Yii2 framework backup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
4.3 KiB

* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\apidoc\helpers;
use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Type\Collection;
use yii\apidoc\models\MethodDoc;
use yii\apidoc\models\TypeDoc;
* Class ApiMarkdownTrait
* @property TypeDoc $renderingContext
trait ApiMarkdownTrait
protected function parseApiLinks($text)
$context = $this->renderingContext;
if (preg_match('/^\[\[([\w\d\\\\\(\):$]+)(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]/', $text, $matches)) {
$offset = strlen($matches[0]);
$object = $matches[1];
$title = (empty($matches[2]) || $matches[2] == '|') ? null : substr($matches[2], 1);
if (($pos = strpos($object, '::')) !== false) {
$typeName = substr($object, 0, $pos);
$subjectName = substr($object, $pos + 2);
if ($context !== null) {
// Collection resolves relative types
$typeName = (new Collection([$typeName], $context->phpDocContext))->__toString();
/** @var $type TypeDoc */
$type = static::$renderer->apiContext->getType($typeName);
if ($type === null) {
static::$renderer->apiContext->errors[] = [
'file' => ($context !== null) ? $context->sourceFile : null,
'message' => 'broken link to ' . $typeName . '::' . $subjectName . (($context !== null) ? ' in ' . $context->name : ''),
return [
'<span style="background: #f00;">' . $typeName . '::' . $subjectName . '</span>',
} else {
if (($subject = $type->findSubject($subjectName)) !== null) {
if ($title === null) {
$title = $type->name . '::' . $subject->name;
if ($subject instanceof MethodDoc) {
$title .= '()';
return [
static::$renderer->createSubjectLink($subject, $title),
} else {
static::$renderer->apiContext->errors[] = [
'file' => ($context !== null) ? $context->sourceFile : null,
'message' => 'broken link to ' . $type->name . '::' . $subjectName . (($context !== null) ? ' in ' . $context->name : ''),
return [
'<span style="background: #ff0;">' . $type->name . '</span><span style="background: #f00;">::' . $subjectName . '</span>',
} elseif ($context !== null && ($subject = $context->findSubject($object)) !== null) {
return [
static::$renderer->createSubjectLink($subject, $title),
if ($context !== null) {
// Collection resolves relative types
$object = (new Collection([$object], $context->phpDocContext))->__toString();
if (($type = static::$renderer->apiContext->getType($object)) !== null) {
return [
static::$renderer->createTypeLink($type, null, $title),
} elseif (strpos($typeLink = static::$renderer->createTypeLink($object, null, $title), '<a href') !== false) {
return [
static::$renderer->apiContext->errors[] = [
'file' => ($context !== null) ? $context->sourceFile : null,
'message' => 'broken link to ' . $object . (($context !== null) ? ' in ' . $context->name : ''),
return [
'<span style="background: #f00;">' . $object . '</span>',
return ['[[', 2];