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12 years ago
* Yii JavaScript module.
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
* yii is the root module for all Yii JavaScript modules.
* It implements a mechanism of organizing JavaScript code in modules through the function "yii.initModule()".
* Each module should be named as "x.y.z", where "x" stands for the root module (for the Yii core code, this is "yii").
* A module may be structured as follows:
* ```javascript
* yii.sample = (function($) {
* var pub = {
* // whether this module is currently active. If false, init() will not be called for this module
* // it will also not be called for all its child modules. If this property is undefined, it means true.
* isActive: true,
* init: function() {
* // ... module initialization code go here ...
* },
* // ... other public functions and properties go here ...
* };
* // ... private functions and properties go here ...
* return pub;
* })(jQuery);
* ```
* Using this structure, you can define public and private functions/properties for a module.
* Private functions/properties are only visible within the module, while public functions/properties
* may be accessed outside of the module. For example, you can access "yii.sample.isActive".
* You must call "yii.initModule()" once for the root module of all your modules.
window.yii = (function ($) {
var pub = {
* List of JS or CSS URLs that can be loaded multiple times via AJAX requests.
* Each item may be represented as either an absolute URL or a relative one.
* Each item may contain a wildcart matching character `*`, that means one or more
* any characters on the position. For example:
* - `/css/*.js` will match any file ending with `.js` in the `css` directory of the current web site
* - `http*://cdn.example.com/*` will match any files on domain `cdn.example.com`, loaded with HTTP or HTTPS
* - `/js/myCustomScript.js?realm=*` will match file `/js/myCustomScript.js` with defined `realm` parameter
reloadableScripts: [],
* The selector for clickable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
clickableSelector: 'a, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="image"]',
* The selector for changeable elements that need to support confirmation and form submission.
changeableSelector: 'select, input, textarea',
* @return string|undefined the CSRF parameter name. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfParam: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content');
* @return string|undefined the CSRF token. Undefined is returned if CSRF validation is not enabled.
getCsrfToken: function () {
return $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
* Sets the CSRF token in the meta elements.
* This method is provided so that you can update the CSRF token with the latest one you obtain from the server.
* @param name the CSRF token name
* @param value the CSRF token value
setCsrfToken: function (name, value) {
$('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content', name);
$('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content', value);
* Updates all form CSRF input fields with the latest CSRF token.
* This method is provided to avoid cached forms containing outdated CSRF tokens.
refreshCsrfToken: function () {
var token = pub.getCsrfToken();
if (token) {
$('form input[name="' + pub.getCsrfParam() + '"]').val(token);
* Displays a confirmation dialog.
* The default implementation simply displays a js confirmation dialog.
* You may override this by setting `yii.confirm`.
* @param message the confirmation message.
* @param ok a callback to be called when the user confirms the message
* @param cancel a callback to be called when the user cancels the confirmation
confirm: function (message, ok, cancel) {
if (confirm(message)) {
!ok || ok();
} else {
!cancel || cancel();
* Handles the action triggered by user.
* This method recognizes the `data-method` attribute of the element. If the attribute exists,
* the method will submit the form containing this element. If there is no containing form, a form
* will be created and submitted using the method given by this attribute value (e.g. "post", "put").
* For hyperlinks, the form action will take the value of the "href" attribute of the link.
* For other elements, either the containing form action or the current page URL will be used
* as the form action URL.
10 years ago
* If the `data-method` attribute is not defined, the `href` attribute (if any) of the element
* will be assigned to `window.location`.
* Starting from version 2.0.3, the `data-params` attribute is also recognized when you specify
* `data-method`. The value of `data-params` should be a JSON representation of the data (name-value pairs)
* that should be submitted as hidden inputs. For example, you may use the following code to generate
* such a link:
* ```php
* use yii\helpers\Html;
* use yii\helpers\Json;
* echo Html::a('submit', ['site/foobar'], [
* 'data' => [
* 'method' => 'post',
* 'params' => [
* 'name1' => 'value1',
* 'name2' => 'value2',
* ],
* ],
* ];
* ```
* @param $e the jQuery representation of the element
handleAction: function ($e, event) {
var $form = $e.attr('data-form') ? $('#' + $e.attr('data-form')) : $e.closest('form'),
method = !$e.data('method') && $form ? $form.attr('method') : $e.data('method'),
action = $e.attr('href'),
params = $e.data('params'),
pjax = $e.data('pjax'),
pjaxPushState = !!$e.data('pjax-push-state'),
pjaxReplaceState = !!$e.data('pjax-replace-state'),
pjaxTimeout = $e.data('pjax-timeout'),
pjaxScrollTo = $e.data('pjax-scrollto'),
pjaxPushRedirect = $e.data('pjax-push-redirect'),
pjaxReplaceRedirect = $e.data('pjax-replace-redirect'),
pjaxSkipOuterContainers = $e.data('pjax-skip-outer-containers'),
pjaxOptions = {};
if (pjax !== undefined && $.support.pjax) {
if ($e.data('pjax-container')) {
pjaxContainer = $e.data('pjax-container');
} else {
pjaxContainer = $e.closest('[data-pjax-container=""]');
// default to body if pjax container not found
if (!pjaxContainer.length) {
pjaxContainer = $('body');
pjaxOptions = {
container: pjaxContainer,
push: pjaxPushState,
replace: pjaxReplaceState,
scrollTo: pjaxScrollTo,
pushRedirect: pjaxPushRedirect,
replaceRedirect: pjaxReplaceRedirect,
pjaxSkipOuterContainers: pjaxSkipOuterContainers,
timeout: pjaxTimeout,
originalEvent: event,
originalTarget: $e
10 years ago
if (method === undefined) {
10 years ago
if (action && action != '#') {
if (pjax !== undefined && $.support.pjax) {
$.pjax.click(event, pjaxOptions);
} else {
window.location = action;
} else if ($e.is(':submit') && $form.length) {
if (pjax !== undefined && $.support.pjax) {
$.pjax.submit(e, pjaxOptions);
10 years ago
var newForm = !$form.length;
if (newForm) {
var regexp = /(^\/|:\/\/)/;
if (!action || !regexp.test(action)) {
action = window.location.href;
$form = $('<form/>', {method: method, action: action});
var target = $e.attr('target');
if (target) {
$form.attr('target', target);
regexp = /(get|post)/i;
if (!regexp.test(method)) {
$form.append($('<input/>', {name: '_method', value: method, type: 'hidden'}));
method = 'POST';
regexp = /(get|head|options)/i;
if (!regexp.test(method)) {
var csrfParam = pub.getCsrfParam();
if (csrfParam) {
$form.append($('<input/>', {name: csrfParam, value: pub.getCsrfToken(), type: 'hidden'}));
var activeFormData = $form.data('yiiActiveForm');
if (activeFormData) {
// remember who triggers the form submission. This is used by yii.activeForm.js
activeFormData.submitObject = $e;
// temporarily add hidden inputs according to data-params
if (params && $.isPlainObject(params)) {
$.each(params, function (idx, obj) {
$form.append($('<input/>').attr({name: idx, value: obj, type: 'hidden'}));
var oldMethod = $form.attr('method');
$form.attr('method', method);
var oldAction = null;
if (action && action != '#') {
oldAction = $form.attr('action');
$form.attr('action', action);
if (pjax !== undefined && $.support.pjax) {
$.pjax.submit(e, pjaxOptions);
function () {
if (oldAction != null) {
$form.attr('action', oldAction);
$form.attr('method', oldMethod);
// remove the temporarily added hidden inputs
if (params && $.isPlainObject(params)) {
$.each(params, function (idx, obj) {
$('input[name="' + idx + '"]', $form).remove();
if (newForm) {
getQueryParams: function (url) {
var pos = url.indexOf('?');
if (pos < 0) {
return {};
var pairs = url.substring(pos + 1).split('#')[0].split('&'),
params = {},
for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
pair = pairs[i].split('=');
var name = decodeURIComponent(pair[0].replace(/\+/g, '%20'));
var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'));
if (name.length) {
if (params[name] !== undefined) {
if (!$.isArray(params[name])) {
params[name] = [params[name]];
params[name].push(value || '');
} else {
params[name] = value || '';
return params;
initModule: function (module) {
if (module.isActive === undefined || module.isActive) {
if ($.isFunction(module.init)) {
$.each(module, function () {
if ($.isPlainObject(this)) {
init: function () {
function initRedirectHandler() {
// handle AJAX redirection
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
var url = xhr && xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Redirect');
if (url) {
window.location = url;
function initCsrfHandler() {
// automatically send CSRF token for all AJAX requests
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (!options.crossDomain && pub.getCsrfParam()) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', pub.getCsrfToken());
function initDataMethods() {
var handler = function (event) {
10 years ago
var $this = $(this),
method = $this.data('method'),
message = $this.data('confirm'),
form = $this.data('form');
10 years ago
if (method === undefined && message === undefined && form === undefined) {
return true;
10 years ago
if (message !== undefined) {
$.proxy(pub.confirm, this)(message, function () {
pub.handleAction($this, event);
} else {
pub.handleAction($this, event);
return false;
// handle data-confirm and data-method for clickable and changeable elements
$(document).on('click.yii', pub.clickableSelector, handler)
.on('change.yii', pub.changeableSelector, handler);
function isReloadable(url) {
var hostInfo = getHostInfo();
for (var i = 0; i < pub.reloadableScripts.length; i++) {
var rule = pub.reloadableScripts[i];
rule = rule.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + rule : rule;
var match = new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(rule).split('\\*').join('.*') + "$").test(url);
if (match === true) {
return true;
return false;
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3446170/escape-string-for-use-in-javascript-regex
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
function getHostInfo() {
return location.protocol + '//' + location.host;
function initScriptFilter() {
var hostInfo = getHostInfo();
var loadedScripts = {};
var scripts = $('script[src]').map(function () {
return this.src.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + this.src : this.src;
for (var i = 0, len = scripts.length; i < len; i++) {
loadedScripts[scripts[i]] = true;
$.ajaxPrefilter('script', function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {
if (options.dataType == 'jsonp') {
var url = options.url.charAt(0) === '/' ? hostInfo + options.url : options.url;
if (url in loadedScripts) {
var item = loadedScripts[url];
// If the concurrent XHR request is running and URL is not reloadable
if (item !== true && !isReloadable(url)) {
// Abort the current XHR request when previous finished successfully
item.done(function () {
if (xhr && xhr.readyState !== 4) {
// Or abort previous XHR if the current one is loaded faster
xhr.done(function () {
if (item && item.readyState !== 4) {
} else if (!isReloadable(url)) {
} else {
loadedScripts[url] = xhr.done(function () {
loadedScripts[url] = true;
}).fail(function () {
delete loadedScripts[url];
$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
var styleSheets = [];
$('link[rel=stylesheet]').each(function () {
if (isReloadable(this.href)) {
if ($.inArray(this.href, styleSheets) == -1) {
} else {
return pub;
12 years ago
12 years ago
jQuery(function () {
12 years ago