238 lines
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238 lines
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<?php |
namespace yiiunit\extensions\sphinx; |
use yii\sphinx\ActiveQuery; |
use yiiunit\data\sphinx\ar\ActiveRecord; |
use yiiunit\data\sphinx\ar\ArticleIndex; |
use yiiunit\data\sphinx\ar\RuntimeIndex; |
/** |
* @group sphinx |
*/ |
class ActiveRecordTest extends SphinxTestCase |
{ |
protected function setUp() |
{ |
parent::setUp(); |
ActiveRecord::$db = $this->getConnection(); |
} |
protected function tearDown() |
{ |
$this->truncateRuntimeIndex('yii2_test_rt_index'); |
parent::tearDown(); |
} |
// Tests : |
public function testFind() |
{ |
// find one |
$result = ArticleIndex::find(); |
$this->assertTrue($result instanceof ActiveQuery); |
$article = $result->one(); |
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex); |
// find all |
$articles = ArticleIndex::find()->all(); |
$this->assertEquals(2, count($articles)); |
$this->assertTrue($articles[0] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertTrue($articles[1] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
// find fulltext |
$articles = ArticleIndex::find('cats'); |
$this->assertEquals(1, count($articles)); |
$this->assertTrue($articles[0] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $articles[0]->id); |
// find by column values |
$article = ArticleIndex::find(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 2]); |
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->id); |
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->author_id); |
$article = ArticleIndex::find(['id' => 2, 'author_id' => 1]); |
$this->assertNull($article); |
// find by attributes |
$article = ArticleIndex::find()->where(['author_id' => 2])->one(); |
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->id); |
// find custom column |
$article = ArticleIndex::find()->select(['*', '(5*2) AS custom_column']) |
->where(['author_id' => 1])->one(); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $article->id); |
$this->assertEquals(10, $article->custom_column); |
// find count, sum, average, min, max, scalar |
$this->assertEquals(2, ArticleIndex::find()->count()); |
$this->assertEquals(1, ArticleIndex::find()->where('id=1')->count()); |
$this->assertEquals(3, ArticleIndex::find()->sum('id')); |
$this->assertEquals(1.5, ArticleIndex::find()->average('id')); |
$this->assertEquals(1, ArticleIndex::find()->min('id')); |
$this->assertEquals(2, ArticleIndex::find()->max('id')); |
$this->assertEquals(2, ArticleIndex::find()->select('COUNT(*)')->scalar()); |
// scope |
$this->assertEquals(1, ArticleIndex::find()->favoriteAuthor()->count()); |
// asArray |
$article = ArticleIndex::find()->where('id=2')->asArray()->one(); |
$this->assertEquals([ |
'id' => '2', |
'author_id' => '2', |
'add_date' => '1384466400', |
'tag' => '3,4', |
], $article); |
// indexBy |
$articles = ArticleIndex::find()->indexBy('author_id')->orderBy('id DESC')->all(); |
$this->assertEquals(2, count($articles)); |
$this->assertTrue($articles['1'] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertTrue($articles['2'] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
// indexBy callable |
$articles = ArticleIndex::find()->indexBy(function ($article) { |
return $article->id . '-' . $article->author_id; |
})->orderBy('id DESC')->all(); |
$this->assertEquals(2, count($articles)); |
$this->assertTrue($articles['1-1'] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertTrue($articles['2-2'] instanceof ArticleIndex); |
} |
public function testFindBySql() |
{ |
// find one |
$article = ArticleIndex::findBySql('SELECT * FROM yii2_test_article_index ORDER BY id DESC')->one(); |
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->author_id); |
// find all |
$articles = ArticleIndex::findBySql('SELECT * FROM yii2_test_article_index')->all(); |
$this->assertEquals(2, count($articles)); |
// find with parameter binding |
$article = ArticleIndex::findBySql('SELECT * FROM yii2_test_article_index WHERE id=:id', [':id' => 2])->one(); |
$this->assertTrue($article instanceof ArticleIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(2, $article->author_id); |
} |
public function testInsert() |
{ |
$record = new RuntimeIndex; |
$record->id = 15; |
$record->title = 'test title'; |
$record->content = 'test content'; |
$record->type_id = 7; |
$record->category = [1, 2]; |
$this->assertTrue($record->isNewRecord); |
$record->save(); |
$this->assertEquals(15, $record->id); |
$this->assertFalse($record->isNewRecord); |
} |
/** |
* @depends testInsert |
*/ |
public function testUpdate() |
{ |
$record = new RuntimeIndex; |
$record->id = 2; |
$record->title = 'test title'; |
$record->content = 'test content'; |
$record->type_id = 7; |
$record->category = [1, 2]; |
$record->save(); |
// save |
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]); |
$this->assertTrue($record instanceof RuntimeIndex); |
$this->assertEquals(7, $record->type_id); |
$this->assertFalse($record->isNewRecord); |
$record->type_id = 9; |
$record->save(); |
$this->assertEquals(9, $record->type_id); |
$this->assertFalse($record->isNewRecord); |
$record2 = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]); |
$this->assertEquals(9, $record2->type_id); |
// replace |
$query = 'replace'; |
$rows = RuntimeIndex::find($query); |
$this->assertEmpty($rows); |
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]); |
$record->content = 'Test content with ' . $query; |
$record->save(); |
$rows = RuntimeIndex::find($query); |
$this->assertNotEmpty($rows); |
// updateAll |
$pk = ['id' => 2]; |
$ret = RuntimeIndex::updateAll(['type_id' => 55], $pk); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret); |
$record = RuntimeIndex::find($pk); |
$this->assertEquals(55, $record->type_id); |
} |
/** |
* @depends testInsert |
*/ |
public function testDelete() |
{ |
// delete |
$record = new RuntimeIndex; |
$record->id = 2; |
$record->title = 'test title'; |
$record->content = 'test content'; |
$record->type_id = 7; |
$record->category = [1, 2]; |
$record->save(); |
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]); |
$record->delete(); |
$record = RuntimeIndex::find(['id' => 2]); |
$this->assertNull($record); |
// deleteAll |
$record = new RuntimeIndex; |
$record->id = 2; |
$record->title = 'test title'; |
$record->content = 'test content'; |
$record->type_id = 7; |
$record->category = [1, 2]; |
$record->save(); |
$ret = RuntimeIndex::deleteAll('id = 2'); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret); |
$records = RuntimeIndex::find()->all(); |
$this->assertEquals(0, count($records)); |
} |
public function testCallSnippets() |
{ |
$query = 'pencil'; |
$source = 'Some data sentence about ' . $query; |
$snippet = ArticleIndex::callSnippets($source, $query); |
$this->assertNotEmpty($snippet, 'Unable to call snippets!'); |
$this->assertContains('<b>' . $query . '</b>', $snippet, 'Query not present in the snippet!'); |
$rows = ArticleIndex::callSnippets([$source], $query); |
$this->assertNotEmpty($rows, 'Unable to call snippets!'); |
$this->assertContains('<b>' . $query . '</b>', $rows[0], 'Query not present in the snippet!'); |
} |
public function testCallKeywords() |
{ |
$text = 'table pencil'; |
$rows = ArticleIndex::callKeywords($text); |
$this->assertNotEmpty($rows, 'Unable to call keywords!'); |
$this->assertArrayHasKey('tokenized', $rows[0], 'No tokenized keyword!'); |
$this->assertArrayHasKey('normalized', $rows[0], 'No normalized keyword!'); |
} |
} |