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10 years ago
下一步就是创建控制器操作将资源通过RESTful APIs展现给终端用户。
Yii 提供两个控制器基类来简化创建RESTful
操作的工作:[[yii\rest\Controller]] 和 [[yii\rest\ActiveController]],
两个类的差别是后者提供一系列将资源处理成[Active Record](db-active-record.md)的操作。
因此如果使用[Active Record](db-active-record.md)内置的操作会比较方便,可考虑将控制器类
8 years ago
它会让你用最少的代码完成强大的RESTful APIs.
10 years ago
8 years ago
[[yii\rest\Controller]] 和 [[yii\rest\ActiveController]] 提供以下功能,
10 years ago
* HTTP 方法验证;
* [内容协商和数据格式化](rest-response-formatting.md);
* [认证](rest-authentication.md);
* [频率限制](rest-rate-limiting.md).
[[yii\rest\ActiveController]] 额外提供一下功能:
8 years ago
* 一系列常用动作: `index`, `view`, `create`, `update`, `delete`, `options`;
* 对动作和资源进行用户认证.
10 years ago
## 创建控制器类 <span id="creating-controller"></span>
10 years ago
10 years ago
[[yii\rest\Controller::serializer|serializer]] 和[[yii\web\Response|response object]]
10 years ago
public function actionView($id)
return User::findOne($id);
## 过滤器 <span id="filters"></span>
10 years ago
[[yii\rest\Controller]]提供的大多数RESTful API功能通过[过滤器](structure-filters.md)实现.
8 years ago
* [[yii\filters\ContentNegotiator|contentNegotiator]]: 支持内容协商,
在 [响应格式化](rest-response-formatting.md) 一节描述;
* [[yii\filters\VerbFilter|verbFilter]]: 支持HTTP 方法验证;
8 years ago
* [[yii\filters\auth\AuthMethod|authenticator]]: 支持用户认证,
* [[yii\filters\RateLimiter|rateLimiter]]: 支持频率限制,
在[频率限制](rest-rate-limiting.md) 一节描述.
10 years ago
例如,如果你只想用HTTP 基础认证,可编写如下代码:
use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
$behaviors['authenticator'] = [
'class' => HttpBasicAuth::className(),
return $behaviors;
### CORS <span id="cors"></span>
Adding the [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](structure-filters.md#cors) filter to a controller is a bit more complicated
than adding other filters described above, because the CORS filter has to be applied before authentication methods
and thus needs a slightly different approach compared to other filters. Also authentication has to be disabled for the
[CORS Preflight requests](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS#Preflighted_requests)
so that a browser can safely determine whether a request can be made beforehand without the need for sending
authentication credentials. The following shows the code that is needed to add the [[yii\filters\Cors]] filter
to an existing controller that extends from [[yii\rest\ActiveController]]:
use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
// remove authentication filter
$auth = $behaviors['authenticator'];
// add CORS filter
$behaviors['corsFilter'] = [
'class' => \yii\filters\Cors::className(),
// re-add authentication filter
$behaviors['authenticator'] = $auth;
// avoid authentication on CORS-pre-flight requests (HTTP OPTIONS method)
$behaviors['authenticator']['except'] = ['options'];
return $behaviors;
10 years ago
## 继承 `ActiveController` <span id="extending-active-controller"></span>
10 years ago
应设置[[yii\rest\ActiveController::modelClass|modelClass]] 属性
10 years ago
8 years ago
### 自定义动作 <span id="customizing-actions"></span>
10 years ago
[[yii\rest\ActiveController]] 默认提供一下动作:
* [[yii\rest\IndexAction|index]]:按页列出资源;
* [[yii\rest\ViewAction|view]]:返回指定资源的详情;
* [[yii\rest\CreateAction|create]]:创建新的资源;
* [[yii\rest\UpdateAction|update]]:更新一个存在的资源;
* [[yii\rest\DeleteAction|delete]]:删除指定的资源;
* [[yii\rest\OptionsAction|options]]:返回支持的HTTP方法.
10 years ago
8 years ago
所有这些动作通过[[yii\rest\ActiveController::actions()|actions()]] 方法申明,可覆盖`actions()`方法配置或禁用这些动作,
10 years ago
public function actions()
$actions = parent::actions();
8 years ago
// 禁用"delete" 和 "create" 动作
10 years ago
unset($actions['delete'], $actions['create']);
// 使用"prepareDataProvider()"方法自定义数据provider
$actions['index']['prepareDataProvider'] = [$this, 'prepareDataProvider'];
return $actions;
public function prepareDataProvider()
8 years ago
// 为"index"动作准备和返回数据provider
10 years ago
8 years ago
10 years ago
### 执行访问检查 <span id="performing-access-check"></span>
10 years ago
通过RESTful APIs显示数据时,经常需要检查当前用户是否有权限访问和操作所请求的资源,
10 years ago
8 years ago
* Checks the privilege of the current user.
10 years ago
* This method should be overridden to check whether the current user has the privilege
* to run the specified action against the specified data model.
* If the user does not have access, a [[ForbiddenHttpException]] should be thrown.
* @param string $action the ID of the action to be executed
* @param \yii\base\Model $model the model to be accessed. If `null`, it means no specific model is being accessed.
10 years ago
* @param array $params additional parameters
* @throws ForbiddenHttpException if the user does not have access
public function checkAccess($action, $model = null, $params = [])
// check if the user can access $action and $model
// throw ForbiddenHttpException if access should be denied
if ($action === 'update' || $action === 'delete') {
if ($model->author_id !== \Yii::$app->user->id)
throw new \yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException(sprintf('You can only %s articles that you\'ve created.', $action));
10 years ago
8 years ago
`checkAccess()` 方法默认会被[[yii\rest\ActiveController]]默认动作所调用,如果创建新的操作并想执行权限检查,
10 years ago
> Tip: 可使用[Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 基于角色权限控制组件](security-authorization.md)实现`checkAccess()`。