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Fixes #4710: added cache busting support for assets

Qiang Xue 10 years ago
  1. 24
  2. 4
  3. 26


@ -370,6 +370,30 @@ when it is being published. This is faster than file copying and can also ensure
always up-to-date.
### Cache Busting <span id="cache-busting"></span>
For Web application running in production mode, it is a common practice to enable HTTP caching for assets and other
static resources. A drawback of this practice is that whenever you modify an asset and deploy it to production, a user
client may still use the old version due to the HTTP caching. To overcome this drawback, you may use the cache busting
feature, which was introduced in version 2.0.3, by configuring [[yii\web\AssetManager]] like the following:
return [
// ...
'components' => [
'assetManager' => [
'appendTimestamp' => true,
By doing so, the URL of every published asset will be appended with its last modification timestamp. For example,
the URL to `yii.js` may look like `/assets/5515a87c/yii.js?v=1423448645"`, where the parameter `v` represents the
last modification timestamp of the `yii.js` file. Now if you modify an asset, its URL will be changed, too, which causes
the client to fetch the latest version of the asset.
## Commonly Used Asset Bundles <span id="common-asset-bundles"></span>
The core Yii code has defined many asset bundles. Among them, the following bundles are commonly used and may


@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class PageCache extends ActionFilter
public $variations;
* @var boolean whether to enable the fragment cache. You may use this property to turn on and off
* the fragment cache according to specific setting (e.g. enable fragment cache only for GET requests).
* @var boolean whether to enable the page cache. You may use this property to turn on and off
* the page cache according to specific setting (e.g. enable page cache only for GET requests).
public $enabled = true;


@ -150,6 +150,15 @@ class AssetManager extends Component
* significantly degrade the performance.
public $forceCopy = false;
* @var boolean whether to append a timestamp to the URL of every published asset. When this is true,
* the URL of a published asset may look like `/path/to/asset?v=timestamp`, where `timestamp` is the
* last modification time of the published asset file.
* You normally would want to set this property to true when you have enabled HTTP caching for assets,
* because it allows you to bust caching when the assets are updated.
* @since 2.0.3
public $appendTimestamp = false;
private $_dummyBundles = [];
@ -252,9 +261,22 @@ class AssetManager extends Component
public function getAssetUrl($bundle, $asset)
if (($actualAsset = $this->resolveAsset($bundle, $asset)) !== false) {
return Url::isRelative($actualAsset) ? $this->baseUrl . '/' . $actualAsset : $actualAsset;
$asset = $actualAsset;
$basePath = $this->basePath;
$baseUrl = $this->baseUrl;
} else {
$basePath = $bundle->basePath;
$baseUrl = $bundle->baseUrl;
if (!Url::isRelative($asset)) {
return $asset;
if ($this->appendTimestamp && ($timestamp = @filemtime("$basePath/$asset")) > 0) {
return "$baseUrl/$asset?v=$timestamp";
} else {
return Url::isRelative($asset) ? $bundle->baseUrl . '/' . $asset : $asset;
return "$baseUrl/$asset";
