Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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13 years ago
12 years ago
namespace yiiunit\framework\db;
use yii\caching\FileCache;
use yii\db\Connection;
use yii\db\DataReader;
use yii\db\Expression;
use yii\db\Schema;
13 years ago
abstract class CommandTest extends DatabaseTestCase
13 years ago
public function testConstruct()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
// null
$command = $db->createCommand();
$this->assertEquals(null, $command->sql);
// string
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals($sql, $command->sql);
public function testGetSetSql()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals($sql, $command->sql);
$sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM order';
$command->sql = $sql2;
$this->assertEquals($sql2, $command->sql);
public function testAutoQuoting()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$sql = 'SELECT [[id]], [[t.name]] FROM {{customer}} t';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals("SELECT `id`, `t`.`name` FROM `customer` t", $command->sql);
public function testPrepareCancel()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}}');
$this->assertEquals(null, $command->pdoStatement);
$this->assertNotEquals(null, $command->pdoStatement);
$this->assertEquals(null, $command->pdoStatement);
public function testExecute()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{customer}}([[email]], [[name]], [[address]]) VALUES (\'user4@example.com\', \'user4\', \'address4\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute());
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[name]] = \'user4\'';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('bad SQL');
public function testQuery()
$db = $this->getConnection();
// query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}}';
$reader = $db->createCommand($sql)->query();
$this->assertTrue($reader instanceof DataReader);
// queryAll
$rows = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}}')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals(3, count($rows));
$row = $rows[2];
$this->assertEquals(3, $row['id']);
$this->assertEquals('user3', $row['name']);
$rows = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = 10')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals([], $rows);
// queryOne
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}} ORDER BY [[id]]';
$row = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals(1, $row['id']);
$this->assertEquals('user1', $row['name']);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}} ORDER BY [[id]]';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$row = $command->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals(1, $row['id']);
$this->assertEquals('user1', $row['name']);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = 10';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
// queryColumn
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}}';
$column = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn();
$this->assertEquals(range(1, 3), $column);
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = 10');
$this->assertEquals([], $command->queryColumn());
// queryScalar
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}} ORDER BY [[id]]';
$this->assertEquals($db->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar(), 1);
$sql = 'SELECT [[id]] FROM {{customer}} ORDER BY [[id]]';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(1, $command->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = 10');
$command = $db->createCommand('bad SQL');
public function testBindParamValue()
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && $this->driverName === 'pgsql') {
$this->markTestSkipped('HHVMs PgSQL implementation has some specific behavior that breaks some parts of this test.');
$db = $this->getConnection();
// bindParam
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{customer}}([[email]], [[name]], [[address]]) VALUES (:email, :name, :address)';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$email = 'user4@example.com';
$name = 'user4';
$address = 'address4';
$command->bindParam(':email', $email);
$command->bindParam(':name', $name);
$command->bindParam(':address', $address);
$sql = 'SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindParam(':email', $email);
$this->assertEquals($name, $command->queryScalar());
$sql = <<<SQL
INSERT INTO {{type}} ([[int_col]], [[char_col]], [[float_col]], [[blob_col]], [[numeric_col]], [[bool_col]])
VALUES (:int_col, :char_col, :float_col, :blob_col, :numeric_col, :bool_col)
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$intCol = 123;
$charCol = str_repeat('abc', 33) . 'x'; // a 100 char string
$boolCol = false;
$command->bindParam(':int_col', $intCol, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindParam(':char_col', $charCol);
$command->bindParam(':bool_col', $boolCol, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL);
if ($this->driverName === 'oci') {
// can't bind floats without support from a custom PDO driver
$floatCol = 2;
$numericCol = 3;
// can't use blobs without support from a custom PDO driver
$blobCol = null;
$command->bindParam(':float_col', $floatCol, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindParam(':numeric_col', $numericCol, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindParam(':blob_col', $blobCol);
} else {
$floatCol = 1.23;
$numericCol = '1.23';
$blobCol = "\x10\x11\x12";
$command->bindParam(':float_col', $floatCol);
$command->bindParam(':numeric_col', $numericCol);
$command->bindParam(':blob_col', $blobCol);
$this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[int_col]], [[char_col]], [[float_col]], [[blob_col]], [[numeric_col]], [[bool_col]] FROM {{type}}');
// $command->prepare();
// $command->pdoStatement->bindColumn('blob_col', $bc, \PDO::PARAM_LOB);
$row = $command->queryOne();
$this->assertEquals($intCol, $row['int_col']);
$this->assertEquals($charCol, $row['char_col']);
$this->assertEquals($floatCol, $row['float_col']);
if ($this->driverName === 'mysql' || $this->driverName === 'sqlite' || $this->driverName === 'oci') {
$this->assertEquals($blobCol, $row['blob_col']);
} elseif (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && $this->driverName === 'pgsql') {
// HHVMs pgsql implementation does not seem to support blob columns correctly.
} else {
$this->assertEquals($blobCol, stream_get_contents($row['blob_col']));
$this->assertEquals($numericCol, $row['numeric_col']);
if ($this->driverName === 'mysql' || $this->driverName === 'oci' || (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && in_array($this->driverName, ['sqlite', 'pgsql']))) {
10 years ago
$this->assertEquals($boolCol, (int) $row['bool_col']);
10 years ago
} else {
$this->assertEquals($boolCol, $row['bool_col']);
// bindValue
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{customer}}([[email]], [[name]], [[address]]) VALUES (:email, \'user5\', \'address5\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindValue(':email', 'user5@example.com');
$sql = 'SELECT [[email]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[name]] = :name';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindValue(':name', 'user5');
$this->assertEquals('user5@example.com', $command->queryScalar());
public function paramsNonWhereProvider()
['SELECT SUBSTR(name, :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email GROUP BY SUBSTR(name, :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR(name, :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email ORDER BY SUBSTR(name, :len)'],
['SELECT SUBSTR(name, :len) FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[email]] = :email'],
* Test whether param binding works in other places than WHERE
* @dataProvider paramsNonWhereProvider
public function testBindParamsNonWhere($sql)
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand()->insert('customer', ['name' => 'testParams', 'email' => 'testParams@example.com', 'address' => '1'])->execute();
$params = [
':email' => 'testParams@example.com',
':len' => 5,
$command = $db->createCommand($sql, $params);
$this->assertEquals('Params', $command->queryScalar());
public function testFetchMode()
$db = $this->getConnection();
// default: FETCH_ASSOC
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}}';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$result = $command->queryOne();
$this->assertTrue(is_array($result) && isset($result['id']));
// FETCH_OBJ, customized via fetchMode property
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}}';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$command->fetchMode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ;
$result = $command->queryOne();
// FETCH_NUM, customized in query method
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{customer}}';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$result = $command->queryOne([], \PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$this->assertTrue(is_array($result) && isset($result[0]));
public function testBatchInsert()
$command = $this->getConnection()->createCommand();
['email', 'name', 'address'],
['t1@example.com', 't1', 't1 address'],
['t2@example.com', null, false],
$this->assertEquals(2, $command->execute());
// @see https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/11693
$command = $this->getConnection()->createCommand();
['email', 'name', 'address'],
$this->assertEquals(0, $command->execute());
public function testBatchInsertWithYield()
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '<')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The yield function is only supported with php 5.5 =< version');
} else {
include __DIR__ . '/testBatchInsertWithYield.php';
public function testInsert()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}};')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[email]], [[name]], [[address]] FROM {{customer}}')->queryOne();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
], $record);
* Test INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement
public function testInsertSelect()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}};')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$query = new \yii\db\Query();
'{{customer}}.email as name',
'name as email',
$command = $db->createCommand();
$this->assertEquals(2, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}};')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT email, name, address FROM {{customer}};')->queryAll();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
'email' => 'test',
'name' => 't1@example.com',
'address' => 'test address',
], $record);
* Test INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement with alias syntax
public function testInsertSelectAlias()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{customer}};')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
$query = new \yii\db\Query();
'email' => '{{customer}}.email',
'address' => 'name',
'name' => 'address',
$command = $db->createCommand();
$this->assertEquals(2, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{customer}};')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT email, name, address FROM {{customer}};')->queryAll();
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test',
'address' => 'test address',
'email' => 't1@example.com',
'name' => 'test address',
'address' => 'test',
], $record);
* Data provider for testInsertSelectFailed
* @return array
public function invalidSelectColumns() {
return [
* Test INSERT INTO ... SELECT SQL statement with wrong query object
* @dataProvider invalidSelectColumns
* @expectedException \yii\base\InvalidParamException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Expected select query object with enumerated (named) parameters
public function testInsertSelectFailed($invalidSelectColumns)
$query = new \yii\db\Query();
$db = $this->getConnection();
$command = $db->createCommand();
public function testInsertExpression()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
switch ($this->driverName) {
case 'pgsql':
$expression = "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TIMESTAMP 'now')";
case 'cubrid':
case 'mysql':
$expression = "YEAR(NOW())";
case 'sqlite':
$expression = "strftime('%Y')";
case 'sqlsrv':
$expression = 'YEAR(GETDATE())';
$command = $db->createCommand();
'created_at' => new Expression($expression),
'total' => 1,
$this->assertEquals(1, $db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->queryScalar());
$record = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[created_at]] FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->queryOne();
'created_at' => date('Y'),
], $record);
public function testsInsertQueryAsColumnValue()
$time = time();
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$command = $db->createCommand();
$command->insert('{{order}}', [
'id' => 42,
'customer_id' => 1,
'created_at' => $time,
'total' => 42,
$columnValueQuery = new \yii\db\Query();
$columnValueQuery->select('created_at')->from('{{order}}')->where(['id' => '42']);
$command = $db->createCommand();
'customer_id' => 42,
'created_at' => $columnValueQuery,
'total' => 42,
$this->assertEquals($time, $db->createCommand('SELECT [[created_at]] FROM {{order_with_null_fk}} WHERE [[customer_id]] = 42')->queryScalar());
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order_with_null_fk}}')->execute();
$db->createCommand('DELETE FROM {{order}} WHERE [[id]] = 42')->execute();
public function testCreateTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testCreateTable') !== null) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('testCreateTable', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER])->execute();
$db->createCommand()->insert('testCreateTable', ['bar' => 1])->execute();
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testCreateTable}};')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
], $records);
public function testAlterTable()
if ($this->driverName === 'sqlite') {
$this->markTestSkipped('Sqlite does not support alterTable');
$db = $this->getConnection();
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema('testAlterTable') !== null) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('testAlterTable', ['id' => Schema::TYPE_PK, 'bar' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER])->execute();
$db->createCommand()->insert('testAlterTable', ['bar' => 1])->execute();
$db->createCommand()->alterColumn('testAlterTable', 'bar', Schema::TYPE_STRING)->execute();
$db->createCommand()->insert('testAlterTable', ['bar' => 'hello'])->execute();
$records = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[id]], [[bar]] FROM {{testAlterTable}};')->queryAll();
['id' => 1, 'bar' => 1],
['id' => 2, 'bar' => 'hello'],
], $records);
public function testDropTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$tableName = 'type';
public function testTruncateTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$rows = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{animal}}')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals(2, count($rows));
$rows = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM {{animal}}')->queryAll();
$this->assertEquals(0, count($rows));
public function testRenameTable()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$fromTableName = 'type';
$toTableName = 'new_type';
if ($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($toTableName) !== null) {
$db->createCommand()->renameTable($fromTableName, $toTableName)->execute();
$this->assertNull($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($fromTableName, true));
$this->assertNotNull($db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($toTableName, true));
public function testUpdate()
public function testDelete()
public function testAddColumn()
public function testDropColumn()
public function testRenameColumn()
public function testAddForeignKey()
public function testDropForeignKey()
public function testCreateIndex()
public function testDropIndex()
public function testIntegrityViolation()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[id]], [[description]]) VALUES (123, \'duplicate\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
public function testLastInsertId()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO {{profile}}([[description]]) VALUES (\'non duplicate\')';
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$this->assertEquals(3, $db->getSchema()->getLastInsertID());
public function testQueryCache()
$db = $this->getConnection();
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$db->queryCache = new FileCache(['cachePath' => '@yiiunit/runtime/cache']);
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update = $db->createCommand('UPDATE {{customer}} SET [[name]] = :name WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user11'])->execute();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($command, $update) {
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user22'])->execute();
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$db->noCache(function () use ($command) {
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache = false;
$db->cache(function ($db) use ($command, $update) {
$this->assertEquals('user22', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 2, ':name' => 'user2'])->execute();
$this->assertEquals('user2', $command->bindValue(':id', 2)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
$db->enableQueryCache = true;
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id')->cache();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$update->bindValues([':id' => 1, ':name' => 'user1'])->execute();
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->noCache()->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$command = $db->createCommand('SELECT [[name]] FROM {{customer}} WHERE [[id]] = :id');
$db->cache(function (Connection $db) use ($command, $update) {
$this->assertEquals('user11', $command->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
$this->assertEquals('user1', $command->noCache()->bindValue(':id', 1)->queryScalar());
}, 10);
public function testColumnCase()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::CASE_NATURAL, $db->slavePdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE));
$sql = 'SELECT [[customer_id]], [[total]] FROM {{order}}';
$rows = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$rows = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_UPPER);
$rows = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
* Data provider for [[testGetRawSql()]]
* @return array test data
public function dataProviderGetRawSql()
return [
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = :id',
[':id' => 1],
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = 1',
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = :id',
['id' => 1],
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = 1',
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = :id',
['id' => null],
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = NULL',
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = :base OR id = :basePrefix',
'base' => 1,
'basePrefix' => 2,
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2',
// https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/9268
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE active = :active',
[':active' => false],
'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE active = FALSE',
* @see https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/8592
* @dataProvider dataProviderGetRawSql
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
* @param string $expectedRawSql
public function testGetRawSql($sql, array $params, $expectedRawSql)
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$command = $db->createCommand($sql, $params);
$this->assertEquals($expectedRawSql, $command->getRawSql());
public function testAutoRefreshTableSchema()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$tableName = 'test';
$db->createCommand()->createTable($tableName, [
'id' => 'pk',
'name' => 'string',
$initialSchema = $db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName);
$db->createCommand()->addColumn($tableName, 'value', 'integer')->execute();
$newSchema = $db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($tableName);
$this->assertNotEquals($initialSchema, $newSchema);