with the specified SQL statement.
* @param string $sql the SQL statement
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to the SQL statement
* @return ActiveRecord the record found. Null if none is found.
public function findBySql($sql, $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findBySql()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
if (($criteria = $this->getDbCriteria(false)) !== null && !empty($criteria->with))
$this->_c = null;
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->findBySql($sql, $params);
$command = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql, $params);
return $this->populateRecord($command->queryRow());
* Finds all active records using the specified SQL statement.
* @param string $sql the SQL statement
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to the SQL statement
* @return array the records found. An empty array is returned if none is found.
public function findAllBySql($sql, $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.findAllBySql()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
if (($criteria = $this->getDbCriteria(false)) !== null && !empty($criteria->with))
$this->_c = null;
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->findAllBySql($sql, $params);
$command = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql, $params);
return $this->populateRecords($command->queryAll());
* Finds the number of rows satisfying the specified query condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return string the number of rows satisfying the specified query condition. Note: type is string to keep max. precision.
public function count($condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.count()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createCriteria($condition, $params);
if (empty($criteria->with))
return $builder->createCountCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $criteria)->queryScalar();
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->count($criteria);
* Finds the number of rows that have the specified attribute values.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param array $attributes list of attribute values (indexed by attribute names) that the active records should match.
* An attribute value can be an array which will be used to generate an IN condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return string the number of rows satisfying the specified query condition. Note: type is string to keep max. precision.
* @since 1.1.4
public function countByAttributes($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.countByAttributes()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$prefix = $this->getTableAlias(true) . '.';
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createColumnCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $attributes, $condition, $params, $prefix);
if (empty($criteria->with))
return $builder->createCountCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $criteria)->queryScalar();
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->count($criteria);
* Finds the number of rows using the given SQL statement.
* This is equivalent to calling {@link CDbCommand::queryScalar} with the specified
* SQL statement and the parameters.
* @param string $sql the SQL statement
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to the SQL statement
* @return string the number of rows using the given SQL statement. Note: type is string to keep max. precision.
public function countBySql($sql, $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.countBySql()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
return $this->getCommandBuilder()->createSqlCommand($sql, $params)->queryScalar();
* Checks whether there is row satisfying the specified condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return boolean whether there is row satisfying the specified condition.
public function exists($condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.exists()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createCriteria($condition, $params);
$table = $this->getTableSchema();
$criteria->select = '1';
$criteria->limit = 1;
if (empty($criteria->with))
return $builder->createFindCommand($table, $criteria)->queryRow() !== false;
$criteria->select = '*';
$finder = new CActiveFinder($this, $criteria->with);
return $finder->count($criteria) > 0;
* Specifies which related objects should be eagerly loaded.
* This method takes variable number of parameters. Each parameter specifies
* the name of a relation or child-relation. For example,
* <pre>
* // find all posts together with their author and comments
* Post::model()->with('author','comments')->findAll();
* // find all posts together with their author and the author's profile
* Post::model()->with('author','author.profile')->findAll();
* </pre>
* The relations should be declared in {@link relations()}.
* By default, the options specified in {@link relations()} will be used
* to do relational query. In order to customize the options on the fly,
* we should pass an array parameter to the with() method. The array keys
* are relation names, and the array values are the corresponding query options.
* For example,
* <pre>
* Post::model()->with(array(
* 'author'=>array('select'=>'id, name'),
* 'comments'=>array('condition'=>'approved=1', 'order'=>'create_time'),
* ))->findAll();
* </pre>
* Note, the possible parameters to this method have been changed since version 1.0.2.
* Previously, it was not possible to specify on-th-fly query options,
* and child-relations were specified as hierarchical arrays.
* @return ActiveRecord the AR object itself.
public function with()
if (func_num_args() > 0)
$with = func_get_args();
if (is_array($with[0])) // the parameter is given as an array
$with = $with[0];
if (!empty($with))
$this->getDbCriteria()->mergeWith(array('with' => $with));
return $this;
* Sets {@link CDbCriteria::together} property to be true.
* This is only used in relational AR query. Please refer to {@link CDbCriteria::together}
* for more details.
* @return ActiveRecord the AR object itself
* @since 1.1.4
public function together()
$this->getDbCriteria()->together = true;
return $this;
* Updates records with the specified primary key(s).
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* Note, the attributes are not checked for safety and validation is NOT performed.
* @param mixed $pk primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value).
* @param array $attributes list of attributes (name=>$value) to be updated
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer the number of rows being updated
public function updateByPk($pk, $attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.updateByPk()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$table = $this->getTableSchema();
$criteria = $builder->createPkCriteria($table, $pk, $condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createUpdateCommand($table, $attributes, $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Updates records with the specified condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* Note, the attributes are not checked for safety and no validation is done.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes (name=>$value) to be updated
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer the number of rows being updated
public function updateAll($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.updateAll()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createCriteria($condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createUpdateCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $attributes, $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Updates one or several counter columns.
* Note, this updates all rows of data unless a condition or criteria is specified.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param array $counters the counters to be updated (column name=>increment value)
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer the number of rows being updated
* @see saveCounters
public function updateCounters($counters, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.updateCounters()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createCriteria($condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createUpdateCounterCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $counters, $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Deletes rows with the specified primary key.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $pk primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value).
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public function deleteByPk($pk, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.deleteByPk()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createPkCriteria($this->getTableSchema(), $pk, $condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createDeleteCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Deletes rows with the specified condition.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public function deleteAll($condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.deleteAll()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$criteria = $builder->createCriteria($condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createDeleteCommand($this->getTableSchema(), $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Deletes rows which match the specified attribute values.
* See {@link find()} for detailed explanation about $condition and $params.
* @param array $attributes list of attribute values (indexed by attribute names) that the active records should match.
* Since version 1.0.8, an attribute value can be an array which will be used to generate an IN condition.
* @param mixed $condition query condition or criteria.
* @param array $params parameters to be bound to an SQL statement.
* @return integer number of rows affected by the execution.
* @since 1.0.9
public function deleteAllByAttributes($attributes, $condition = '', $params = array())
Yii::trace(get_class($this) . '.deleteAllByAttributes()', 'system.db.ar.ActiveRecord');
$builder = $this->getCommandBuilder();
$table = $this->getTableSchema();
$criteria = $builder->createColumnCriteria($table, $attributes, $condition, $params);
$command = $builder->createDeleteCommand($table, $criteria);
return $command->execute();
* Creates an active record with the given attributes.
* This method is internally used by the find methods.
* @param array $attributes attribute values (column name=>column value)
* @param boolean $callAfterFind whether to call {@link afterFind} after the record is populated.
* This parameter is added in version 1.0.3.
* @return ActiveRecord the newly created active record. The class of the object is the same as the model class.
* Null is returned if the input data is false.
public function populateRecord($attributes, $callAfterFind = true)
if ($attributes !== false)
$record = $this->instantiate($attributes);
$md = $record->getMetaData();
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value)
if (property_exists($record, $name))
$record->$name = $value;
elseif (isset($md->columns[$name]))
$record->_attributes[$name] = $value;
$record->_pk = $record->getPrimaryKey();
if ($callAfterFind)
return $record;
return null;
* Creates a list of active records based on the input data.
* This method is internally used by the find methods.
* @param array $data list of attribute values for the active records.
* @param boolean $callAfterFind whether to call {@link afterFind} after each record is populated.
* This parameter is added in version 1.0.3.
* @param string $index the name of the attribute whose value will be used as indexes of the query result array.
* If null, it means the array will be indexed by zero-based integers.
* @return array list of active records.
public function populateRecords($data, $callAfterFind = true, $index = null)
$records = array();
foreach ($data as $attributes)
if (($record = $this->populateRecord($attributes, $callAfterFind)) !== null)
if ($index === null)
$records[] = $record;
$records[$record->$index] = $record;
return $records;
* Creates an active record instance.
* This method is called by {@link populateRecord} and {@link populateRecords}.
* You may override this method if the instance being created
* depends the attributes that are to be populated to the record.
* For example, by creating a record based on the value of a column,
* you may implement the so-called single-table inheritance mapping.
* @param array $attributes list of attribute values for the active records.
* @return ActiveRecord the active record
* @since 1.0.2
protected function instantiate($attributes)
$class = get_class($this);
$model = new $class(null);
return $model;
* Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset.
* This method is required by the interface ArrayAccess.
* @param mixed $offset the offset to check on
* @return boolean
* @since 1.0.2
public function offsetExists($offset)
return $this->__isset($offset);
* CBaseActiveRelation is the base class for all active relations.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0.4
class CBaseActiveRelation extends CComponent
* @var string name of the related object
public $name;
* @var string name of the related active record class
public $className;
* @var string the foreign key in this relation
public $foreignKey;
* @var mixed list of column names (an array, or a string of names separated by commas) to be selected.
* Do not quote or prefix the column names unless they are used in an expression.
* In that case, you should prefix the column names with 'relationName.'.
public $select = '*';
* @var string WHERE clause. For {@link CActiveRelation} descendant classes, column names
* referenced in the condition should be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.'.
public $condition = '';
* @var array the parameters that are to be bound to the condition.
* The keys are parameter placeholder names, and the values are parameter values.
public $params = array();
* @var string GROUP BY clause. For {@link CActiveRelation} descendant classes, column names
* referenced in this property should be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.'.
public $group = '';
* @var string how to join with other tables. This refers to the JOIN clause in an SQL statement.
* For example, <code>'LEFT JOIN users ON users.id=authorID'</code>.
* @since 1.1.3
public $join = '';
* @var string HAVING clause. For {@link CActiveRelation} descendant classes, column names
* referenced in this property should be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.'.
public $having = '';
* @var string ORDER BY clause. For {@link CActiveRelation} descendant classes, column names
* referenced in this property should be disambiguated with prefix 'relationName.'.
public $order = '';
* Constructor.
* @param string $name name of the relation
* @param string $className name of the related active record class
* @param string $foreignKey foreign key for this relation
* @param array $options additional options (name=>value). The keys must be the property names of this class.
public function __construct($name, $className, $foreignKey, $options = array())
$this->name = $name;
$this->className = $className;
$this->foreignKey = $foreignKey;
foreach ($options as $name => $value)
$this->$name = $value;
* Merges this relation with a criteria specified dynamically.
* @param array $criteria the dynamically specified criteria
* @param boolean $fromScope whether the criteria to be merged is from scopes
* @since 1.0.5
public function mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope = false)
if ($criteria instanceof CDbCriteria)
$criteria = $criteria->toArray();
if (isset($criteria['select']) && $this->select !== $criteria['select'])
if ($this->select === '*')
$this->select = $criteria['select'];
elseif ($criteria['select'] !== '*')
$select1 = is_string($this->select) ? preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($this->select), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : $this->select;
$select2 = is_string($criteria['select']) ? preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($criteria['select']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : $criteria['select'];
$this->select = array_merge($select1, array_diff($select2, $select1));
if (isset($criteria['condition']) && $this->condition !== $criteria['condition'])
if ($this->condition === '')
$this->condition = $criteria['condition'];
elseif ($criteria['condition'] !== '')
$this->condition = "( {$this->condition}) AND ( {$criteria['condition']})";
if (isset($criteria['params']) && $this->params !== $criteria['params'])
$this->params = array_merge($this->params, $criteria['params']);
if (isset($criteria['order']) && $this->order !== $criteria['order'])
if ($this->order === '')
$this->order = $criteria['order'];
elseif ($criteria['order'] !== '')
$this->order = $criteria['order'] . ', ' . $this->order;
if (isset($criteria['group']) && $this->group !== $criteria['group'])
if ($this->group === '')
$this->group = $criteria['group'];
elseif ($criteria['group'] !== '')
$this->group .= ', ' . $criteria['group'];
if (isset($criteria['join']) && $this->join !== $criteria['join'])
if ($this->join === '')
$this->join = $criteria['join'];
elseif ($criteria['join'] !== '')
$this->join .= ' ' . $criteria['join'];
if (isset($criteria['having']) && $this->having !== $criteria['having'])
if ($this->having === '')
$this->having = $criteria['having'];
elseif ($criteria['having'] !== '')
$this->having = "( {$this->having}) AND ( {$criteria['having']})";
* CStatRelation represents a statistical relational query.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0.4
class CStatRelation extends CBaseActiveRelation
* @var string the statistical expression. Defaults to 'COUNT(*)', meaning
* the count of child objects.
public $select = 'COUNT(*)';
* @var mixed the default value to be assigned to those records that do not
* receive a statistical query result. Defaults to 0.
public $defaultValue = 0;
* Merges this relation with a criteria specified dynamically.
* @param array $criteria the dynamically specified criteria
* @param boolean $fromScope whether the criteria to be merged is from scopes
* @since 1.0.5
public function mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope = false)
if ($criteria instanceof CDbCriteria)
$criteria = $criteria->toArray();
parent::mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope);
if (isset($criteria['defaultValue']))
$this->defaultValue = $criteria['defaultValue'];
* CActiveRelation is the base class for representing active relations that bring back related objects.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class CActiveRelation extends CBaseActiveRelation
* @var string join type. Defaults to 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'.
public $joinType = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN';
* @var string ON clause. The condition specified here will be appended to the joining condition using AND operator.
* @since 1.0.2
public $on = '';
* @var string the alias for the table that this relation refers to. Defaults to null, meaning
* the alias will be the same as the relation name.
* @since 1.0.1
public $alias;
* @var string|array specifies which related objects should be eagerly loaded when this related object is lazily loaded.
* For more details about this property, see {@link ActiveRecord::with()}.
public $with = array();
* @var boolean whether this table should be joined with the primary table.
* When setting this property to be false, the table associated with this relation will
* appear in a separate JOIN statement.
* If this property is set true, then the corresponding table will ALWAYS be joined together
* with the primary table, no matter the primary table is limited or not.
* If this property is not set, the corresponding table will be joined with the primary table
* only when the primary table is not limited.
public $together;
* @var mixed scopes to apply
* Can be set to the one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>Single scope: 'scopes'=>'scopeName'.</li>
* <li>Multiple scopes: 'scopes'=>array('scopeName1','scopeName2').</li>
* </ul>
* @since 1.1.9
public $scopes;
* Merges this relation with a criteria specified dynamically.
* @param array $criteria the dynamically specified criteria
* @param boolean $fromScope whether the criteria to be merged is from scopes
* @since 1.0.5
public function mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope = false)
if ($criteria instanceof CDbCriteria)
$criteria = $criteria->toArray();
if ($fromScope)
if (isset($criteria['condition']) && $this->on !== $criteria['condition'])
if ($this->on === '')
$this->on = $criteria['condition'];
elseif ($criteria['condition'] !== '')
$this->on = "( {$this->on}) AND ( {$criteria['condition']})";
if (isset($criteria['joinType']))
$this->joinType = $criteria['joinType'];
if (isset($criteria['on']) && $this->on !== $criteria['on'])
if ($this->on === '')
$this->on = $criteria['on'];
elseif ($criteria['on'] !== '')
$this->on = "( {$this->on}) AND ( {$criteria['on']})";
if (isset($criteria['with']))
$this->with = $criteria['with'];
if (isset($criteria['alias']))
$this->alias = $criteria['alias'];
if (isset($criteria['together']))
$this->together = $criteria['together'];
* CBelongsToRelation represents the parameters specifying a BELONGS_TO relation.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class CBelongsToRelation extends CActiveRelation
* CHasOneRelation represents the parameters specifying a HAS_ONE relation.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class CHasOneRelation extends CActiveRelation
* @var string the name of the relation that should be used as the bridge to this relation.
* Defaults to null, meaning don't use any bridge.
* @since 1.1.7
public $through;
* CHasManyRelation represents the parameters specifying a HAS_MANY relation.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class CHasManyRelation extends CActiveRelation
* @var integer limit of the rows to be selected. It is effective only for lazy loading this related object. Defaults to -1, meaning no limit.
public $limit = -1;
* @var integer offset of the rows to be selected. It is effective only for lazy loading this related object. Defaults to -1, meaning no offset.
public $offset = -1;
* @var string the name of the column that should be used as the key for storing related objects.
* Defaults to null, meaning using zero-based integer IDs.
* @since 1.0.7
public $index;
* @var string the name of the relation that should be used as the bridge to this relation.
* Defaults to null, meaning don't use any bridge.
* @since 1.1.7
public $through;
* Merges this relation with a criteria specified dynamically.
* @param array $criteria the dynamically specified criteria
* @param boolean $fromScope whether the criteria to be merged is from scopes
* @since 1.0.5
public function mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope = false)
if ($criteria instanceof CDbCriteria)
$criteria = $criteria->toArray();
parent::mergeWith($criteria, $fromScope);
if (isset($criteria['limit']) && $criteria['limit'] > 0)
$this->limit = $criteria['limit'];
if (isset($criteria['offset']) && $criteria['offset'] >= 0)
$this->offset = $criteria['offset'];
if (isset($criteria['index']))
$this->index = $criteria['index'];
* CManyManyRelation represents the parameters specifying a MANY_MANY relation.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class CManyManyRelation extends CHasManyRelation
* ActiveRecordMetaData represents the meta-data for an Active Record class.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: ActiveRecord.php 3344 2011-07-06 22:04:50Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.db.ar
* @since 1.0
class ActiveRecordMetaData
* @var CDbTableSchema the table schema information
public $tableSchema;
* @var array table columns
public $columns;
* @var array list of relations
public $relations = array();
* @var array attribute default values
public $attributeDefaults = array();
private $_model;
* Constructor.
* @param ActiveRecord $model the model instance
public function __construct($model)
$this->_model = $model;
$tableName = $model->tableName();
if (($table = $model->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTable($tableName)) === null)
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'The table "{table}" for active record class "{class}" cannot be found in the database.',
array('{class}' => get_class($model), '{table}' => $tableName)));
if ($table->primaryKey === null)
$table->primaryKey = $model->primaryKey();
if (is_string($table->primaryKey) && isset($table->columns[$table->primaryKey]))
$table->columns[$table->primaryKey]->isPrimaryKey = true;
elseif (is_array($table->primaryKey))
foreach ($table->primaryKey as $name)
if (isset($table->columns[$name]))
$table->columns[$name]->isPrimaryKey = true;
$this->tableSchema = $table;
$this->columns = $table->columns;
foreach ($table->columns as $name => $column)
if (!$column->isPrimaryKey && $column->defaultValue !== null)
$this->attributeDefaults[$name] = $column->defaultValue;
foreach ($model->relations() as $name => $config)
$this->addRelation($name, $config);
* Adds a relation.
* $config is an array with three elements:
* relation type, the related active record class and the foreign key.
* @throws CDbException
* @param string $name $name Name of the relation.
* @param array $config $config Relation parameters.
* @return void
* @since 1.1.2
public function addRelation($name, $config)
if (isset($config[0], $config[1], $config[2])) // relation class, AR class, FK
$this->relations[$name] = new $config[0]($name, $config[1], $config[2], array_slice($config, 3));
throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'Active record "{class}" has an invalid configuration for relation "{relation}". It must specify the relation type, the related active record class and the foreign key.', array('{class}' => get_class($this->_model), '{relation}' => $name)));
* Checks if there is a relation with specified name defined.
* @param string $name $name Name of the relation.
* @return boolean
* @since 1.1.2
public function hasRelation($name)
return isset($this->relations[$name]);
* Deletes a relation with specified name.
* @param string $name $name
* @return void
* @since 1.1.2
public function removeRelation($name)