Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

277 lines
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* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\widgets;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\base\Widget;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
* BaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider
* such as ListView and GridView.
* It provides features like sorting, paging and also filtering the data.
* For more details and usage information on BaseListView, see the [guide article on data widgets](guide:output-data-widgets).
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
abstract class BaseListView extends Widget
* @var array the HTML attributes for the container tag of the list view.
* The "tag" element specifies the tag name of the container element and defaults to "div".
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options = [];
* @var \yii\data\DataProviderInterface the data provider for the view. This property is required.
public $dataProvider;
* @var array the configuration for the pager widget. By default, [[LinkPager]] will be
* used to render the pager. You can use a different widget class by configuring the "class" element.
* Note that the widget must support the `pagination` property which will be populated with the
* [[\yii\data\BaseDataProvider::pagination|pagination]] value of the [[dataProvider]].
public $pager = [];
* @var array the configuration for the sorter widget. By default, [[LinkSorter]] will be
* used to render the sorter. You can use a different widget class by configuring the "class" element.
* Note that the widget must support the `sort` property which will be populated with the
* [[\yii\data\BaseDataProvider::sort|sort]] value of the [[dataProvider]].
public $sorter = [];
* @var string the HTML content to be displayed as the summary of the list view.
* If you do not want to show the summary, you may set it with an empty string.
* The following tokens will be replaced with the corresponding values:
* - `{begin}`: the starting row number (1-based) currently being displayed
* - `{end}`: the ending row number (1-based) currently being displayed
* - `{count}`: the number of rows currently being displayed
* - `{totalCount}`: the total number of rows available
* - `{page}`: the page number (1-based) current being displayed
* - `{pageCount}`: the number of pages available
public $summary;
* @var array the HTML attributes for the summary of the list view.
* The "tag" element specifies the tag name of the summary element and defaults to "div".
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $summaryOptions = ['class' => 'summary'];
* @var bool whether to show an empty list view if [[dataProvider]] returns no data.
* The default value is false which displays an element according to the [[emptyText]]
* and [[emptyTextOptions]] properties.
public $showOnEmpty = false;
* @var string|false the HTML content to be displayed when [[dataProvider]] does not have any data.
* When this is set to `false` no extra HTML content will be generated.
* The default value is the text "No results found." which will be translated to the current application language.
* @see showOnEmpty
* @see emptyTextOptions
public $emptyText;
* @var array the HTML attributes for the emptyText of the list view.
* The "tag" element specifies the tag name of the emptyText element and defaults to "div".
* @see \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $emptyTextOptions = ['class' => 'empty'];
* @var string the layout that determines how different sections of the list view should be organized.
* The following tokens will be replaced with the corresponding section contents:
* - `{summary}`: the summary section. See [[renderSummary()]].
* - `{items}`: the list items. See [[renderItems()]].
* - `{sorter}`: the sorter. See [[renderSorter()]].
* - `{pager}`: the pager. See [[renderPager()]].
public $layout = "{summary}\n{items}\n{pager}";
* Renders the data models.
* @return string the rendering result.
abstract public function renderItems();
* Initializes the view.
public function init()
if ($this->dataProvider === null) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "dataProvider" property must be set.');
if ($this->emptyText === null) {
$this->emptyText = Yii::t('yii', 'No results found.');
if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {
$this->options['id'] = $this->getId();
* Runs the widget.
public function run()
if ($this->showOnEmpty || $this->dataProvider->getCount() > 0) {
Added php-cs-fixer coding standards validation to Travis CI (#14100) * php-cs-fixer: PSR2 rule. * php-cs-fixer: PSR2 rule - fix views. * Travis setup refactoring. * Add php-cs-fixer to travis cs tests. * Fix tests on hhvm-3.12 * improve travis config * composer update * revert composer update * improve travis config * Fix CS. * Extract config to separate classes. * Extract config to separate classes. * Add file header. * Force short array syntax. * binary_operator_spaces fixer * Fix broken tests * cast_spaces fixer * concat_space fixer * dir_constant fixer * ereg_to_preg fixer * function_typehint_space fixer * hash_to_slash_comment fixer * is_null fixer * linebreak_after_opening_tag fixer * lowercase_cast fixer * magic_constant_casing fixer * modernize_types_casting fixer * native_function_casing fixer * new_with_braces fixer * no_alias_functions fixer * no_blank_lines_after_class_opening fixer * no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc fixer * no_empty_comment fixer * no_empty_phpdoc fixer * no_empty_statement fixer * no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines fixer * no_leading_import_slash fixer * no_leading_namespace_whitespace fixer * no_mixed_echo_print fixer * no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow fixer * no_multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons fixer * no_php4_constructor fixer * no_short_bool_cast fixer * no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons fixer * no_spaces_around_offset fixer * no_trailing_comma_in_list_call fixer * no_trailing_comma_in_singleline_array fixer * no_unneeded_control_parentheses fixer * no_unused_imports fixer * no_useless_return fixer * no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array fixer * no_whitespace_in_blank_line fixer * not_operator_with_successor_space fixer * object_operator_without_whitespace fixer * ordered_imports fixer * php_unit_construct fixer * php_unit_dedicate_assert fixer * php_unit_fqcn_annotation fixer * phpdoc_indent fixer * phpdoc_no_access fixer * phpdoc_no_empty_return fixer * phpdoc_no_package fixer * phpdoc_no_useless_inheritdoc fixer * Fix broken tests * phpdoc_return_self_reference fixer * phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing fixer * phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing fixer * phpdoc_to_comment fixer * phpdoc_trim fixer * phpdoc_var_without_name fixer * psr4 fixer * self_accessor fixer * short_scalar_cast fixer * single_blank_line_before_namespace fixer * single_quote fixer * standardize_not_equals fixer * ternary_operator_spaces fixer * trailing_comma_in_multiline_array fixer * trim_array_spaces fixer * protected_to_private fixer * unary_operator_spaces fixer * whitespace_after_comma_in_array fixer * `parent::setRules()` -> `$this->setRules()` * blank_line_after_opening_tag fixer * Update finder config. * Revert changes for YiiRequirementChecker. * Fix array formatting. * Add missing import. * Fix CS for new code merged from master. * Fix some indentation issues.
7 years ago
$content = preg_replace_callback('/{\\w+}/', function ($matches) {
$content = $this->renderSection($matches[0]);
return $content === false ? $matches[0] : $content;
}, $this->layout);
} else {
$content = $this->renderEmpty();
$options = $this->options;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'div');
echo Html::tag($tag, $content, $options);
* Renders a section of the specified name.
* If the named section is not supported, false will be returned.
* @param string $name the section name, e.g., `{summary}`, `{items}`.
* @return string|bool the rendering result of the section, or false if the named section is not supported.
public function renderSection($name)
switch ($name) {
case '{summary}':
return $this->renderSummary();
case '{items}':
return $this->renderItems();
case '{pager}':
return $this->renderPager();
case '{sorter}':
return $this->renderSorter();
return false;
* Renders the HTML content indicating that the list view has no data.
* @return string the rendering result
* @see emptyText
public function renderEmpty()
if ($this->emptyText === false) {
return '';
$options = $this->emptyTextOptions;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'div');
9 years ago
return Html::tag($tag, $this->emptyText, $options);
* Renders the summary text.
public function renderSummary()
$count = $this->dataProvider->getCount();
if ($count <= 0) {
return '';
$summaryOptions = $this->summaryOptions;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($summaryOptions, 'tag', 'div');
if (($pagination = $this->dataProvider->getPagination()) !== false) {
$totalCount = $this->dataProvider->getTotalCount();
$begin = $pagination->getPage() * $pagination->pageSize + 1;
$end = $begin + $count - 1;
if ($begin > $end) {
$begin = $end;
$page = $pagination->getPage() + 1;
$pageCount = $pagination->pageCount;
if (($summaryContent = $this->summary) === null) {
return Html::tag($tag, Yii::t('yii', 'Showing <b>{begin, number}-{end, number}</b> of <b>{totalCount, number}</b> {totalCount, plural, one{item} other{items}}.', [
'begin' => $begin,
'end' => $end,
'count' => $count,
'totalCount' => $totalCount,
'page' => $page,
'pageCount' => $pageCount,
]), $summaryOptions);
} else {
$begin = $page = $pageCount = 1;
$end = $totalCount = $count;
if (($summaryContent = $this->summary) === null) {
return Html::tag($tag, Yii::t('yii', 'Total <b>{count, number}</b> {count, plural, one{item} other{items}}.', [
'begin' => $begin,
'end' => $end,
'count' => $count,
'totalCount' => $totalCount,
'page' => $page,
'pageCount' => $pageCount,
]), $summaryOptions);
return Yii::$app->getI18n()->format($summaryContent, [
'begin' => $begin,
'end' => $end,
'count' => $count,
'totalCount' => $totalCount,
'page' => $page,
'pageCount' => $pageCount,
], Yii::$app->language);
* Renders the pager.
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderPager()
$pagination = $this->dataProvider->getPagination();
if ($pagination === false || $this->dataProvider->getCount() <= 0) {
return '';
/* @var $class LinkPager */
$pager = $this->pager;
$class = ArrayHelper::remove($pager, 'class', LinkPager::className());
$pager['pagination'] = $pagination;
$pager['view'] = $this->getView();
return $class::widget($pager);
* Renders the sorter.
* @return string the rendering result
public function renderSorter()
$sort = $this->dataProvider->getSort();
if ($sort === false || empty($sort->attributes) || $this->dataProvider->getCount() <= 0) {
return '';
/* @var $class LinkSorter */
$sorter = $this->sorter;
$class = ArrayHelper::remove($sorter, 'class', LinkSorter::className());
$sorter['sort'] = $sort;
$sorter['view'] = $this->getView();
return $class::widget($sorter);