Yii2 framework backup
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API documentation generator for Yii 2
This extension provides an API documentation generator for the Yii framework 2.0.
The preferred way to install this extension is through [composer](http://getcomposer.org/download/).
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-apidoc "*"
or add
"yiisoft/yii2-apidoc": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
This extension offers two commands:
- `api` to generate class API documentation.
- `guide` to render nice HTML pages from markdown files such as the yii guide.
Simple usage for stand alone class documentation:
vendor/bin/apidoc api source/directory ./output
Simple usage for stand alone guide documentation:
vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output
You can combine them to generate class API and guide documentation in one place:
# generate API docs
vendor/bin/apidoc api source/directory ./output
# generate the guide (order is important to allow the guide to link to the apidoc)
vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output
By default the `bootstrap` template will be used. You can choose a different template with the `--template=name` parameter.
Currently there is only the `bootstrap` template available.
You may also add the `yii\apidoc\commands\ApiController` and `GuideController` to your console application command map
and run them inside of your applications console app.
### Advanced usage
The following script can be used to generate API documentation and guide in different directories and also multiple guides
in different languages (like it is done on yiiframework.com):
# set these paths to match your environment
./apidoc api $YII_PATH/framework/,$YII_PATH/extensions $OUTPUT/api --guide=../guide-en --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
./apidoc guide $YII_PATH/docs/guide $OUTPUT/guide-en --apiDocs=../api --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
./apidoc guide $YII_PATH/docs/guide-ru $OUTPUT/guide-ru --apiDocs=../api --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
# repeat the last line for more languages
### Creating a PDF of the guide
You need `pdflatex` and GNU `make` for this.
vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output --template=pdf
cd ./output
make pdf
If all runs without errors the PDF will be `guide.pdf` in the `output` dir.
Special Markdown Syntax
We have a special Syntax for linking to classes in the API documentation.
See the [code style guide](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/docs/internals/core-code-style.md#markdown) for details.
Creating your own templates
Using the model layer