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Extending ActiveForm on the Client Side
The [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]] widget comes with a set of JavaScript methods that are used for client validation.
Its implementation is very flexible and allows you to extend it in different ways.
In the following these are described.
## ActiveForm events
ActiveForm triggers a series of dedicated events. Using the code like the following you can subscribe to these
events and handle them:
$('#contact-form').on('beforeSubmit', function (e) {
if (!confirm("Everything is correct. Submit?")) {
return false;
return true;
In the following we'll review events available.
### `beforeValidate`
`beforeValidate` is triggered before validating the whole form.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, messages, deferreds)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `messages`: an associative array with keys being attribute IDs and values being error message arrays
for the corresponding attributes.
- `deferreds`: an array of Deferred objects. You can use `deferreds.add(callback)` to add a new
deferred validation.
If the handler returns a boolean `false`, it will stop further form validation after this event. And as
a result, `afterValidate` event will not be triggered.
### `afterValidate`
`afterValidate` event is triggered after validating the whole form.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, messages, errorAttributes)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `messages`: an associative array with keys being attribute IDs and values being error message arrays
for the corresponding attributes.
- `errorAttributes`: an array of attributes that have validation errors. Please refer to
`attributeDefaults` for the structure of this parameter.
### `beforeValidateAttribute`
`beforeValidateAttribute` event is triggered before validating an attribute.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, attribute, messages, deferreds)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `attribute`: the attribute to be validated. Please refer to `attributeDefaults` for the structure
of this parameter.
- `messages`: an array to which you can add validation error messages for the specified attribute.
- `deferreds`: an array of Deferred objects. You can use `deferreds.add(callback)` to add
a new deferred validation.
If the handler returns a boolean `false`, it will stop further validation of the specified attribute.
And as a result, `afterValidateAttribute` event will not be triggered.
### `afterValidateAttribute`
`afterValidateAttribute` event is triggered after validating the whole form and each attribute.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, attribute, messages)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `attribute`: the attribute being validated. Please refer to `attributeDefaults` for the structure
of this parameter.
- `messages`: an array to which you can add additional validation error messages for the specified
### `beforeSubmit`
`beforeSubmit` event is triggered before submitting the form after all validations have passed.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event)
where event is an Event object.
If the handler returns a boolean `false`, it will stop form submission.
### `ajaxBeforeSend`
`ajaxBeforeSend` event is triggered before sending an AJAX request for AJAX-based validation.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, jqXHR, settings)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `jqXHR`: a jqXHR object
- `settings`: the settings for the AJAX request
### `ajaxComplete`
`ajaxComplete` event is triggered after completing an AJAX request for AJAX-based validation.
The signature of the event handler should be:
function (event, jqXHR, textStatus)
- `event`: an Event object.
- `jqXHR`: a jqXHR object
- `textStatus`: the status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout",
"abort", or "parsererror").
## Submitting the form via AJAX
While validation can be made on client side or via AJAX request, the form submission itself is done
as a normal request by default. If you want the form to be submitted via AJAX, you can achieve this
by handling the `beforeSubmit` event of the form in the following way:
var $form = $('#formId');
$form.on('beforeSubmit', function() {
var data = $form.serialize();
url: $form.attr('action'),
type: 'POST',
data: data,
success: function (data) {
// Implement successful
error: function(jqXHR, errMsg) {
return false; // prevent default submit
To learn more about the jQuery `ajax()` function, please refer to the [jQuery documentation](https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/).
## Adding fields dynamically
In modern web applications you often have the need of changing a form after it has been displayed to the user.
This can for example be the addition of new fields after click on a "plus"-icon.
To enable client validation for these fields, they have to be registered with the ActiveForm JavaScript plugin.
You have to add a field itself and then add it to validation list:
$('#contact-form').yiiActiveForm('add', {
id: 'address',
name: 'address',
container: '.field-address',
input: '#address',
error: '.help-block',
validate: function (attribute, value, messages, deferred, $form) {
yii.validation.required(value, messages, {message: "Validation Message Here"});
To remove a field from validation list so it's not validated you can do the following:
$('#contact-form').yiiActiveForm('remove', 'address');