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11 years ago
Managing Fixtures
// todo: this tutorial may be merged into test-fixture.md
Fixtures are important part of testing. Their main purpose is to populate you with data that needed by testing
different cases. With this data using your tests becoming more efficient and useful.
11 years ago
Yii supports fixtures via the `yii fixture` command line tool. This tool supports:
11 years ago
* Loading fixtures to different storage such as: RDBMS, NoSQL, etc;
11 years ago
* Unloading fixtures in different ways (usually it is clearing storage);
* Auto-generating fixtures and populating it with random data.
Fixtures format
11 years ago
Fixtures are objects with different methods and configurations, refer to official [documentation](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/docs/guide/test-fixture.md) on them.
Lets assume we have fixtures data to load:
11 years ago
#users.php file under fixtures data path, by default @tests\unit\fixtures\data
return [
'name' => 'Chase',
'login' => 'lmayert',
'email' => 'strosin.vernice@jerde.com',
'auth_key' => 'K3nF70it7tzNsHddEiq0BZ0i-OU8S3xV',
'password' => '$2y$13$WSyE5hHsG1rWN2jV8LRHzubilrCLI5Ev/iK0r3jRuwQEs2ldRu.a2',
'name' => 'Celestine',
'login' => 'napoleon69',
'email' => 'aileen.barton@heaneyschumm.com',
'auth_key' => 'dZlXsVnIDgIzFgX4EduAqkEPuphhOh9q',
'password' => '$2y$13$kkgpvJ8lnjKo8RuoR30ay.RjDf15bMcHIF7Vz1zz/6viYG5xJExU6',
If we are using fixture that loads data into database then these rows will be applied to `users` table. If we are using nosql fixtures, for example `mongodb`
fixture, then this data will be applied to `users` mongodb collection. In order to learn about implementing various loading strategies and more, refer to official [documentation](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/docs/guide/test-fixture.md).
Above fixture example was auto-generated by `yii2-faker` extension, read more about it in these [section](#auto-generating-fixtures).
11 years ago
Fixture classes name should not be plural.
11 years ago
Loading fixtures
Fixture classes should be suffixed by `Fixture` class. By default fixtures will be searched under `tests\unit\fixtures` namespace, you can
11 years ago
change this behavior with config or command options.
To load fixture, run the following command:
yii fixture/load <fixture_name>
11 years ago
The required `fixture_name` parameter specifies a fixture name which data will be loaded. You can load several fixtures at once.
Below are correct formats of this command:
// load `users` fixture
yii fixture/load User
// same as above, because default action of "fixture" command is "load"
11 years ago
yii fixture User
// load several fixtures. Note that there should not be any whitespace between ",", it should be one string.
11 years ago
yii fixture User,UserProfile
// load all fixtures
yii fixture/load all
// same as above
yii fixture all
// load fixtures, but for other database connection.
yii fixture User --db='customDbConnectionId'
// load fixtures, but search them in different namespace. By default namespace is: tests\unit\fixtures.
yii fixture User --namespace='alias\my\custom\namespace'
11 years ago
// load global fixture `some\name\space\CustomFixture` before other fixtures will be loaded.
11 years ago
// By default this option is set to `InitDbFixture` to disable/enable integrity checks. You can specify several
// global fixtures separated by comma.
11 years ago
yii fixture User --globalFixtures='some\name\space\Custom'
11 years ago
Unloading fixtures
11 years ago
To unload fixture, run the following command:
11 years ago
// unload Users fixture, by default it will clear fixture storage (for example "users" table, or "users" collection if this is mongodb fixture).
yii fixture/unload User
11 years ago
// Unload several fixtures. Note that there should not be any whitespace between ",", it should be one string.
yii fixture/unload User,UserProfile
11 years ago
// unload all fixtures
yii fixture/unload all
11 years ago
Same command options like: `db`, `namespace`, `globalFixtures` also can be applied to this command.
11 years ago
Configure Command Globally
While command line options allow us to configure the migration command
on-the-fly, sometimes we may want to configure the command once for all. For example you can configure
different migration path as follows:
'controllerMap' => [
'fixture' => [
'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\FixtureController',
'db' => 'customDbConnectionId',
'namespace' => 'myalias\some\custom\namespace',
'globalFixtures' => [
Auto-generating fixtures
Yii also can auto-generate fixtures for you based on some template. You can generate your fixtures with different data on different languages and formats.
These feature is done by [Faker](https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker) library and `yii2-faker` extension.
11 years ago
See extension [guide](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/tree/master/extensions/faker) for more docs.