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* Driver class file.
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\db\mysql;
use yii\db\TableSchema;
use yii\db\ColumnSchema;
* Driver is the class for retrieving metadata from a MySQL database (version 4.1.x and 5.x).
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class Driver extends \yii\db\Driver
* @var array mapping from physical column types (keys) to abstract column types (values)
public $typeMap = array(
'tinyint' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT,
'bit' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT,
'smallint' => self::TYPE_SMALLINT,
'mediumint' => self::TYPE_INTEGER,
'int' => self::TYPE_INTEGER,
'integer' => self::TYPE_INTEGER,
'bigint' => self::TYPE_BIGINT,
'float' => self::TYPE_FLOAT,
'double' => self::TYPE_FLOAT,
'real' => self::TYPE_FLOAT,
'decimal' => self::TYPE_DECIMAL,
'numeric' => self::TYPE_DECIMAL,
'tinytext' => self::TYPE_TEXT,
'mediumtext' => self::TYPE_TEXT,
'longtext' => self::TYPE_TEXT,
'text' => self::TYPE_TEXT,
'varchar' => self::TYPE_STRING,
'string' => self::TYPE_STRING,
'char' => self::TYPE_STRING,
'datetime' => self::TYPE_DATETIME,
'year' => self::TYPE_DATE,
'date' => self::TYPE_DATE,
'time' => self::TYPE_TIME,
'timestamp' => self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
'enum' => self::TYPE_STRING,
* Quotes a table name for use in a query.
* A simple table name has no schema prefix.
* @param string $name table name
* @return string the properly quoted table name
public function quoteSimpleTableName($name)
return strpos($name, "`") !== false ? $name : "`" . $name . "`";
* Quotes a column name for use in a query.
* A simple column name has no prefix.
* @param string $name column name
* @return string the properly quoted column name
public function quoteSimpleColumnName($name)
return strpos($name, '`') !== false || $name === '*' ? $name : '`' . $name . '`';
* Creates a query builder for the MySQL database.
* @return QueryBuilder query builder instance
public function createQueryBuilder()
return new QueryBuilder($this->connection);
* Loads the metadata for the specified table.
* @param string $name table name
* @return \yii\db\TableSchema driver dependent table metadata. Null if the table does not exist.
protected function loadTableSchema($name)
$table = new TableSchema;
$this->resolveTableNames($table, $name);
if ($this->findColumns($table)) {
return $table;
* Resolves the table name and schema name (if any).
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table metadata object
* @param string $name the table name
protected function resolveTableNames($table, $name)
$parts = explode('.', str_replace('`', '', $name));
if (isset($parts[1])) {
$table->schemaName = $parts[0];
$table->name = $parts[1];
$table->quotedName = $this->quoteSimpleTableName($table->schemaName) . '.' . $this->quoteSimpleTableName($table->name);
} else {
$table->name = $parts[0];
$table->quotedName = $this->quoteSimpleTableName($table->name);
* Creates a table column.
* @param array $column column metadata
* @return ColumnSchema normalized column metadata
protected function createColumn($column)
$c = new ColumnSchema;
$c->name = $column['Field'];
$c->quotedName = $this->quoteSimpleColumnName($c->name);
$c->allowNull = $column['Null'] === 'YES';
$c->isPrimaryKey = strpos($column['Key'], 'PRI') !== false;
$c->autoIncrement = stripos($column['Extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false;
$c->dbType = $column['Type'];
$this->resolveColumnDefault($c, $column['Default']);
return $c;
* Resolves the default value for the column.
* @param \yii\db\ColumnSchema $column the column metadata object
* @param string $value the default value fetched from database
protected function resolveColumnDefault($column, $value)
if ($column->type !== 'timestamp' || $value !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
$column->defaultValue = $column->typecast($value);
* Resolves the abstract data type for the column.
* @param \yii\db\ColumnSchema $column the column metadata object
public function resolveColumnType($column)
$column->type = self::TYPE_STRING;
$column->unsigned = strpos($column->dbType, 'unsigned') !== false;
if (preg_match('/^(\w+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/', $column->dbType, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
if (isset($this->typeMap[$type])) {
$column->type = $this->typeMap[$type];
if (!empty($matches[2])) {
if ($type === 'enum') {
$values = explode(',', $matches[2]);
foreach ($values as $i => $value) {
$values[$i] = trim($value, "'");
$column->enumValues = $values;
} else {
$values = explode(',', $matches[2]);
$column->size = $column->precision = (int)$values[0];
if (isset($values[1])) {
$column->scale = (int)$values[1];
if ($column->size === 1 && ($type === 'tinyint' || $type === 'bit')) {
$column->type = 'boolean';
} elseif ($type === 'bit') {
if ($column->size > 32) {
$column->type = 'bigint';
} elseif ($column->size === 32) {
$column->type = 'integer';
* Collects the metadata of table columns.
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table metadata
* @return boolean whether the table exists in the database
protected function findColumns($table)
$sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $table->quotedName;
try {
$columns = $this->connection->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$column = $this->createColumn($column);
$table->columns[$column->name] = $column;
if ($column->isPrimaryKey) {
$table->primaryKey[] = $column->name;
if ($column->autoIncrement) {
$table->sequenceName = '';
return true;
* Collects the foreign key column details for the given table.
* @param \yii\db\TableSchema $table the table metadata
protected function findConstraints($table)
$row = $this->connection->createCommand('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table->quotedName)->queryRow();
if (isset($row['Create Table'])) {
$sql = $row['Create Table'];
} else {
$row = array_values($row);
$sql = $row[1];
$regexp = '/FOREIGN KEY\s+\(([^\)]+)\)\s+REFERENCES\s+([^\(^\s]+)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/mi';
if (preg_match_all($regexp, $sql, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$fks = array_map('trim', explode(',', str_replace('`', '', $match[1])));
$pks = array_map('trim', explode(',', str_replace('`', '', $match[3])));
$constraint = array(str_replace('`', '', $match[2]));
foreach ($fks as $k => $name) {
$constraint[$name] = $pks[$k];
$table->foreignKeys[] = $constraint;
* Returns all table names in the database.
* @param string $schema the schema of the tables. Defaults to empty string, meaning the current or default schema.
* If not empty, the returned table names will be prefixed with the schema name.
* @return array all table names in the database.
protected function findTableNames($schema = '')
if ($schema === '') {
return $this->connection->createCommand('SHOW TABLES')->queryColumn();
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . $this->quoteSimpleTableName($schema);
$names = $this->connection->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn();
foreach ($names as $i => $name) {
$names[$i] = $schema . '.' . $name;
return $names;